The Stallion (32 page)

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Authors: Georgina Brown

BOOK: The Stallion
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Penny obeyed, then felt another scarf being fastened around her waist. From that, another scarf was being drawn through her legs. Each end was tied into the belt. She gasped at its coolness and the touch of Nadine’s fingers as she held back her labia then refolded them over the scarf. With the fragile
of the scarf, the dildo in her rectum was pushed firmly back in place, the scarf tightened so it stayed immersed in her gripping channel.

‘There!’ said Nadine, her hands cupping Penny’s bosoms once again before she made her escape. ‘How pretty you look now. What a time you will have hanging around here, contemplating the gifts I have given you.’

Penny was alone again, breasts throbbing with desire, sex soaking the scarf that ran through her legs and held the stiff intruder lodged in her nether region. She moaned against her gag and peered at the blackness of her blindfold as she awaited Nadine’s return. Anything she wanted, anything at all, if only she would release this flood of orgasmic demand . . .

But Nadine bade her time. She was relishing her control, lovingly acting out each chapter of her bondage to bring Penny to the very peak of desire – to the point where she would accept anything Nadine deigned to give her.

After what seemed like an eternity, she returned.

‘Are you ready for me, my pretty pussy?’

In her haste for release, Penny forgot Nadine’s requirement. She nodded her head.

‘No!’ cried Nadine, her finger shooting between Penny’s buttocks, pushing the intrusion in further. Automatically Penny’s hips thrust forward.

She heard a chair being dragged, then found herself unbound from the wall lamp and flung headlong across the chair. Her legs were still tied to the stool, her hands still bound firmly behind her back.

She felt Nadine loosen them, take them one by one and tie them to the chair legs. Her head was in the seat of the chair, her breasts free and swinging between the chair and the stool.

Coolness seemed to invade her great divide as the silk scarf
ran through her legs was removed. She felt Nadine’s fingers retrieve whatever was in her anus before those same fingers removed the blindfold from her eyes.

‘Look, my pretty pussy,’ said Nadine. Her head resting sideways on the chair, Penny blinked. She noticed that Nadine was naked before she could take in exactly what it was Nadine wanted her to see.

She fully expected it to be whatever Nadine had inserted in her anus. But nothing could have prepared her for the monstrous appendage that Nadine was wearing so proudly and with such obvious intent.

Her eyes opened wide. She mumbled into the silk scarf that still bound her mouth.

Nadine laughed and wiggled her hips so that the false cock swayed in front of her. But this was no ordinary dildo. Above the main phallus was another one, slightly smaller, but not by much. It was then that Penny understood the continuous lubrication Nadine had applied to her smallest orifice and the insertion of the false penis that had been held so firmly in place by the silk scarf.

‘All for you, my pretty. All for you.’ Nadine’s hands became entangled in her hair. She pushed the silk scarf from Penny’s mouth. Penny knew what she wanted her to do. It seemed crazy to think Nadine wanted her to suck this thing. What could it do for her? This was not a real phallus. It didn’t belong to a man. This was synthetic and cold. But she had no choice. Domination was Nadine’s game. By using her as a man would, she would gain satisfaction from Penny’s obedience.

‘Get on with it. Suck my cock, hard and long as if it were real,’ Nadine growled in a low gruff voice that could easily have been that of a man.

Because she hesitated, Nadine dug her fingers in her long,
hair, thrust her bony hips forward and nudged the larger appendage into Penny’s mouth. Penny took it in, gagging on its length, the taste of plastic, the smooth obscenity of it. The extra one rubbed up and down the bridge of her nose, stiff, yet fairly flexible. It was like a reminder, an example of what was in her mouth.

‘Lick the end,’ Nadine ordered, smiling at the sight before her, and taking a strange pleasure that she was in the position of man, lover, husband . . . or even brother!

Penny licked the end, licked the full length even down to the false balls that were harder than real ones and tasted of talcum powder.

‘That one, too,’ ordered Nadine, her knee bent over Penny’s back as she manoeuvred the upper part of the plastic prick into Penny’s open mouth.

This one was no better. Again, Penny gagged as it slid down into her throat. The lower, larger penis stroked her throat on the outside whilst the one in her mouth stroked the inner.

‘Enough. I’ve favoured you enough,’ said Nadine as she let go of Penny’s hair.

Penny knew what was coming next. She opened her mouth to say something. But Nadine knew what was coming, and she would brook no protest. She’d take it all the way, have her way, and have Penny, too, in the way only a man naturally can – but both orifices at the same time.

Nadine regagged her and Penny resigned herself to what was about to happen. Whatever protests or cries she made against this double intrusion would be heard by no one. And anyway, her sex was moist and needed what was coming.

She felt Nadine’s naked thighs against her own. Nadine’s hands gripped her hips. Both phallic heads nudged at the holes they were destined for. Penny tensed, her legs braced as she prepared for the onslaught.

Almost ready, she thought to herself as one of Nadine’s hands prepared to guide the twin pricks into the holes.

Penny moaned against her gag, then felt the anal probe break the barrier and enter as though it had every right to be there.

‘I’m going to see to you good and proper,’ murmured Nadine. ‘I’m going to fuck you and bugger you all at the same time as you’ve never been done before. And you’re going to love it, just love it!’

Penny didn’t answer. She couldn’t, but if she had been able to, she could only have agreed. But for now, her attention was absorbed by the twin penises pushing their way into her body.

The larger one met with no obstacle and, in time with the strict tempo of Nadine’s movements, her hips began to move, to press back against Nadine as though inviting further invasion, more pleasurable abuse.

She braced herself more firmly, head down on the chair, legs straight and bottom up.

What a beautiful sight I must present, she thought with mounting excitement, the glossy hair of her sex spilling out beneath the silky slit of her vagina and the pink rose of her now-glossy anus.

She groaned her ecstasy as the experience progressed. Her legs trembled. Nadine’s hands held her steady – one on each hip – as she pushed the sex tools in further.

Once the appendages were completely immersed, Nadine began to plunge, slowly at first, in shallow movements until she was sure that Penny’s body was used to the invasion and accepted it as right. As Penny began to groan against the gag and her breasts swung faster with each pounding from Nadine’s hips, Nadine herself began to groan and cry out as the fixings of the appendage rubbed deliciously against her own clit and labia.

Penny heard her cries and, knowing how she was enjoying this, could not help but respond. Nadine showed her no mercy once she knew she could take it. The lunging became fiercer and faster as her breathing increased until Nadine fell forward, her breasts hard and her nipples prominent against Penny’s back. Now she was fully embedded, her hands sought Penny’s breasts. She removed the clamps, replaced them with her own cruel fingers and squeezed her plump orbs in her palms as she pummelled away at Penny’s ravaged holes.

‘I’ve got you, Penny. I’ve got you. You’re all mine!’ cried Nadine as she thrust with all the power of a masculine orgasm.

Penny shoved back against her, her eyes closed as her own climax flowed over her body. Even as her climax shivered her limbs, she pushed backwards against the dildo that invaded her anus, and downwards on the one embedded in her pussy.

Against the silk of the scarf she cried her delight. Wave after wave of trembling ecstasy ran from anus to vagina, vagina to breast and back to anus.

Nadine thrust more aggressively, seemingly lost in another orgasm as the interior of the sex toy rubbed her own clit to the height of sexual expression. They were lost in their enjoyment, smothered in climax. They fell together, sticky body against sticky body, spent, exhausted and willing to sleep till morning.


a good day. In the horsebox on the way back from the Royal Forest Show, everyone laughed, joked or sang along to classic pop that blasted out from the radio. There was cause for celebration. The Beaumont team had scored the highest points of the day, and had come away with the most trophies and the best qualifiers for the next season.

Penny was equally pleased. In her mind, she saw the look in Alistair’s eyes when she had carried off the biggest prize of the day. Although she had felt only the body of the horse between her legs, in that one instant, she thought she had him.

Nadine blew a kiss from the back of the Rolls-Royce as it swerved in front of the horsebox to take both her and Alistair back to Beaumont Place ahead of them.

‘Cow!’ muttered Alf who lived down in the village and drove part time for the family now and again.

Alf had sandy hair and matching sandy brows. He wore a flat cap on his head that seemed to lie so heavily on his hair that it burst out from underneath it and stood out all around his head like a fringe of faded thatch.

‘I take it you don’t like Nadine,’ said Penny, though she could see the dislike well enough on Alf’s features.

‘Like her?’ he grumbled before spitting out of the window. ‘Can’t stand the bloody woman. She ain’t all there. She’s a manip . . . manip . . ., makes you do things you don’t want to do. There’s a promise there, and a reward, she says, at the end – but when you get to the end, there’s nothing there.’

‘You’re just jealous, Alf!’ Gregory laughed nervously and glanced at Penny. He’d acted nervously – as though he’d let her down in some way – ever since the night in the forest, and even though she had whispered to him that she had enjoyed the experience, he still felt he was in debt to her.

‘Don’t worry,’ she had assured him as her tongue had dipped into his ear. ‘You can make it up to me.’ Then she scanned her brain to think how that could be achieved.

During their sex games since she’d come to Beaumont Place, she had given into Nadine, had let her be the mistress just so she could help her get Alistair, win her wager with Ariadne and win the stallion. Now with the benefit of familiarity, Penny knew that she had all along been receiving just what she wanted. Nadine might think that she, Penny, was her slave, when in fact, the opposite was true. It seemed incredible just how well she had settled into Beaumont Place, as though she were a cork and had found just the right bottle neck to fit into.

An anxiety had arisen in her mind after it had been hinted that most riders leave after one year, that they are pleased to do so, their departure sweetened with a suitable parting gift of money, property or even horses.

She didn’t particularly want to push her luck, but the anxiety she was feeling could not be ignored. When she got back, she would go straight to Nadine and ask her exactly what the position was. Deep down she knew that neither money nor anything else could replace what she had felt since coming to this place. She wanted to be part of it, to stay here for much longer than a year, perhaps even for ever. She was resolute. She would speak to Nadine.

She showered first, enjoying the warm lather that trickled in pearl-like drops from the ends of her nipples, ran over her belly and divided into a rush of tributaries that seeped through her mass of pubic hair and down her inner thighs.

By the time she was dressed, she smelt of Narcisse, and her skin felt like silk against the light-green linen of her dress. No underwear, of course, just the dress which was silk-lined and cool against her body.

Her legs were as bronzed and taut as ever, the calves attractively lengthening as she slipped her feet into the high-heeled sandals that shone with a greenish glint and matched her dress exceptionally well. She added a plain gold chain around her neck and let her hair hang free.

‘Now . . .’ she exclaimed, addressing the beautiful woman reflected back at her from the mirror, ‘now to beard the lion.’

The Beaumont private rooms were in the west side of the house, unusually sumptuous, she recalled, and unusually decadent. Alistair’s office was on that side – the room she had entered on that first day when he had required her to walk near-naked through the crowded streets of the town with only a coat between her and decency. A lot of water had gone under the bridge since then, and many inhibitions had been discarded on that day along with a surplus of clothes. That day, she realised, had prepared her for what was to come. It was at that time that the dark desires hidden deep inside had escaped and could never return. Beaumont Place had teased them into flower, and in Beaumont Place they must always bloom.

‘Going to the party?’ Gregory looked clean, but casual. His blue jeans were bright, his shirt crisp, white and contrasting sharply with the glowing healthy tan of his skin. She ran her eyes over him and felt her stomach tighten and her sex tingle. Shining bright like a new-minted coin, his hair fell like satin from his head and tonight was caught at the nape of his neck in a piece of whip-thin black leather.

‘Of course,’ she replied, her eyes meeting his. She wondered just how long it would take him to breach her defences and
her throwing him up against a wall and easing his stalwart cock into her slippery sex.

‘Mind if I walk with you?’ he asked with something vaguely resembling reverence.

Her eyes met his again when she nodded. ‘Yes,’ she answered, ‘I do.’ Then she turned quickly away. She had a task in mind, and he, his body and her own sexuality could very easily get in the way of that. Best avoided, she decided with regret. The truth and her destiny beckoned, and so did Alistair Beaumont. ‘I’d like to be alone if you don’t mind.’

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