The Tantric Principle (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Probst

BOOK: The Tantric Principle
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Suddenly uneasy, Arianna stuffed her bag in the carrier and made her way toward the door.


She turned at the sound of her name on his lips. “Yes?”

“Would you mind staying behind and helping me lock up?” The blonde rushed to his rescue. “Oh, I can help you, Grant.” Grant smiled. “Thanks, Missy, but I need to go over a few things with Arianna. She helped me out at the Boston conference.”

Missy nodded but her eyes tracked her competition suspiciously. Arianna held back a groan. First day and already there were issues. She felt like she was back in college having an affair with a professor rather than a yoga teacher. For God’s sake, she wasn’t even being graded!

Arianna took the opportunity to look around at what her lover had built. The studio boasted of floor to ceiling windows with the view of the towering Manhattan skyscrapers fighting for glory amidst streaky blue skies. The wooden floor and beams gleamed with high polish. Ruthlessly organized and clean, there was a raised stage in the front for speakers and demonstrations, but the rest of the space was dedicated to the practice. Mediation blankets, mats and cushions stacked against the far wall. A perfect circle in black and gold was painted at the entrance. Students stood in the circle and bowed before entering the sacred space. It was a practice to become centered and leave the world behind them for the time they practiced. In a city of ruthless competition, Grant had built something special and unique amidst the chaos.

Arianna listed to Grant’s words as he ushered the young Missy out of the school and locked the door behind her. She turned to face a sudden masculine irritation.

“Where do you think you were going?” he demanded.

Her belly jumped at his commanding tone and she took a step back. “Home.” Grant stalked her slowly across the room like a graceful predator. “Don’t think so. It’s been a few days. I’ve missed you.”

“I’m working a big account. I needed to catch up.”

“Were you avoiding me?” he asked.

He closed the gap. Her back hit the wall. Arianna tilted her chin up and met his gaze head on. “A little.”

The slow, masculine grin that transformed his carved features took her breath. “Good, at least you’re still telling me the truth. Now kiss me properly.” He didn’t wait for her response, just took her in his arms and dived right in. His mouth urged her lips open with a sensual persuasion, then slipped his tongue in the wet depths of her mouth to play. Arianna drank in the heady taste of male hunger and coffee. Her nails dug into his shoulders in punishment and a need she couldn’t seem to slake.

He lifted his mouth from hers and cupped her face in his hands. “Hi, babe.” Her heart melted.

She smiled back, damning her own weakness and his gorgeous dark eyes and his scent that called to her in basic lustful need. “Hi.”

“Feel better?”

She sighed and laid her head against his chest. “Sorry. I think the weekend threw me for a bit. I needed to get my footing. Then Missy came along.” He held her back from him, one eyebrow raised. “What does Missy have to do with us?” She shrugged. “Made me realize there are always going to be students who want to cross the line with you. I thought I was special, but I’m one of many.” Temper lit his gaze and he stepped away from her. “Hold on. A student is a little friendly and you naturally assume I do this with everyone?”

“No, I—“

“You are special. I never cross this line, not after it cost me my marriage and my business. But I couldn’t get you out of my mind. So we’re going to play this out.” Anger speared through her. Arianna frowned. “Play this out? I’m not part of your plan to get me out of your system, buddy. I don’t know what we’re doing here. One moment you told me this would never happen between us, the next we’re spending the weekend in bed. Now we’re hiding our relationship but I can’t make a comment about another student wanting you.”

“Are you jealous?” he demanded.

Arianna moved in and met him toe to toe. A growl of temper sprang from her lips as she challenged him. “Get over yourself. I happen to trust you. I just realized this is something we need to deal with. Hiding our affair may make things more complicated. Now, I’m going home.” With a strong shake of her head, she turned on her heel.

He spun her right back. “Don’t you get it? I never wanted anyone else like I want you.

I’m just trying to figure this out.”

“No, you want things nice and tidy. I told you I’m not one of your yoga worshippers, ready to follow you around and do your bidding.”

“I don’t want a worshipper! I want you!” he shouted.

Silence slammed upon them. He waited a beat. Another. Another.

Then he moved. He grabbed and took hold, his mouth coming down hard on hers and suddenly the fire ripped through them. She tore at the band of his hair and fisted her fingers into the inky strands. His tongue thrust in and out of her mouth, demanding more and more, until she wrapped her legs around his hips and squeezed tightly. With one quick motion, he grabbed a mat from the wall, tossed it on the floor and pushed her down. Hands and mouth and teeth tore at each other with a ravenous hunger. He ripped off her clothes and buried his fingers in her wet heat. She arched underneath him and cried out, and he went deeper, harder, until she shimmered with tension and she came against his hand in a rush of wetness and heat.

He ripped down his pants and thrust into her, keeping the movement urgent, pushing her to her second climax, then slowed his movements to a gentle rocking. Her body relaxed, spent, and she felt him still hard and buried deep.

“What happened?” she asked in confusion.

He nuzzled her breasts through the tight lycra, teasing her nipple to tighten and push against the material. “I don’t have a condom.”

“Then I can take care of you.”

He chuckled and kept her firmly under him. She felt him pulse between her legs. “No, I just want to feel what it’s like to stay inside you for a while. You’re so tight, baby, tight and wet.

I can stay here forever.” He rocked again and tugged down her top to lick her nipples. Arianna moaned. The friction on her clitoris kept her on the fine edge of the third orgasm. Sensitive to every movement, he teased her. The rough hair on his thighs scraped against her sensitive skin.

He circled his hips so she felt the whole length of him pressed deep inside of her. Every sensation felt electrified, her nerve endings raw, her orgasm close. His control was a fine edged sword of pain and pleasure. Time dragged on as he brought her close and back, over and over, until she urged him with her fingers and her voice and her teeth to finish.

He reached down and found the slick nub. His thumb pressed while he thrust one last time. Arianna screamed as the final orgasm ripped through her and relief and sheer pleasure broke over her in waves. She felt him slide out of her with excruciating slowness.

Minutes ticked by while they caught their breath. Finally, he broke the silence.

“You have a temper,” he said.

She snuggled closer. “And I thought you didn’t. This was a pleasant surprise.” A laugh escaped his lips. “I can count on one hand how many times I’ve lost my temper in the past year. You seem to bring out a whole variety of emotions.” She sighed and gave her surrender. How could she fight a man who wanted control so badly, yet believed in the concept of letting go? Grant taught from the heart and built his entire school on the principles of yoga. Principles such as living in the moment and being present, letting go of negative emotions, and trusting in the Universe. He thought he had succeeded.

Arianna knew he had not.

His faith had been shaken and he didn’t know how to get it back. The closer they became, she realized he practiced only in theory, but his heart was an ancient medieval castle, and a woman would need a horse and a sword in order to breech and storm the barricades.

She’d known her heart was at stake from the past week they spent together. For the first time in her life, she felt cracked open to her vulnerable, mushy center. A deep connection burned between them on a level she had never reached with another man. Her gut knew he felt the same way, but Arianna didn’t know if he’d ever admit his feelings. How could she fight a ghost from the past? An experience that had shaped the man he was today?

She didn’t need to find any of the answers tonight. She only knew she wanted to be with him, for as long as it lasted.

“You said you trusted me,” he said.

She spoke softly. “I do. Grant, I’m not looking for validation of our relationship. I’m not looking for explanations every time you have a meeting or flirtation with a student. I can separate business from pleasure and I’m not jealous. I just don’t want to be judged on a past experience I can’t fight.”

“You’re nothing like my ex-wife.”

“I know. But are you going to be suspicious every time I watch another student come on to you? Are you going to worry that I’ll turn against you and cause another break in your school?”

“Missy likes the way she’s feeling and she’s transferred the emotions to me. I’ve seen it before.”

Arianna couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips. “I used the same excuse to keep from falling for you. Convinced myself it was like a therapist.”

“Sometimes it is.” He didn’t speak for a while, and she knew he was uneasy. “Is that what you think we have?”

She reached down and stroked his erection with her hand. He was slippery from her juices and warm to the touch. Grant gasped and gave himself up to her ministrations, but before he could explode he pushed her away again, breathing deep.

“Let go,” she whispered. “I want to please you.”

“You do. But I follow tantra, so I don’t allow myself to come often. My body holds all of the sexual energy and I can go deeper into my practices.” His eyes glittered with raw hunger. “I also get my satisfaction from you. Your pleasure is mine. We’re linked.”



“You’re an amazing teacher. And I love the way yoga has changed my life. But I’m not sleeping with you because I’m getting off on secretly screwing my instructor.” He dropped a kiss on her lips. “Not even a little?”

She punched him in the arm. “If you need more time to work this out, I’m okay with keeping us a secret. Just don’t get upset when I call things the way I see them.”

“Deal. Now come home with me.”

“I have to get up so early and—“

He kissed her hard and deep. “Arianna, I want you to sleep in my bed tonight. Even if it’s just for a little while.”

The wall holding back her heart shook on its foundation, then slowly steadied. She nodded. They got dressed and walked out together hand in hand.

Chapter Six

“You got it.”

Arianna looked up at Tim. He stood in the doorway with a half smile on his face. “Got what?” she asked.

He shook his head in amazement. “The promotion. Un-frikkin' believable. Sanders promoted you.”

The file dropped from her fingers as his words shot through her brain and squeezed with clarity. “You’re joking.”

“Not. He wants you to lead the team for the Rosebud account. Damn, Arianna, he’s sending you to Chicago.”

The reality of her situation crashed over her. Sheer excitement fought with pure emotion.

Grant. She would have to leave Grant.

Arianna pushed the thought aside and stood up. “Is this official? How do you know?” she demanded as she made her way through the corridor to her manager’s office. “Don’t start this crap with me that a rumor was started and I have to keep it quiet. You know I don’t play that game well.”

He trotted after her. “Don’t know what you have against the grapevine. It works for me.

Never wrong either. You can’t just barge into his office and announce you heard a rumor.

Arianna, wait till he offers you the position, for God’s sake.” She knocked on the door and tossed him a cheeky grin. “Too late. I won’t mention your name.” Tim’s groan echoed in the background as she shut the door behind her.

* * * *

She was moving to Chicago.

Arianna sat in her office with her blinds drawn, struggling to process the last few hours.

Tim had told the truth. It was hers. As the head of the Creative Services Department, she’d closed a few big accounts at G & B, but the Rosebud account was in a different league. She assumed Sanders would go with one of the more senior leaders for such an important victory.

But he didn’t. He’d taken a chance on her, and now she was the youngest executive in the company to be piloting an account out of New York.

She’d spent the last five years working toward one goal: to showcase her talent and head a big account. Chicago was the key. She would be in charge of the whole damn division. The lead person on the biggest advertising deal of the century.

They were creating an ad for the Superbowl. Just a few precious seconds of television exposure, but during the most watched game of the year.

Millions of dollars were at stake, months of preparation for the one pitch that would land G & B into the big leagues. The future stretched before her like the yellow brick road of Oz.

The knock on her door caused her to jump. “Yes?” she called out.

Grant opened the door and stepped in. “I thought I’d stop by to check out the corporate world. Do you think if I passed out business cards I would get some new students?” She laughed. “Hell, yes. If Tricia let you in, you must have seen her facial tick. I think corporate sponsors could open up a whole new world for you.” He looked thoughtful. “You’re right. I never thought to expand into the corporate environment, but it’s a whole untapped market.”

“What are you doing here?”

Onyx eyes heated and gleamed. “I wanted to see you. I know you’re working late for the next few nights so I thought I’d stop by.”

“I’m glad you did.” She crossed to him and linked her arms around his neck. He moved in to kiss her long and deep, his tongue lazily exploring her slick mouth with the command of a lover who knows every inch of his mate. She let herself go and sank into the embrace, automatically fitting her hips to cradle his, her breasts flattened against his hard chest. The familiar energy sparked around them, then settled to a low hum.

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