The Taking (28 page)

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Authors: Katrina Cope

BOOK: The Taking
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My eyes scan the room, it is well lit unlike when we arrived, and Zacharias isn’t facing his favourite wall. Instead, he is pacing the room redirecting his steps when we enter. His footsteps lead straight to me. I stare, taking in each crease on his ancient face. They are deeper, angrier somehow. His steps halt in front of me, and he greets me with a sharp hand across my cheek. Instant numbness turns into an intense burn as the pain soars across my face.

The green eyes glower as he looks into mine. “You stupid, stupid fledgling.” He paces a couple of more steps in front, his hands clasped behind his back. “You face Separus and you sacrificed everyone but yourself. You sacrificed your friends.” He indicates Cindy and Ben with his hand then Archangel Michael. “You even sacrificed your leader and the great leader of all angels.” He stands close to my face well within my personal space making me feel more uncomfortable that I already am. “I cannot believe you did this. When I fought Separus, I sacrificed myself, making sure the leader of the angels was well protected. You fool,” he spat.

“But I won, Separus is gone forever and everyone will get better.”

“Yes, but they nearly didn’t, did they? You almost lost your friend and so close to losing our leader.”

“I didn’t do it for me. I did it for Ethan, and I did it for you.” I watched Zacharias’ face carefully. I was telling him the truth. I hoped Zacharias would understand my motivation. Clearly I was wrong.

“You never put the great Archangel Michael at risk like that. He could have defeated Separus instead of you committing all of this treason.”

“I also saved hundreds if not thousands of humans.”

“I don’t care,” Zacharias hisses, his cut-off wings expand slightly in frustration.

The reprimand from Zacharias hurt far more than any from Uriel. I guess it is because I was starting to build a relationship with the cranky earthbound. I thought we had something in common until now. The tears are falling again. This time I taste their saltiness as it passes my mouth, a bittersweet taste that suits my current situation.

Contemplating what Zacharias said, I turn to see how things were going with our patients, my victims. Each one lay on the cold stone ground, towered over by their carriers. Cindy was still lying lifeless, and I remember that I have not inserted any healing power into her, and I race over to begin.

Archangel Gabriel watches me carefully, looking hopeful.

When I lift my hand, I say, “It took a while for them to wake up last time so I imagine that it will be the same this time.”

A look of understanding passes over the kind archangel's face. Continuing to gaze into the crystal spring blueness, I think this is the only set of eyes in the room right now that does not want to kill me. I cannot say that they are entirely happy though. I stand to check on my other victims.

Ben lies with his eyes closed. Even though I was being watched intensely by Archangel Uriel, I couldn’t help running a soft passionate hand over his face around the cheekbone. I really did not want anything to happen to him, and it is eating me alive knowing he is injured because of me. I inject more healing light and hope that he wakes up soon. I look up, and golden brown eyes glare at me. I wasn’t the favourite before, and I am certainly not the favourite now.

I stand and go to Archangel Michael. He sits resting up against the stone wall, accompanied by Archangel Raphael. The green archangel is continually injecting healing light into him, trying to heal the leader of the angels and great warrior as soon as possible.

I squat down by his side and ask both the archangels, “Would you like me to inject more healing light into Archangel Michael to aid the healing."

Archangel Raphael’s face squeezes with tension and Archangel Michael did not look too pleased to see me either. He nods. “Yes. You can help fix some of this mess you have caused.”

Archangel Raphael has removed some of his armour so he could get directly to his chest to heal him better.

I grab his hand with one hand and place my other hand on his uncovered chest. It was unusual seeing the archangel with so little clothing on although his chest was just as I imagined it would be — toned and completely covered in muscles that most humans would forget that they had.

As I push the healing light through his chest, I say, “I am really sorry Archangel Michael. By the time you had arrived the plan I had thought up was completely in play and it would have been hard to save the others and Ethan if I did not continue.” I look deep into his eyes. “Please believe me that I never wanted to hurt any of you. I just wanted Separus gone, Ethan healed, and the whole fight to be over.”

The blue eyes are reinforced with steel. “There were better ways to do it fledgling. I could have defeated Separus.”

“I do not doubt that great leader, but if you did would Ethan be free?”

“Is he even free? Do you know? Or did you almost sacrifice everyone who trusted you for no reason?” His eyes study my face unrelentingly, and a fear settles in the pits of my stomach.

I look down at the grey stone floor and fiddle with my hands on my lap. “I don’t know if he is free. I assumed he would automatically be released when the demon who took his conscience was killed.”

“That is usually how it works, but maybe, just maybe, Separus was not the one responsible for his turning. Maybe he was just the bait. Which means; you should have left him to me. Your betrayal to him and us will not go unnoticed in the underworld. They will play on it and use it to the best of their advantage.”

“But I did not betray you, it was an act to betray him,” I groan.

“That may be so, but to them they will take it as it was seen.”

Sitting on my backside, I pull my knees to my chest and hug them. I am really hoping I have not destroyed everything that has been planned.

“Your actions cannot go unpunished or it will seem that we are soft, and others might try to do similar things.” I rock my head up and down in understanding. “We do not have the luxury of these mistakes, especially when the world is continuing to get worse. We need everyone following orders and on the ground fighting.”

“Can I at least check on Ethan before you decide my punishment? I really want to see if all my sacrifices of severing my friendships and of nearly losing my respected leader and loyal friends paid off.”

He nods. "But I will be going with you along with someone else. He may have even turned for the worse."

I stand and offer a hand to help the leader of angels to his feet. He still looks pale, but his movements are fluid once he stands. Archangel Raphael helps replace his armour around his torso.

Zacharias shuffles over and stands in front of Archangel Michael his eyes looking to the floor. Gruffly he mutters, “I fear I have failed you again.”

Archangel Michael’s eyebrow arches higher. “How would you think that, Zacharias?”

His eyes shoot up to look at our leader. “You left me in charge of your fledglings and I clearly had no control over them.” He glares at me.

Archangel Michael throws his head back and laughs. “Zacharias, fledglings are like children, you try to teach them but at times they still make the wrong decision and go against your instruction.” The sapphire blue eyes study the old angel’s face. "You lost your wings protecting me. Never have you failed me.” He places a hand on the earthbound angel’s shoulder. “Is this the reason you have cut yourself off from the angelic world?”

The old angel doesn’t respond. His blank face stares at the leader.

“My brother, stop this nonsense and join with us freely again.” He reaches back and caresses the cut-off wings. “At least in spirit if it is not possible physically. I have missed you, my brother.” He pulls Zacharias over in a one-arm hug around the shoulders.

Zacharias does not say anything, yet as I study his face it is almost looks as though he has just lost years of his age.

Archangel Michael turns to me and says, “Come. Let us go and see your final result so you may begin your punishment.”

My body tenses, tying my stomach in many knots. I am hoping it all worked, especially with everything I have put all of my fellow angels through. It never crossed my mind that it wouldn’t work until Archangel Michael said it might not have. If I had known this before then, I wouldn’t have done what I did.

Zacharias comes with us with a strange skip in his step. At least someone is has a good result from today’s effort. The walk down the dull grey corridors takes forever.

When we reach the familiar stone door, I pause and lean my head against the door with my hand ready to open it. “May I at least have some privacy as I speak with him? Again, he is in there because of me.”

Zacharias’ voice is almost a yell. “You don’t deserve—”

Archangel Michael stern, yet soft voice interrupts. “Let her have a few minutes.”

I turn to look at him. His hand is resting on Zacharias’ shoulder. “Thank you,” I utter. My emotions are completely exhausted, but I have to find the last grain of strength to get through the next few minutes. I pry my body from the door and open it with the pulse. The grating echoes through the corridor as the solid stone slides across the ground. I catch my breath in my throat. Ethan is sitting on his bed with his head in his hands resting on his knees, and he gazes at the floor. His light brown hair falls forward messier that usual, I suspect no one thought of giving him a comb. The knots are pulled tight in my stomach as I step through the threshold folding my wings away. Closing the door behind me, I think I am going to need that privacy I requested.

Raising his head, he looks at me. “Aurora?” He stands and rushes to me scooping me into a hug. I breathe out a sigh of relief and relax into his embrace as his sturdy arms enclose tighter around me. It is what I need after such an emotionally torn day. A strong hand runs through my hair and cups the back of my head. This is the Ethan I know, the Ethan that was always there for me in my human life, when life with my dad’s abuse of my mum became too much. The Ethan that would embrace me when the tears fell from the fear that one day my father would snap, resulting in killing my mother. The Ethan that understood I had to step in to stop him at times, even though that person on the receiving end of his rage could be me. The Ethan that knew I had to protect the innocent even as a human.

His shoulders rocked. “I shouldn’t have let you go that day.”

Pulling back, I embrace his face in my hands watching the tears leave their trace.

“What are you talking about?” I ask wiping the tears off his cheeks with my thumbs.

“I shouldn’t have let you go alone to your parents place, not only the last time but the last few times. I could have helped you, protected you.”

I pulled him close and stroked his hair above his ears. Now I understand, he has not only been grieving my loss but also harbouring guilt from not protecting me. “It’s not your fault. You were at work, I was between lessons at college — there was no way you could have been there.”

“But I should have been stronger and told you not to go without me, ever.” He choked back a sob.

A smile creeps on my face. “You know I wouldn’t have listened. No amount of telling me would have worked.”

One side of his mouth lifts in a smile and his head tilts slightly in agreement. “I’ve missed you.” He stoops down and kisses me, pulling me close. As our lips rediscover each other, my body softens against his. I cannot fight anymore today I am spent, and my soul craves the affection. For just a few moments, I let the world of the angels melt away into the background. Lost in him, I am vaguely aware that my feet have left the ground — sturdy arms lift me with ease. Something yielding touches the back of my head and curls around my ears as my back rests against something firm yet comforting. My eyes fly open as I realise what has happened. I am lying on Ethan’s bed and his body lies partially on me as I feel his hunger.

It cannot be happening. “I can’t,” I gasp between his kisses. Grasping for reasons why this cannot occur, I remember.

“Why?” He does not stop kissing me working his way down my throat.

“Archangel Michael and Zacharias can walk in at any time.” My breath is laboured.

“They are angels; I’m sure they have seen it before.” His mouth caresses the bare skin on my chest.

I take a sharp breath and push him aside scrambling to my feet. “It is forbidden.”

He sits, his arms resting on his knees. “What is, sex?”

“No. I mean yes, but not just that, romantic relationships, in general, are forbidden.”

He huffs. “That’s ridiculous. You’re Aurora.

I release my wings hoping this may remind him, spreading their golden yellow tips out wide and displaying the perfect array of soft, sturdy feathers.

Something in his eyes snaps. The kindness leaves, and a glowering takes over the features that were kind only moments before. “Yes,” he says. His voice is coarse. “Yes, you.”

I frown. “Ethan, what’s wrong?”

He rises to his feet and takes steps toward me. “You are the one,” he hisses.

“Ethan,” I ask, unsure of the sudden change. It was not unusual for him to change slightly before when I released my wings, but this is going beyond any measure of anger from before.

“You failed, didn’t you?” He takes another step and I retreat the same distance. “You failed your mission.” He throws his head back and laughs a deep laugh that I have never heard Ethan make before in any of our lives together. “You betrayed Separus and your fellow angels.” He leans forward aggressively. “You hold the deception of the deepest demon yet you did not join them.”

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