The Sorcerer's Legacy (13 page)

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Authors: Brock Deskins

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Sword & Sorcery, #Teen & Young Adult, #Children's eBooks

BOOK: The Sorcerer's Legacy
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Azerick finished his story by telling Ewen about his stay in Riverdale, fighting the dragon, his time with the dwarves, and how he came to owning the keep and convincing the ghost to leave.

“So you killed a dragon,” Ewen said wondrously and let out a low whistle. “Can I see this treasure you say you found?”

“Sure, it’s down in the basement.”

Azerick led Ewen down into the basement and opened the heavy door with a tug on the iron ring. Ewen’s jaw dropped in amazement just as Simon’s had.

“Would you look at that,” the old salt said in amazement and let out another low whistle. “I bet you have more gold in here than the king himself.”

“I’m going to need it. Paying all these workers is costing me a fortune,” Azerick replied.

“Lad, I may not know diddly about running a castle, but I’ve had quite a number of men working for me who all worked for your father and this would have been enough to pay all them men and finance a dozen trading ships before you even put a good-sized dent in it.”

“You think so, Ewen? I really do not know the real value of what I have, and to be honest with you, I am not that worried about it. I will not be poor, probably ever, and that is good enough for me. However I did hire a good accountant and money counters.”

“Good thinking, lad, so long as your man is honest. He’ll be able to tell you how to put your money to work,” Ewen said.

“Put it to work? What do you mean?” Azerick asked, perplexed.

Ewen turned and looked directly at Azerick. “Son, when you have this much gold, you don’t just let it sit and collect dust. You make investments, buy property, or start a trading company; that’s where the real money is. You find Zeb, I know him; he’s a good man. You say he has a ship? Offer to buy him four or five more, find crews, and start you an import-export business like your father.”

“I have asked around for Zeb but he is out of port right now, but I will talk to him about it as soon as I can,” Azerick promised. “You know if you ever need anything, I have plenty to give.”

Ewen waved his former pupil off. “I’m no pauper, son, not by a long shot. I miss the work more than I miss the coin to be honest. I’ve talked to many of my old friends and all they say is how glad they are that they are retired or can’t wait until they are retired. I don’t see the appeal, myself.”

“Would you like to train Ellyssa and maybe Peck how to use weapons?” Azerick offered.

Ewen scratched at the grey stubble on his chin. “I might be able to get myself up here a couple times a week, but I gotta warn you, I don’t work cheap. You get what you pay for.”

Azerick laughed at the old sailor-turned-weapons master. “I am not sure I could even pay you what you are worth! Will you stay for dinner, Ewen? It will be ready shortly.”

“Now I’ve never turned down a free meal, don’t reckon I’ll start now,” Ewen chuckled.

Azerick led his old weapons master back downstairs to dining hall. More tapestries and large drapes covered the walls, concealing the weathered grey stone. The dining table was a simple rectangle that comfortably seated twelve guests. Azerick ducked into the kitchen to let Agnes, the head cook, know that there would be four for dinner tonight. Grick was uncomfortable around humans so he usually chose to eat in his room.

“Could you call Ellyssa and Peck in for dinner please, Agnes? Peck is our stableboy now and is likely with the horses.”

Agnes ducked out of the keep through the kitchen entrance and Azerick could hear her shouting for Peck and Ellyssa as he returned to the dining hall. A few minutes later, the cook escorted Peck through the kitchen entrance into the dining hall. His bangs were wet where Agnes must have made him wash up in the kitchen before sitting down to eat. Peck took a seat on the opposite side of the table from Ewen and two seats to Azerick’s right.

“Ewen, this is Peck,” Azerick introduced.

“Azerick tells me you’re the head stableman here,” Ewen said to Peck.

Peck sat up straighter in his chair with pride. “Aye, milord, I got eighteen horses all brushed and fed today, and it was already late when I started,” Peck replied enthusiastically.

“That sounds like quite a bit of work for a young lad.”

“Aye, but I can handle it. I may be small but I have lots of energy and I work real hard. Course I haven’t had to shovel out the stalls yet on account the horses were just brought in today, but I can do it, you’ll see.”

Agnes came in with a large tray bearing a sizeable roast, boiled potatoes, and a bowl of brown gravy. Once she set the food on the table, she disappeared back into the kitchen and returned with the tray reloaded with baked green beans in a hollandaise sauce with bits of bacon mixed in, sweet peas, and candied yams. Agnes then pulled a bottle of wine out of her large apron pocket and filled Azerick and Ewen’s glasses before leaving the bottle on the table and ducking back into the kitchen. When she returned, she brought a pitcher of fresh milk for Ellyssa and Peck.

“Agnes, were you able to find Ellyssa?” Azerick asked the cook.

Agnes shook her head. “I called for her, Master Azerick, but I didn’t see her. Would you like me to carve the roast now or wait for her to come?” Agnes asked, holding a large fork and a carving knife.

Before Azerick could answer, the dining hall door flew open and banged loudly into the wall.

“Die rat!” Ellyssa shouted as she charged into the room.

She whipped her arm forward and an object flew down the length of the table in a blur, embedding itself in the roast.

“Nice shot, little missy!” Ewen shouted and began laughing.

Azerick looked at the steel dart protruding from the roast. “Ellyssa, I believe that roast is about as dead as it is going to get, and we do not throw things in the dining hall, particularly at our food. Now what is this?” Azerick asked as he looked at the projectile sticking out of the roast.

“It’s a dart! Ken the blacksmith made it for me and Wolf put the feathers on it so it will fly straight. He used hawk feathers that he found because hawks fly fast so it makes my dart go faster. Wolf made glue out of tree sap, glued the feathers onto the dart, and tied them with sinew so they wouldn’t fall off. What’s sinew? It looks like string but it comes from animal guts but it must only come from bigger animals because I didn’t see any sinew when I squished the rat. Can I use string next time? I don’t want my darts to be held together by something that’s made out of animal guts.”

“Ellyssa, take a breath and go wash your hands,” Azerick ordered as he removed the dart from the roast.

The dart was eight inches long and sported a narrow, three-inch blade that came to a needle-sharp tip like a small stiletto. The shaft and blade were one continuous piece of steel instead of the blade being fastened to the shaft like and arrowhead. The fletching was made of three large hawk feathers split lengthwise much like an arrow’s fletching but were easily twice as large.

Azerick looked at Ewen who was still laughing as Agnes led the girl away to go wash her hands in the kitchen. “You really should not encourage her.”

“It was a mighty fine shot, lad, you got to admit,” Ewen chuckled. “Oh, every father prays that their children have children that are as troublesome as they were.”

“I was never that much trouble,” Azerick replied defensively.

“Kids never think they are when they get older but I know better. You had me and your parents pulling our hair out at times,” Ewen shot back. “You were too smart and too independent for your own good and that’s why you’re getting yours back now.”

“I could not have been that bad,” Azerick protested.

Ewen pondered for a moment. “She certainly has her own flavor, but if you asked that etiquette teacher of yours, I bet he would agree with me.”

Azerick was saved from further assault on his childhood character as Ellyssa and Agnes returned. Agnes poured Ellyssa a cup of milk and carved the roast. As the dinner meal progressed, Azerick noticed that Ellyssa was going through a substantial amount of milk and food. He knew the girl had an appetite, but this was far beyond the norm. He kept an eye on her and finally caught her slipping food under the table.

The moment Azerick bent down to look under the table, Wolf popped up on the other side, grabbed the roast by the exposed bone, and darted through the kitchen door laughing like a lunatic with the ever-present Ghost on his heels.

“Wolf, you filthy little creature!” Azerick heard Agnes scream as Wolf ran through her kitchen and out the door that led onto the keep grounds.

“That one belong to you too?” Ewen asked, laughing once more.

“Wolf belongs to no one. He is more a force of nature than a boy. You just have to let him blow through and pick up the mess when he is gone,” Azerick replied. “Ellyssa, how did Wolf get under the table?”

The young apprentice shrunk down in her chair. “He snuck in through the kitchen when you were all watching me when I came in. It was a trade for helping me make my darts.”

Azerick shook his head in helplessness. Ewen finally told Azerick that it was time that he head home as Agnes was clearing the plates from the table.

“It was really good to see you again, Ewen. You will come back and teach the kids some martial skills from time to time?” Azerick asked.

“Definitely. If I slow down I’ll end up grinding to a halt, and I’m not ready for that yet. It was good to see you too, son,” Ewen replied, shook Azerick’s hand, and clapped him on the back.

“Do you have a horse?” Azerick asked his old friend.

“Naw, I never planned on traveling beyond the city walls when I moved here unless it was on a ship.”

“Would you like one of mine? It will make the traveling a lot easier,” Azerick suggested.

Ewen thought a moment. “I don’t rightly know. I traded my sea legs in a long time ago but I never did much riding.”

“Peck, are there any horses that you think are calm enough for Ewen to ride?” he turned and asked the boy.

“Oh yes, Master Azerick. There’s one I call Star because she is all black except for a white star on her forehead, she’s real nice. She makes Horse look like a wild stallion.”

“Go saddle her up for Ewen please,” Azerick told him.

“Peck,” Ellyssa called to him, “you want go kill rats with me and Grick when you’re done?”

“Ok,” Peck shouted back as he ran from the dining hall to saddle Star.

Azerick, Ewen, and Ellyssa were waiting in front of the keep by the time Peck came back with Star. She was a beautiful horse and Azerick was glad to give her to his friend.

“She is a beauty,” Ewen whistled. “Are you sure you want me to have her?”

“Absolutely, you helped me in Southport and have always been family to my father and me, Ewen. Besides, I don’t want you making any excuses for not coming back.”

“I’ll be back, you can count on that. You take care of yourself and those kids,” Ewen told the sorcerer as he mounted.

“I will, Ewen, and you take care of yourself and let me know if you ever need anything,” Azerick insisted.

“Ok, Peck, you get the stick since you are used to having gross stuff on your shoes and I’ll use my darts. Let’s go find Grick,” Ellyssa said and both children ran off into the keep in search of the goblin.




General Baneford stood before the men he commanded. The soldiers were formed by platoon and numbered nearly one hundred—a full company and all cavalry. The general wore the depthless black and gold-trimmed breastplate, greaves, vambraces, and gauntlets of Dundalor, an artifact that when complete, would provide absolute protection against all weapons and magic, making the wearer essentially invulnerable.

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