The Sweet Wife (11 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Sweet Wife
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She closed her eyes and nodded, “Yes, honey, they can do what they want.”

The men were staring at Maureen and smiling. Ari said, “Shit, Trav, damn good of you to let us play with your woman.” The others agreed. Maureen felt a shiver run through her body. Travis gestured that she was to continue serving. She went next to Ralph, the short, fat, older man. He looked up at her with beady eyes. As she leaned over with the tray, he put a pudgy hand on her breast. She pulled away. He sat back and frowned. “You got to be a lot more friendly than that,” he said.

She glanced at Travis who was looking at his cards. “I’m sorry,” she said. She stepped closer to the old man and bent over, inviting him to fondle her breasts. He slid his hands along her gown and squeezed both of them. “Nice,” he said, “very nice.”

She went next to Ari who took a beer and a sandwich then had her place the tray on the table. He took her hands in his pulling her toward him. “Trav say you like kissin,” he said. “That true?”

“Yes, I like it…like kissing.”

He tilted his face up toward her and licked his lips. She leaned down and kissed him softly and felt the tip of his tongue touch hers. He let go of her and smiling said, “I sure hope to feel them lips slidin over my cock at the end of the night.”

She served Linc who simply patted her ass. When she got to Sammy, he made her set the tray down and pulled her onto his lap. Travis was dealing the cards. Sammy’s arm was tightly around her waist. He nuzzled her breast. “Pick up my cards for me,” he said. She fanned them out holding them for him to see. She felt his calloused hand on her bare thigh. He took the cards and placed them face down on the table. “I fold,” he said. “I’d rather play this hand.” He drew Maureen’s face down to his. “Open your mouth wide,” he said. “I want your tongue.” He pulled her roughly to him bruising her lips with his. She felt his tongue deep in her mouth then he withdrew it. Tentatively she slid her tongue into his mouth. His hand on the back of her neck applied more pressure. Their open mouths were fused for several minutes. He sucked her tongue and indicated she was to suck his. She groaned inwardly. When they parted her face was flushed and her breathing heavy. Sammy placed her hand on his cock which was still inside his pants. Involuntarily, she squeezed it. Sammy lifted her off his lap, “You’re hot for black, ain’t you, bitch?” All the men paused, waiting for her reply.

She glanced around the table then lowered her eyes, “I…I…don’t want it to be like this…but…yes, I’m hot for black,” she said. She looked up into his ugly face. His thick lips were wet from spittle. Her tongue had just been inside his mouth. She repeated, “Hot for black.”

“Yeah,” Sammy’s eyes were hard, his face set. He leaned close to her whispering so the others couldn’t hear, “If you was my fuckin woman I’d hurt you cause that’s what a white bitch like you needs.” His hand tightened on her wrist, “Maybe that’s what you want?” It was a question.

“No…no, it isn’t.” Maureen pulled away.

Watching them, Travis frowned and gestured to Maureen, “Crawl to your main man,” he said. Maureen got to her knees and crawled to where he sat. “Now take the position,” Travis ordered.

Quickly, Maureen kneeled before him and placed her hands on the back of her neck. Travis nodded, “Tell me why you’re here?”

She looked up at him and felt the heat and ache in her vagina, “ I want you…want you to take me. I’m here to worship your cock,” she said.

“Hot damn!” Ralph exclaimed, “She doin and sayin the right things.”

“Yeah,” Travis acknowledged, “but she still got a lot to learn.” He began dealing the cards again. When he finished, he looked at Maureen. “You just stay on your knees in the position. Don’t move a fucking muscle till I say you can.”

Silvie continued to serve the men. An hour went by. Maureen’s knees ached. Her arms and legs trembled. Another hour passed. She felt dizzy. The pain in her knees shot down her legs. Her feet seemed to have lost all feeling. The men were getting drunk.

Finally, she heard Travis announce that the poker game was over. Linc was the big winner and the tall thin Ali lost the most. Travis put his hand under Maureen’s chin tilting her head up. “I bet you’d like to get off your knees wouldn’t you, babe?” Tears had formed in the corners of her eyes. She nodded. “But you promised to do somethin for the winner and loser tonight. What was it you promised?”

“Please Travis, please don’t…” she began. His grip tightened on her chin. He released her and nodded. She lowered her eyes, “I promised…suck them.”

“Shit,” Sammy complained, “if she’s so fucking hot for black cock why don’t she do us all?”

Travis placed both his huge hands on her shoulders and stared down at her, “She can answer. You ain’t gonna send poor old Ralph and Sammy home with aching balls, are you?” He pushed hard on her shoulders.

She felt as if she might faint. “I…I’ll do them too,” she whispered.

Ralph cried, “Goddamn Travis, she’s sure something!”

Sammy grabbed his crotch with both hands, “I’m gonna fuck her mouth Trav, gonna fuck that white bitch’s hot mouth!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Travis chuckled, you can fuck her mouth, but first she gonna go down on Silvie, here.” He patted Silvie’s ass.

“That’s right,” Silvie grinned, “I been bringin all them eats and all that beer while Mrs. O’Donnel doin nothing but squattin.” Everyone laughed. Silvie stood directly in front of the kneeling Maureen. “You gonna lick Ms. Silvie’s cunt and make her cum?” She lifted her dress to expose a thick mat of black curly pubic hair. “All this runnin servin these here brothers got me sweatin,” she placed both hands on either side of her vagina and spread the purple lips. Maureen started to back away. Quickly Silvie stepped forward and, grabbing Maureen’s head with both hands, violently pulled her forward until her face was pressed tightly against the black woman’s pussy. “Lick, bitch, or fuckin suffocate!” Silvie growled.

Maureen began to lap at the slick dark crevice. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe shallowly, still the strong smell caused her to gag. Silvie looked at the men who had gathered round them, “She gonna learn to like it. Takes a little time is all.” She leaned back against the table thrusting her hips forward. Then she grabbed Maureen’s hair and pulled it back. Maureen looked up at her, the tears streaking her cheeks, her mouth wet with Silvie’s juices. Silvie nodded at her, “Tell Ms. Silvie what you gonna do.”

Maureen had trouble speaking, “Make you cum,” she said.

“But you got to ask, bitch. You got to ask Ms. Silvie to let you lick her cunt. You got to say please.” Suddenly, she leaned forward and holding Maureen’s face between her hands pressed her open mouth over Maureen’s. She held her there until Maureen’s lips parted and their tongues touched. Maureen groaned loud enough for all to hear. Silvie let her go and sat back against the table again. “Say it, bitch,” she ordered.

Maureen bent over, supporting herself with both hands on the floor. They were silent, watching her. After a minute, Maureen straightened and lifted her head to look at Silvie, “Please, Ms. Silvie,” she said, “let me lick your…lick your cunt. Let me make you cum.”

Silvie nodded, “Now you gettin it right.” She crooked a finger at Maureen, “Do me like you was a little kitten. Suck on my clit and lick it.” Maureen crawled forward, and placing her hands behind the black woman’s thighs pulled her forward. This time, she found the scent somehow different and not disagreeable. She did as Silvie had instructed, sucking on the dark purple clit which, to her surprise. seemed like a miniature penis. She flicked it with her tongue and licked along the smooth slit. Suddenly, with a cry, Silvie pulled Maureen’s head hard into her and, gyrating her crotch, came in a gush. Maureen collapsed at her feet and began to sob quietly. Vaguely, she heard the men laughing and congratulating Silvie.

They let her rest for several minutes, then Travis ordered her to take the position. When she got to her knees, the pain shot through her legs again. Dutifully, she placed her hands behind her neck and turned to face Travis. “Get up,” he said, “go to the bathroom and fix your face. You look like shit.” She struggled to her feet and, taking her make-up case, walked unsteadily down the hall to the bathroom.

She closed the door and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Mascara and tears streaked her cheeks. Her lipstick was gone and her chin was still wet from Silvie’s secretions. She sat down on the toilet and, cradling her face in her hands, sobbed uncontrollably, her body shaking, her stomach retching. Finally, all cried out, she pulled herself up and, standing at the sink, scrubbed her face clean. She looked a long time at the image in the mirror. She thought of Billy and Sara and felt the tears well up again. ‘My God,’ she thought, ‘what have I done? I must be insane. I have two lovely children, a home and a husband. These people here are mean, vicious, perverted. Most are probably criminals, drug dealers. They hate me and I despise them.’

She decided against applying any make-up. She’d do whatever it took to get out of here now and never come back. Travis, Silvie, Sammy and the rest could go to Hell. She took a deep breath and smiled, feeling both relieved and certain of her resolve. Determined to grab her raincoat and go home, she went back into the dining room.

Travis looked at her and frowned. “I told you to fix your fuckin face!” he shouted.

Trying to hide her fear, she faced him from the doorway, “I’m going home,” she said, “even if I have to walk. I’ve had enough. Coming here was the biggest mistake of my life.”

“Hey,” Sammy yelled, “what about my blow-job? What about suckin my dick?”

She glared at him, “Suck your own dick,” she said.

He started to move toward her, but Travis got between them. “Stay cool, Sammy,” he said. “Mrs. O’Donnel don’t appreciate our company and wants to leave.” He looked around at the others, “Now, we ain’t about to keep folks here against their will. That’s a crime and we ain’t into crime. Am I right?” He didn’t wait for a response. Moving quickly to Maureen he took her by the arm, “No cause for you to walk home. There’s a phone in the kitchen. We’ll give Robert a call and he be here in a couple minutes.”

Maureen couldn’t believe how easy it had been. They were actually going to let her go. Travis closed the kitchen door behind them and roughly pushed Maureen down on a kitchen chair. His powerful hands gripped her upper arms as he leaned close to her face. His eyes were bright with anger, his voice a low growl. “The phone’s on the wall. I’m a man of my word. But first there’s a couple things you got to do.”

Even though she thought he might strike her, she began to protest, “No, Travis, just let me make the call.”

“Three things,” he said, “then the phone’s yours.” His grip on her arms tightened. She nodded. He leaned closer and moved his hands to her cheeks. “Kiss,” he said. Determined to keep her lips closed, she tilted her head and felt his open mouth on hers. The tip of his tongue moved across her lips and, although she fought against it, she parted them. Inside her mouth, she felt his tongue slide over hers. Then, her tongue was in his mouth. His hands dropped to her breasts. She lifted her hands to his face and held it to her own. The kiss lasted a long time.

When they parted, she sat back in the chair her breath coming quickly. Calling upon absolute certainty that if she was ever going to escape it had to be now, she swallowed hard and shook her head, “No, Travis, please understand. I can’t. I can’t. I have little children. They need me. I love them.”

“Two more things,” Travis said. She shot a glance at the phone. “Two things, then I’ll dial it for you.”

She knew it was useless to refuse, and she felt sure he would keep his word. “All right,” she said, “just two.”

He moved close to her, standing so that his crotch was even with her face. He spread his legs. “Unzip me and take it out,” he said. “Then just hold it and look at it.”

Her hands trembled as she struggled with the zipper. His huge cock was engorged but not fully hard. It lay heavy in her hands and was blacker than she’d remembered. The uncircumcised head nestled inside its almost transparent covering of skin. She felt the thick black veins pulse with blood as it began to swell. She stared at his monstrous cock and found it hard to believe it had been inside her. She’d taken it all. Even though he had split her, she’d taken it. This great black cock had filled her, had moved inside her. It had moved to her own rhythm. She leaned a little closer breathing in his musky male scent. She looked closely at the large slit of his pee hole and remembered that she’d tongued it. She found herself thinking of the phrase he’d made her repeat, ‘I worship your cock.’

Slowly, he pushed his jeans down. While she held his stiffening cock with one hand, she cupped his heavy testicles with the other. “I think you know what number three is,” he said, his voice oddly gentle.

Without speaking, she leaned forward and touched the tip of her tongue to his pee hole. She skinned back the uncircumcised hood and licked around the indentation of the ridge. Then she opened her mouth wide and took his glistening black knob into it. She sucked the head of his cock and laved its underside. She continued to look up at him, hoping to see that she was giving him pleasure.

As it had before, his scent drove her wild with desire. She could feel the heat run like little rivers from her nipples to her vagina. She held his cock back against his stomach so that she could lick his balls, opening her mouth wide to take them one at a time. They were smooth and the scent here under his balls was stronger. Her mouth filled with saliva and dribbled out over her chin and onto his balls and inner thighs.

She moved back to the bulbous head of his cock and tried to take as much of him into her mouth as she could. She gagged and tears came to her eyes, still she forced herself to take more. Her fingernails dug into the cheeks of his ass and she groaned loudly. She wanted desperately to drink his hot cum, wanted to feel it spurt against the back of her throat, wanted to feel his thick jism fill her mouth, wanted to look up into his eyes while he watched her swallow it.

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