Read The Sound of Shooting Stars Online

Authors: Heather Allen

Tags: #Young Adult

The Sound of Shooting Stars (13 page)

BOOK: The Sound of Shooting Stars
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She swings her body out the doorway before Sasha has a chance to respond. I sink into the chair across from the one she just vacated. Sasha places a stack of waffles piled high and dripping with maple syrup in front of me. She smiles down as I look up with gratitude, “Thank you.”

“I know this is your favorite breakfast. I think to deal with that,” and she nods in the direction where Beckett left, “you need all the support you can get.”

I smirk, savoring the fact that someone else sees things like I do. The waffles seem to melt in my mouth as I devour every bite.

When I step out onto the front porch Sam is just getting out of her little red car. She turns to me apprehensively.  I scan the drive and note that Beckett’s car is missing. She didn’t even bother waiting.

Sam asks hesitantly, “So, are we okay?”

I frown and close the distance between us, “Sam, I’m sorry. I treated you pretty crappy the other night. I owe you a huge apology for not listening.”

Her face lights up, “Do you mean about Beckett?”

I nod and look to the ground.

“You didn’t want it to be true.”

I look up and meet her gaze but I don’t respond.

“I’m sorry Jamie. Sometimes you can’t control things. I found that out the hard way.”

I nod acknowledging our similar approach in dealing with things. She turns climbing back into the driver’s seat. I edge around the car and play with the radio as she pulls out of the drive. I finally settle on an old Duran Duran song. I rest my head back on the seat and close my eyes as Sam asks, “Are you going to tell me what actually happened on Saturday night?”

I continue letting the music relax me as I answer, “No, it’s not important.”

The rest of the drive is quiet. She pulls into a spot and the key turns filling the space with silence. I lift my head and look over at her uneasy glance. I reach down and squeeze her hand, “Hey, it’s okay. We’re good, right?”

“Yes, we’re fine but I have a feeling you aren’t okay Jamie. What happened?” Worry fills her face.

I reassure her, “Sam, nothing happened. Let’s just say, I realized why you warned me about Beckett. I promise to listen to you from now on.”

Her expression changes to panic, “Oh Jamie, I was afraid of that. Did you…did you and Beckett…”

I laugh, “No, nothing like that. Don’t worry, really it’s fine.”

She still looks uneasy but releases my hand as she gets out of the car. I climb out to find the ‘twins’ staring at me from across the parking lot. Oh yeah, today is going to be very interesting.



Chapter Eighteen

Beckett Chase

Fornax – Furnace

Named, Fornax Chemica, the chemical furnace, after the small fuel heater used for chemical experiments.



When I arrived at school today I decided to play it cool and see how things would go. I made my way quickly to my locker and the realization that the girls weren’t going to greet me as they have for the past year, made my heart fall. But I held my head high and walked to my first class with dismay as evil stares met me along the way. If things were different I would have put them in their place with a crude comment but I kept my lips sealed unsure how far the contempt would reach. I wasn’t prepared for the dirty looks in first period or the devastating glare from Dani across the room. It’s worse than I could have imagined.

By the time English rolls around I’m practically biting my nails with fear. So far not a word has been uttered to me. Snickers and giggles directed toward me have flourished but there hasn’t been a soul who would speak to me all day. I consider skipping this class but decide I will have to face it sometime. I aim for my usual desk toward the back. Dani is already situated behind the empty seat. I stare at her while I walk back to the empty desk but she refuses to meet my gaze. When I slide in I hear her shift behind me. She walks past me to the front of the class without a backward glance. This can be placed at the top of the list as one of the worst days I’ve ever had. But I refuse to let anyone see how affected I am.

When Jamie comes in with Sam holding onto his arm, the front I’ve put in place almost cracks. They are laughing and joking about something. His eyes meet mine on the way to his spot and his smile changes instantly with his brows furrowed and anger projected at me. I definitely deserve that because of yesterday. I avert my gaze toward the front of the room and pretend to copy down the homework assignment. This is not going to fly. I must find a way to regain the girls’ trust.

The biggest mistake of the day is going to lunch. I should have done the nerdy thing and gone to the library but no I’m Beckett Chase and in my mind that had to amount to something. Yeah, I’m an idiot. When I angle for our usual table I find Brett sitting with his back to me. Dani is sitting across from him. She looks up, recognition spreading across her features and she leans in to whisper something to him causing his body to turn. He stands to his full height placing his hands loosely on his hips.

“Beckett, you aren’t welcome at this table anymore. Find somewhere else to sit.”

I frown not understanding his meaning. When I’m only a foot away from him I whisper, “And
are telling me I’m not welcome. What about you? Do
know what you did to me?”

He takes a step back and growls, “I suggest you go and sit somewhere else. No one wants you here.”

I shake my head and turn to an empty table in the corner. When I sink into a chair with the whole cafeteria sprawled out in front of me, I spot Jamie and Sam sitting with Jake on the other side of the room. He looks relaxed and happy for the first time since he’s been here.

Jake turns in his seat and follows Jamie’s gaze. An uneasy look spreads across his features. I plead with him in that stare but he shakes his head and quickly regains his composure. He turns and looks away smiling as soon as Sam meets his eyes. Jamie looks away as if I’m not worth it. And things just keep getting better.

To my astonishment Trina gets up from the middle table and saunters over to Jamie. She stands there trying to explain something and finally as he nods she sits in the chair next to him, scooting closer. I’m shocked and there are other feelings stirring in my middle, I can’t explain it,but suddenly I’m overtaken with emotion and tears brimming in my eyes are about to spill out. I stand abruptly causing the chair to topple over echoing in the corner which causes stares to turn in my direction. I gather my books and sprint for the door. As I make my way to freedom from the walls closing in on me I hear laughter behind me. One laugh I know better than anyone else, Dani. And I know that I’ve really screwed up. Sobs burst from my lips as the doors close behind me and I rush to the bathroom for the solace I need.

I spend the next three classes on the sticky floor of the bathroom. I’m dreading the moment when I will have to leave the smelly room. The last thing I need is more snickers and whispering. I’m sure I’ve given the entire student body fuel with my sudden departure from the lunch room.

When the bell rings I wait ten minutes until I’m pretty sure the school has emptied out. I push the door open and walk quickly across the bare hall to my locker. I remove the books for the classes I missed knowing that my schedule has opened up suddenly. I’ll have plenty of time to make up the work I missed. My heart falters at that thought.
What the hell Beckett? How did it all come tumbling down on me?
Tears fill my eyes again as I think about how alone I am. I slide down the lockers to the floor and cry into my hands. This truly sucks.

A few minutes later, I hear movement on the other end of the hall. As quickly as I can, I stand and gather my bag slinging it over my shoulder. When I look up, I spot Brett with Brandon. They are laughing and hitting each other playfully walking toward me. Brandon notices that I’m standing here and nods to Brett in my direction. I turn on my heel and hurry in the opposite direction. But his tennis shoes against the smooth floor fill my ears and I know he’s following me. I fervently wipe my face and stop mid-step. I swing around with a death glare and hiss, “What the fuck do you want?”

He is taken aback for a moment but quickly closes the distance between us. He leans down a few inches from my face and taunts so that only I can hear him, “You know Beckett, I can make all of this shit go away. All you have to do is meet me tonight and give me my due.”

I step back appalled at his words. My breath comes out in a gush, “Your due? What in the hell is that?”

A smile I can only describe as evil crosses his face as if he is rubbing his hands together with a plan like the evil villain in cartoons.

“Beckett, you know exactly what it is.” He grabs my arm and jerks my body toward him. His breath growls in my ear, “Beckett, you should have fucked me that first night. You tease and then you don’t give it up. It’s my due and if you agree I’ll make sure your reputation is back to the bitch that you are tomorrow.”

I pull my arm from his grasp and spot Brandon down the hall. He is watching with curiosity but a smile is spreading across his face. What an idiot, can’t he see that I’m being harassed?

I twist on my toes and run out of the building. Tears blur my vision as I push out into the blinding light. Before the doors close behind me I hear Brett’s voice echo down the hall, “Yeah dude, she wants me.”

My sobs are heaving as I close myself up in my car. How did all of this happen? The simple answer appears in my mind and my anger for Jamie Grey surfaces. He came and took my life away. Now I just need to decide what I’m going to do about it.



Chapter Nineteen

Jamie Grey

Grus – The Crane

Sacred bird to the god Hermes.



On the way to my first class today I noticed Beckett standing alone by her locker. I felt bad for her a little. Who wouldn’t but she pissed me off beyond belief yesterday so I walk swiftly past her. Her friend Dani is in my first class and she’s waiting for me at the corner a few steps before the door. She asks in a whispered voice while grabbing my arm, “Hey Jamie, can I talk to you for a sec?”

I let her lead me down the hall to a dim alcove in front of a janitor closet. She starts in with her throaty voice, “Are you still talking to Beckett?”

I’m surprised by her question but I shake my head with a blank look. Her shoulders seem to sink as she admits, “Good, don’t talk to her anymore. She hates you and wants you to leave.”

This isn’t anything I don’t already know but it piques my curiosity as to why she’s telling me something I’m already aware of.

She continues, “But Trina and I don’t want you to leave. In fact Trina really likes you. She wants to try again this weekend if you’ll go out with her. I promise there will be no Beckett wherever you two go.”

So that’s what this is about.
They must think I did something with Beckett out on the beach on Saturday night. I don’t give her the satisfaction of the truth. Let them think what they want. As far as I’m concerned, Beckett deserves this backlash right now. I nod and relent, “Um, yeah, maybe we can plan something. I’ll talk to Trina later.”

She smiles as I turn back toward class. The tardy bell rings just as I cross the threshold. I can hear her shuffling feet behind me. This place is something else. I went from speaking to no one in my last school to nothing but drama here. Nine months is a long time with crap like this surrounding you.

When lunch rolls around, I debate skipping the cafeteria after the conversation with Dani this morning but Sam clasps my arm dragging me behind her. She pulls me to the table that she affectionately calls ‘our table’ referring to me, her and Jake. It’s just a table. When I sink to the chair I occupy each day, my gaze naturally moves to the middle table. It’s full of the usual annoying teenagers but one person is missing. A minute later she strolls in as if life is the same as always. However when she approaches the table the same dude, Brett I think is his name, gets up from his seat. My body automatically stiffens and I put my hands on the arms of my chair ready to cross the room if I need to. Beckett’s face contorts into a look of shock after he speaks to her and she turns stalking across the room to an empty table in the corner. When she looks up she meets my stare and I give her the same contempt she usually reserves for me. A few seconds later I watch as Jake looks her way and they exchange some sort of understanding. Her look seems to turn into a begging stare but he averts his eyes to Sam. As soon as my attention is elsewhere a figure approaches our table. I look up to find Trina standing there expectantly. She smiles sweetly and greets me, “Hey Jamie. I heard that Dani spoke to you. Can I sit down?”

BOOK: The Sound of Shooting Stars
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