The Spanish Tycoon's Temptress (17 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

BOOK: The Spanish Tycoon's Temptress
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He watched her reaction and waited, his body not moving while he waited for hers to become more comfortable with his size and invasion.  When he felt her hands unclench, he suspected that she was okay but then again, he had made assumptions in the past.  “Are you okay?” he asked gently, his hands coming up to cradle her head. 

With surprise, she realized that she was okay.  That she felt extremely good actually.  “Yes,” she said with a laugh. 

When he shifted slightly, she gasped and her eyes were no longer smiling.  They were worried and looking up at him.  “Don’t do that,” she gritted out, her hands clenching against his shoulders again. 

“I’ve got to, honey,” he said, his voice strained as he forced his body to move slowly.  “Just go with me, baby.  I’ll take care of you.”

When he moved again, she pressed her body against his, but the feeling was too intense and it scared her.  “No, we’ve got to stop,” she said and gasped when he moved again.   She was pushing against his broad shoulders, trying to slide out from underneath him but he only laughed gently and shook his head. 

He captured her hands once again and stopped moving.  “Do you trust me?” he asked carefully. 

“No.  P
lease don’t do this,” she said, more than a little crazy just by the feeling of him being inside of her like this.  “Let’s just stop and…”  But her legs were rising higher, her thighs rubbing against his hips and feeling him, pulling him in deeper. 

He just about groaned with the pain of holding back but he knew she didn’t really want him to stop.  He could feel her body quivering around him and with just a few strokes, he knew that she would topple over and
feel the climax he wanted so desperately to give her.  “I can’t, baby.  And yes, you do trust me.”  He bent low and kissed her softly on her trembling mouth.  “Just wrap your arms around me, Elana.  I’ll take care of you.”

With a whimper of protest, she did as he commanded and lifted her arms, wrapping them around his neck.  He pulled her legs higher, giving himself more room and shifted slightly, watching her face the whole time to be careful that he didn’t hurt her again.  “Just move with me.  Do what feels good and I promise it will be okay.”

Elana nodded, but she was shaking with reaction.  When he moved once again, sliding in and out of her slowly, she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.  But he wouldn’t allow that.  “Don’t shut me out, baby,” he said with a deep, husky voice as he moved again, adjusting his hips so that it gave her maximum pleasure.  “I want to see your eyes.”

She opened them again, terrified of what he was doing to her and she wanted nothing more than to stop.  But when he moved again, something inside of her shifted as well and she moved with him, gasping as pleasure shot through her.  Again and again, he moved his body, shifting deeper and deeper as they moved together. 

Her heart rate sped up just as his body did and she had a hard time keeping up.  She couldn’t control the feelings and he wouldn’t slow down so she could understand them.  He moved faster and faster, something inside of her keeping pace but her mind was confused and scared.  When he lifted her hips, sliding in and out of her again and again, something inside her spun out and she screamed, her whole body convulsing and careening completely out of control.  She had no concept of anything but what he was doing to her body, of floating and stars of light shooting out all around her, speeding her body through the most incredible feelings she’d ever experienced. 

Gaston watched her spiral out of control
with her second orgasm and, even though he desperately wanted to watch, her pleasure pulled him along into his own climax and he couldn’t stop the waves of intense, electrifying pleasure.  It was longer and more powerful than he’d ever thought possible.  In the end, he just let it ride out, course through him and he prayed that he wasn’t hurting her in any way. 

When he could finally breathe,
at long last open his eyes, he looked down at Elana and wanted to laugh.  She was completely sated underneath him, not a muscle in her body could move and the pleasure that he’d felt with the orgasm was only intensified because he knew that he’d done this for her. 

And then it came back to him.  She’d been a virgin?  How was that possible?  He’d seen the picture.  Her father had given it to him and the intimacy of that picture, of her pose with the man told the story.  Or at least he’d thought it had given him the whole story.  Obviously, he’d not understood what was happening. 

Pulling out of her, he stood up and looked down at her on the bed, his mind whirling with all of the things he’d learned tonight.  Not just tonight, he thought.  But all day this woman had been a revelation.  He was confused and needed some space to get himself together.  He didn’t want to hurt her, but he knew that he needed answers.  Something painful was unwinding around his chest and he wanted to free the restrictions, but something was holding him back. 

He had loved this
woman once.  As he looked down at her smiling, stunningly beautiful face, he realized that he’d never stopped loving her.  He’d never found any woman to replace her because no one could. 

“Dammit!” he snapped and walked into the bathroom to splash cold water over his face.  He needed answers! 

Chapter 4

Elana looked up at the ceiling, her body still humming from what had just happened but her mind was starting to work once again.  And what had happened was horrible.  Of all the scenarios she’d pictured as possibilities, this really was the worst. 
Okay, well, maybe it hadn’t been completely horrible.  The experience was wonderful, it was only the aftermath that left her….vulnerable.  And she really hated feeling like this. 

What had she done wrong?  She felt cold and abandoned, especially after he cursed under his breath
and walked away from her.  His mind boggling mood swing happened once again and she had no clue why this time. 

Gaston walked into the bathroom and she heard the water running, not sure what he was doing but she just wanted to curl up and hide.  How could she have let something like this happen?  With him of all people!  A tear slipped down from her eyes, wetting the pillow beneath her head and she pulled the comforter over her nakedness, ashamed of what she’d just done now that the heat of passion was over. 
She desperately needed his arms around her, some reassurance that what they’d just shared together hadn’t been one sided.  But he’d walked away!  How?  Why?  What could she possibly have done to anger him this time? 

Gaston walked back into the bedroom and she cringed, unable to look him in the eye because she was too afraid that she’d see victory there. 

She needed to leave.  To get out of here.  She sat up slightly, looking for her clothes but they were scattered all over the room.  If he would just leave her alone, she could get dressed, but she’d missed her opportunity and now he was walking right towards her.  She sank back into the mattress, afraid of his touch now that she knew what he could do to her willpower. 

Hey,” he said softly, bending low over her.  “None of that now.”  He lifted her into his strong arms, ignoring her feeble attempts to smack his arms away. 

He carried her into the bathroom where steam from the sunken tub was wafting up.  He’d even added some bubbles, making the room smell wonderfully soft and romantic.  She couldn’t help putting her hands around his neck, unable to balance herself in his arms without doing that.  But she wouldn’t relax.  Even when he continued walking until they were both submerged into the bathtub that was more appropriately called a small swimming pool. 

As the warm water enveloped them, she buried her face in his shoulder, not wanting him to see the tears that were flowing now.  In the water, he just held her on his lap, his strong hands rubbing at the tense muscles in her back and shoulders while she cried, her sobs blocking out all the other sounds in the room. 

When the storm finally subsided, she sniffed, but kept her face in his neck.  He continued to rock her softly, his hands weaving magic despite her desire to resist his comforting touch. 

“I’m sorry,” she heard him say.  Over and over again, he just kept repeating those words, kissing her head, her shoulders, wherever he could reach. 

She sniffed and lifted her head, almost cringing when his hand reached up to wipe her tears away.  She probably looked like hell with her mascara running down her cheeks and her lipstick completely gone now.  But she didn’t care about what she looked like.  Well, she cared a little, but she wanted to understand why he was sorry. 

“Why do you keep saying that?” she asked when she finally found her voice.

He pulled her closer, his strong arms cuddling her body against his.  “Because this was all my fault,” he said. “The past seven years, the torture we put ourselves through.  It’s all my fault.”

She searched his face, trying to figure out what he was saying.  Was he finally going to tell her why he’d left her?  Why he’d gone on to all those other women after he’d dumped her?  “What are you trying to tell me, Gaston?”  Her body tensed, not sure if she wanted to hear the explanation any longer.  Maybe it was better if they just left, both went their separate ways.  It seemed that every time they came together there was hurt and betrayal.  She didn’t want that any longer.  She just wanted someone to love.  Someone who wouldn’t hurt her or cheat on her.  Someone she could trust. 

He sighed and leaned his head back against the tiles, closing his eyes.  “Because I thought you’d slept with Richard all those years ago.”

She stared up at his handsome face, her mind working hard to remember another man in her life during that time period.  “Richard Sandberg?” she asked softly, confused. 

“I think that was his last name.”  He sighed, his hand gripping her body slightly.  “I saw a picture of the two of you and it looked…intimate,” he finished lamely.  “I thought you’d slept with him and it tore me up.”

She pulled away slightly, trying to understand everything he was telling her.  “Are you saying that you put us through hell, that you left me and started sleeping with dozens of women just because you thought, without proof or even asking me about an incident, that I had been intimate with another man?”

She slipped off of his lap, covering herself with her arms as best she could under the circumstances.  “Richard?” she repeated his name
, astonished that he would think that she’d been with another man like Richard.  Richard was a sweet guy, but he couldn’t even come close to Gaston’s virility or appeal.  “He was just a friend!” she explained with growing anger and increasing confusion.  Her mind went back to that period in her life, trying to think of a time when she would have touched Richard in any way other than a friendly pat on the shoulder or a casual hug.  And then she remembered the day when his girlfriend of five years had broken up with him.  She’d hugged him then, his arms wrapping around her as he sobbed out his distress over losing someone for whom he’d cared deeply. 

“There was one point when I was
holding him, but that was because he was desolate.  His girlfriend had just dumped him for another guy.  After planning out their future, even going to the same school so they could be together, she simply told him that she wanted out of the relationship.”

His head fell backwards and his eyes closed with the frustration of all they’d gone through, all he’d put them through simply because of his undeserved jealousy. 
“And I saw a picture of the two of you.”

There were no more tears now.  This was just fury that she was feeling.  Furious anger
at all they’d endured, their hopes and dreams crushed because of misplaced jealousy!  “Gaston!  I can’t believe you!  Why didn’t you talk to me about that?  Why didn’t you demand an explanation?  Or even better, just ask me what had been happening?   I remember that afternoon and the whole time I was helping Richard I was thinking about you and how much I wanted to tell you about what a horrible person that other woman was to do that to a very sweet man.”  She shivered and put her palm against her forehead, trying to work things through.  “So the whole time I wanted to share something with you, that’s the point when you decided, without talking to me at all, that you were done.  That I’d committed a heinous crime, something so unforgivable that you had to just move on without any explanation!”

She didn’t care about her nakedness any longer.  She just had to get away.  “
Well, if that’s the way you want to play it, then I’m all for it,” she said furiously.  Elana stomped to the stack of towels and wrapped one around her.  She caught him staring at her legs and just about screamed.  “Don’t call me again!  I don’t ever want to see you again.”

He stood up and her mouth went dry, seeing him standing there in all his glory.  The man wasn’t the least bit inhibited, and he was completely aroused once again.  A small part of her was thrilled that she could do that to such a powerful man. But another part just wanted to get out of his penthouse as fast as possible. 

She started walking away from him but she heard him grab a towel himself before he walked behind her.  “Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded. 

She raised her hand and shook her head.  “No!  You don’t get to ask questions.  You left me without any explanation and came right back
into my life!  You got me here!” she snapped, still disgusted with herself for falling into his arms once again, but this time with worse consequences.  “And so I’m returning the favor.  You didn’t bother giving me the courtesy of an explanation.  So I’m not going to bother with them either.  Just leave me alone.”

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