The Silkie's Woman (6 page)

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Authors: Claire Cameron

BOOK: The Silkie's Woman
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His thrusts became sporadic, each one ending with a bump of his hips against her bottom. The wet sound of flesh pounding flesh and the pungent smell of sex filled the air. Urlon threw back his head and began to shout.

"Iy urgt uthe se MA tu setul urs, inse Amat Megan." He thrust deeply and the arms she had wrapped around him felt the sudden tension in his shoulders. Deep groans burst from his lips as his hot seed filled her, dripping down her thighs in copious amounts; each successive thrust released a new gush of cum. His orgasm triggered her own, and they joined each other in a fiery climax. Their minds opened, expanded and joined.







Chapter Six



Megan drifted down through a starlit sky. Calm radiated out from the stars. They enfolded her in a gentle clasp as she floated for an endless time. Below her, a reflection of the stars moved gently, and it was only as her feet touched down that she realized she was entering water. The warm liquid slid up her calves and thighs until it covered her entire body; its buoyancy pushed her body towards the surface, and she floated there for several minutes before realizing the water was whispering to her. She pressed her head back into the water until her ears were covered. The water around her seemed alive.

Tiny waves broke over her bare breasts, stimulating her nipples, and little tendrils of water slid into her vagina, sparking a gentle desire. The sensations became more intense and the water around her moaned in time with her thrusting hips. The water became a hard force circling her clit like a mini whirlpool and pushing all the way up into her dripping cunt, smashing into her g-spot over and over until an earth-shattering climax shook her. The waves crashed over her with loud groans as if they, too, were achieving an orgasm. Her body spasmed several times in tiny aftershocks and miniorgasms as the waves came to a slow, rippling stop. The tendrils of water withdrew from her body with obvious reluctance, caressing the inside of her thighs, kissing the entire surface of her body before slowly merging with the water around her. After several more moments the whispering became clear, and she realized it was a familiar voice.

Be still, you have nothing to fear
. The waves rocked out the deep baritone of Urlon's voice.
You are inside of me, inside my mind. This is a place that has always been reserved for the one who would be my Amat. All the secrets of my universe are unlocked to you, each a sparkling star should you wish to explore. I need to explain what has happened to us, for you to understand.
The waves quieted for a moment, and then resumed.

Many eons ago we, too, were once as the humans are now, encased in a flimsy skin of flesh with no fur or tribe, vulnerable to the sea and the cold. When we were humans, there came a time of forgetting. We forgot to keep our pact with the sea, pulling out its riches indiscriminately and destroying the very thing that gave us life. The sea grew angry, and began to cover the land as a punishment. In our insubstantial human bodies, we had no chance at surviving the rising waters.

Many of us decided to build a large ship to hold as many people and animals as possible to repopulate after the sea calmed, and the waters receded. There was not room on the ship for some of us, and a pact was made with a few of our number and the sea. Five hundred would leave the ship and become part of the ocean as a new species that would hold physical characteristics of land creatures, yet remain able to survive the incredible cold and stormy seas. The sea was already regretting its impetuous rise and agreed to the pact, even allowing for the p'or to come to land in human form to find mates. Those left behind on the ship agreed they would allow women who so desired to bear children for the p'or. As a result of the pact, those who remained on board the ship and those who were going to the sea agreed to tell the story four times each year to keep the pact part of memory forever.

One part of the agreement was that any female children born of such unions would remain on land as humans, and any males were to go to sea and become p'or. The p'or have been a magical people ever since—man upon the land and seals upon the sea.

When Urlon's voice died away, Megan remained suspended for several moments in the water. The strange calmness that had been with her throughout the story remained, despite the disbelief that was beginning to push its way forward in her mind. However, there was no denying what she was experiencing felt too real to be a dream. Was it possible Urlon was a silkie, as he claimed? Her mind tried to grasp the concept, but it kept slipping away. What did that mean for her? While sex with Urlon had been mind-blowing in a way it had never been before, she wasn't sure it was because he was a different species! As she grappled with her thoughts, she became aware she was lying on a harder surface than the buoyant water, and when she opened her eyes she felt the heavy weight of Urlon's arms and body surrounding her. A breath of relief crossed her lips She had been dreaming after all.
Thank God!
Megan turned her head to look at Urlon, only to find his steady gaze already on her.

I need to explain Amat to you now, Megan
. Urlon's eyes never left hers and his lips never moved.

Ok, maybe it hadn't been a dream.
Was all he had told her really possible? A race of seal-like creatures that could turn into men? It seemed like a story out of a fairy tale. Parts of the story leapt into her brain, and promptly out of her mouth.

"Whoa, wait a minute here, buster. If what you told me is true, then you're here to breed the next generation of little silkies?" She paused, waiting for his nod of confirmation before continuing. "That's not going to happen with me, pal, I can guaran-damn-tee it! I have no desire to become pregnant, and I'm on the pill, so the chances of it happening from the one time we had sex are nil." She picked nervously at her fingernails. "Absolutely nil."

She noticed his indrawn breath, and a triumphant smile tipped her lips. He hadn't been prepared for that barrier. And there was no way she was letting him back between her thighs with all she now knew about him.

"Ah, I'm afraid there's no question of your body's receptiveness. My seed is far more powerful than the chemicals you use to suppress ovulation. I wouldn't have been able to achieve full Amat with you if you had not already accepted my body and my son."

"Not on your life, pal. There's no way you could already know I'm pregnant." As his eyebrow cocked meaningfully, she whispered, "Is there?"

"Your scent has already changed, and the seed which has become planted within your womb has already attempted mindspeak with you. You're closing yourself off from contact with him and with me. You need only open up your shield, and you'll feel him for yourself."

Megan stared at him aghast for another moment before leaping over him to land on the floor. "You've got to be kidding me. This is not happening." She paced back and forth across the small bedroom with arms swinging wildly, her nude body filmed with sweat despite the damp chill in the room. Megan felt a gentle push against her mind and shouted at him, "I do not want you in my head! You had no right to just overtake my body, my mind…my soul." Her words ended on a sob.

"I'm not invading you, Megan. I was just trying to help calm you down. Please, let me show you how to lower your shield so you can feel my sincerity, the truth in my words."

Megan shot him a suspicious look. "How do I know you won't just take me over? This is beginning to seem like a bad sci-fi movie. This could be an alien plot, for all I know."

"Once you lower your shields, you'll realize all your fears are for nothing. Please, Megan, let me in."

"I don't even know what you're talking about!" Megan's voice rose in frustration and fear.

"The next time you feel a push and a sudden quick pain in the center of your forehead, relax and imagine you are near the sea, gently floating in and out of the waves, each slow ebb of the tide relaxing you until there are no more walls between you and me." His voice trailed off to a whisper as his hypnotic voice began to have an effect. His push into her mind skimmed past surface fears, her anger at his impact on her body and mind, and suddenly he was joined by a tiny dot of light. The light didn't engage in mindspeak as adults did, just vague emotions and feelings. Urlon magnified the light until it was clearly visible to Megan.

This is our son, Megan. He is the tiniest speck of light in your mind. From now on you won't be able to close either of us out; we both have the key. I want you to know that I will never deliberately force myself into your thoughts. Sometimes the uninitiated don't know how to control their surface thoughts, and I won't be able to shut out what you broadcast, but I will never go deeper without asking permission. Our Amat is unbreakable now; the son we have created has cemented what was begun when I first tasted blood with you.

He felt Megan begin to calm as she realized that he was as vulnerable to her questing push into his mind as she was to his. He opened up his inner wall to her access, sensing that this was the easiest way for her to believe his words. He hoped that allowing the close contact would enable her to trust and understand him and his people.

They explored each other's thoughts and memories for several hours, until dawn bathed the small room in a rosy glow and exhaustion forced them to sleep.







Chapter Seven



Megan and Urlon jolted awake as a voice shattered with pain screamed in their minds. The call shattered through their shields as if they were glass, and just as abruptly, cut off.

Megan's eyes were teary as she pressed up on her elbows and looked at Urlon. His eyes were still glazed, and she wondered if perhaps he had awakened from a dream. Had that horrible sound come from him? Even as she reached out a hand to comfort him, he shuddered and swung his legs around to the floor, his cupped hands holding his head.

"Urlon, are you all right?" Megan anxiously rubbed his back and pushed lightly at his shields to see what was wrong. His shielding skills were much stronger than hers, though, and she couldn't even read his surface thoughts.

"Our tribebrother is in danger. When life-threatening circumstances occur, a p'or can push through the strongest shields. The call came from one of my closest friends. I tried to trace it back to him, but the call was cut off somehow, almost as if someone had slammed down an iron wall between us. Iron is the only thing that could affect mindspeak like that. All I could tell was that he was in a large room filled with many implements and tools he wasn't familiar with. He is in great pain, unable to free himself, but he couldn't tell me exactly where he is."

"Did you get the impression that he is still on the island? Could you describe some of the tools he saw? It might help us find him. There aren't many buildings that aren't homes here on the island. It shouldn't be that difficult to find him as long as he is still on Inishmor."

Megan pulled on Urlon's shoulders, trying to get him to focus on her. She could feel his mindspeak rushing past her in a desperate attempt to reconnect with Set, but even she could tell that the connection had been cut off completely. He needed to focus on details so they could find Set, rather than futilely expending energy on mindspeak. Her touch jolted him back to his body and he gave a harsh gasp as her previous questions registered.

"I can only describe the machines that were around him. I don't know what they were for. Set had round disks stuck all over his body attached with strings to a machine that was on a table next to him. His hands and legs were bound to the bed with straps, and his head was bound to the table with another strap. The room smelled like death and sickness, as if others who had come before him had not survived. There was also a large machine next to the bed with a long appendage that became thinner at the end. The table next to the bed contained vials and powdered substances, and he could hear loud whirring sounds in the room, but couldn't see the machine the sounds came from." As he spoke, Urlon allowed Megan into his mind so she could see things as Set had. Urlon's features were twisted with worry as he attempted to remember other pertinent details.

Megan interrupted before he could continue. "I think he may be in a hospital or doctor's office. The disks all over his body sound like they may be EKG monitors, and the machines would appear to be those that you would find in a doctor's office. There is only one medical clinic on the island, and from the room you showed me, I don't think that could be it. I had to go to the clinic for the first couple of weeks after I arrived here because I was taking antibiotics for pneumonia and needed weekly checkups to make sure my lungs were clearing up. All the rooms in the clinic are painted with murals done by local artists. None of the walls are stark white like the ones I saw in your memories." Megan grimaced as she realized that in all likelihood finding Set would be a difficult prospect if he didn't communicate with Urlon again. None of the information in Urlon's mind led her to believe that Set was still on the island.

"He has to be on the island for his call to have been so piercing. Although we can speak across infinite distances, the call is very faint if the distance is great. Set's call was too loud for it to have been far away. We'll just have to rely on what we know and search the island. Uber, my other close friend, will have heard the call and will also be searching for Set. We only have two days left before we will have to make the change or choose to stay on land until the equinox. We have to find Set as quickly as possible. If he is badly injured, only the change will heal him."

Megan gently brushed her fingers against his back in comfort. "Don't worry, we'll find him. The island is very small, and that will make the search easier." Megan rose from the bed and began to gather up Urlon's clothes. She pressed them into his hands and turned to the chest at the foot of the bed to pull out heavy long underwear, a sweater, and jeans for herself. They dressed in record time, and Megan quickly tossed a travel medical kit, bottles of water and trail mix bars into a small knapsack, along with her cell phone and extra gloves. They were out the door in less than ten minutes.

At they came to the road, Megan realized they really had no way of knowing where to start. "I don't think we should even bother to look in town until we have searched the rest of the island. If someone is keeping him captive, they're probably not going to be keeping him in a place that has easy access to the public. All the buildings in town are very close together and everyone knows everyone else. Whoever did this would need to keep it quiet."

Urlon apparently agreed with her because he promptly changed direction, heading up the hill, leading them away from town.

Megan grew concerned when she realized how completely Urlon was closed off from her. Her gentle pushes couldn't even penetrate his surface thoughts, and his shields were rock solid. When they were having sex, his entire mind had been opened to her; being locked out was actually causing her physical pain. He didn't appear aware of her, his longer strides moving him quickly ahead of her. He stopped moving and looked back with impatience as she hurried to catch up. By the time she reached the top of the hill, her breath was coming in hoarse gasps and she could feel her lungs closing up, making breathing regularly impossible. The last bout of pneumonia had damaged her lungs, and she wasn't supposed to do any strenuous exercise for at least another few weeks. The impatience on Urlon's face grew into concern as Megan drew up next to him.

"I think it might be better if you search the area closer to town. You aren't able to keep up with me and I don't want you to make yourself ill." Megan opened her mouth to protest, but Urlon continued, "You have to think about more than yourself now. Our son lives within you." He moved off quickly, not waiting for her protests, jumping over one of the endless stone walls that peppered the island.

He didn't even bother to say goodbye, and Megan stiffened with hurt. He sure knew how to shut her up. He obviously didn't give a hoot about her. His concern was all for the baby. Well, fine. She may follow his orders, but she wasn't going to let him into her heart.

A small voice in the back of her head warned her that it was already too late for that.

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