The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory (30 page)

BOOK: The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory
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"My feet?"  She looked down and saw that her feet were bright red.  "Well, it's an auto immune disease where too much blood goes to my feet and they get fiery hot."  She hesitated.  She felt as if this was insignificant.  "I feel like I'm wasting your time talking about this."

"Please continue.  You will come to understand why."

"Well, I believe that the Lord showed me that the root of auto immunity is demonic.  I had a separate issue of debilitating pain in my legs that was also caused by a separate auto immune disease.  Jesus woke me up in the middle of the night asking me if He would cause my body to attack itself.  I knew immediately that He was talking about auto immune problems because that basically means that the body is attacking itself in one way or another. 

"I answered that when He put it that way, no of course He wouldn't cause my body to attack itself.  Then Jesus asked me what I was going to do about it. 

"At that moment, a dream I'd had a while back came to mind about ANA, a pet anaconda.  It slept in bed with me, and a friend came over and told me that it was not good and that it had to go.  When she said this, it slithered away into a swamp and disappeared.  As I thought about that dream, it suddenly hit me that ANAs are
ntibodies which cause auto immune disorders.   So I renounced the spirit of ANA or anaconda, a constrictor spirit that squeezes out life, and commanded it to leave my body in the name of Jesus.  Then Jesus reminded me to pray for healing.  I did and He did. 

"I knew that as a step of faith I had to stop taking the medicine that I had been relying on.  I did, and I never had any more pain in my legs….Well a couple of times I felt a twinge of pain and I commanded it to go and it did immediately."

Nicole took a deep breath and continued as she looked off into the distance.  "I don't understand why my feet haven't responded to the deliverance and healing.  I'm sure they will, I just don't know when."

Joel said, "Nicole, look at me."  When she did, he said, "The demons are gone and Jesus has healed you.  Your feet are still red and hot because your body has been programmed to react this way as a disciplinary measure.  Your defiance and rebellion against the program through obedience and surrender to God has triggered this physical response."

She looked at him trying to understand.  "You're saying that my body has been programmed to respond in certain ways?... What?... I know there are disciplinary spirits, but how can I be disciplined by my own body?" 

"Programmers know how to split the mind, as you know, and to cause those splits or alters to react in certain ways when triggered.  Now I'm not saying that an alter is heating up your feet, but that is a possibility. 

"The other possibility is through the assignments of demons attached to certain body memories or triggers that were set up through mind control.  Let me ask, do you remember when you first noticed this problem?"

"Yes.  I know the exact moment it started.  I was sitting in my window seat reading my Bible.  I had determined to study God's Word and to learn the truth about God's heart, mind and purpose for my life and the things I'd been through.  I was asking Him to examine me and remove all the lies and wrong beliefs so that I could be effective in loving and serving Him, and in helping others get free as I had."

Joel said, "When a person can pin point a specific moment an affliction began, it is usually because a spirit has launched an attack, or a program was triggered.  It sounds to me like your commitment was a trigger. 

"You see, this is exactly what the programmers wanted to avoid for obvious reasons.  Nicole, your generational bloodline was targeted by the enemy to be a part of his army that is seeking to destroy God's Kingdom on earth.  It is all a part of a predestined plan within the Illuminati hierarchy that they would use you to undermine Christianity and to cause destruction within it.  Instead, you began not only letting God heal you, but you were going to use it to destroy Satan's work in others as well. 

"Therefore, the triggers were pulled.  I am also fairly certain that all along your journey of healing and deliverance there were other programs, alters and demons layered in to discipline or destroy you should those triggers get set off.  Am I right?"

"Oh yes.  I could name a few off the top of my head," Nicole said.  "I just didn't realize they were tied in with the Illuminati programming and plans."

"Well," Joel continued, "as we discussed last night, you have learned to identify alters and to discern the demons assigned to them.  You have learned that once the demons are gone, the enemy looses its power, but that there is a brokenness that remains and must be healed or it will become an open door that the enemy will use to regain control. 

"Now you need to learn to handle your own body's trained reflexes and responses to certain stimulus.  In this case, I believe that your body was triggered by your commitment to lead others to freedom, and it responded to the stimulus of attacking itself at the given moment you just explained.  The demons that had been layered in, the ANA as you called it, worked together with your own body to fulfill the purpose of hindering or destroying you if necessary, to keep you from fulfilling the new commitment.  The demons are now gone, the brokenness has been healed and so I will help you learn to retrain your body and undo the destruction programming."

Nicole closed her eyes trying to take in everything she was hearing.  "Ok, so you are saying that there are no more demons or physical problems that are causing my feet to get hot, but that it is my body that has been trained to act that way once it got triggered."

"Yes, that is about right."  He had a sense that there might still be some things that had been buried so deeply inside her and hidden so well that without help, she may never discover them; but he knew that he could not reveal these things to her.  It would have to be the Holy Spirit.  If she decided to stay, he had no doubt that these things would be taken care of.

"Then what can I do about it?"

"Exactly!  You have asked the right question.  I am sure that you will be given the answers if you choose to stay and go through the deprogramming," Joel assured her.  "But to prove what I am saying is true, I want you to look at your feet, Breeze.  What color are they?"


"Now, I want you to ask Jesus to help you overcome the programming and to reclaim your mind."

"Jesus, Please help me to overcome this programming that makes my feet so hot.  I do want to be in control of my body and to reclaim any area that has been under enemy influence."

"Now I want you to tell your feet to cool down.  Command the blood to flow the way the Lord Jesus intends it to."

She looked up from her feet and scowled at Sam.  "Don't you dare laugh at me for talking to my feet!"

He had been intently watching and listening, and he smiled at Nicole's embarrassment, threw up his hands and looked away.

"Ok feet," Nicole said looking back down at them.  "I'm talking to you and I command you to cool down.  I command my blood to flow the way the Lord Jesus created it to and intends it to.  So do you hear me feet?  I said, cool down!"

Sam jumped at Nicole's shriek.  "They are cooling down.  They aren't burning!  Look at the color Sam!  They are almost back to normal!"  She jumped out of her chair and began jumping up and down with enthusiasm, then grabbed Joel and hugged him.  She let go and started jumping again.  "Look Sam!  Look at my feet!" 

Sam said, "I'm trying to, but all I see are two Mexican jumping beans!"

"Oh sorry," she said and stood still as he looked them over.

"Yep, white.  You need a sun tan, whitey.  I thought everybody in California had nice tans."

"Very funny!" She exclaimed.

Then Joel spoke up.  "Now Breeze, do you understand why you might need some deprogramming to learn to control your body?"

"Thank you, Joel.  Yes I do.  Is it possible that there is more programming I don't know about?"

"Possibly.  That is what the Holy Spirit will show us."

Nicole looked down at her feet again, and was surprised to see them turning pink.  "What's going on?  They're turning back!"

"Don't worry.  Deprogramming is a training process that requires renewing the mind and learning self control and perseverance.  You will get it and eventually the new programming will override the old."

"I guess it's just like the mental, emotional and spiritual training.  The Ephesians 4:22-24 principle:  put off the old, renew the spirit of the mind, put on the new."

"So you'll stay?" Joel asked.

Nicole looked at Sam.  He nodded at her, encouraging her.  "Yes I will.  You're staying too, aren't you Sam?"

"I don't know yet.  I'm waiting on the Holy Spirit for guidance.  But I do have something I want to run by you Sir."

Joel nodded.

"I've been wondering about going to Samaria to talk with Jake while you two are deprogramming."

"I had that same thought myself.  Lord, if this plan is Yours, then make it so.  Otherwise, please close the door."

"What would you say to him?" Nicole asked.

"Not sure yet.  But I'll know by the time I get there."  Sam rose to his feet.  "If you'll excuse me Sir, I'll go check on flights."

"Ask Jemima to bring up some tea, will you?" 

As Sam left the solarium, Joel said, "Let's get started then. 

He began, "Every mind has been filled with different things, different programs, different purposes, different assignments, and different expectations.  However, there is one thing about every programmed mind that is the same.  They have all been taken captive and created to be slaves of another's perverted will.  The slave had no control, no power to agree or disagree.  No free will. 

"The new programming is based completely upon truth of God's Word and the free will to choose to believe and to act on the truth regardless of the feelings.  All the old programming is based on lies and must be destroyed by identifying and renouncing them, and then replacing it with new programming, the truth. 

"This new programming must come from the only One who knows His creation inside and out.  The only One who can restore that soul in mind, will, and emotions to the original person He created her to be.  And she can have the choice to accept or decline.  To obey or rebel."

Nicole smiled.  "Yes, I'm familiar with the Lord's deprogramming and reprogramming.  I feel almost as if I'm in the Tabernacle, the safe place inside my mind where Jesus gave me some of the same choices.  I chose to stay and to obey because of His love.  Those choices allowed Him to work inside me.  That's when He began to free me from demonic oppression, the pain of the past, and healed the brokenness caused by all the pain and trauma."

"Good Nicole.  I thought as much.  I do not believe that it will take long for you to complete the process.  Now, I am not going to make you do anything you don't want to do.  But I am going to suggest some things, and if they agree with your spirit, then you can follow through with them.  Do you understand?"

"Yes I do."

"We are going to ask the Holy Spirit to speak truth to you because truth destroys lies, the foundation of programming, ok?"

"Absolutely!" Nicole agreed as she sank to her knees.  It was as if the Holy Spirit had been waiting for this day.  As Nicole humbled herself before her Father and cried out to Him for truth in her innermost being, He removed the veil that had covered the last of the hidden ones.



"I'm seeing something very unusual and I don't understand it."

"What is it?"

"There are three sets of rocks.  Each set has three rocks in it which are stacked up on top of each other.  When I saw the first set of three, I distinctly heard the word, 'Three.'  When I saw the second set I heard, 'Seven.'  When I saw the third stack of three, I heard, 'Twenty-one.'  It doesn't make any sense to me, other than the fact that three times seven is twenty one.  The only other thing that comes to mind is that I've seen rocks stacked like that in yards and in fields near our home, and they always make me think of satanic altars.  But what does it mean?"

Before Joel could answer, there was a knock on the door and Jemima stepped in with tea.  "Thank you Jemima," he said.  "The Father is getting ready to reveal some important things to Breeze here.  Nicole, would it be ok if Jemima stays?  She will not take it personally if you'd rather she leave."

Nicole patted the chair next to her.  "Yes, please stay dear friend."

Jemima put the silver tea service down on a table then came and sat next to Nicole who was still kneeling on the floor in front of her chair.  "Can I say somethin' that's been burnin' in my heart all this mornin'?"

"Certainly," Joel said.

Nicole looked at Jemima expectantly and found that she was looking up into the eyes of love.  "Honey chile, I got to tell you what the good Lawd keeps whispering into my spirit."  The older lady put her hands on Nicole's shoulders.  "You are His prize!  His precious jewel!  And I keep hearing Him call you Beulah." 

Nicole gasped.  Jewel was one of her other parts that had been healed a long time ago, and it seemed like this was a code word between the Father and herself that let her know that He was with her and that she was going to be ok.  Nicole closed her eyes and was basking in the warmth of His revelation. 

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