The Surrogate's Secret (18 page)

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Authors: Mimi Barbour

BOOK: The Surrogate's Secret
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Chapter Thirty-Nine


Being busy kept Miguel from noticing as Sheri stepped quietly into the room. Just in time to see her large, handsome husband blowing against her tiny son’s stomach, making funny noises while both babies squealed with delight, Sheri stood motionless. The sounds thrilled her, and the room turned into a place she wanted to stay. But once Miguel saw her, she knew he’d leave and she didn’t want to stop him from what he so obviously enjoyed. His husky laughter made her smile and kept her hiding behind the partially opened door.

Sheri could see that Carrie
-Anne, feeling left out, tried to get Miguel’s attention. First, she waved her plump arms up high towards him and babbled away like a little chipmunk. When that didn’t get the result she wanted, she called to him clearly, impatiently. “Dada-dada.”

It was the first time Sheri had heard either of the twins use that word, and it floored her. They’d begun calling her mum, but she really didn’t think they knew what it meant as it sounded like a mixture of um and mum all rolled together.
Dada, on the other hand, came out as clear as a bell.

“Yes, my sweet girl, dada is coming. Just let me finish with your brother here and it’ll be your turn.” The charming grin he flashed
Carrie-Anne’s way connected. The baby smiled back at him, showing off her few teeth, and settled instantly.

Sheri had no doubt that his husky soothing tone would affect any female positively, her included. A huge lump formed in her throat, forcing her to back quietly out of the room and return to her be
droom. She wasn’t welcome there. She knew it with everything inside of her.  Every sad, envious feeling she couldn’t stop.

Forced to accept the undeniable, Miguel
loved Rafael and Carrie-Anne as deeply as she did, shocked her intensely. Clearly, they adored him as well. The knowledge that if she took away his babies he’d never be able to father any more reverberated in her mind and demolished her will. She couldn’t do it to him, wouldn’t do it to him. He meant too much. His happiness and his future. The man was born to be a daddy. The pain sunk in like a red-hot poker right through her stomach, ripping and tearing at her insides until she thought she’d go insane with grief. Doubled over, she fell back on her bed and moaned. Why the hell did life have to be this hard?

An hour later,
face washed and made up to conceal her swollen eyes, she returned to the nursery and her two contented children. The aroma of aftershave, his personal scent, permeated the room. Sheri closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. I love that smell, she thought. Earlier, watching his face lit with affectionate glee while he tenderly played with Rafael made her realize just how much his happiness meant to her. She’d seen his big hands so carefully folding over the diaper while he kept the baby safe. Those lips she craved, blowing bubbles on the little tummy and then smiling happily when it resulted in such glee. She’d give anything to keep him looking the same way. But could she give him the only thing she had left worth living for?



Finally, Saturday arrived and the household reverberated with excitement. Sheri was pleased for Andrea who wore a happy smile because Miguel had joined her for breakfast that morning. She told Sheri how he’d regaled her with baby stories, and how they’d both chuckled over the antics of the little munchkins using Sheri’s special nickname for them. 

shared her happiness with both Maria and Sheri during teatime. The rambunctious little terrors played on the floor and scattered their toys from one end of the room to the other. Her uplifted mood infiltrated the rest of the household and the relaxed air washed away previous tensions. Plans for the evening were underway, and all the arrangements for their mass exodus were taken care of.

Andrea quizzed
her housekeeper. “Did the corsages arrive for us ladies? Miguel told me this morning that he’d ordered them specially to match our dresses. He knows how much I love the quaint custom of wearing flowers.”

“They arrived earlier and I’ve put them in a cool place. They’re beautiful. Red roses for you, white camellias for me and maravilloso pink magnolias for Senora Sheri.”

Magnolias? Did he choose them because of the perfume she’d worn the last time they’d made love? Should she take this as special treatment from a man who’d purposely stayed away from her day after day—and more importantly, night after night?

The horrible strain she’d suffered
until the e-mail from Charly this morning had taken its toll.

la, mi amiga. I arrived earlier and passed out on the bed before I could organize my laptop and e-mail situation. Seems I worried for nothing. Go figure, they have clerks here who speak better English than I do!

I’m waiting for your call so we can set up our covert
operation... ‘Escape from Santiago’. Call soon. I want to do some exploring and can’t until I know what you’ve planned.

Sheri had phoned her immediately and they’d worked out the safest time for
Charly to come with a taxi to pick them up. Sheri knew she couldn’t tell her friend about the change in plans just yet. Charly’s guaranteed arguments might weaken her resolve.

Every time the
‘what-ifs’ hit her, she’d turn them off. Stubbornness, a trait she always intended to work on, stood her in good stead right now. Miguel needed Rafael and Carrie-Anne to stay with him, because they would be the only children of his own blood he’d ever have. Her love for the man strengthened her resolve. It was the right thing to do. Sheri knew it deep in her heart. On the other hand, her love for herself gave her quite a bit of trouble.

A niggling memory started to bubble in Sheri’s mind. One minute it tried to come to her and the next minute it disappeared.
She believed it had something to do with the day she’d visited, Felipe’s partner Philip. When she’d found out about the true paternity of the twins. After being told that it was Miguel’s sperm used in her fertilization process, she’d gone into shock and everything else had faded in importance.

Gathering the babies and their paraphernalia, Sheri loaded everything into the house stroller and turned to say. “Chao ladies, we’ll see you later. It’s time for the rugbugs to have their lunch and naps. M
iss Carrie-Anne is good to go anytime but you know what Rafael can be like if he doesn’t get enough sleep. As it is, we’ve held them off for longer than usual hoping they’d sleep later, but their yawns are even working on me.”

Andrea reached out to
caress her grandchildren’s hair and replied. “Good idea, Sheri. I think even I will lay down for a short while this afternoon. Maria, you and Juan must rest also. The festivities tonight will go on till all hours, so it’s best to be prepared.”

“Will Miguel be coming with us?” Sheri just had to know.

“He said he would try to, but do not depend on him. If he isn’t here by five this evening, we are to go without him, and he will meet us there. Did Paula have your dress delivered yet, my dear? “It showed up yesterday and fits perfectly after the last alterations. I guess I’d lost more weight since we first picked it out.”

“I just
remembered. Miguel chose pink flowers for you. Hopefully he had the courtesy to first check the color of your dress.”

“Maybe he called Paula. Pink will be fine as the dress is such a pale rose, they should match perfectly.”

Obviously not too pleased, Andrea tut-tutted and shook her head. “I’m not going to allow myself to fuss about him today. It’s a day to celebrate. I’m hoping my son will wake up from his sour moods and appreciate what a wonderful life we have together.”

Like that would happen. Sheri knew she sometimes wore rose-col
ored glasses, but even she accepted that in real life, nothing was ever so simple.




Chapter Forty-One


Taking the babies into her bed was a big no-no, but today she bent the rules and nestled beside them while they slept. To soothe her breaking heart, she touched their soft dimpled hands and petted their sleep-flushed faces. Curls were gently combed through her trembling fingers and kisses placed on their cheeks. Her camera got a full workout as well. Moments she had to store away, treasures for the next few months until she could make arrangements with Miguel for her visiting rights.

Her suitcase sat in the closet p
acked with everything she’d require for the next few weeks. Arrangements were made for a hotel room because she knew she’d need to be alone for at least the first few days, alone to cry and scream, mourn and heal. 

After that
, Sheri took her friend for granted, assuming she’d be welcome to stay at Charly’s apartment until she could re-open her own.

Now, a
ll she had left to do was play her role. Convince the family of her excitement to welcome her unexpected friend, who’d just called to say she’d planned her arrival in Santiago today as a surprise. After all, how could she leave her best pal to fend for herself in a strange country? Not that anyone knowing Charly could ever think her dependent on anyone. A more independent person didn’t exist but the family here didn’t know that, and Sheri had no guilt in a few fibs if it meant that she could escape as planned.

As long as she assured Andrea that they would turn up at the party later, everyone should be satisfied. She knew the importance for
Grandma to show off her grandchildren to the rest of the Riveras. Especially after Miguel had forbidden too much company at the house until the doctor had cleared his mother. It was something Andrea complained about incessantly.

As long as
Sheri asked for the limo to return to pick them up later, all doubts should be pacified. Then when Charly showed up with the twins and gave Miguel her letter, all would be explained. She tried to envision his joy in finding out that the twins truly belonged to him as much as they did to her. If the moment could be filmed, and she had a million dollars, she’d pay every penny.

It was imagining his
happiness that kept her going, kept her focused. Wanting him to have everything he desired would only happen with the babies around him to make his life worthwhile. She knew that instinctively. The painful effort to get her mind back to the place where she’d been before Mary-Anne and Felipe’s accident, a place where she’d accepted that the babies growing inside did
belong to her was difficult but not impossible.

Maybe she’d always known that she’d only been borrowing them and that they
truly did belong to someone else. If she could convince herself that this premise was true, could she’d make it without losing her sanity?

With a heart feeling as if it weighed a ton, she sniffed back her tears and tenderly stroked the soft plump cheeks of each of the twins once again. This was her time with her babies and she wouldn’t waste a precious second.

The next few hours flew by and then the plot began. Charly called and threw the household into a spin.

“Sheri, my dear, of course you cannot leave your friend to go to a hotel after she’s
flown all this way. You must stay and welcome her to the house. If Charlie is too tired to come to the party with you, please
come by yourself with the twins.” Sheri knew that Andrea misunderstood her hesitation. “And if you decide you don’t want to leave Charlie alone, we can send Miguel to get Rafael and Carrie-Anne after the dinner. He won’t mind, after all, we do have the limo for the entire evening at our disposal.”

“That would be fine, Andrea. However we work it, I promise you that the twins will be there at your party, and you’ll be able to show them off to your heart’s content.”

“You’re too good to me, Sheri, how did I ever become so fortunate to have a daughter-in-law as kind as you?”

“I don’t know. I guess
its pure luck.”

“Or the good lord’s
actually begun to pay attention to my prayers.”

“I bet that’s it.” The two women smiled, enjoying their repartee.

“We’ll be leaving now. Maria tells me she has left lots of treats in the kitchen for you with instructions to prepare.” Sheri made a funny face, which ended in a grin. “I know. She doesn’t believe anyone else knows how to cook.”

“Don’t tell her, but she’s right. I hate cooking.”

“Me too. Our secret.” The horn honking stopped Andrea’s nervous chatter. “They’re waiting for me. I’m must go. See you later.”

Sheri moved in and hugged the other woman, having a hard time letting her go. “Hasta luego
, mamacita.”

sighed and patted her cheek seeming pleased by Sheri calling her mamacita and for her using a typical Spanish phrase.



Sheri’s plan proceeded like a well-oiled wheel. Charly arrived right on time and the two flew into each other’s arms. Since Sheri had two hours before she had to leave for the airport, she knew that there was time to help her friend get acquainted with the house and play with the children before she had to break the news of her change in plans.

“Where’re my babies?”
Charly held Sheri at arm’s length, scrutinized her face and then her jeans and fluffy blue sweater. “You look like hell. What have they been doing to you around here? You’re hardly an armful anymore.”

Purposely ignoring
Charly’s last question, Sheri chose to answer the first. “They’re in the family room in the doll-house Juan built for them. It’s a little structure with windows and a doorway and has a completely enclosed yard around so they can play safely there if we leave them for a few minutes. It’s like a glorified playpen. Wait’ll you see it!” Sheri turned away but was hauled back around.

“Something’s up. I can see it in your eyes. Tell me.”
Charly’s shorter flyaway mop of goldy-red hair stuck out in all directions, spiked by hair products and her gross inability when she trimmed it herself.

“You’ve cut your own hair again?” Sheri’s obvious divert tactics didn’t work if the squinting of green eyes and the firming of full lips were any indication. 

Charly’s eagle-like stare didn’t waver.

“I promise I’ll tell you soon. Just give me a little while to enjoy your company before you beat me up.” She glanced up to see if her friend’s expression had softened. It hadn’t. “Please
Charly.” This time the entreaty worked.

“Fine. Whatever. Take me to the rugbugs. I need my fix before I start babbling like an idiot and the shakes hit me.”

The twins acted shy for as long as it took Charly to land on the floor beside them and scoop them into her enthusiastic bear hug. She sang her own rendition of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and it worked the final magic. They remembered her and were ecstatic to be back with their old playmate. 

After a while, Sheri put a stop to the shenanigans, saying that they couldn’t tire the babies out as they had a performance later that night and she had promised they’d be at their best. Happy now,
Rafael and Carrie-Anne took their gathered toys and settled down to play together.

, sprawled on the floor, leaned her back against the nearest chair and tucked her long, jean-clad legs to her side. Comfortable, reclining lazily, she looked the picture of relaxation but her keen, searching gaze let Sheri know it was just a pose. Her friend was on the warpath and the time had come to fess up.

“I’m going home alone. I need you to stay here with the twins and when the limo comes to pick us up, I want you to take the twins to the party in my place. There
, that’s it.

“Cool. Sure. No problemo. You want me to take the twins to some kind of shindig where there are a bunch of people hanging out that I don’t know, people who speak
a different language? Now why would that bother me in any way?” She glared her disgust, and the flames shot straight into Sheri’s heart. She’d never thought about this part of her plan. About how hard this would be for Charly who hated crowds and covered her crippling shyness with sarcasm and pithy, smart-ass remarks.

Sheri knew
Charly the way very few others were ever allowed. She loved her wonderful spirit, her intelligence, her talent as a writer and her loyalty as a best friend. However, that didn’t mean she should bypass Charly’s crusty exterior and take advantage of her inner softness.

Clinging doggedly with the tips of her fingernails to the end of her rope, Sheri’s dismay
surged “God, Charly. I’m sorry. I didn’t even think of how hard this would be for you. I mean, I know Andrea and Paula and some of the others well enough that it didn’t seem… like, well, unfamiliar. I can’t explain it. I took you for granted.” White faced, brown eyes darkened with despair, Sheri slid to join Charly on the floor. She reached to pat her friend’s clenched hands and said. “Forget it. I’m asking too much. Would it be okay for you to just stay here with the twins until the rest return? Then, when they get home, give Andrea and Miguel the letters I’ve written to them.

“Oh for the love of all that’s beautiful, why the hell don’t you just tell Miguel the truth? Sit him down and explain. If he’s mad
...tough. He’s a smart guy. He’ll get over it and then the two of you can work out a legitimate way to share the kids.” Charly’s mouth pursed in disgust and she shook her head. “Hold it. I can hear those few rogue blonde cells gathering over that last line. I didn’t say split them, I said share them. The old saying where there’s a will there’s a way comes to mind.”

“Except he meant it when he said they’d never leave Chile, which means he has no intentions of sharing. Anyway, would that really be the answer for the twins?” The shimmering in Sheri’s big blues was a definite sign that she was barely holding on.
“And he doesn’t love me. In fact, he hasn’t even wanted to spend the nights with me anymore. He’s miserable and I can’t stand to see him in such pain.” 

“Blasted bull patoodies! You know I can’t resist you. God save me from ever meeting a man who can twist me like you can. I’d be the biggest pushover…
Never mind. That’s not about to happen. Okay, tell me slowly, in detail, what the hell you’ve planned?”

“I’m not taking the twins back to the states. I’m leaving them here with their father and grandmother.” Seeing
Charly’s angry response building, Sheri held up her hand. “Let me finish. They love the twins as much as we do, maybe more.  Look, this is Miguel’s only chance to be a father, have children with his blood, and it would break his heart if I took them away. You should see the man when he’s with them. He’s marvellous. They both adore him and call him da-da. The children need him, Charly. Plus, Andrea loves them so much.  Just having them here has helped her recover from her injuries.” Sniffling, Sheri pulled the wad of tissues from her pocket and put them to good use.

“Will you survive?”
Charly searched her wet face and Sheri saw her zeroing in on her stubbornness.

“With your help.”

“You got it.”

The two girls hugged. Sheri’s eyes leaked
more tears. But just a few. The dam she’d erected, held. Charly, on the other hand, dealt with pain differently. Anger barely concealed, she gritted her teeth and patted Sheri’s back. “Enough. You said the taxi will be back soon and I guess there are things we need to do. If I’m going to some damn gala, I’d better get in my suitcase and dig out ‘the dress’.

Sheri picked up Rafael, while
Charly lifted Carrie-Anne in one arm and her suitcase in the other as they made their way to Sheri’s suite.

Sheri reached for her daughter. “
Let me take the twins to get them dressed and you can change. They’ll be sending the limo back in twenty minutes and once you’re away the taxi should be here right after. I’ll head to the airport and catch the evening flight.” She passed Charly an envelope she took from her pocket. “Here’s enough pesos for you to pay for a new air ticket home and a hotel room. I doubt if Andrea will let you stay anywhere else, but if you decided you’d rather not, you’ll be covered.

“What about you? Did you want the keys to my place?”

“I’ve booked a hotel room until you get back, then I’ll join you.”

don’t you go stay with my mom until I get there? I don’t like to think of you being alone while going through this separation.”

“I’ve been alone since I got here and I’ve managed. Trust me. It’ll be fine. Please don’t argue, just get dressed.”

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