The Silkie's Woman (4 page)

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Authors: Claire Cameron

BOOK: The Silkie's Woman
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An hour later she turned off the lights and made her way to the bedroom, convinced she had seen the last of the mysterious stranger.







Chapter Five



The woman would sleep until well after dark and Urlon was eager to explore the island. As a seal, his body was lumbering and awkward out of the water
He was amazed at how strong his new legs felt, well able to carry him with a speed he had never before experienced while on land. The town was a short distance away from Megan's house. From the top of the hill it looked impossibly tiny, only a few scurrying figures braving the rising wind and blowing snow. The only building that appeared well lit and welcoming was at the bottom of the hill, a small stone building with clear glass windowpanes. As he neared the bottom of the hill, Urlon looked up at the wildly swinging sign and realized it was the pub his grandfather had often spoken of, The Swan's Neck. Some of his tribe brothers had told him about these social gathering places, and a wonderful drink called beer. He was eager to explore all of the new sensations offered up to him as a man.

He opened the door carefully and was greeted by acrid smells; smoke, a pungent sour/bitter smell and closely packed people gave the building a distinctive aroma, and his nose wrinkled in distaste. After shutting the door behind him, he made his way to the bar. The unique wooden ledge was in the shape of a swan's neck—curved at the top where the bartenders station was and very wide at the end closest to the door to allow for many people to gather round it. Although the area around the bar was very full, several people moved over as he approached, giving him room to order from the bartender.

He observed the two men talking next to him and was close enough to hear the taller of the two say, "I'll have a fish and chips, and a pint of Harp."

The bartender turned to him next and Urlon ordered. "I'll have the same thing," he said. He wasn't quite sure what he'd end up with, but he didn't want to seem strange. Above all, they were not to draw attention to themselves while on land. The bartender put a pint of liquid in front of him, along with a plate of some unidentifiable substance. It certainly didn't look like fish to him. With a mental shrug, he decided to go for the drink first. Pale yellow with a bit of foam, it spilled down the sides as he picked it up. He tentatively took a sip and was surprised at the burst of flavor on his tongue — musky, slightly bitter, and sweet all at the same time. This, then, was the source of the pungent odor that overhung everything in the pub. He had never tasted anything like it. Eager to experience more of the same, he picked up the suspicious-looking food and bit off a chunk. The outside was flaky and crusty, and crackled with a satisfying crunch while the inside was definitely one of the white fish plentiful in the waters surrounding the island. The fish was so good he took another huge bite, closing his eyes to better savor the taste.

For the rest of the day he took part in the conversations around him, drinking several pints of 'beer'. He tried a beer called Guinness at one point, and was disgusted with the thick, bitter flavor. The bartender convinced him to have a 'alf n 'alf, which was half the bitter Guinness and half the sweet Harp. The 'alf n alf's had been much more palatable, but his favorite remained the Harp by itself. The warmth of the human companionship around him was so different from the relationships he had with his tribebrothers or his grandfather. Debate and conversation rose in a soothing ebb and flow around him like a soft ocean tide.

An electrical pulse began to disturb him after dark, signaling Megan's awakening. While he was enjoying himself at the bar, nothing could compare to time spent in the company of his Amat. He put his hands in his pants pocket and drew out a handful of the colorful paper used as a means of trade by humans and placed the bills on the bar.

The bartender took part of the money and then came back with a few more pieces. He collected all of the change, and then made his way through the door and up the long hill leading to Megan's cottage.

The closer he got to the cottage, the more nervous he became. In order to procreate successfully, he had to ensure the pleasure of his mate. He now knew how easy it was to pleasure
—it had taken only a few minutes, and he appeared to be constantly at the ready when in the presence of Megan. However, he knew next to nothing about how to pleasure a woman. He had observed the bull seals often, but he had the feeling human mating was somehow very different. He could only remember vague impressions of hands and exquisite pressure from his dreams. His hands were cold and clammy with sweat, and his breath was coming in soft pants by the time he opened the door to Megan's house. He was almost overwhelmed with nervousness and anticipation.

Urlon entered the dark house. Megan was not in the living area of the cottage, and he quickly headed back towards her bedroom. Megan was lying in her bed, completely nude. She was under the influence of Amat, and was restlessly running her legs back and forth over the bedcovers in an attempt to relieve the tingling running through her body. His hand hit the doorjamb as he moved farther into the room, and Megan jumped slightly in shock.




Her heart thumped as a loud noise echoed through the room. In the dim light provided by the fireplace in the living room, Megan could see a dark shape blocking the doorway. She gasped in fear and backed against the wall next to her bed. The figure moved deeper into the room, and Megan exhaled as she realized it was the stranger she had met earlier in the day. He came closer to the bed, and Megan relaxed into a more comfortable position against the wall. She sensed he would never hurt her or do anything she didn't like. The mild tingling that had been bothering her all evening revved up as he stopped next to the bed and reached out a hand to her cheek. He looked deeply into her eyes, and suddenly she could feel her mind opening up. She gripped his thick wrist, but that only made the sensation worse. Suddenly, she heard a voice inside her head.

How are you feeling Amat?
the voice asked in a tender, deep tone
. You appeared to need more rest this afternoon, and I wanted you well before our mating took place."

"Is that voice coming from you?" Megan asked softly, afraid she was going insane. Urlon quirked an eyebrow.

Do you often hear other voices in your head? Of course it's coming from me
. He gave a soft chuckle
I realize you are probably more comfortable with human speech; nonetheless, mindspeak will enable me to merge more fully with you and will prevent misunderstandings. Perhaps you should try the mindspeak before we begin to mate.

"What do you mean, before we mate?" she asked querulously, completely forgetting about the voice in her head. "You blew that when you left me here alone. How did you know there wasn't something wrong with me when I passed out like that? I could have been seriously ill, and you just left me here. I have no desire to have sex with you now, or at any time in the foreseeable future!" She grabbed the robe at the foot of her bed and wrapped it around herself before flouncing out of the room. Urlon trailed behind her, a look of utter bewilderment on his face

"I would have known if there was something wrong with you. The Amat would never have let me leave you if you were injured or ill. I will always know. From the moment I first saw you on the beach, your soul has been linked to mine in Amat."

"That's a bunch of shit. I have no idea what you are talking about." Megan sighed with impatience and anger. "I have never seen you before today, and believe me, I don't want to see you ever again." As she spoke Megan made her way to the front door with quick jerky footsteps. After opening it, she pointed her index finger at him and ordered, "I want you out, out of my house right now!"

Urlon looked at her pointing finger and became completely flustered. His earlier nervousness returned tenfold as he wondered how he was going to convince her it would do neither of them any good if he were to leave her alone. The Amat would still rage through their blood until neither one of them could stand to be out of the sight of the other.

He raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture, the long fingers drawing Megan's eye like a lodestone. It made her wonder what he could do with fingers that long. Her nipples hardened and she barely heard his response. What was wrong with her? It was as if she were under some kind of spell.

"As soon as I sensed your awakening, I left the pub to come home to you. I would never have left you alone if I had realized it would provoke this response," he said regretfully.

As he spoke, he drew up next to her and grasped the door with one hand while reaching out to her with the other. She jerked away from him with a small gasp.

"Don't do that. I can't seem to concentrate when you touch me." He ignored her request, and his fingers grasped her wrist lightly, opening the doorway for Amat.

They both gasped as tendrils of flame coursed throughout their bodies, creating instant arousal. Her nipples hardened even more until they poked suggestively through the material of her robe, and her vagina grew wet with desire, preparing itself for his penetration. His body reacted just as violently, his erection pressing incessantly against the zipped front placket of his jeans, causing almost unbearable pressure. He moved his hand down to his groin to adjust the material and he saw her eyes follow lasciviously. Amusement quirked his lips, and his nervousness faded. He decided to see if he could tempt her to forget the open door still awaiting his departure.

Instead of adjusting the material, he allowed his hand to lazily trace the shape of his penis through the jeans, soliciting further hardening and a spot of wetness on the fabric. After one stroke, he realized that if he touched himself any further, he would disgrace himself and waste his seed within the confines of the jeans. That one stroke had been enough to draw her attention to his arousal, though. He saw her lick her lips as desire began to overcome her objections to his presence in her home.

Unconsciously she tossed her head, causing her hair to fall behind her shoulders and expose her generous cleavage. She leaned forward, and the front of the robe fell open just enough to tantalize him with a glimpse of creamy flesh tipped with appealing pink nipples begging to be sucked. She had almost forgotten there was no way in hell he was going to be allowed to touch her. She decided she would allow his deliberate attempt to entice her; after all, why allow that lovely erection to go to waste? Of course, she would torture him a little bit more before letting him get near her. She tightened the cord on her robe while at the same time pulling up a bit on the fabric, exposing more of her breasts to his hungry gaze. "I'm not going to have sex with you tonight." His gaze snapped up to her eyes. "At least not until you have demonstrated how sorry you are," she continued impishly.

The relief in his strange eyes was gratifying, as if he couldn't bear to leave her.

"I will do anything you desire," he said gently. "You have but to show me."

"I think you know enough to make your apology worthwhile and enjoyable for both of us." The words escaped her lips on a sigh.

She shut the door to the outside world and extended her hand as she made her way back to the bedroom. By now she was used to the electrical shock that accompanied his touch, and she barely flinched as his huge hand enclosed her own delicate fingers.

She left the light in the living room on, but turned off the light in her room. She wasn't really ashamed of her body, but she was always shy with a new lover, at least in the beginning. Her breasts were a little too big for her frame, her hips and ass a little too wide, and she had a slight outward pooch to her stomach that made her a little self-conscious. Shannon was always laughing at her, telling her men loved pocket Venuses, but her inclination was to allow her lovers a time to come to terms with her voluptuous figure. Low light was definitely her friend.

Urlon followed Megan's lead as she moved to the bed. Her hands came up to unbutton his heavy fleece shirt. It slid slowly down his arms, exposing him to her view. A pelt of hair covered his chest and arrowed down, disappearing into his pants. His nipples were erect with arousal, and he swallowed heavily as he wondered if his body was appealing to her. Her hand rose tentatively towards his chest and her eyes remained on his as she asked, "Do you like to be touched here? I know some men have little sensation in their nipples."

Urlon wondered if he should tell her about his inexperience. He didn't want her to think him unworthy or foolish. He knew most human men had sex during their adolescence, and realized it might seem a bit strange to be a virgin at his age in human years. He opened his mouth to tell her when she placed an openmouthed kiss on his brown nipple.

His breath sucked in on a choked gasp as her tongue licked out and around the brown nub. There appeared to be a direct line between her mouth and his groin. She apparently noticed his growing erection, because her hands went down to the button on his jeans. Her fingers dipped against his skin as she released the button, sending more sensations rioting through his body as she unzipped the only thing that was keeping him from her view. His huge erection bobbed out, reaching well up his stomach, already wet with drops of pre-cum.

She was amazed by the size of his cock,
and the unique appearance of an uncircumcised penis. It grew even larger with her light touch on the tip of his cock, and the hood covering it
pulled back to reveal a beautiful purplish-red plum-shaped head. Her mouth ached with the desire to taste him, but before she could bend down, his hands moved down to knock hers away as he groaned, "We must reach Amat together. If you keep touching me like that, I won't make it."

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