The Sorceress

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: The Sorceress
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Dear Reader:

Allison Hobbs is on fire, on a roll, on top of her game, and everything else in between. I envision Allison writing more than fifty novels before long because she is that talented. Every book is a page turner; a masterpiece; a journey into the erotic and vivid imagination of one of the most prolific writers to ever grace readers with her words. In
The Sorceress
, she continues on her quest to fan the flames of the freak-iness that exists in all people; even if they are not prepared to embrace it.

The Sorceress
is Allison's second paranormal novel, a follow-up to the wonderful
The Enchantress
. Allison uses her vivid gift of storytelling to tell the story of two sisters: Tara, who spends her eternity on “The Goddess Realm” and Eris, who has been banished to “The Dark Realm” where evil, sexuality, and life is full of perversion. Eris is hell bent—literally—on seeking revenge on those who betrayed her. Once she teams up with Xavier, who has taken on the life form of a child, Eris' reign of sexual terror and dominion is unstoppable unless someone or something equally powerful comes forward to challenge them.

If you have not read Allison's other books, you have missed out on a lot. Fans of my work will surely appreciate Allison Hobbs. I often state that she is the only woman on the planet freakier than me, and it's the truth.

Her titles include
Pure Paradise, One Taste, Disciplined, Pandora's Box, Insatiable, The Climax, Big Juicy Lips, The Enchantress, One Taste, Disciplined, A Bona Fide Gold Digger, Double Dippin'
Dangerously in Love.

Thank you for supporting Ms. Hobbs' efforts and thank you for supporting one of the dozens of authors published under my imprint, Strebor Books. I try my best to bring you cutting-edge works of literature that will keep your attention and make you think long after you turn the last page.

Now sit back in your favorite chair or, better yet, chill in the bed, and be prepared to be tantalized by yet another great read.

Peace and Many Blessings,



Strebor Books International


Pandora's Box


Dangerously In Love

Double Dippin'

The Enchantress

A Bona Fide Gold Digger

The Climax

Big Juicy Lips

One Taste


Pure Paradise




Strebor Books
P.O. Box 6505
Largo, MD 20792

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are
products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance
to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

© 2009 by Allison Hobbs

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by
any means whatsoever. For information address Strebor Books, P.O. Box 6505,
Largo, MD 20792.

ISBN 978-1-59309-175-0
LCCN 2009927609
eISBN: 978-1-416-57753-9

First Strebor Books trade paperback edition November 2009

Cover design:
Cover photograph: © Keith Saunders/Marion Designs

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I really, really, really love you!


My good friend, Daaimah S. Poole. Our friendship began at the APOOO Book Club Pajama Party back when I was self-published. You were right out of college and already had a book deal. You were so warm and giving and to this day, you have not changed.

To Charlotte Young Foye, my sister of the lip (inside joke). Your husband told me you dug my books a few years before we met. Who knew we'd hit it off and become such good friends? Thank you for giving me “just the right shoe!”

Thanks to the book clubs and the reviewers who have supported me over the years: Yasmin Coleman and Jennifer Coissiere of APOOO Book Club, Tee C. Royal, Paula Henderson, Brenda Lisbon of The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers, Jason Frost of Rubicon-Readers, Radiah Hubbert of Urban-Reviewers, my girl, Chelly/aka PrinceLuva79, Locksie and English Ruler of ARC Book Club, Ladibug and The Strebor Books Book Club, and Nardsbaby, just to name a few.

I want to thank my dear friend, JB Walker, for his numerous critiques and support. He compared my work to Chester Himes. Now that was a first. LOL.

Aletha Dempsey, a poet and I didn't know it!

Zane, words can't express the depths of my gratitude. I want
to extend a personal thank you for painstakingly going through this manuscript.

I'm giving Charmaine Parker a special thank-you for always having my back.

As always, my BFF, Karen Dempsey Hammond, who lovingly puts up with me and all my phobias…my neuroses…my endless drama and hysteria! Damn, it can't be easy having me as a best friend. I love you, Karen.


atherine Provost gathered her household staff in the living room of her home located in Chestnut Hill, an affluent cobble stoned neighborhood in the Northwest section of Philadelphia.

Inside the stately home, the atmosphere was tense, and Jen could tell that Ms. Provost was exhilarated by the anxious energy that crackled in the air. She noticed that her employer's eyes had taken on a gleam of sadistic pleasure.

What a bitch,
Jen thought, though she maintained a pleasant expression that implied there was nowhere else in the world she'd rather be. She hated being such a wimp. But Catherine Provost was so intimidating, she scared the crap out of Jen.

“George,” Catherine said to her driver. “While I'm away campaigning, I won't need you on a regular basis.” She paused and nodded her head toward Jen. “The nanny will be taking Ethan to his appointments, so I'll expect you to be on call.”

George Hernandez blinked a couple of times. “You're laying me off?”

“With the economy the way it is, the last thing I need is to be criticized for frivolous spending. I'll be traveling most of the time and I really don't need you here on a full-time basis.”

Jen cut a sympathetic eye at George. He had a wife and three
young children; the poor man couldn't afford part-time wages.

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