The Stallion (30 page)

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Authors: Georgina Brown

BOOK: The Stallion
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She felt the pressure of the reins against the bit, then a hand holding the reins next to her mouth, leading her forward.

‘Walk on, pretty pussy. My brother is watching you.’ The voice was low and husky and promised her much if she would only submit to what was expected of her.

Accompanied by a flick from the whip across her back, she stepped forward. The cart was light, although she was aware of there being a weight within it. She could not bend to pull it, her whole body held upright by virtue of the straps that held her to the shafts.

The strap that passed through her legs was being tightened, digging in more deeply between her pouting cheeks, and she felt the intruding rod to which the tail was attached being pushed further in. It didn’t matter. The juices flowed more copiously, her legs trembling with delight in response to the mix of sensations that raced like electricity through her body.

The whip again grazed her back, the tip of it flicking across one cheek of her arse. She gasped with the pleasurable shock, her breasts thrusting out more prominently as her back straightened.

‘Walk on.’

She felt herself being guided at the order, then heard the light rumbling of the wheels behind her and felt the pressure of the weight in the light vehicle.

‘Very nice little filly. Very nice indeed.’ The voice had to be Reggie’s.

‘See how they like you, my wild little filly.’ She felt one of Nadine’s hands pat her bottom.

‘Trot on.’

At Nadine’s urging and the voice and whip of Dominic, Penny did as required. Her breasts jiggled against their restricted suspension, and the friction of the two dildos embedded inside made her moan with delight despite her bondage. She was reaching the point of no return, the point when she would not be able to hold back her climax any longer.

As if sensing her imminent orgasm, Nadine grabbed her bridle, slowed her to a halt and spoke. ‘The little mare’s coming.’

‘Stop. She’s broken enough. Take off the blinkers.’

The sound of Alistair’s voice made her tremble. Just before the blinkers were removed, she felt a trickle of sweat course down her cleavage and turn cold. Between her thighs, the fluid was hot and flowing unabated.

She wanted to walk on, to feel the false phalli grind themselves into her flesh. But for the moment, she was denied movement. Her senses were pushed to their height, yet sexual relief was denied.

Nadine moved away. The whip flicked across Penny’s back, on to one buttock then another. She began to move forward, aware of the contraption coming along behind her. Why, she wondered, did tears of pain spring to her eyes when all she was feeling was pleasure, a gratefulness for not having to make any decision for herself, for being at someone else’s beck and call?

‘Even better, once she’s completely broken. I’ll try a trot next.’
waiting for the whip or any urging from Dominic, Penny broke into a trot, congratulating herself for avoiding the whip.

‘Whoa!’ Dominic cried out. ‘Whoa!’

The reins pulled against the bit in her mouth. Her head jerked.

‘I didn’t tell you to go, you stupid mare.’ The whip lashed across her back three or four times, flicking also against her trussed-up arms. Then, he did the same to each pearlike cheek of her bottom. Her breath was taken away with each stroke, her eyes rolled and her body quivered.

She returned to a walk, then waited for the urging she knew was to come. With the landing of the whip on her back then on each cheek, she broke into a trot.

The cart seemed amazingly light even at this pace and they must have cut quite a dash. Everyone began to clap with approval. Somehow, it made Penny feel quite proud. She lifted her knees higher and felt her nipples tremble beneath the grip of the nipple clamps.

‘Well done, old sport,’ cried Reggie. ‘Well done.’

Sweating under the pulling of the reins, she came to a halt. The shaking was hard to stop, brought on as it was by the rubbing of the leather and the movement of the items that filled her. When would she be allowed her orgasm? she asked herself. When?

‘Well done.’ Hands patted her, pinched her nipples so the clamps bit more sharply. Fingers slid down the leather thong that divided her labia and the cheeks of her behind.

‘And now for your oats,’ said Dominic, as he came down from off the driving seat and stood beside her.

Within the shafts of the cart, she trembled with a mix of spent energy and excitement. She felt eyes upon her, though it was difficult to see who they belonged to with the blinkers
in place, even though they had now been opened. She sensed they were all waiting for Alistair to give an order. How the ache between her legs was to be cured was entirely up to him. She welcomed that. It was just another step towards impressing him, so that at some time he would have to take her, too. She wondered again whether he would take her tonight. But she’d wondered that before. Nevertheless, the prospect excited her.

‘There, my pretty pussy. Not so bad, was it?’

She glared at Nadine. She tried to respond. Sounds came from her mouth, indiscernible noises fragmented by the piece of metal that still lay across her tongue. She felt her hands being untied, the shafts unfettered from the belt around her waist.

‘Soaking wet,’ said Nadine, sliding her hand between Penny’s legs as Dominic removed the belt from around her waist, and with it the one that ran between her legs and intruded in her sex and anus. The bridle and breast halter were left in place.

She remembered the tree. They had passed it earlier. It was smooth like a silver birch, but larger, its lower branches devoid of leaves and bathed in moonlight. Each of Penny’s wrists was strapped to its lower branches, one either side of its trunk. Straps were added to her ankles. She felt them being pulled apart and knew that once she was securely bound she formed an ‘X’ against the silver bark.

‘Eyes.’ That was all Alistair said.

Again, the blinkers were strapped together so she could see nothing. But she didn’t need to. She knew what was to come, though who from she couldn’t really tell.

‘Well, my dear. How exposed you look now. How submissive the high and mighty rider who thought she could conquer all. But not everything can be conquered. Even I know that. Each of us has to have our own moment of humility; has to give a little of ourselves to the will of others. It’s good to do that; good
depend on someone else for something, relying on their good judgement to enhance our own perceptions, our own lives.’

She knew it was Alistair. Deep inside, she knew exactly what he was talking about. The hidden woman who’d walked half-naked with him on a busy lunch-hour knew more now than she did then. She had found her real self and also found a place where that self could be fully released. Just the sound of his voice made her hips jerk forward. She pleaded for him to take her, to push his cock into her. Even though her words were unintelligible, he took their meaning, knew what she wanted and what he would not – in fact, could not – let her have.

‘Patience, my dear Miss Bennet,’ he said in a soft, gentle voice that wrapped around her like a warm blanket. ‘Patience. You have given me what I desire tonight. Now I will give you your reward.’

She knew he had walked away, and she heard him and the others talking. They were discussing how prominent and white her breasts looked in the moonlight, how gleaming were her thighs with that glistening of sweat burnishing her skin. What a beautiful pink was that treasure in between, and how glossy was that patch of hair from where her humid sex pouted for individual attention!

Someone’s breathing was suddenly close to her. Fingers pinched at the clips that still adorned her nipples. Small cries of pained ecstasy escaped from her throat and over the metal bit as they pinched some more. Hot lips kissed the hollow between her throat and shoulders. The flesh she felt against her was hot and naked. Chest hair tickled at her breasts and belly before the head of a hot thrusting penis tapped against her mound. Her mouth strained against the bit, longing to cry out in ecstasy as his penis parted her nether-lips, pushing them to either side like a plough turning a furrow.

Her groan was low in her throat as she felt real flesh enter
before only a hard imitation had invaded. She tilted her hips towards him, welcoming the flesh-and-blood intruder filling her from entrance to womb. She rocked as he rocked, their pubes intertwined and rasping, one thick nest against the other. His hands covered her breasts, and pushed the clips on tighter. Her nipples responded, engorged with the blood of desire, rampant extensions of the fire that was burning between her legs. This cock, she decided, belonged to either Alistair or Dominic. It had to be, though it was difficult to tell.

She felt the loins of her intruder tense, heard the breathing climb to gasping climax. Then he was rammed tight within her. He had come, and she still had not.

She wriggled as he slid out of her. It was her only sign of protest before she felt someone else against her, someone with firm smooth thighs and a hard cock that dived into her with no preliminary explorations. His chest was held away; she felt this coupling only from the waist down.

She cried out. Excitement filled her as she felt cool fingers trail deliciously over her nipples. Confused, she frowned beneath the blinkers. The loins and thighs thrust in constant tempo back and forth against her. Her breath caught in her throat, her head felt dizzy as this hardness filled her, and the tempo was strictly adhered to so her clitoris was fully rubbed and excited. This was the best so far, she told herself. It had to be Alistair.

Sensing her rising orgasm, the tempo of the lunging penis increased and the fingers pinched more determinedly at her entrapped breasts. She was beyond the point of no return and gasped in a long mutated moan against the bit as currents of release spurted like a red-hot fountain from her sex.

The body that had coupled with hers jerked in orgasm. She cried out again as the invading penis was rammed into her again and again with renewed force, each thrust making her shudder and resent it ever leaving. One last hard push, and it
all over. The body fell against her. The breath was sweet, a mixture of tobacco, rich food and good wine. The lips were warm and gentle, the teeth achingly familiar. Small breasts rubbed against hers.

‘And how was that, my pretty pussy, my broken-in little filly?’

Surprise and humiliation overwhelmed her.
had taken her in front of these people, and she had responded. Nadine wearing a false cock. How could she have been so fooled into thinking it was Alistair?

She muttered her anguish. Heard the cheers and claps from those assembled.

‘She didn’t know. She really didn’t know,’ Nadine cried, her exclamation bringing chuckles from those gathered. ‘But it was good,’ Nadine purred into Penny’s ear before kissing the pinkness of her cheek. ‘You have to admit that. And Alistair enjoyed it,’ she whispered. ‘He’s almost there, at his height. And when I judge he’s fully there . . . ’

Penny stopped wriggling and instead felt elated. She was grateful for the kiss of affection. It calmed her, and the words Nadine had whispered in her ear gave rise to other thoughts and other things. Judging by what Nadine had just whispered to her, the time was coming fast when Alistair, the wager and the stallion would all be hers.


ready, my dear brother,’ said Nadine, her finger flicking at the small key that hung just behind her earring.

‘And Miss Bennet?’ he asked, his eyes studying the business reports on his lap as they drove down the motorway after seeing Dominic off at Heathrow.

Nadine smiled at her brother. ‘I think so. I will make certain she’s completely open to you. She’ll need some stamina to cope. I’ll have to be sure she’s got that.’

‘Ariadne says she has the stamina, and from what I’ve see so far . . .’ Alistair eyed his sister almost accusingly, as though her further treatment of Penny was more for her own benefit than his.

Nadine’s eyes met his at first, but did not hold him. Instead, she looked out of the car window as though the industrial fringes of London and Reading were suddenly interesting.

He smiled knowingly and turned back to the
Financial Times
. ‘I won’t condemn you for enjoying her body. I think she enjoys yours equally as much, even what you do to her.’

Surprised, Nadine looked back to her brother. ‘Nonsense! She’s putty in my hands because she’s frightened of me. I am totally in control of her. Totally!’

She spat the last word as though she didn’t quite believe it herself. Alistair did not answer, but the smile that dimpled the edges of his mouth was enough to tell her that he didn’t believe what she said, that
judgement of Penny Bennet differed from her own.

‘Everything will go off as before. Once you’ve had her we can send her packing.’

Alistair rustled his paper somewhat impatiently. ‘Somehow,’ he said, his eyes not leaving what he was reading, ‘I don’t think it will be the same as before. I perceive our Miss Bennet has deeper inclinations than we at first gave her credit for.’

This time it was Nadine who did not answer.

‘You enjoyed it, pretty pussy. You can’t deny it,’ said a lounging Nadine. ‘I can see it in your eyes.’

Penny stretched, smiling to herself and closing her eyes so she could relive the performance in the forest and keep her pleasure to herself. A while back before coming here she would never have dreamt of admitting that she liked being overpowered, humiliated and made to submit to those around her. Something had been awakened within her and, once roused, it was not likely to be dormant again.

She felt Nadine’s teeth hard against her nipples, caught her breath as she sucked, pulling the flesh outwards, nibbling gently so her moans progressed to low yelps of pleasure.

‘How can you say that?’ she asked. ‘You don’t know how I felt. Only
know that, only
had that . . .’

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