The Slave (4 page)

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Authors: Laura Antoniou

Tags: #luster editions, #submission, #circlet, #laura antoniou, #Adult, #bdsm, #erotic slavery, #dominance, #bondage, #the marketplace, #erotica, #marketplace series, #erotic novel, #circlet press

BOOK: The Slave
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Ah, such a good girl,” Chris murmured
encouragingly. “Such a good little pooch. Come on, hump it out; let
me see how much you need it, you’re just like an animal in heat,
you need to fuck it out.”

Oh, oh, nooo!” Robin whimpered,
clutching him even tighter.

Yes, yes, that’s it. Do it. You may
come at any time, girl, but if you don’t before the time is up, it
may be a long time before I permit it this opportunity

Please! Yes! Yes! Ungh! Oh God!”
Robin writhed against the leg and against the boot, feeling the
leather grow slippery underneath her, and feeling the wetness of
tears against the cloth she was leaning into, and then the rush hit
her as fast as lightning. Her entire body, aching, hot and tight,
drew tightly against Chris’s leg and her cunt ground into the top
of his boot and she seemed to explode! Her eyes tightly shut, she
still saw bright bolts of light, her hands gripped compulsively,
her toes dug into the carpet, scraping back, pushing her forward.
She panted, and thrust herself forward again, only slower, and felt
the shudders rise into pleasure again, only this time fainter, and
as she drew back, she felt Chris’s hand lightly stroking her

This time, she let the tears come and knew
they were there, and she sobbed and gulped air as he gentled her
down, putting her back onto the floor. When he lowered his leg, and
nudged her with the boot that was now covered with her own essence,
she didn’t hesitate, but raised her head up and began to wash it
over with her tongue. She didn’t stop until she covered every inch,
and her tears added a different taste to the leather where they

He took it away when he was satisfied, and
she felt something light fall across her shoulders.

There is money on the table by the door.
Give it to the housekeeper when she comes, and then lock up again
and come into the bedroom.”

As he walked away, Robin sat up, still a
little dizzy. The object across her shoulders was a shirt―the one
Chris had been wearing. She pulled it on just in time to hear the
gentle knock on the door, and she followed his instructions, giving
the five dollar bill to the woman in return for the blankets she

Chris, his muscular shoulders
now more evident in the white T-shirt that was tucked into his
pants, pointed at the floor at the foot of the king-size bed. Robin
nodded, and, feeling more than a little bit disappointed, laid the
blankets out on the floor
. I should have expected this
, she thought, folding them
into a semblance of a bed
. It’s in all the books, isn’t it? I’ve dreamed
about it, haven’t I?
But somehow, the cold reality of a hard floor next
to a wide, soft bed with plump pillows and the warm body of a man
who had just given her a magnificent orgasm was just too jarring.
She trembled slightly, trying to form the words in her mind, trying
to decide whether begging for the privilege of sleeping next to him
would be presumptuous, and then just allowed the thoughts to
subside. She would not―could not!―tempt fate. When Chris came up
behind her, she knelt absolutely still.

Do not remove this during the night,”
he said, slipping a soft blindfold over her eyes. “If you must rise
to answer a call of nature, you will manage to find your way
without removing it. Do you understand?”

Yes, sir. Please―I’m sorry, sir, I should
ave thanked you.
After...I mean, thank you, sir.”

Yes, you should have. But I’ll make
an allowance this one time, because of unfamiliarity. Go to sleep.
I will tell you when to remove the blindfold.”

He guided her down into her cocoon of
scratchy wool. She pulled the blankets around her and―despite the
strangeness of the place and the circumstances―fell at once into a
deep, deep sleep.



Robin awoke to the sound of a shower
running. For a moment, she felt confused. Where was her pillow? Why
did her body ache so much? But the entire evening flooded back into
her conscious memory, and as she stretched a little bit, she fairly
purred with satisfaction.

Of course I’m
, she
thought with a grin.
I was well used and slept at the foot of my
master’s bed, like a good slave.
Immediately, she curled back with a rush
of embarrassment at her own thoughts.
Why not just rush
, she
asked herself angrily.
As far as I know, last night was just a little
test of my reactions, and I am not a good slave, and he is not my
master. But he has to be pleased! He did accept me. He could have
thrown me out. I don’t even know if camping out on the floor is
supposed to be a reward or a punishment! Troy thought it was silly.
And Maria would just send me home....

Home! How am I supposed to take
care of my apartment? I should have packed more stuff. I should
have given notice. I have to call the super!
Robin turned over onto her
belly and leaned her head into her folded arms.
Oh God, I am such an idiot. Ken
Mandarin told me to get ready to leave right away―why didn’t I

Because you didn’t think you’d
get in,
answered the voice inside her.
Because you figured that the
Marketplace wouldn’t be interested in you. So you didn’t even warn
them at work, and you didn’t talk to the landlord, and you only
packed up some of your things, leaving days of work that will have
to be done before you can just pick up and leave your life

They never talk about what
happens to a person’s life when they just vanish into thin
, Robin
They just start the story with the slave arriving at the
master’s house. You never really find out how many people they had
to say goodbye to, or if they just decided to leave everyone they
knew with this mystery.

I guess there aren’t a lot of
people who really have to know anything,
she reflected.
People leave jobs for better
jobs all the time. And it’s not like I have loads of personal
friends who are going to miss me.
She grimaced at the self-pity that swept
through her, and continued her inventory.
The landlord won’t care; all I have
to do is leave my security with them. And if I never attend a
meeting of the WISE Women again, no one will ever know the
difference. But there are a few people who would want to maintain
contact with me, even if I told them I was taking a new job and
moving away...
She didn’t want to think about them
. How am I supposed to tell my
family? Oh Mom, don’t expect to see me at the holidays this year;
I’m going to be a full-time slave, and slaves don’t get vacation

Her stomach twisted into a
knot, and she slumped down.
This business of creating a reality out of what I
assumed to always be a fantasy is too hard. Of course I didn’t
prepare, and of course I never really tried to think about what to
tell everyone. I might as well have been trying to figure out how
to tell people that I was going to Mars to live with little green
At that
moment, she realized that the shower had long since stopped
running. Without thinking, she held herself still, and

Rustling and clinking noises, the sounds of
a man getting dressed. Around the corners of the blindfold, she
could tell that the light in the room was artificial. Was it still
very early morning, or did Chris Parker just dislike sunlight? He
walked past her, into the other room, and she heard him open the
outer door. She stopped trying to figure out what he was doing, and
just remained still.

When he came back, she felt and heard the
bed shift as he sat on the edge. The heavy sliding sound and the
light thump could only mean he was putting his boots on. Robin
decided that she had wasted enough time feigning sleep, so she
raised herself up on one elbow and tilted her chin up.

Good morning, sir,” she
said, her voice slightly cracking.
Oh, I need a cup of
, she
thought, clearing her throat.
At least they’ll have good coffee here. It’s a
great hotel.

But there was no response from the man, only
a moment of silence, held suspended as she realized that she had
just done something that was very, very wrong. She tried
desperately to think of what it was. And then Parker was off the
bed, and she heard a sound like a long, ragged whisper, and felt
his strong hand close around her upper arm.

She yelped, but he merely
pulled her up and halfway out of her wrapping of blankets. Her feet
were caught and tangled, but it didn’t matter, because he pushed
her powerfully against the bed, forcing her head down to the sheets
with one hand, bracing her body against his leg. She barely had
enough time to gasp when he brought his doubled-over belt across
her ass cheeks, hard, with an explosive
that filled the room.

Robin’s yelp of surprise became a wrenching
cry of pain, and she buried her face into the bed, pushing her
mouth against the surface to try to contain it. Chris paid it no
attention. He merely used that belt on her bent-over form, again
and again, each stripe glowing white and then red and then fading
back until he struck her in that same spot once more. She writhed,
and clenched her teeth into a crumpled wedge of sheets, but never
tried to escape him. And when he stopped, and the ringing in her
ears and the pounding in her chest threatened to send her toppling
off the bed, he solved her imbalance by pulling her back and
letting her fall to the floor, her feet still tangled in her own

He began to slide the belt back onto the
loops around his waist.

When you awaken,” he said, his voice
betraying just a hint of breathlessness, “you will only speak when
spoken to.”

Yes, sir,” she managed to whisper.
Her ass glowed with a painful heat.

I have left instructions for you in
the other room. You may get up and remove the blindfold when I have
gone. Do you understand?”

Robin drew in a deep
she wanted to say,
no, don’t go! What comes next? Do I have time to
make my arrangements? May I call the auction house? Can I go
she drew all the questions in and held them tightly, and
concentrated on trust. She had to trust him! “Yes, sir.”

She felt him pushing the toe of one boot
next to her face, and she twisted to kiss it gently. She felt him
change his posture, felt the nearness of his body as he squatted
down next to her, and shivered when his hand gently stroked her

Good girl,” he said. “That’s a good

And as the tears came and dampened the
inside of the blindfold, she felt him rise again and leave her.
Minutes later, she heard the outer door close, firmly.

Oh my God,” she whispered out loud,
curling into the blankets as shudders drove their way through her
body. “This is so good. This is so right!”


* * * *


The instructions were precise,
and Robin read them while she ate the bagel and strawberries that
were left on the breakfast tray in the outer room. If Chris Parker
had actually eaten anything, there was no evidence. Not a crumb or
a wrinkled napkin to be found.
But then,
Robin thought
, he was so neat and proper, crumbs probably sprang away
from his body and self-destructed.
He did leave an empty coffee cup by the
window, though, leaving her to wonder just how long he had been
awake before she stirred. She had to shift in her seat from time to
time, favoring sore spots on her rear, but this only made her

The note was written on hotel stationary in
(of course) a steady, refined hand. It read:


You will pack my personal belongings and
deliver them to the address below. I will not expect to be there
until eight o’clock this evening, whereupon you will deliver
yourself and one personal bag. You do not need to pack a

In the meantime, you may consider yourself
free to conclude whatever affairs necessary to facilitate your exit
from your current life. You will of course conduct yourself with
utter discretion concerning your future plans.



It was nine o’clock in the morning. The
address on the bottom of the page was on the Upper West Side, in
the low 100s, and there were two keys on a silver ring in the
envelope. Robin thought for a little while, lingered over her own
coffee (it was good, as she had guessed earlier), and then got up
and got to work.

There wasn’t a lot to pack. Chris had left
one change of clothing and his suit jacket and several ties. There
were no personal items in the bathroom. In the closet, she found a
garment bag. He had already checked out, via the computerized
system in the room, so after she showered and dressed, she picked
up the bag and left. She couldn’t resist looking at her rear in the
mirror. It was still blushing slightly red, and several marks
crossed both cheeks from his belt. If she didn’t have so much to
do, it would have been nice to stretch out on that bed and pleasure
herself for a while, pressing those sore spots down to get the most
satisfaction. But she contented herself with the knowledge that she
had things to do, and left the room awake and slightly aching and
perfectly happy.

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