The Sweet Wife (13 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Sweet Wife
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Maureen shook her head, “…I can’t... what you say is impossible.”

Travis yanked down on the leash causing her to cry out and fall to her knees. “You fuckin can and you fuckin will!” he shouted. “Less you wanna be gang raped and beat up, you crawl over there and lay down on the mattress and look pretty for the fuckin camera!”

Understanding that there was no escape now, and that she needed Travis’s protection, she crawled to the mattress. “Lay on your back and look up at the camera,” Travis instructed. “Do what Ali say.”

When Maureen looked up she saw that they had formed a circle around her. Ali moved so he straddled her body and pointed his camera down at her face. “Make like you’re gonna kiss,” he said. Maureen pursed her lips and flinched when the flash blinded her for a moment. “Now open your mouth like you was gonna suck a cock,” he directed. She parted her lips. “Wider,” he said, “it’s a big thick cock like Travis got.” They laughed. She opened her mouth wide. He took several shots from different angles and stepped back to include her body, telling her to turn, to sit up, to bend over. He ordered her to spread her legs and push two fingers into her vagina. Everyone could see how wet she’d become. As her fingers slid in, she gasped and closed her eyes. “Don’t you fuckin cum,” Travis said.

When it appeared that Ari had finished, Sammy squatted beside the mattress. “Get down on your back again, bitch,” he demanded. His face was set, his eyes hard and mean. Frightened, she quickly did as he said. Sammy looked around at the others and grinned. “I think we need bigger lips for our big black pricks…you know we need lips on our little white bitch that’s more like a black woman’s lips.” He looked at Travis for approval. Travis nodded. Silvie handed him a lipstick. He leaned over Maureen. “You hold still, you hear? I’m gonna give you a fuckin clown mouth, big fat red lips so we know where to shove our cocks.” Maureen’s eyes began to tear. She shot a glance at Travis whose face remained impassive. Sammy’s ugly face loomed over hers. “Ask me,” he said, “ask me to make your lips bigger and say please.”

In spite of the humiliation or perhaps because of it, she felt herself becoming even more aroused. “Please,” she whispered, “make my lips bigger.”

Roughly, Sammy drew a wide red outline around her full lips. Everyone laughed when he finished. He leaned back while Ari took more photographs. “Keep your mouth open,” Ari said. “Make it like it’s gonna be for our dicks.”

When he stepped away, Sammy bent over her again. “I think your lips should be even bigger. What do you think?”

“Yes, please make them bigger,” she said. The bright red circle he drew was even wider than the last one. Silvie held a mirror up so Maureen could see herself. The image was grotesque. As Sammy had said, he’d given her clown lips.

“Why did Sammy say he did that?” Silvie asked.

Maureen’s breathing was coming quickly. It took her a moment to answer, “He said he painted my lips bigger so he could…so all the men…all the black men could easily see where to put their…their…cocks.”

Sammy had taken off his pants and was squatting over her, almost sitting on her breasts. His thick black cock was just inches from her face. “You want me to fuck your mouth, little whore, tell me?”

Tears sprung to her eyes, “Yes, fuck my mouth,” she said, and opened it wide. He moved forward, pinning her arms with his knees. He used her mouth as if it were a cunt. She gagged and choked, but relentlessly he pushed the full length of his cock into her. She was forced to look up into his sneering face. When he came, he grabbed her head, pressing it tight against his crotch, forcing her to swallow his cum.

After he withdrew, he pulled his limp cock back against his stomach and positioned his testicles over her mouth. “Open wide, bitch, and suck them nice,” he said. His balls filled her mouth. The stench was suffocating. The flashes from Ari’s camera blinded her. Sammy grinned at the others, “She got a hot mouth, you know, and she’s movin her tongue around.”

After a few minutes, he rose up so that his sack swung back and forth several inches above her face. He grinned down at her, “I ain’t never had a white woman suck my balls before. Did you like that? Did you like suckin my balls?”

Her eyes flashed angrily, “No! I hated it! Hated it!”

Sammy quickly glanced at Travis, who nodded. He grabbed Maureen’s nipples and twisted them. Maureen screamed. He moved forward again, “That was the wrong fuckin answer,” he said. “Let’s hear the right one.”

Maureen shut her eyes, trying to hold back the tears, “I liked it. I liked sucking your balls,” she rasped.

“That’s better. Since you like to suck my balls, you can lift your head, bitch, and stick out your tongue and lick them.” When she tried, he’d rise so that his testicles were just out of reach of her tongue. Everyone laughed again. “I ain’t letting you up till you lick my balls,” he said. She tried over and over, struggling to lift her head, extending her tongue, but he kept just beyond her reach.

“Look at her!” He yelled, “You ever see a pretty white woman try so fuckin hard to lick a black man’s balls?” They were all laughing at her. She was becoming exhausted. Sammy stared down at her, “Beg,” he said, “tell me how much you like the way my black balls smell and taste.”

She struggled to speak, “Please,” she said, “please let me lick your black balls. Please, I want to. I love how they smell and taste.”

“You do it good?”

“Yes, I’ll do it good. Please.” He lowered himself so that she still had to lift her head several inches from the mattress. With the flat of her tongue, she licked his balls slavishly. Ari continued to take photographs.

After Sammy got up all the men except for Travis, knelt, one by one, over her and fucked her mouth. Each forced her to swallow his cum. When they finished using her, the lipstick was smeared over the lower part of her face. Her cheeks were streaked with tears and mascara. Her body was moist with sweat. She lay on her back, her eyes staring vacantly at the ceiling.

Travis nudged her with the tip of his shoe. “What you been drinkin?” he asked. She frowned not understanding the question. “You been drinkin cum.” He stated. “Black man’s cum. I expect you got a belly full of it.” She felt the gorge rise up in her throat and began to retch. Travis stepped back. “If you puke, you gonna eat it,” he said. Maureen swallowed hard and turned over on her side. She closed her eyes and heard the men leaving.

After awhile, Silvie helped her to stand. “You better get used to suckin black dick cause you gonna be doin a lot of it,” she said as she led Maureen to the stairs. They went down the hall to a small room off to the right. In it was a narrow cot a small table and a wooden stool. The only window was barred. Both the mattress and the single sheet were soiled. The room smelled of rotting garbage. Silvie pointed to a galvanized bucket in the corner. “If you need to pee or shit,” she said from the entrance. She closed the door. Maureen heard a key turn in the lock.

The plug in Maureen’s anus hurt. Her lips were swollen and sore. She could still taste their cum in her mouth. She smelled of their sweat. Her body ached everywhere. She wanted desperately to remove the plug but was afraid of what Travis might say.

She waited for him to come to her. It would be worth all of this, she thought, to feel his great cock inside her, to feel his weight on top of her, to feel his open mouth on hers.

After almost an hour, she heard his heavy step on the stairs. He was talking to someone. She heard Silvie’s voice, then the door to the room across the hall opened and closed. In a short while she heard the bed creaking and Silvie’s deep laughter followed in awhile by the sound of her scream as she came.

Maureen buried her head in the musty pillow and cried herself to sleep.

Chapter Five

In the morning Maureen woke to Silvie roughly shaking her. “Get your white ass outta bed. You gotta be lookin good for the Captain.”

Maureen struggled to a sitting position. “I can’t, Silvie. I’m so…so…tired, so ashamed. I want to go home.”

“Travis say you can go home this evening. It ain’t come clear to you yet, has it?”

Maureen looked down at her feet and remembered just two days ago she was a housewife and mother indulging herself by having a pedicure. “What hasn’t come clear to me, Silvie?” she asked without looking up, her voice listless.

“When you told Travis last night that you was his woman, you became his woman. You belong to him. It’s tighter than a fuckin marriage. That’s how it works. You is his now. Only way you is getting outta that is in a pine box, less Travis gets tired of you and throws you out.”

Maureen nodded. After a moment she turned to face the older woman, “I heard you last night. I heard you and Travis.”

“Yeah, I guess we was makin a ruckus. That Travis! He know how to satisfy a woman. The man can keep goin all night.” She shook her head smiling at the memory. She pointed toward the door. “Bathroom’s at the end of the hall. There’s a shower and some stuff to take that lipstick off. Fix up good. If you do the right things by the Captain and say what he want to hear, maybe Travis will fuck you today. That’s what you want, ain’t I right? Travis big cock is what you needin now?”

Maureen stood. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. That’s what I need.”

It took a long time to scrub off the lipstick marks around her mouth. The astringent was strong and burned. After her shower, she returned to the shabby room. Silvie had placed the red skirt and blouse and shoes on the bed beside Maureen’s make up kit. There was also the tube of KY and the next largest anal plug.

Inserting the plug was both awkward and painful. But thinking of why she was doing it…imagining Travis taking her there brought a flush to her face and she felt her pussy moisten.

After applying her makeup and dressing once more in the red skirt, blouse, and spike heels, she looked in the mirror and was pleased to see that last night’s abuse and lack of sleep hadn’t affected her appearance. If Travis wanted her to look hot for her interview with the Captain, she did. The outline of her bare breasts was visible through the shear blouse. Her bare legs and skintight skirt made it obvious that she wasn’t wearing panties.

She sat on the bed waiting for Silvie to return. She tried not to think of her children but found herself imagining what they might be doing at this time. They were at the campsite. Brian was no doubt scrambling eggs for them on the grill. Sara and Billy were probably getting dressed and deciding whether they wanted to fish or go on a hike. She longed to be with them, to gather them to her for hugs, to see that Sara’s hair was brushed and Billy’s shoes were tied.

She looked again in the mirror and quickly turned away. It was a sparkling summer morning and she was dressed like a slut. She was sitting on the edge of a filthy bed in a black slum waiting to be summoned by someone she had never seen, a person called The Captain. In just a few days she had gone from being a good wife and devoted mother She’d become the personal whore of a vicious and arrogant black man. No one had forced her. She’d spent the family Christmas fund for these clothes. She’d phoned Travis. She came here on her own.

Last night, as Silvie had reminded her, she was offered the chance to leave or to become Travis’s woman. She made the choice freely. How could she have done that? How could she have wanted to belong to him? And knowing that belonging to him meant her body was no longer her own. It would be used, not only by Travis but by anyone he chose to give her to, or rent her to. She had agreed to become a black man’s whore.

Silvie said that Travis was sending her home tonight. Perhaps when she was back in her house with her children in her arms, she would come to her senses? Maybe she could persuade Travis that it would be in his best interest to cancel their agreement? Maybe she could simply never return here and, if he bothered her, she could alert the police? Then she remembered Travis had the photographs and the tapes. Tears filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

She heard Silvie on the stairs and quickly wiped her face. Silvie came in and shook her head in approval. “You lookin a hellava lot better than you did. I spect the Captain gonna like what he sees.”

“Silvie, I know this Captain is powerful down here. He’s like the mayor or something, but why does he want to see me? Why must I go on this interview you and Travis keep talking about?”

“The Captain is Dexter Wells. You know who that is?”

“The name sounds familiar, but I don’t know.”

“Fifteen years ago Dexter Wells was the best damn linebacker the NFL ever had. He woulda been in the Football Hall of Fame if he hadn’t got into some trouble at the end of his playin days.”

“I vaguely remember my father talking about him. But why….”

Silvie interrupted her, “Dex, is the Captain. He runs things here: gamblin, drugs, prostitution, politics all that shit. He also has businesses uptown. He knows lots of important folks: politicians, entertainers, big money men. He’s the richest black man I know. You is Travis new whore. Travis is Dexter Wells’ long time whore. We all is. He one damn good lookin super stud. Smooth talkin, very slick, but he can be a mean motherfucker! You don’t want to get on his bad side less you like floatin down the river head first with nothing but your ass lookin up at the moon.”

Maureen turned away for a moment, then looked back, “Silvie, I don’t want this. I don’t belong here. I want my husband and my kids. This is crazy. It’s a life I can’t possibly…”

Silvie stepped forward and slapped the younger woman hard across the cheek. Maureen cried out and fell back on the bed. Silvie stood over her, “I’m tellin you once more only because I like the way you eat pussy. No one gives a fuck what you want. You’re in this now. You gotta do what the fuck you’re told.”

Slowly Maureen sat up. “ I know, it’s just that…Sara and Billy and…”

Silvie cut her off. “Get up. Travis is in the kitchen. He wants you to stop by before goin to the Captain.” She tilted Maureen’s head and grinned at her. “Seein your black lover gonna make you forget them kids. Always has. Ain’t that right?”

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