The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted (10 page)

BOOK: The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted
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He makes a face. “I know everyone. You lead the

Having Alec by my side fills my spirit with bubbles
as I travel around the party. He sticks by me, easing into every conversation
that starts, filling the awkward gaps with hilarity and intellect. It’s
apparent that his upbringing has been more than academic. I think of
Charlotte’s introduction to Alec, identifying his father a professor, and I
confirm my theory.

Although the windows of the great room are
ceiling-to-floor in length, I want nothing more than to be outside with the
sunshine. I boldly take Alec’s arm and drag him through the patio entryway,
breaking free from conversation with the Millers. We stop near the pool and let
go of his arm.

“Come on,” I say excitedly, kicking off my flip-flops
and sitting at the pool’s edge. I slide my feet, then calves in, until the
water reaches the top of my shins. Alec follows me. Our shoulders touch as our
feet dangle together below the water.

“So where are your better halves today?” I tease.

He chuckles. “Shopping. Isn’t that what you women
like to do?”

don’t like to shop?” The tease hasn’t left my voice.

“I love to shop!” He defends. “But I don’t like to
spend all my time with Iris and Ava.”

I make a face before facing him again. “Really?
Isn’t Iris like your girlfriend or something?”

Alec throws his head back to laugh now. “Is that
really what you think? Even after all of the time we’ve been spending

I raise my eyebrows at him. I guess that answers my
question. “The way she was touching you, and glaring at me. She called you
‘babe.’ She’s very possessive of you.”

His expression darkens slightly. “Well, no, she’s
not my girlfriend – at all. Actually, I went on a few dates with her when
I first moved to town.” There’s a sinking in my chest. “She’d ask me to hang
out as a group, and then I’d get there and it would be just her and me. I
figured it out a little too late but I let her know I wasn’t into her.”

“Wow – fighting the ladies off.” I can’t help
but grin.

Alec grins too. “Yeah, being the new kid sure got
me a lot of dates.” He laughs as if remembering something. “Ava would ask me
out too. Iris found out and they stopped talking for a few months. But those
girls can’t live without each other. Once you get past their obsession with ruling
everything they are actually decent to be around.”

“Ruling everything?” His words confuse me.

He nods. “Yeah, you know. Captain of this –
my parents do this – one day I’ll rule this town – that attitude
just drives me crazy.” He shakes his head.

, I think sourly. I
look around the room and everyone wants to be around Rose. Why anyone had a
problem with her is absurd.

He gives me a sideways grin. “Just in case you were
wondering. They glare at all pretty girls. You should take it as a compliment.”

“So, you’re saying they’ll warm up to me?” I ask
this hopefully. Not because I’m interested in being their friend, but because I
really don’t want people hating me before they’ve even had a chance to get to
know me.

He makes a face. “I’m not sure about that. I was
really just trying to tell you that I think you’re pretty – in case you
missed that part.”

The compliment catches me off guard. He’s right. I
totally missed that part. I let out a laugh as my pulse quickens. I can’t
remember the last time I’ve been called pretty – Never by anyone as
attractive as Alec.

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m bad at flirting,” he says.
His smile melts me to my toes.

I let out a quiet laugh. “No, I guess I’m just bad
at realizing when someone is flirting.” The embarrassment lingers. My cheeks
are hot and I know that I’m red.

My eyes look in every other direction except at
Alec. I’m afraid that if I look into his eyes one more time, my vulnerability
will shine through bright and clear. His hand has inched past the distance
between us and it’s on mine. His fingers twist into mine and I blush fiercely.

I look at him now and meet his gaze.
He likes

In the next few moments of silence I notice how
radiant the sun is at this hour. I am invigorated by its strength. It’s as if
the rays of the sun pour through my body. It’s so bright I have to shield my
eyes when looking up. When I look back down I’m still blinded by the white
light. I close my eyes but when the white light lingers I squeeze my lids
together tighter. Just then an electric jolt shoots through my insides, like a
spark igniting every vein in my body. Exhilarating. Not painful like that day
on the beach. There are no headaches this time. All I can feel is the sun transferring
onto me as the heat reaches my bones.

My eyes slowly open
and close as dizziness takes over me. My head is foggy and I begin to plummet
forward into a deep white cloud of nothingness.

The world around me is moving in slow motion. And
when I come to I’m blinking and finally opening my eyes. The blinding white
light is gone and I’m standing on the beach – alone.

I gasp and whirl around myself. The house is just
above me. But, how did I get here? I was just standing on the back patio by the
pool with Alec. Confused and a bit disoriented at what’s just happened, I plop
down into the sand beneath me.

I see a shadow in the sand – someone is
approaching. I look up, having to block the sunlight from my eyesight. It’s
Rose. I quickly stand up, brushing the sand off from my backside. She’s just
staring at me – knowing, and waiting for me to say something.
does she know?

“What was that?” I ask her. I know my tone is
accusing but I don’t care. She knows something and she needs to start talking.

Rose shakes her head. “How do you feel?”

I look at her, incredulously. “How do I feel? I was
just sitting by the pool with Alec. There was a bright light and I was falling.
And now I’m here. Do you know what is happening to me?” I can hear my voice

Rose looks around, a worried look on her face.
“Keep your voice down. Alec said you wanted some fresh air from the party and
you took a walk. He’s inside. Are you feeling okay?”

I shake my head. “I guess not.”

“It’s beginning.” Pure happiness spreads across
Rose’s face.

Suddenly, I’m panicking. What is going on around
here? I feel more lost now than I’ve been since moving to Apollo Beach. “What’s
beginning? Is this what you meant when you told me strange things would

Rose nods her head. “Yes, and it’s a wonderful
thing. Katrina, I promise you. Don’t be afraid of this. Embrace it.” And then
she says the words that make my skin crawl. “It’s your enchantment.”

I shake my head, confused. “But, I was just there
and now I’m here. Alec must think I’m a lunatic.”

Rose drops her hands from my face and shakes her
head. “No, he’s quite enamored with you actually. But I’m sure you’re oblivious
to it. Come with me. We’ll cut the cake and before you know it the party will
be over. Just don’t make any wishes. Come.”

“Wait, you want the party to be over? Why can’t I
make wishes?”

Rose smiles. “We have a lot to talk about.” Not
knowing what else to do, I follow her through the back entrance of the house,
past the pool and back patio, into the house where all the guests are now
migrating. Guests greet me as I pass them. I try to smile back with everything
left in me.

Looking around, I finally spot Alec. He stands off
to the side of the room with his parents who look uncomfortable in the midst of
this madness. I smile, knowing that I like them already.

I search Alec’s eyes, wondering if what Rose told
me is true. Did I tell him I needed fresh air? He looks as happy as ever,
smiling back at me with a boyish grin on his face. I melt.

“Hello everyone.” Rose cuts off my thoughts as she
begins to speak. She stands on the first step of the grand staircase,
microphone in hand. The many speakers around the house amplify her voice. Just
then a three-tiered cake is wheeled into the room. I do a double take.
frosting with green trim.
It reads “Happy 16
Katrina” in gold lettering. Gold leaves are scattered around the second layer.
I recognize this cake from my vision.

I am still staring down at the cake as Rose begins
her speech. My insides churn at the familiar sight.

Rose steps beside me. “I just wanted to take a quick
break to thank everyone for coming here today for our Summer Solstice
celebration.” Thunderous applause ensues and I am shaken back to the present. I
look around the room again admiring the bizarre, yet intricate costumes that
fill the room.

Rose smiles brightly. “You all look enchanting as
ever.” She puts her arm around me now.
There’s that word again. Enchanting.
There is a spattering of laughter coming from different parts of the room. I
notice Darla French among them. She’s staring directly at me – as if
investigating me with her eyes.

“I hope by now you’ve all met my granddaughter,
Katrina. I couldn’t be happier to have her here celebrating this special day
with us. Happy Birthday, Katrina.” There are cheers from the crowd as Rose
takes a pause from her speech to embrace me. Her grip is surprisingly powerful.

Rose continues. “Unfortunately, this year our
celebration has to come to an end earlier than normal, but before you all leave
I just want to say a few words.” As if on cue the crowd moans as Rose
continues. “Many of you have joined in our Solstice celebrations over the years
but this has been a day to remember. I’m so delighted to see some new faces
here.” Again, thunderous applause ensues.

I smile alongside her, wanting for everyone to make
their exit so I can finally talk to Rose and get some answers.

“Alright, I’ll get off the mic. I’ll let Katrina
say a few words to all of you now.”

Rose hands me the microphone with a bright smile.
As if reading my thoughts, she whispers. “Just thank everyone for coming,

I take the microphone from her hands, panic rising
in my chest. I turn to the large group that stares back at me with hungry eyes,
waiting to devour my words. Usually in a moment like this, being put on the
spot would terrify me. But, I suddenly don’t feel scared. I don’t freeze. I do
wonder what I’m supposed to say to all of these strangers. I scan the crowd
quickly for Alec and am grateful for his presence and comforting silent support
as he smiles at me.

“Thank you all so much for coming.” I scan the room
again, this time with a confidence that surprises even me. “I couldn’t have
asked for a more positive welcome to your community and I look forward to knowing
each and every one of you. Just – forgive me if I can’t remember all of
your names right away.”

Laughter fills the air again. I laugh myself,
surprised that I can find humor in this situation. “Thank you.”

A pleased Rose reaches for the microphone, but I’m
not done. With a glimmer in my eyes, I put the microphone back to my lips. “And
for those of you who may not know this. Someone very special here today shares
my birthday. My grandmother, Rose, doesn’t like to brag, but she’s also a year
older today.”

A loud applause sounds around the room and people
from all directions shout “Happy Birthday, Rose!”

Rose rolls her eyes as she yanks the microphone
from me and then gives the crowd a curtsy.

For the next hour, faces are appearing and
disappearing in front of me at a rapid pace. I meet people for the first time,
get re-introduced to others and things don’t calm down until I notice the
number of guests beginning to dwindle. Alec is one of the last guests to leave.

“You taking off too?” I ask Alec once we’re alone
again. His parents have left and we are now standing in the foyer saying our

“Yeah, a bunch of us are meeting up at the Island
Grille tonight. You should come with me, get to know some people. I’m sure
we’ll play some pool.” He smirks. “And Iris and Ava will be there.” He laughs

I smirk. “Thanks. I’d love to but I really should
stay and help clean up.” Really, I’m just anxious to find out what is going on
with me.

Alec nods, silently letting me know he understands,
and then leans forward to hug me. Suddenly I’m wishing for more. A kiss on the
cheek follows and when he leans back from me his expression is as surprised as
Did he mean to do that?
It sure seems like he didn’t.
Did I
just get my wish?
What an amazing birthday.

“Thank you for coming,” I say now. A shout for joy
plays in my head. “I don’t know if I could have survived this day without you.”

“You would have been
fine. But I’m glad I came.” He turns to leave but stops and looks over his
shoulder back at me. “One thing.” My heart skips a beat, anticipating what
he’ll say next. “Next time. I better get an invitation.”

“Everything was wonderful. Thank you for the party, Rose.”

and I have finally taken a seat in the great room after everyone has left,
exhausted from the long day. I’ve relaxed since my disappearing act earlier,
but I’m still anxious to get answers from Rose.

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