The Soul Of A Butterfly

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Authors: Muhammad Ali With Hana Yasmeen Ali

BOOK: The Soul Of A Butterfly
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About the Book

The Soul of a Butterfly
the great champion takes readers on a spiritual journey through the seasons of life, from childhood to the present, and shares the beliefs that have served him well.

After fighting some of the fiercest bouts in boxing history, today Muhammad Ali faces his most powerful foe – outside the boxing ring. Like many people, he battles an illness that limits his physical abilities, but as he says, ‘I have gained more than I have lost … I have never had a more powerful voice than I have now.’ As Ali reflects on his faith and the strength it gave him during his greatest challenge, when he lost the prime years of his boxing career because he would not compromise his beliefs, he describes how his study of Islam has brought him to a greater awareness of life’s true purpose. As a United Nations’ Messenger of Peace he has travelled widely, and he describes his 2002 mission to Afghanistan to heighten public awareness of that country’s desperate situation, as well as his more recent meeting with the Dalai Lama.

Ali's reflections on topics ranging from moral courage to belief in God, to respect for those who differ from us. Written with the assistance of his daughter, Hana,
The Soul of a Butterfly
is a compassionate and heartfelt book that will provide comfort for our troubled times.



About the Book

Title Page




God Bless The World

Competition for Love


A Letter to the World

The Early Years

The Foundation of Life

The Innocence of Youth

Black is Beautiful

The Purpose of Life


Birth of a Dream

The King of the Street

The Showdown

The Victory and the Lesson

Confronting Fear

The Road to Success

A Golden Victory

An act of Liberation

The Middle Years

The Road to Freedom

The Freedom Song

Black Pride

If I Were President

Speaking Out

The Journey

My Spiritual Evolution

The Day I Met Islam

The Meaning Behind the Message

My Fighting had a Purpose


Gorgeous George

Malcolm X

I am the Greatest!

7th Heaven

The Black Superman

The Announcement

Too Late for Forgiveness


The Moment of Truth

The Boy Inside the Man

The People’s Champion

The Presence of God

Standing Tall

The Greatest Knowledge

The Heart of Man

The Blessing


That is Why

Still the Greatest

The Comeback Fight

My Golden Fights

My Philosophy of Boxing

True Success


A Newfound Friend

Return of the King

George Foreman and the Rumble in the Jungle

Champions to Come

No Sad Goodbyes

The Shadow Dance

Muhammad Ali vs. Cassius Clay

The Decision

Happy Memories

When I’m Gone

The World’s Greatest

The Current Years

Accepting Change

The Voice of Silence

Remembering the Speed

The Power of Will

Follow the Leader

A Higher Consciousness

The Evidence of God

How My Faith has Changed Me

What is Real





With God’s Help

A Story of Gratitude and Generosity



Recipe for a Good Life

The Olympic Flame

In Troubled Times

Islam and September 11


The Special Olympics

Meeting the Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama and Muhammad Ali

The Secret of My Success

How I would like to be Remembered

True Happiness

A Spiritual Goal

Working For God


The Road to Heaven

The Soul of a Butterfly


About the Author


To my parents Odessa and Cassius Clay, with love

Muhammad Ali

To my Guardian Angels. They know who they are.

Hana Yasmeen Ali

Love is a net where hearts are caught like fish.

Sufi Wisdom


People were always asking me what I was going to do after I retired from boxing. My response then was as it is now: During my boxing career, you did not see the real Muhammad Ali. You just saw a little boxing and a little showmanship. It was after I retired from boxing that my true work began. I had more time then to develop my spiritual being the way that I once developed my muscles and agility.

When I look at the world, I see that many people build big beautiful houses but live in broken homes. We spend more time learning how to make a living than we do learning to make a life. What I hope to share with you are the beliefs that I have come to live by. Many of the philosophies, stories, and ideals that have touched my soul and inspired my heart I learned from my study of Islam. I have shared this knowledge with my family and friends; now I offer it to the world.

Over the years my religion has changed and my spirituality has evolved. Religion and spirituality are very different, but people often confuse the two. Some things cannot be taught, but they can be awakened in the heart. Spirituality is recognizing the divine light that is within us all. It doesn’t belong to any particular religion; it belongs to everyone.

People have asked me if I still work on my faith. The truth is, I can talk all day about my faith because more than anything else in my life, I believe in God. If all of the oceans on Earth were ink, and all of the trees were pens, they still would not be sufficient to write down the knowledge God has. Knowing that God has power like that keeps me humble. The more I study about God and Islam, the more I realize how little I know. So, I am still studying, and I’m still learning because there’s nothing as great as working for God.

Truly great people in history never wanted to be great for themselves. All they wanted was the chance to do good for others and be close to God. I’m not perfect. I know that I still have things to work out, and I’m working on them. There are certain things I have done that I am not proud of, especially when they caused pain to others. I ask God for forgiveness.

No matter where I go, everybody recognizes my face and knows my name. People love and admire me; they look up to me. That’s a lot of power and influence for one man to have, so I know I have a responsibility to use my fame the right way. That’s one of the reasons I’ve always tried to be good to everyone no matter their color, religion, or position in life. Though some people may see themselves as better or more important than others, in God’s eyes we are all equal, and it’s what is in our hearts that matters.

People say that I gave away too much money during my boxing career. They write about how some people took advantage of me, stole from me, and how I let them get away with it. Even when I knew people were cheating me, what was important was how I behaved, because I have to answer to God. I can’t be responsible for other people’s actions: They will have to answer to God themselves. Throughout my life, I never sought retribution against those who hurt me because I believe in forgiveness. I have practiced forgiving, just as I want to be forgiven. Only God knows what’s in a person’s heart, his true intentions. He sees and hears all things.

Many people around me had their hands out, and I tried to help as many of them as I could. There’s nothing wrong with that. I gave to people in need, even when I could have used the money myself, because God had made me rich enough. Now, as I look back, it seems that the more I gave in the name of God, the more he has given back to me. I try not to speak about the charities and people I help, because I believe we can only be truly generous when we expect nothing in return.

At night when I go to bed, I ask myself, “If I don’t wake up tomorrow, would I be proud of how I lived today.” With that question in mind, I have tried to do as many good deeds as I can, whether it is standing up for my faith, signing an autograph, or simply shaking a person’s hand. I’m just trying to make people happy and get into heaven.

My concept of religion has broadened over the years. My mother was a Baptist, and my father was a Methodist. They both believed that Jesus was the son of God. I don’t believe that, but I believe he was an important prophet like Moses. I believe that on judgment day, my parents will be in heaven, not because they were without fault, but because they were decent, loving human beings, and they believed in God. We all have the same God, we just serve him differently. Rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, oceans, all have different names, but they all contain water. So do religions have different names, and they all contain truth, expressed in different ways, forms, and times. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Muslim, a Christian, or a Jew. When you believe in God, you should believe that all people are part of one family. If you love God, you can’t love only some of his children.

This book is a reflection of my life, it describes some of my most memorable experiences, and tells the story of how I came to be the man I am today. I have come a long way since I started boxing. I’ve traveled all around the world and met all types of people. I believe that God beautified the planet by spreading everyone out and making us different. The goal of our nations should be to work on understanding, respecting our differences, and celebrating our similarities. We should appreciate the beauty in the diversity. It would be a boring world, if every flower were the same shape, color, and size.

One of the most important aspects of my spirituality has been gradually recognizing all of the moments in my life when God was working through me, inside and outside the ring. Growing up, I had trouble reading and spelling. I barely graduated from high school. They have a name for what I have,
. But back when I was in school, teachers figured that kids with learning difficulties were stupid. School was challenging for me, but I found a way to work it out. When I came to a brick wall, I didn’t give up and quit; I found my way around, under, or over it. I found a way to work with what God gave me. When I read or hear something that I think is valuable, something that speaks to me of the world as I feel it, I focus on those parts. I memorize them. When something seems true to me, it becomes part of me. That is how I learn.

I felt God was always working through me. He filled me with wisdom, confidence, self-assurance, and awareness. I studied life and I studied people. I may be poor at reading and writing, but when it comes to love, compassion, and other feelings of the heart, I am rich. There is an old saying that I’ve recited over the years. It goes like this: “Where is man’s wealth? His wealth is in his knowledge. If his wealth is in the bank, he doesn’t possess it.” My wealth is in my knowledge of self, love, and spirituality. I’ve tried to use my knowledge to be a good representative of my people. I can’t be blind, because if the blind lead the blind they all fall into a ditch.

My soul has grown over the years, and some of my views have changed. As long as I’m alive, I will continue to try to understand more because the work of the heart is never done. All through my life I have been tested. My will has been tested, my courage has been tested, my strength has been tested. Now my patience and endurance are being tested. Every step of the way I believe that God has been with me. And, more than ever, I know that he is with me now. I have learned to live my life one step, one breath, and one moment at a time, but it was a long road. I set out on a journey of love, seeking truth, peace, and understanding. I am still learning.

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