The Sheriff Wears Pants (19 page)

BOOK: The Sheriff Wears Pants
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“You know we will.  Oh, this house is going to be so empty with you gone!”

“It won’t be empty for long, Darcy.  You and Will will fill it up soon with plenty of babies.  Miss Eleanor wouldn’t have it any other way!”

They laughed and Darcy asked, “When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow’s stage,” Louisa said.

“Oh, so soon!”

“John said it would just prolong the weeping.  He says it is better to say goodbye and go right away.”

“Okay.  Okay.  We’ll be brave.  I’ll fix a wonderful dinner tonight, and we’ll say our goodbyes, but darn it, I hate this!”

“I do, too.  But, I support our decision.  It is for the best.”

Darcy nodded in understanding, and Louisa told her to get on with her day because she was going to go and see a few other people and say her goodbyes.  Darcy made sure she had her gun, and then she went to the livery stable and had her mare saddled for the long ride out of town.  She was determined to find a place for the Campbell brothers.

Darcy wasn’t happy with her husband the longer she tried to sit her saddle.  She was only too aware that her bottom was suffering from the spanking he’d given her the evening before.  If it weren’t for the fact that it was Louisa and John’s going away dinner Darcy would fix every last dish that Will hated and call it dinner and insist he eat every last bite!  It would so serve him right!  But, she couldn’t and wouldn’t do that to Louisa and John. 

Darcy had one particular couple in mind to take in the brothers, but when she got there, she was given a flat out no.  “My Missus and me just took in her sister’s boys and they can do all the extra work I got, Miss Darcy.  I’m real sorry.  A week ago I would have been glad for the extra hands.”

“Do you know of anyone else who could use some help, Mr. Tobias?”

“I think I do.  You go on and speak to Willard and Marthy Thacker.  I’m thinkin’ they would be happy to take them boys in and give them a good home, what with the last of their boys both gone to Oregon!”

Darcy thanked the man and then rode out toward the Thacker place.  It wasn’t much of a sell to talk the couple into agreeing to let the boys come and live with them and help out around the place.  Darcy was completely honest with them, making sure they knew that Rusty was trying to make a living with a fast gun.  That didn’t seem to bother them in the least.  “We raised us five boys in all, Miss Darcy.  All of them turned out good, and I think we can help those two if they’ll meet us halfway,” Marthy said with a happy smile.

Darcy thanked them and then promised to let them know when the Judge was due to arrive in Cactus Hill so they could come and talk to him in person.

* * * * *

Darcy was nearly in tears as she made the ride all the way back into the town.  Other than the time with Gram’s paddle, the spanking that Will gave her the night before left her incredibly sore and in pain.  The trip back to town was arduous at best, and it was impossible for her to enjoy the beautiful day when all she wanted to do was cry.  She was so relieved when she saw the livery.

“Did you get throwed, Missy Darcy?” the owner asked, looking at her tear streaked face with concern.  “Tarnation!  Are you alright?” he asked.  “Do you want I should send Dr. Grayson over to the house for you?”

“No, Zeke.  I’m okay, honest.”  She wasn’t about to tell the man that she was in pain because her irritating husband spanked her for offering to help two homeless boys.  She went on home, took a look at the clock, and decided she could squeeze in a soak in the bathtub.  She hurriedly filled the tub and had just settled in when she heard pounding footsteps on the stairs.  Two seconds later the door to their bathing room opened and Will stomped inside to look at her, clearly upset.

“Zeke said that Daisy threw you?” he questioned, worry in his voice.

“Daisy didn’t throw me,” she said.  “It was just easier to let Zeke think what he wanted to think.”

“Then what did happen?”  Will wanted to know.

happened!” she retorted.  “Will you leave me alone and let me enjoy this time before I need to start supper?”

“Don’t get sassy, young lady.  Why did he claim you could barely walk?”

“Because you spanked me too hard, Sheriff, and because I spent all morning in my saddle!  I
!  Are you happy now?”

“So, all of this is because you got a spanking you deserved last night, and you’re trying to give me a heart attack because you’re a bit sore!  Get over it, Darcy.  I do not feel guilty, and in fact, if I wasn’t in a hurry to get back to the Mayor, I would paddle you again right now for wasting my time!”

“I didn’t tell Zeke to interrupt you, Sheriff!  In fact, I didn’t mention you at all.  I told the man I was fine!  It’s your own fault for believing Zeke.  I am not responsible for what he says and does, and I did not ask you to come home and waste my
time!”  She slammed her hands onto the water and sent it flying everywhere!  Oh, damn you, Will!  This mess is all your fault!” she screeched.

Will laughed and hurried back to his office for the meeting with the Mayor.  There was nothing wrong with his feisty wife that a good spanking wouldn’t cure.  She was still angry with him because he spanked her when she wanted to make love instead, but little Miss Darcy needed to learn that she couldn’t make promises she couldn’t keep.

Darcy was furious as she cleaned up the mess in the bathing room.  Her butt still hurt and when she finally went downstairs, she made a point of placing a pillow on her chair so that she would have it when they sat down for supper later that evening.  Her poor butt had suffered more than enough for one day! 

Darcy put an apple pie in the oven, and she decided to make a simple meal of Louisa’s favorites.  The nurse loved meatloaf, and Darcy found it a simple matter to put one together.  She would make mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, and rolls.  It would be a simple meal, but one that Louisa would love, and since it was her last night with them, Darcy really wanted to please her.

Louisa and John were home before Will was able to get free of his job and come home.  Will was certain his wife was going to be upset that Louisa was leaving Cactus Hill, and he hoped she wouldn’t scold John for making the decision he did.  It was a decision filled with much thought and lots of guilt, and good advice from Doc Grayson.  He also hoped his feisty wife wasn’t upset that he added Doc to the list of guests. 

Will hoped to get home before anyone else arrived, but he was the last, and it would seem that his wife already learned he’d invited Doc to eat with them and John and Louisa.  To his pleasant surprise, Darcy was smiling and making conversation in the parlor as they waited on him to come downstairs from washing up and changing into something nicer to sit at the dinner table.

“Hi, everyone.  I’m sorry I’m late, but there was a bit of a dust up at the saloon, and it took me a while to calm everyone down.  He leaned down to kiss his wife and whispered, “I’m sorry I didn’t get to tell you about Doc.”  She smiled at him, and then excused herself to go and check on dinner.  Everything was nearly ready, and she quickly put the finishing touches to the food, and then invited everyone to come to the table to eat. 

Darcy noticed that no one sat in Gram’s place at the table, and for that, she was secretly grateful.  One day, perhaps, but it was still too soon.  Will offered grace, and the talk centered on John’s plans to re-open his father’s practice.  Darcy watched her friend’s face for any sign of distress and was pleased to see nothing but happiness shining in her pretty eyes.

“I surely wish you would have stayed here and joined me in my practice, but I know that your father would be pleased with your decision, John.  I am going to miss him so much, but it does help to know that you’re taking over and keeping his legacy alive.”

“Thank you, sir,” John said.  “I only hope I do justice to his name.  I’m so thankful that I will have Louisa by my side.”

They were interrupted by a knock on the door and Norman was there with a telegram for the Sheriff.  “I’m sorry to disturb your supper, Sheriff, but I reckoned this was important and you’d want to know.”

“Thank you, Norman.  If there’s a reply, I’ll come by the office later.”

“There ain’t likely to be,” he said cryptically, just as Darcy joined him.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Norman brought a telegram he thinks is important.  I probably should open it.”  He tore open the envelope and read,
To Sheriff Davies stop Informing you that convicted murderer Malachi Jones hanged today at noon stop Threat is over stop Marshall Simon stop
.  “Well, Louisa is safe now.”

“I am grateful for that.  She can start her new life without fear.”

“We should get back to our guests, sweetheart.  Did I hear you say you baked apple pie for dessert?”

“You did,” she answered, forgetting for a moment that she was still aggravated with him for spanking her the night before.

“How was your mission today, Darcy?”  Louisa asked when they returned.

“It went very well, actually.  I found two wonderful people who are willing to take in the Campbell brothers.  I will speak with the Judge, and hope that he will see it my way.  I don’t think Will is all for the idea since he was positive I couldn’t find anyone who would give the boys a second chance, but then, some people aren’t as cynical.”

“Most people haven’t spent as much time wearing a badge, young lady.”  Doc felt free to scold her.  “Who are these great people you found?” he asked, positive he would not approve of them for some reason.

Darcy gave him a triumphant look.  “Willard and Marthy Thacker.  They are eager to take in the boys and have some help with chores and their company, too.  Marthy has agreed to make sure they are schooled, too.”

“Why, I do believe you have found a great solution, Darcy,” Doc said thoughtfully.  “Marthy has been missing those last two boys of hers something awful, and there is more work than Willard can do on his own.  He’ll lead those boys straight, and he’ll do it with firm love and not by beating them.  Yes, Darcy, you did well.  I’ll be happy to recommend to the Judge that he give Willard and Marthy a chance, if you’d like me to?”

“I would like that indeed, Doc.  Thank you so much.”

“I just hope the Judge doesn’t decide to fry you for asking, wife.  He could, you know.”

“Then you’d best be prepared to stand up for Darcy, young man.  I think she is trying to do the noble thing for those kids when most people would look the other way or just throw them in jail.  If they get sent there, we’ll have hardened criminals on our hands when they are released, and just guess where they will head to seek revenge?”

“I agree, Doc.  I just don’t want to see Darcy hurt by all of this.”

* * * * *

“Settle down, Miss Clemons,” Brian warned.  “You are upset for no good reason.”

“I cannot believe your sister is refusing to come to our wedding because you are marrying
and not her best friend!  Your parents liked me, and even said they thought you chose well!”

“Pa and Ma need to settle that little girl down, and they will.  You would do well to ignore Marcy’s letter.  She’s seventeen and more of a little girl than a grown woman.  I had no idea that Diane has a crush on me.  She and Marcy both have a lot of growing up to do.”

“She’d better not talk everyone into staying home!  I would be so angry and hurt.”

“Pa and Ma will take her in hand.  Don’t worry.”

“I feel like exploding!” she admitted.

“I know exactly what you need,” Brian said with a smile. 

Priscilla thought he was going to give her a kiss and she prepared herself, but instead he took her hand and pulled her over to the sofa and then he sat down and guided her over his knee.  His hand smacked her bottom, and then he tossed up her skirts to reveal a new pair of drawers.

“These drawers are very pretty, honey.”

“You shouldn’t be looking at my drawers!  Especially my new ones that are for after we are married!”

“Why are you wearing them today?” he asked of her.

“Because I am so tired of waiting for us to be married!” she answered truthfully.

“So am I, sugar.  Now we’ll see if we can’t take care of the bridal jitters you have.”  Brian didn’t spank hard.  He didn’t need to.  After just ten spanks, she was crying hard and telling him how sorry she was.  He gave her just a few more crisp spanks, and then pulled down her petticoats and her dress, and then he helped her up to sit her on his lap where he could cuddle with her.  “I love you, Priscilla.”

“I love you, too, and I can’t wait until next week.”

“That day will come, and I can’t wait to see you walking down the aisle towards me.  I am sure your wedding dress is fabulous.”

“Your Mama loves it,” Priscilla told him.  “Thank you,” she whispered.

“For what?”

“For helping me get rid of all those ugly thoughts that were making me crazy.”

“I’ll always whack your behind when it will help, sweetheart.”  And he would also shoot his Pa a telegram to let him know about his little sister’s nasty letter to Priscilla.  That was one little detail that needed taking care of right away before it caused problems between his family and his soon-to-be wife.  If his Pa didn’t deal with Marcy and insist she apologize to Priscilla, he would step in and give her a real reason not to wish to be around him for some time to come!  And, he certainly didn’t have a crush on her little friend!

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