The Sheikh's Second Chance Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 5) (6 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Second Chance Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 5)
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"I'm waiting," he said after a few moments.

Lana turned to him. "Why would I tell you anything about myself?"

"Have you forgotten?" he said leaning in closer. She refused to shift, holding his gaze defiantly. She narrowed her eyes questioningly.

"Our kiss?" he added with a wolfish grin.

Lana cocked her head to one side and squinted at Malik. "You mean the unwanted kiss you gave me," she said.

Malik's brows rose. "Unwanted?"

Lana nodded firmly.

He grinned. "I wasn't the one who came running after you," he said.

Lana turned to face Malik. "I did not run after you," she exclaimed.

"I seem to recall I was the one who was leaving," he said.

Lana cleared her throat and tapped an impatient foot. "I had to find out who you were. You weren't on the list of attendees."

Malik nodded slowly, obviously not convinced. How dare he suggest that she had been chasing after him? Who did he think he was? A small, treacherous voice murmured in Lana's head that she better find a decent excuse for her behavior. Malik was obviously onto Lana. Maybe time to go on the offensive.

"Why did you kiss me?" she demanded, surprised that she had asked such a question, but, right now, it seemed like the only way to push back against him.

Malik's gaze drifted across Lana's features, settling on her lips, moving down the length of her neck, across her shoulders, down the length of her body. All the way down to her traditional pale navy blue flat shoes. She felt as if he was undressing her, right there and then, exploring her entire body. She hadn't hinted in any way that he could do such a thing. Had she? But, the way the blood was coursing through her veins was betraying her in a visceral, undeniable way.

"I would have thought it was obvious why I kissed you, Lana," Malik growled softly.

Lana suddenly thought it would be a good idea to get back inside, mingle with the guests, distract herself any way she could from this situation.

Lana felt her throat tighten. She drew in a sharp breath. "Maybe I should get back inside."

Malik moved closer to her. He was inches away from her, but she was sure she could feel the heat between them intensify. "There's no hurry."

Malik reached out and took Lana's hand. He traced a thumb across the inside of her palm. Treacherous tingles sparked every nerve in her arm. It was a delicious sensation. Entirely unwanted. Wasn't it?

Lana pulled her hand away from Malik. She saw his eyes narrow and that confident, assured smile crease his lips again. She was sure all of this was how he moved in on women, every gesture, every look, calculated to create an effect. Lana could sense the utter confidence in his every move, the complete control he exerted in situations like this.

Malik closed the gap between them. She caught his scent, a powerful, intoxicating aroma that she couldn't even begin to describe. Up close, his features were even more startling than from a distance. The harsh, forceful slash of his powerful nose; the full promise of those lips; the even jaw line partially shadowed with stubble that just called out for her to run the back of her hand across it.

And then there were his eyes. This close, she could see hidden depths in those dark pools. She could see promise and danger all at the same time.

His head dipped slowly, and inevitably. Lana felt no inclination to move, no need to avoid his mouth as it descended upon her own.

And, when his lips touched hers, sending off a cascade of sensation, she knew that the only thing to do was to let the past be revisited in a delicious and wanton fashion. It was just like before, every bit as delightful and overwhelming as she could recall. This time though, his tongue probed, seeking and exploring. It was all she could do to hold that promise at bay, but she knew she had to, needed to resist that simple temptation.

She felt his hand snake through her hair, drawing her head more firmly to him, as if he was claiming something precious. All the while, the strength of his kiss intensified, his lips taking her to another place. His body pressed against her, and she could feel the tension in him, the coil winding up.

Lana rested a hesitant hand against Malik's shoulder. Lana closed her eyes. The moments seem to stretch, and somewhere in the distance she heard the voices of the guests, the normality from which she was being wrenched. But, where was he taking her? Did she even want to go the place that held such danger, such promise?

Lana's heart was racing, and the blood was pounding in her veins. She hadn't felt this alive ever before.

And then, with a startling revelation, she realized that she had felt like this. Once before.

In New York.

In Malik's arms.

It was happening again. She felt as if she was being claimed, possessed, taken to a space she wasn't sure she wanted to inhabit again. Some part of her rebelled, a sense of resistance rising up from a memory, from previous disappointments.

She opened her eyes. He was so unbelievably powerful and handsome. And, she was thrust hard against him, close enough to sense the energy that seemed to pulse throughout his entire being.

He wanted her.

Lana felt her body tighten. It was an involuntary movement, and Malik immediately noticed. She felt a momentary absence as his lips moved away from hers. He leaned away from Lana, gazing at her quizzically. They said nothing to one another, allowing the moment to pass. Lana wondered what would replace the intense passion that had so suddenly overcome her.

There was an awkward silence. The tension in Malik's shoulders seemed to ease. He cleared his throat. "Perhaps you're right. The guests might be wondering where we've gotten to," he said.

It didn't sound convincing. Lana could still see the hunger in his gaze.

Lana nodded. "Perhaps you're right."

Lana took her glass and sipped the remnants of the water.

Then she turned and started to head back into the reception room.

She realized that Malik wasn't following her, and she paused, turning to him. He was still leaning against the balustrade. "Aren't you coming in?"

There was a sardonic smile on his face, and she wasn't sure she approved of it. All of a sudden he looked dismissive, almost disinterested. Lana felt irritation curl inside her belly. He shrugged and then shook his head casually. "I think I'll stay out here for a while."

Indignation stabbed at Lana. How dare he think he could just kiss her one moment and then abandon her the next. Who did he think he was? She recalled the way he'd just walked away from her in New York, as if kissing her was of no consequence.

She was about to say something to him, about to make sure that he wouldn't get the idea that she'd welcome any future flirtations, when Mia appeared behind her.

"There you are," Mia said.

Lana saw Mia glance at Malik. "I didn't know you two were out here," she said. "All alone," Mia added pointedly.

Lana smiled at Mia. "I was just coming to find you. I needed some fresh air, and Malik was kind enough to escort me."

Mia's quizzical gaze shifted from Lana to Malik. "I hope you were nice to Lana," Mia said to Malik.

Malik grinned. "I think I was quite nice to Lana." Malik glanced at Lana. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Lana scowled at Malik and hooked an arm inside Mia's. "Let's get back inside, Mia," Lana said.

And with that Lana and Mia strode back into the reception room leaving Malik well and truly behind.


"What were you two up to there?" Mia asked.

Lana turned to Mia. "Nothing. What makes you think we were up to something?"

Mia grinned. "You can't fool me, Lana. I've seen the way Malik has been looking at you." Lana felt the heat rush to her cheeks. Was it so obvious? "I don't know what you're talking about."

Mia led Lana across the floor through the crowd of guests. As Mia passed Rafiq, Lana saw Mia give her fiance a knowing look. There was something going on. Lana could tell that Mia was up to something. Maybe her friend just wanted a heart-to-heart talk. Maybe she wanted to warn Lana about Malik. After all, it was Mia who had mentioned that Malik had a "reputation" to be wary of.

Lana followed Mia down the long corridor until they came to a private room. Mia closed the door behind her and gestured to the sofa in the center of the large room. "You and I have to talk," Mia announced.

Lana sat down on the sofa and Mia eased down next to her. She could see the earnestness in her friend's eyes, and Lana wondered just what Mia was about to say.

Mia sighed. "Now, I knew it would come to this."

Lana looked at Mia. "Would are you talking about?"

"Malik is not the kind of man who can be ignored."

Lana knew that already. Malik had an uncanny way of taking possession of her attention.

Mia reached across and laid her hand gently on Lana's arm.

"But, Malik has problems of his own," Mia said. She suddenly looked serious. Lana squinted at her friend and felt a chill. What was Mia talking about? Did Malik have some kind of dark secret that only Mia could know about? After all, Mia was marrying into the family. Perhaps there was some unpleasantness that Lana needed to know about.

"Malik is just an acquaintance," Lana said defiantly.

Mia smiled warmly. "I understand you hardly know him at all. But, this is his country. This is where he belongs, where he feels most at home. Even it's a strange land for the likes of you and me."

Lana nodded. "That's an understatement. I've never experienced anything like this place before."

Mia nodded. "It's both wonderful and scary at the same time."

Lana reached across and laid a reassuring hand on Mia's arm. "I think you're so brave," Lana said.

Mia squinted. "I'm not brave at all," she replied. "I'm just in love."

Lana laughed. "I suppose there is that," she admitted.

Mia looked suddenly serious once again. "But really, what I wanted to tell you was that Rafiq mentioned something to me. And I think you should know."

Lana frowned. "Is it about Malik?"

Mia nodded. "It's about his father." Mia laughed. "My future father-in-law."

Lana felt the twist of anxiety settled in her middle. Once again she thought about the possibility of some kind of dark family secret. Lana looked at Mia. Her friend did not seem the slightest bit worried about her own choice. It seemed to Lana that Mia was more concerned about what Lana was about to do.

"Malik has a problem?" Lana asked, unsure whether she really wanted to know.

Mia nodded. "You could say that. If you think that being instructed to find a wife is what you'd call a problem."

Lana gasped. "Find a wife!"

Mia nodded. "Rafiq told me that his father has ordered Malik to find a wife."

"Just like that?" Lana exclaimed.

Mia shrugged. "That's the way they do things here. They have different rules here. Especially when it comes to marriage."

Lana recalled the conversation on the terrace with Malik. She realized that some of his words had been ambiguous.

"Malik has led quite a life," Mia continued. "And I think his father has drawn a line in the sand, so to speak."

"So what is Malik going to do?"

Mia shrugged. "Malik will do what he always does. Exactly what he wants. He's that kind of man."

Lana nodded, recalling the feel of Malik's embrace, remembering the sensations that had flooded her body as he had kissed her like no other man had done. Exactly what he wants!

Lana felt Mia examining her closely. Then Mia spoke quietly and almost in a matter-of-fact manner. "I think Malik likes you," Mia said bluntly.

Lana tried to contain her surprise but failed miserably. "He likes me?"

Mia nodded. "Perhaps even more than like," she said.

Lana peered at Mia, growing disbelief emerging from within her. "You're not seriously suggesting what I think you're suggesting, are you?"

Mia raised one brow.

Lana grunted in disbelief. "That's ridiculous! I don't even know him. He's a total stranger."

Mia groaned. "But you have to admit he's quite an attractive stranger."

Lana stood up quickly and started to pace back and forward. "Are you saying that he has an interest in me?"

Mia shrugged. "I suppose that is what I'm saying. If you put it like that."

Lana shook her head. "That is just so ridiculous."

"It didn't look ridiculous when he was kissing you, earlier, Lana," Mia said evenly.

Lana froze on the spot and gazed in disbelief at Mia. "You saw that?"

Mia merely nodded, saying nothing.

Lana groaned so loudly that the sound of it echoed around the room. "This isn't real," Lana exclaimed. "I mean, Malik isn't even my type."

Mia gave Lana a disbelieving look. "I would say Malik is exactly your type."

Lana sat down next to Mia. "You know my history with men," Lana said.

"Maybe it's time to move on from that," Mia said.

Lana sighed. She pushed away some of the memories that threatened to come flooding back in again. There was no sense in thinking about the past. Especially that part of her past. Was that why she had impulsively decided in New York to test herself with Malik? Had she been trying to prove to herself that she could resist even someone as handsome and unbelievably gorgeous as Malik? Surely it could not be as simple as that, she told herself.

Lana could see that Mia was trying to be patient, perhaps even trying to help. Help? By suggesting that Lana entertain the idea of spending some time with Malik while she was here? There were too many risks associated with such a choice, Lana said to herself. Spending any time alone with someone like Malik could only end in disaster. He was such a dominating, powerful presence that Lana wasn't even quite sure she could keep such a man at bay. Because that was what she'd have to do. Keep him at arms length. If it was possible.

Mia looked at Lana. "You're going to be here anyway, for the next few days. Maybe it would be nice to spend some time with Malik."

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