The Sibylline Oracle (20 page)

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Authors: Delia Colvin

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Sibylline Oracle
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Suddenly, Alex had backed out of the discussion, looking a bit pale. Lars jumped in, “We need three hours.” Then Lars noticed Alex’s expression. “Lexi?”

Alex’s head hung low and he was slowly shaking it, as if to ward off the nightmares. Valeria squeezed his hand.

“Go on Lars,” Valeria said. Lars evaluated them for a moment.

“Tell you what, let’s table that item and go to the next. Mani, any answers from Valeria’s blood work yet?”

“At this point, I have found nothing in her blood work that would precipitate any kind of illness that we have witnessed from past deaths. That eliminates physiological. We are left with psychosomatic or some kind of curse.” Mani looked at Alex. “I believe that the next discussion will help us handle the issue of the cold water.”

“All right, for now let’s move on to Aegemon. Ava?” Lars directed.

Everyone looked to Ava, who was busy sipping her coffee. “Oh, Aegemon will be there. I’ve seen it clearly in every vision.”

Lars said for Valeria’s sake, “We all have different gifts. For some reason Ava seems to see Aegemon and Aegemon watches you. So, you and Ava have a special kinship in that connection.”

“I don't understand. If Aegemon watches me, how are we safe here?”

Ava responded, “I don’t know. But you are. I’ve never seen Aegemon here.”

Lars continued, “Valeria, Ava’s visions are good. That’s why she wasn't drowned. She saw his intentions. And that’s why we felt you were safe here at Morgana.” Lars smiled. “Of course, Alex isn’t going to rely on anyone else’s visions. That’s why he stays with you.”

“Beautiful, I finally have you safe. I’m not risking a change of venues to lose you.” Alex shifted in his seat, belaying his confidence. “I haven’t seen Aegemon’s involvement. Then again, I haven’t had a vision of this event, for some reason. Ava is our expert and she says Aegemon will be there. We need to figure out how we are going to handle

Although Alex wouldn’t admit it, the fact that he hadn't seen any visions of this threat to Valeria’s life gave him both hope and concern. Hope that there was no more danger. But deep inside he
knew that there would be enough real threats to her life the next day that he wouldn't rest until it was over.

Pacing the room, Lars stopped near Valeria. “So, the challenge has always been to discover Aegemon’s Achilles’ heel. Val, I believe that you gave us the answer last night—disease. Camille, Ava, and Mani attempted to locate his Prima Mortis, and I believe they found the answer.”

Lars smiled at Ava, indicating that she should share their findings. “There were a few plagues in Ancient Greece, including one near Aegemon’s location.”

“My research shows it to be the pneumonic plague,” Mani informed them. “That is the bubonic plague or black plague infected into the lungs. It also happens to be the most contagious.”

Valeria asked, “Isn’t that plague extinct?”

Daphne interrupted, “What? What are we going to do—put an infected flea on a rat and place it on Aegemon’s boat? What are you thinking? I thought you were supposed to be smart.”

Ava rolled her eyes at Daphne, while Mani smiled kindly at her. “To answer Valeria’s question, the plague still shows up from time to time. And Daphne, I appreciate your question. We considered the point of infection and, unfortunately, it will be necessary to spread the germ to Aegemon directly.”

“A hypodermic?” Alex asked.

Mani shook his head. “No, the only way the germ will survive the cool conditions of the sea is if it has a human carrier.”

Finally, Alex spoke, “Do you mean for one of us to be infected? It wouldn’t be our Achilles’ heel, so we would survive. That makes sense. I’ll do it.”

“Aegemon would never permit you to get close enough,” Ava responded. “But Val could!”

Feeling his blood start to boil, Alex stood. His fists tightened in anger. “Whose idea was this?” He glared accusatorily at
Daphne and then to Lars. “No! I won’t permit it!”

Placing a gentle hand on Alex’s shoulder, Camille attempted to calm him. “Alex, let’s think about this rationally; this is our opportunity to do whatever we can to save Val. But if you were infected, how would you help her? You need to have your wits about you—and your strength. Val needs that!”

Pacing the floor, Alex began to shake. “This is crazy! We are
going to sacrifice Val to get to Aegemon! I thought you all understood. We need to come up with another plan!”

With Alex approaching hysteria, Mani’s voice came through calmly and rationally. “Alex, my friend, sit down. You are upsetting Valeria.”

Hearing this, Alex looked at Valeria and noticed that the blood had drained from her face and her eyes were wide with fear. He sat down next to her feeling ashamed for his outburst, and pulled her into his arms feeling her shivering and he rubbed his hands up and down her arms. Then nuzzling into her neck he said, “I’m sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you.”

Speaking softly Lars said, “There’s no time for another plan, you know that, Alex.”

Mani continued, “I believe this is a solid plan. Alex, this isn’t the dark ages. We can cure pneumonic plague. Valeria would need an antibiotic injection within eight hours of the symptoms beginning. Further, she would not be contagious until she
has symptoms
. One of the primary symptoms is a high fever. The consideration is that this is actually a perfect blend of solutions! The fever would reduce or eliminate the threat of hypothermia, while the cold water would reduce the fever from the illness.”

Alex stroked Valeria’s hair as Camille spoke up, “The critical piece to the plan is that Val will need to get within a few feet of Aegemon for the bacteria to spread.”

“If it is Aegemon’s Achilles’ heel, it will take him out within a week,” Ava added. “Alex, it would probably be best if you left before Aegemon arrives.”

“I’ve survived many encounters with Aegemon and
leaving her alone with him!”

Lars nodded, knowing Alex would not give on this point.

“Beautiful, tell me what you’re thinking,” Alex said.

Valeria looked exhausted. “Alex, if there is any chance that I can be with you, I am going to take it.” He pulled her back into him in a tight embrace and clenched his eyes shut to block out his fears. “But I think that Ava’s right. You can’t be there when Aegemon arrives.”

Keeping his eyes closed, Alex muttered in her ear, “That just isn’t an option. I won’t leave you alone with him.”

Feeling her gut twist from the tension, Valeria realized it was one thing for her to be in danger, but another altogether to think of losing the one person she knew she couldn’t live without. The discussion wasn’t over.

With a deep sigh, Camille tried to reason. “Alex, I really think we can save Val this time.” He nodded without opening his eyes.

The room grew silent. Ava rolled her neck to relieve the tension, and walked to the fireplace. “I’ve arranged for a catamaran with jute netting. It will be loose enough so that Val can be submerged with the exception of her face. It’s in the harbor in Venice. I tried to find something that would heat the water around her, but we couldn’t get anything constructed in time. I’m sorry.”

Mani rose and began walking to the door. “I am going to activate the plague bacteria. We will need to infect Valeria’s lungs by no later than seven p.m. tonight. She won’t be contagious until at least five a.m. But at that point, Valeria cannot be around mortals. Alex, you must keep all others far away from her.”

Camille looked at her watch. “Alright! Val and Alex, it’s noon. Why don’t you two go spend some alone time together? Go to town, enjoy each other’s company. Order champagne, strawberries, and chocolate and just have fun. After all, tomorrow is Val’s birthday. And she came to spend it with you.” Alex nodded again without speaking.

Suddenly, all eyes swiveled to the window. Alex turned to Valeria. “Caleb is on watch, he says someone is here.”

A black limo pulled up in front of the house. Lars looked down at the driveway. “Aegemon?”

“The car has a
sign.” Ava said.

Valeria got up, covering her hand over her mouth. “Oh, God! It’s David. I completely forgot to call him back.” She walked to the window and watched as several muscle-bound men stepped from the car. She saw David glance cautiously up at the house and then move up the stairs with one of his security guards. David smoothed his short brown hair before knocking on the front door.

“Hello, I’m looking for—” Suddenly he saw Valeria and hurried over to her. “Oh, thank God!” He pulled her into his arms and she went willingly. “I thought you had been abducted. I didn’t know if I would ever find you!”

Smiling graciously, Camille offered David her hand. “David, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Camille. Val came here as our guest.”

David snarled, “If she’s your guest, then why did she call me last night telling me she needed a way to leave? That doesn’t sound reasonable, does it?”

Pulling her into him protectively, Valeria gave in for a moment and buried her face in the familiarity of his arms. They seemed a long way from death, pneumonic plague, hypothermia, and curses. She was surprised to find that there
a comfort there.

“David, I’m so sorry. I was just upset. These people have
been nothing but kind to me.”

David calmed and spoke to Alex, “I apologize. It’s not often that your fiancée phones and says…” Alex flinched at his words. “Well, in any case, thank you for being kind to her. Darling, I’m here now. I have a room for us in Trento. Let’s get you back where you belong! Where are your bags?”

Taking a deep breath, Alex turned to keep David from seeing his face, wondering if he should speak up. But then Alex decided this was for Valeria to handle, not him.

“Val, you intended to stay here a few more days, right?” Ava offered.

After a moment of silence, David retorted, “It doesn’t appear that she’s interested in staying any longer.”

Camille tried another tactic. “Alright…well, Val, why don’t you and I go pack up your things while David gets to know everyone. David would you care for a coffee or tea?”

With desperation in her voice, Valeria looked up at David. “Please,” her voice cracked. “I just want to go. David, can we just go?” She buried her face in his chest again.

She glanced from the corner of her eye and saw everyone’s stunned expressions. Alex turned to her, almost pleading. She looked away.

“What’s wrong, Valeria?” David asked, looking suspiciously at Alex.

As her tears began to fall, she whispered, “Please, I need to go.” Looking at Lars, Valeria sobbed, “I’m sorry. Thank you, really! But I think you’ve mistaken me for someone…I’m not.” She wiped a tear as it rolled down her cheek and brushed the corner of her mouth. “This is who I am and where I belong.”

David stood tall, secure in his role as her protector. He ushered Valeria to the door and opened it. She turned back. “I just want to spend my time like this. I hope you can respect that.” Valeria tried to turn toward Alex, but she couldn’t do it. Tears flowed from her eyes, matching the pace of her silent sobs.

The family watched as Valeria got into the black limo with David and never looked back.


The limo disappeared behind a cloud of dirt as it pulled out of the driveway along with Alex’s dreams. Camille let out a little cry.

Daphne reached out and touched Alex’s arm, the timber of her voice lowering as she said, “Alex, it just wasn’t meant to be. You did everything you could.” She turned and left the room.

The others took a moment to realize what had just happened.

Lars took a deep steadying breath. “Let’s regroup, it’s not over.”

Alex interrupted, while chocking back his pain. “It is over. It would’ve been too much for anyone to...” He shook his head.

“She isn’t just anyone. She has lived it. She knows,” Ava pointed out.

Sitting on the loveseat where only moments before, his beloved had been with him, Alex buried his face in his hands.

“Alex, I’ve been thinking,” Camille said, as she sat down next to him and rubbed his back. “I don’t think she was overwhelmed.” Shrugging, she continued, “I mean, yes, she was overwhelmed, but I don’t think that’s why she left.”

The devastated expression on Alex’s face stunned the family who had known him for eons. His face was ashen and his eyes without hope. “She left because she would rather risk a curse than the only solutions I could find for her. But, it doesn’t matter now.” With that, he walked out the door.

Ava approached Camille. “What were you about to say to Alex?”

“I was about to say that Valeria is in love with him. She didn’t leave because she was afraid for herself. She left because she doesn’t want Alex in danger,” she said resolutely.

Ava took a deep breath and nodded. “Well then sister, you and I are going to go find her.”


Caleb insisted on going into town with
Ava and Camille. Then they split up, heading to the major inns and hotels. Camille gave Caleb very explicit instructions that he was to look for David’s limo and when he found it, he should call them.

On Ava’s third stop, she went into the Grand Hotel and offered the doorman $100 for any information. He immediately responded, “Yes. The gentleman just left.”

Clarifying that the diplomat had also taken his suitcases with him, she phoned Camille and Caleb. She slumped in a chair in the lobby and awaited their arrival. Knowing the search was over, Caleb decided to hang out at a local Marvel Comics store.

Camille pushed past a small party of well-dressed guests who had stopped to hand the bellman their Gucci overnight bags. “What are you waiting for? Let’s get a helicopter and chase them down!” Ava shook her head. Giving up was not something either woman did easily.

“If Val left Trento, she doesn’t want to be found. We can’t make her come back if she doesn’t want to.” Tears formed around Camille’s eyes and Ava patted her back in sympathy. “Next time,” Ava promised.

They started for the door as a waiter, carrying a full tray, ran a bit too close behind the women toward the elevators. Camille’s hand hit the tray shattering its contents on the marble floor.

The waiter began swearing at them in Italian. Camille apologized and when she bent to help pick up shards of glass, she couldn't help but notice the foaming champagne, a single broken glass, a box of chocolates, and plump imported strawberries scattered across the floor.

Camille and Ava realized the contents of the tray at the same moment. Their eyes met and Ava nodded toward the waiter without ever having to say a word.



Valeria answered the knock at the door in her hotel bath robe, expecting room service. On seeing Camille and Ava, she hesitated but signaled for them to come in.

“If you were planning on hiding from us, you’ll have to do better than this!” Camille said, pointing to the tray she was carrying. She had generously tipped the waiter to recreate the feast and divulge the room number where the tray was headed.

Staring at her birthday indulgence for a minute with a bittersweet expression, Valeria said, “I guess it’s kind of a last meal.”

“It doesn’t have to be,” Ava interjected, as she popped a strawberry into her mouth. “What happened with the boyfriend?”

“I told him I needed some time alone and that I would see him in a few days.” She looked at Ava. “I couldn’t bear the idea that he would watch me keel over.” Valeria’s eyes rimmed with tears. The fact was that she couldn’t bear to be with David when her soul ached to be with Alex. The agony in Alex’s eyes when
she’d left still haunted her.

Entering the large room, Camille placed the tray down on the bedside table. Ava, avoiding Valeria and Camille, walked around to the other side of the bed and tossed her entire body down so that she was in easy reach of the tray.

“Like Ava said, it doesn’t have to be,” Camille reminded her. She sat down on the bed next to Valeria, avoiding Ava’s arm reaching for a strawberry. “Val, Alex is heartsick!”

“Heartsick is much better than dead,” Valeria said, flatly.

“You know…sometimes I wonder about that myself,” Camille said, letting a wistful sigh slip as she closed her eyes and thought of Jonah. “Val, this plan can work. Are you really willing to throw away any chance of what you two can have for...” She looked at the tray, then added, “Really bad champagne, winter strawberries, and...okay,
pretty good

Valeria had to laugh.

Ava grabbed another strawberry. “The strawberries aren’t that bad.” Then, looking at the TV, she got a disgusted look on her face. “What on earth are you watching?”

I Love Lucy
with Italian dub-in. I couldn’t find any books in English,” Valeria confessed.

“Well, we are going to celebrate your birthday so get dressed. Come on, we're going shopping. My treat!” Camille commanded.

Valeria would have argued. But she knew by now that it wouldn’t matter with Camille, eventually she would get her way. Besides, Valeria looked forward to spending this last bit of her time with them. She changed back into her jeans and shirt as Ava broke into the chocolates. “Oh! We are so taking these!”

As they walked out the door, Valeria grabbed her Louis Vuitton bag. Ava looked at it and said, “Nice bag!” before filling her mouth with another chocolate.

Camille turned and examined the bag critically. “Valeria, you should know before we shop together that I don’t do knock-offs!”

Ava got a disgusted look on her face and said to Valeria, “How did she know that? Did you know that?”

“I bought it with Weege in a windowless van in Chinatown. So, I kind of figured that it was a knock-off.”

Heading out the door, Ava said, “All right, well, count me out on the shopping expedition. I’m a mail-order kind of girl. I'm going to spend some time with my very sexy husband! Have fun, girls!” she said, giving Valeria a warm hug before she left.

Camille knew all the finest stores in Trento. First, she took Valeria to a luxury lingerie shop. Valeria blushed when Camille insisted that she get an off-white, silk camisole set with spaghetti straps and French lace. Next, they visited a dress shop where she selected a flowered, cotton dress for Valeria. It had a scoop neck and buttoned down the front with a gathered waist, which Camille said enhanced Valeria’s figure. Camille, of course, took her to a local jewelry store for accessories and then to a shoe store for some matching heels.

After an hour, to Camille’s disgust, Valeria had exhausted her shopping threshold. So, she steered her into Elizabeth Arden to have her make-up and hair done. The receptionist obviously knew Camille well, but argued with her in Italian. Valeria assumed it had to do with the fact that she had no appointment. After several calls were made, and a slip of substantial cash from Camille, the receptionist lightened up and kissed her on the cheek before she took Valeria back. Elizabeth Arden was far more elaborate than Valeria would have ever done for herself.

Having been primped and pampered and with her new clothes on, Camille and Valeria walked down the town’s quaint street. Valeria struggled on the cobblestones in her new four-inch heels. Camille explained that she should be walking with her toes, not her heels, when they came to a small outdoor garden cafe with heaters and very romantic seating.

Camille stopped and took Valeria’s numerous shopping bags from her. “This is where I leave you.” Valeria glanced around, and then realized that a very anxious Alex was the only customer on the restaurant’s patio. He brushed his fingers through his hair nervously and then shoved them into his pockets for something to do with them.

Valeria’s heart leapt and despite the heels, she had no trouble as she ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry, Alex!”

She felt Alex pull her in slowly and completely, as if he almost couldn’t believe that she was back in his arms and was hesitating in case it was only a dream. He didn’t move for a few moments and she realized that Alex was trying to hold in a flood of emotions, just as she was. She felt him take a deep, jagged breath and then he nuzzled into her neck. “Please, never leave me again.” It was in that instant that Valeria realized the depth of Alex’s love for her.

“Not as long as I can help it!” she said as she kissed his neck and moved her mouth up to his jaw before finding her way back to his beautiful face. She brushed her hand along the side of his face and noticed the pain that was still in his eyes mouth and instantly realized that she had caused that pain. Now she desperately wanted to erase it.

They held each other’s gaze knowing that tomorrow would answer the question. Then, Alex’s eyes seemed to release the pain and love replaced it. His hands moved along her neck, appreciating every turn of her face. His other hand moved against her spine, pulling her back against him. Their mouths came together with such tenderness and hunger that Valeria forgot about everything that was to come the next day and the world became a warm, wonderful glow that existed for just the two of them.

Minutes later, they heard an, “Ahem!”

Refusing to acknowledge the outside world, except on their terms, they ended their kiss slowly and gazed back into each other’s eyes. Alex became aware of their waiter standing next to them, and Camille standing in the street with tears streaming down her face. Valeria choked a soft sob of happiness.

“Val, don’t you dare start crying! You’ll ruin all that work!” Camille teased. “And
enjoy some
champagne to go with your new look!” she added, nodding to the waiter and then walking away.

“By the way,” Alex said, cocking his head to the side. “You always look beautiful to me, but I have to say…” he pulled back from her and raked his eyes down her dress. “You look stunning!” Valeria blushed. Alex crinkled his eyes in thought. “And, I’ve been thinking...things have just been too dark and too serious. I’d like
at least
a bit of an opportunity
to court you!”

An evening with Alex and no more meetings about death and disaster sounded perfect to her!

They ordered food, although Valeria couldn’t recall if they even ate. The sun started to sink behind the shops, lending itself to an even more romantic mood. Alex refilled Valeria’s champagne glass and then nuzzled her neck.

“I do love you with all of my heart. Do you know that?” It was the first time that he had actually said it to her and it caused Valeria’s heart to overflow with emotion for a second time that afternoon.

“Yes, I’m beginning to realize that.” She tried to smile, though she was holding back her tears. “Alex, I love you so very much!”

“I’m sorry all of this has been so…fast. I was worried that it would be too much for you.”

“Despite the fact that I haven’t had enough time with you, this has been the most extraordinary adventure of my life!” She reached out to touch his face. “And if this was all that there was…my only regret would be to not have had more time with you.”

When he looked up, she saw tears in his eyes. “You know, Val, this family, this group of us, we have our eccentricities and oddities but when we love, we love for life. And for me, there is no choice. It is a sad and lonely world without you in it. You are my symbolon, and my heart is incomplete without you.”

Valeria leaned in to kiss him. Symbolon? She thought for a moment. “Alex, I know that we have something very special. But I’ve wondered something.” He nodded for her to continue. “Is it possible that you are in love with Cassandra and I just happen to look like her?”

“I’ve had 3,000 years…I do
know you!
Better than you know yourself, I might add.” He winked. “I love

“Well, I’m a pretty ordinary kind of girl,” she said, sensing Alex’s objection. “Alex, it’s just that…what if you realize that I’m not as exciting as she was, or not as clever? I don’t want you to be disappointed later.” It was fun to talk as if they had a future, even if it was about confronting her inadequacies.

Alex’s eyes narrowed. “Let’s see,” he said as amusement danced in his eyes, “I believe that you argued that you weren’t ordinary just last night, remember?”

“I don’t mean it like that. Cassandra was obviously extraordinary. But I’m not her, anymore.”

“Beautiful, you are the least ordinary person I know!” Alex leaned towards her as he took her hands in his. “But if you prefer, we can handle this analytically, if that might possibly resolve this misconception you have about yourself. Or maybe it is your lack of confidence in my sense of judgment?” Alex winked.

“By numerous writers of history, Cassandra was known as one of the most spectacularly beautiful women in ancient Greece.
She was also portrayed as intelligent, charming, desirable, elegant, friendly, and gentle.” Alex nodded, as if that argument was moot. “Do you require the list?” He cocked his head to the side in the way she’d come to love.

“No, thank you—I make it a practice never to argue history with a history professor.” She shook her head, smiling. Placing her chin in her hands, she listened to him talk. She loved listening to his voice and watching his expressions change. “I can accept that there is a resemblance. Okay, more than a resemblance. But it’s like those pictures of people that you see who you think are attractive, but then they open their mouth and all of a sudden you realize that there is nothing terribly beautiful inside to support that. That’s what I mean. I’ve seen Cassandra’s confidence and wisdom. I don’t have that and by the way, don’t think that I didn’t notice that you left off one of Cassandra’s major traits”

“Yes, well, the insanity part was fiction. One thing I have learned over the years is that history deplores perfection—except when it comes to General’s and their battles,” Alex said as he raised his brows. “But I do believe that you told me that you educated yourself and, on your own, grew the most successful floral shop in Manhattan within ten years?” Alex raised an eyebrow. “And you know what they say?”

She shrugged grudgingly while attempting to keep the smile off from her face.

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