The Sexy Stranger Bundle (8 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Madison

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In an instant, his eyes were back up to my eyes and a smirk crossed his face.

“Yo, Drake!” a young man’s voice called out from across the gym.

Drake stared at me for a second longer and then broke his gaze to acknowledge the person calling his name.

“You ready?” Drake asked the stranger.

The kid walked up and gave Drake a handshake.

“Let’s do this,” the kid said.

Then Drake turned to me before making his way to the other side of the gym to lift weights with his client.

“I’ve got a training session,” he said. “But it’s only a half an hour long. You want a free session when I’m done?”

Free session? Hell yeah!

I shrugged my shoulders and responded, “Sure, why not?”

Drake smiled and nodded, then walked away to start his training session. As he moved away from me, I admired his broad and muscular shoulders that protruded from his tight shirt.

He looked like what I had always imagined a special forces military guy would look like. Ripped, strong and authoritative.

A moist heat began to grow in my lady parts as I watched him walk across the room. In my eighteen years, I had never been so attracted to someone in such a short amount of time.

It was as though my animal instincts had taken over, telling me that I should be with an older man and forgetting the boys who were always awkwardly trying to hold my hand or give me a kiss on the cheek.

My developing body was ready for a real man; one who knew how to take control and lead me through this life. I needed a leader, a protector...

What in the hell are you thinking, Christine?
I asked myself.

It seemed silly, imagining myself with this complete stranger whom I had spoken all of ten words to. But still, the attraction was undeniable and I was having a hard time putting logic into the equation.

Taking a deep breath, I turned back to the row machine and continued doing a light workout while I waited for Drake to finish his training session.


t felt like the longest half hour of my life, as I dilly-dallied around the gym, trying to figure out how to work the equipment. Drake was walking around, training his student and I found myself staring at him more than once.

I was pretty sure that I had caught him taking a glance or two over at me as well. We were playing a subtle game of flirtation as we each danced around the room, pretending not to notice each other.

Finally, he finished his training session. I watched as Drake said goodbye to his student and began to make his way over to where I was standing.

He smiled wide as he approached me. The moist heat in my crotch was back and I felt my pussy begin to tingle as he walked quickly toward me.

“Sorry about that,” he said. “Seems like I always have a session to do.”

I shrugged.

“It’s okay,” I said. “Sounds like a lot of people like to have you as a trainer.”

Drake chuckled as he looked me up and down once again.

“I keep pretty busy, that’s for sure,” he said, his eyes slowly moving down my body.

I wasn’t sure if he knew that I noticed him giving me a once over, or that he didn’t care.

“Is this your first time here?” he asked, his eyes finally resting on my face once again.

I nodded.

“Yea, it is. In fact, it’s my first time ever in a gym,” I said. “So, I can use all the help that I can get.’

Drake smiled and said, “Okay, well the first thing that I like to do is to go in the yoga room to stretch. They crank the heat up in there, which makes it easier on your muscles.”

After he spoke, Drake turned and headed to a room that was tucked in the back corner of the gym. I followed him without question. A burst of anxiety shot through me as I anticipated my first real work out ever.

I hope he goes easy on me...

Drake pulled the doors open to the hot yoga room and I followed him in. It felt like we were stepping into an oven and as soon as I was inside, I felt a layer of sweat build on my skin.

“Wow,” I commented. “It’s really hot in here.”

Drake raised an eyebrow and looked at me like that was the silliest thing I could have ever said.

the hot yoga room,” he said, sarcastically.

I chuckled, embarrassed by my obvious statement.

The room probably could have fit thirty people, but this day, it was completely empty except for Drake and I. The floors were covered in hardwood that squeaked as I walked and when I looked up, I noticed two of the walls were completely covered in full-length mirrors.

The door closed behind us and I felt the room get hotter immediately, as we became shut off from the rest of the air-conditioned gym. Drake walked to the corner of the room and grabbed a yoga mat, laying it in the middle of the floor.

“Okay, lay down on your back,” he said.

I breathed deep, feeling the hot air enter my lungs. Then I stepped over to the mat and laid down.

Drake stood above me, towering over me and making me feel even tinier in his presence. It made me feel vulnerable as I laid at his feet, like he was in total control and I was helpless. There was something about that feeling that I liked, though. It wasn’t as intimidating as it was attractive.

“Give me your foot,” he ordered.

I lifted my leg up and Drake grabbed my foot.

“Keep your leg straight when I do this,” he said, as he began pressing my foot back toward my head.

With my leg straight, I felt the muscle on the back of my thigh begin to stretch. Drake leaned forward a bit, using some of his weight to help stretch the tight muscle.

Wow, this feels good...

As he continued leaning forward, the stretch began to loosen the muscle in my butt too. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling. I had never had someone help me stretch before and it felt amazing.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Drake was looking down at my crotch, where my tight shorts were clinging up against my pussy. I’m sure he was staring at the obvious mound created by my womanhood and I immediately began to feel self-conscious.

“I think this leg is good,” I said.

Drake brought his gaze back up to me. A look of lust was in his eyes.

Who is this guy?

As much as I was attracted to this man, I didn’t know if I could trust him completely.

Drake let go of my leg immediately and said, “Okay, other leg.”

I gave him my other foot and he did the same thing, stretching my thigh deeply and leaning his weight into me.

With Drake’s weight on top of me, I felt like a little toy doll. His strength was intense and I was amazed how he handled me, his strong hands gripping me and making me feel powerless.

Drake’s gaze moved down to my chest, where he held it there for a moment.

“Ahem,” I cleared my throat, sarcastically. “I’m up here.”

Drake didn’t say a word, though, as he broke his gaze from my chest. His facial expression didn’t change either. It was as though he did not care one bit that I had caught him staring.

I watched as he lightly licked his lips, a look of hunger crossing his face.

“Both legs now,” he said, picking my other leg up off of the ground and bringing both of my feet up to his shoulders.

Then he pressed both of my knees into my chest, stretching out my ass and my lower back. With his body pressed against mine, I felt as his crotch bumped against my flower.

Immediately, the moist heat was back and I felt my pussy begin to throb. I moved a bit to try to readjust, but Drake kept the pressure on me, pushing me down into the yoga mat.

What’s he doing?

A part of me wanted him to stop, but a part of me also wanted him to push harder. We were both silent for a moment as he stretched me. Then suddenly, he stood up, letting my legs fall.

As soon as he was off of me, I noticed a bulge underneath his gym shorts.

Oh, my God...

I was shocked and it wasn’t because he had an erection. I was shocked by how large his erection was. Even though I could only see the bulge under the shorts, I could still tell that it was huge.

My juices began flowing even faster as I admired his manhood and I was sure that there was probably a wet spot beginning to grow on my workout shorts.

Who is this guy?

Nobody had ever made me feel like this in my entire life. I had gone on several dates and every kiss I had ever had seemed like a chore. But as I lay there on the gym floor, I felt like it wouldn’t take too much convincing for me to give up my innocence to this complete stranger.

Drake stood over me as he looked around the room. The heat was building and sweat was beginning to soak through my clothes and onto the yoga mat.

I knew that if I wanted Drake, then I was going to have to make the first move. I was sure that there were some laws or something that wouldn’t allow him to have an affair with one of his students.

“Drake,” I said, still laying on the floor. “Come here.”

Then I used my finger to motion him closer. I wanted one kiss. That was all. I wanted one simple, sweet kiss that would hopefully turn into a date with him. Then, if the date went well, maybe a second date. Then, if he turned out to be a gentleman, then maybe...and I mean maybe...I would let him take my most precious gift.

The look in Drake’s eyes one was of pure lust as he brought his knees to the ground in front of me. He stared at me for a moment, then a devilish smile crossed his face before he leaned in and began kissing me.

Our tongues dashed in and out of each other’s mouths and I leaned forward, pressing my lips against his. The kiss was passionate and intense. A brief moment of logic entered my mind as I began reminding myself that Drake was a total stranger. I had only met him just minutes before and I knew nothing of his history. I didn’t even know his last name or where he was from. For all I knew, he could have been a criminal.

But I didn’t care.

In that moment, the animal instincts in me were telling me one thing: Ravage this man.

I reached my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him in closer, feeling the sweat that was covering his skin. The smell of his cologne wafted off of his chest and entered my nose.

What am I doing?

The logical side of my mind and the irrational side were having a battle, swinging swords against each other. The logical side would say, “Christine, you need to stop.”

But the irrational and emotional side would say, “This is your life. Live it. It’s time to take what you know you already want.”

Of course, when I reached one of my hands down to feel his growing cock underneath his gym shorts, it became very clear which side of my brain had won the battle.

As soon as my hand gripped his firm member, Drake pulled away from our kiss and licked his lips.

“Stay right here,” he ordered. “Don’t move an inch.”

Then he stood up quickly and made his way to the door of the room. I looked back and watched as he turned the lock on the door. It made a loud CLICK as the bolt slid forward, trapping us inside.

A combination of horniness, excitement and anxiety was creeping into my body. The concoction of emotions was almost too much to handle. Still, though, logic had gone out the window and I doubted I would be seeing it any time soon.

I sat up on the yoga mat and turned toward Drake. He was walking quickly toward me, his pace so fast that it closed the gap between us immediately.

It took my breath away as he placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back down onto the yoga mat.

“Drake...” I stuttered, my voice wavering. “Are you sure...”

Drake immediately brought his finger over my lips.

“Shhhh,” he whispered. “That door isn’t sound proof, so you have to be quiet. Luckily, though, there aren’t any windows.”

Then he pulled his finger away and brought his lips to mine, ravishing me on the yoga mat. I placed my hands on his muscular shoulders, feeling his muscle’s ripple underneath my fingers as he held himself over me.

This is insane. Am I really doing this?

Drake pulled his lips away from mine and then brought them to my neck, kissing underneath my chin. The moist heat in between my legs grew hotter as I began to feel more turned on.

Just a kiss...

I put my hands on the back of Drake’s head and tried to persuade him to come back up to my face to kiss me. Ignoring my touch, he continued pressing his lips against my skin, grazing them downward, inch-by-inch, toward my cleavage.

This isn’t right...

A wave of pleasure came over me as Drake brought his hands up and lightly squeezed my breasts over the training bra. I felt my nipples begin to grow hard underneath immediately.

“Drake...” I whispered.

He ignored me again, though, continuing his journey downward.

“I don’t even know you...” I stuttered.

Drake paused for a moment and then glanced up to me. It looked as though he was about to say something and I hoped he would speak to me, maybe even agree that we shouldn’t be fooling around. But what he did was quite different.

He brought his hand up to my neck and lightly touched my skin with his fingers. Then he slid them down, landing on top of my cleavage.

“Drake...” I said, quietly.

A devilish smile crossed his face as he grabbed the top of the training bra and pulled it down quickly.

“Oh!” I cried, startled by the sudden movement.

My developing breasts were immediately exposed to the air. My nipples began to grow even harder from the change in environment and before I could say another word, Drake brought his mouth down and began sucking on them. The instant pleasure took my breath away, rendering me speechless.

Without even thinking about it, I brought my hands to the back of his head and instead of pushing him away, I pulled him in closer, pressing his face into my chest. I had never had a man suck on my tits and in fact, Drake was the first man that had ever even seen them. Not only did it feel amazing, but it was liberating as well.

Drake moaned as he suckled on my nipples, devouring one and then moving his face to the other, giving it equal attention. Each time he pulled his mouth away, it created a wet kissing noise and he would leave it shining bright with his saliva.

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