The Texas Ranger's Family (11 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Winters

BOOK: The Texas Ranger's Family
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“You don't have to do this, Luckey.”

“You've helped me out plenty of times and my weekend is wide open. The boss told me to expect a new case on Monday.”

“I'll owe you big time. I'm on my way home now. If Natalie says she wants to go with me, I'll call you and we'll make plans.”

“Home, huh?”

“Don't start, Luckey.”

“Yup. You have it bad. I'll wait for your call.”

* * *

put Amy down for the night when her cell rang. Her pulse raced before she answered. “Hi, Kit. Are you still in Kansas?”

“Nope. I'm pulling into the driveway and I wanted to give you a heads-up.”

She was so happy he was back she had to be careful not to show it. “It's perfect timing. Amy's just fallen asleep. If she'd seen you, she wouldn't have wanted to go to bed. She said your name several times today. She can't figure out where you are.” His chuckle worked its way to her insides.

She could hear the garage door opening while they were still on the phone. “Maybe we can fix that problem this weekend,” he said and then disconnected, leaving her hanging.

When he walked into the kitchen wearing his collared shirt, her heart was still thudding. He looked...sensational. “Welcome back, Father Saunders. Would you care for something cold to drink?”

His gaze held hers. “I'd like a cola if you have one.”

“I have a six-pack.”

“Give me a minute to freshen up.”

While he disappeared, she pulled two out of the fridge and went into the living room to wait for him. He returned quickly, wearing a polo shirt, and reached for his soda before he sat on the couch. After taking a long swallow he said, “How was your day?”

“Uneventful, thank heaven. How was yours?”

“My trip to Leavenworth turned all of my hunches into truths.”

She sat forward in her chair. “Tell me everything.”

“I made a deal with Esger, who signed a confession in front of the prison warden. In exchange, two years have been taken off his twelve-year prison sentence. He provided false ID to your husband, to Salter, to the other prisoner who escaped with your husband, Alonzo Morales, and to his sister, Juanita Morales.

“She probably drove the vehicle that took them to Fort Collins where they would have paid a fortune to Esger to fix them up with false documents. When they'd planned out their con, they came to Texas. The woman Colette saw with your husband was Juanita. I sent Colette a rap sheet on the other woman and she made a positive identification of the mug shot.”

Natalie jumped to her feet. “Then two killers are still at large.”

“That's true, but we know who they are and what they look like. Thanks to Colette, I'll be able to close in on them much sooner. When I've pieced a little more information together, I'll organize a manhunt to bring them in.”

She stood there looking at him in awe. “You only took on this case a week ago, and already you know everything. You must have come to this earth with special gifts.”

He darted her a quick smile. “No. I was born naturally curious. I was always asking why. It drove my family crazy.”

“Be serious for a minute. Do you ever take a break?”

“I'm taking one this weekend.”

Natalie didn't know what that meant. “I'm glad to hear you have a personal life. You must be sick of sleeping on the floor with one eye open all the time.”

“I don't mind. It's all part of the job.” He finished his cola. “How would you and Amy like to drive to San Antonio with me tomorrow? She's a great little traveler. We'll stay at a motel close to the arena and order a crib for your room. There's an animal exhibit at Little Buckaroo Farms Amy will love. You can push her around in her stroller.”


“I'm going to haze for my brother at the rodeo tomorrow night. My friend Luckey will guard you during the steer wrestling event. But if you don't want to come, a surveillance team will watch you here all weekend. The decision is yours.”

Don't want to come? Natalie had trouble catching her breath. “I'd love to go, but I don't want you to feel you have to take us along. Amy and I will be fine here.”

“Wouldn't you like a break that doesn't include traveling on a jet?”

“Well, yes, but—”

“But what?” he broke in, sounding tense all of a sudden.

“But nothing,” she said with a smile he reciprocated, thrilling her out of her mind. Natalie sensed he wanted her with him and she wanted to be there. She was overjoyed that he'd invited her. “What time do you want to leave tomorrow?”

“Whenever we feel like it. The drive to San Antonio only takes an hour and a half. I'll need to meet Brandon at the arena an hour before his event. Why don't we take off after breakfast and check in at the motel before we visit the animals?”

“That sounds perfect. Amy will be worn out after that and take a nap before we go to the arena to watch you compete.”

“Then it's settled. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have half a dozen phone calls to make.”

She could imagine. “While you do that, I'll do a little packing and get ready for tomorrow. See you in the morning.”

For once she didn't mind saying good-night because she knew she'd be with Kit all weekend. She couldn't wait to watch him in the arena. Any time spent with him was precious.

By the time Natalie slid under the covers she knew she was suffering from a full-blown case of hero worship.

Truth really was stranger than fiction because in one week she'd fallen hard for the gorgeous Ranger. With every passing minute she was getting in deeper and deeper. Last night when he'd put his arms around her to comfort her, she'd struggled not to return the kiss he'd given her on the cheek. If only he knew how badly she'd ached for the taste and feel of his mouth on hers.

Chapter Six

“Look, Amy! That's a cow! A

Kit chuckled as Amy imitated him and said, “Big cow.” He'd been pushing her around in the stroller with Natalie at his side. Despite the heat, the Little Buckaroo Farm turned out to be pure delight. Seeing it through Amy's eyes made the experience so much fun, Kit didn't want it to end.

Hundreds of other families exclaimed over the animals. The goat-milking entertained everyone. “Shall we go see the horses now?” He pushed on and stopped in front of the fence so Amy could have a clear view of the horses in the corral.

Natalie leaned down. “See the horses?”

“Hus!” Amy pronounced. Both Kit and Natalie broke into laughter.

“That's right, little cutie,” Kit agreed. “You're looking at a

When they least expected it, the bay closest to them let out a loud, high-pitched neigh that startled a lot of people and frightened Amy. “Kit!” She cried his name and squirmed around, holding up her arms. He undid the strap that held her and pulled her into his arms. She clung to him, crying her heart out.

A lot of bystanders smiled to see her hugging the priest. Natalie eyed the two of them. “If you had any question of how much she likes you, it's just been answered. You've received my daughter's seal of approval. She didn't even think to turn to me.”

To hold her warm little body against him with her arms around his neck brought a huge lump to his throat. “I'm a grown man who was raised around horses and it startled me, too. I'm glad she feels safe with me. But maybe coming to the farm wasn't a good idea.”

“Don't be silly. She loved it. She'll get over the scare.”

When he would have put Amy back in the stroller, she fought to stay in his arms.

Natalie shot him a glance. “I think it's time to go back to the motel.” He agreed.

She started pushing the stroller toward the main gate. He followed, carrying the precious princess who continued to let out shuddering little half sobs. By the time they'd reached Kit's car she'd calmed down.

He put Amy in her car seat, but she didn't like it. “I'll sit next to her,” Natalie told him. “A nap is exactly what she needs.”

After Kit put the stroller in the trunk of the Altima, he started the car and drove them to the Bucking Horse Motel near the arena. They had rooms side by side. He opened the rear door to help Natalie out.

“I think I'd better take her into my room without you, Kit. Otherwise she might never settle down.”

“You're probably right, but let me make sure it's safe.” After he'd checked the room, he came back out. “I'll call you when I'm ready to leave.”

Once she'd lifted Amy into her arms, he handed her the diaper bag and watched as they disappeared inside. He got Amy's stroller out of the trunk and put it outside Natalie's room for Luckey to put in his car. He could hear Amy's whimpers as he let himself into his room.

His friend would already be inside. They'd arranged for him to arrive at the motel ahead of time so no one would be aware. His presence would free Kit to leave for the arena to meet Brandon, who'd arrive in his own truck and trailer. He'd be bringing Kit's favorite horse and his gear.

When he walked in, he saw his dark-blond friend stretched out on the bed in his Western clothes, watching TV.

“Thanks for coming. I appreciate you doing this big favor for me.”

“Hey. This is the kind of work I like. Where's Mrs. Harris?”

“Next door. Room 14.” He told Luckey what had happened at the farm. “Let's hope Amy has forgotten when she wakes up. The stroller is outside her door. Amy will be easier to handle if Natalie can wheel her around at the arena. Brandon has reserved seats for you on the front row near the chute.”

“I've already got that covered.”

“What do you mean?”

“Vic's here, too.”

“What have you done?”

“I told the guys you were going to be the hazer tonight. Cy wanted to come, but he's on a case and can't leave. Vic was free and wants to watch you ride. He also wants to get a look at Natalie Harris. So do I.”

Kit shook his head then laughed. In truth he was relieved two of the best Rangers alive would be helping to guard Natalie. “I have something to show you.”

Luckey sat up. Kit pulled out a file and handed him the rap sheets with the mug shots on the Morales siblings. “I have to assume they've been watching the house, so it's possible that one of them might have followed us here and the other is planning to get into Natalie's house. One of the surveillance team will be inside, ready to arrest him or her on sight.”

“Let's hope it happens, and then you can zero in on the killer still at large.”

“I have no idea which one will be tailing Natalie and me. If it's Juanita, she could be in her old disguise of blond hair and blue eyes. But my hunch is on Alonzo who might even try to kidnap Amy or Natalie or both. I'd imagine they must be desperate to find the money and the guns.”

Luckey put the rap sheets on the dresser. “Get your mind off the case and concentrate on helping your brother bring in the best time tonight. Leave the worry to Vic and me.”

“I will.” Kit clapped his friend on the shoulder and phoned Natalie. She picked up on the first ring.


“How's Amy?”

“Blissfully asleep.”


“Are you ready to go?”

“Yup. I'm walking out the door. Luckey's here and he'll phone you when it's time to leave for the arena.”

“I'm excited to watch you and your brother compete.”

“I haven't hazed for him in a while.”

“Don't give me that bull. No pun intended.” He laughed. “I happen to know a hazer has to foresee all possibilities of trouble and correct them in a split second. You couldn't turn in a bad performance if you tried.”

“I'm flattered by your confidence in me. See you back here after the rodeo. Stay safe.”

“You, too. Go get 'em, cowboy!”

Luckey stared at him as he hung up. “Yup,” he murmured.

“Don't say it. Don't say anything.”

“Oh, I won't!” A big grin broke out on his tanned face. “That conversation said it all.”

“See you later. I'm out of here.”

Kit left the room still wearing his clerical shirt and got into his car. He'd stowed his riding clothes and cowboy hat in the trunk. Brandon would be waiting for him in his trailer behind the livestock pens.

He checked his rearview mirror repeatedly on the way to see if anyone was following him, but he saw nothing suspicious.

Kit arrived to find his brother standing outside with one of his team members. The second he saw him, Brandon ran to the car, practically pulling Kit out of the driver's seat to give him a hug. “Thanks, bro. You're saving my life. I know you're on a case.”

“It's all right. I've got it covered.”

His brother did a double-take when he pulled away from him. “What are you doing in that outfit?”

“Part of my cover. Let's go inside the trailer so I can change.”

“Where's your gear?”

“In the trunk.”

“I'll get it.” Brandon was so grateful, it was as if he couldn't do enough for his older brother. It didn't take long for Kit to put on his rodeo clothes.

“Terry's already walked our horses inside,” Brandon informed him.

“How's Flash?”

“The vet checked both horses over this morning. Yours is in great condition. I've seen to that. Let's go.”

The familiar smell of the animals took Kit back to the time when he'd competed on a regular basis. It seemed a lifetime ago. Since then so much in his life had changed, starting with his move to Austin and the beginning of his career as a Ranger. He'd gained three close friends who were like brothers.

He loved this life.

If he hadn't chosen this profession, he would never have met Natalie. The thought of any harm coming to her or Amy filled him with rage. But he needed to take Luckey's advice and stay centered on the job ahead of him for Brandon's sake.

If his brother could win the national championship in Las Vegas, the prize money would be enough to keep the family ranch running. Kit determined to do his best for him.

Flash, Kit's black-and-white gelding, nickered as Kit rubbed his forelock. “Good to see you, buddy. I've missed you, too.” He slipped his horse some sugar cubes. “I'm going to eat my pre-competition Snickers, so you should be able to binge, too.”

He saddled and bridled Flash. After putting on his riding gloves, he joined his brother in the corral to put his horse through some paces. With the right animal, everything felt right. Flash felt right beneath him.

Brandon rode alongside him. “It's like old times, bro.”

Kit nodded. “Feels good to be riding with you again.”

“You don't know what it means to me.”

“Sure I do.”

“Scott feels terrible.”

“I can imagine, but accidents happen. Corky will do a great job for you.”

Brandon checked his watch. “It's time for me to head back in for the parade.”

“I'll be right beside you when it's time. I bet you'll do it under 3 seconds.” To bring down the steer in 2.9 would be hard to do but it wasn't impossible.

“I've got to get in that range to keep my average.”

“Hold that thought.” They high-fived.

Kit watched with pride as his brother rode in. Flash was frisky so he rode him around for a while then headed to the arena to wait their turn. Natalie would be in the bleachers by now.

He patted his horse. “We've got to do our best tonight. Brandon needs a win and we don't want to disappoint Natalie with a poor performance.”

In the background he could hear the “Star Spangled Banner” sung by a local country singer, then the roar of the crowd and the applause. Finally came the announcements to open the San Antonio Rodeo.

“This is it.” He walked Flash inside to a place where the other hazers were lined up. Some of the riders were familiar and they nodded to him. Because of his standings, Brandon would be second out of the box. Kit found his spot in line. Before long it was time for him to back into the box on the timed-event side of the arena.

“Next up, Brandon Saunders, mounted on his champion horse Ringo, from Marble Falls, Texas. Tonight his substitute hazer is Miles Saunders. They were known in the past as the dynamic brother duo!”

Kit heard a roar from the crowd. He watched his brother on the other side of the chute. He looked fierce. Kit knew that rush of adrenaline every rider experienced while they waited. When Brandon nodded his head, they released the steer and Kit rocketed out of the box to bookend the steer and ride close enough to touch it. Brandon picked it off fast while Kit rode on to rein in his brother's horse.

“That's a time of 3.0! Brandon is definitely on his game tonight!”

A huge roar went up from the crowd again.

The relief Kit felt left him overjoyed for his brother. After losing Scott, he'd had to fight through the bitter disappointment, but tonight he'd pulled it off. When the last steer wrestler had performed, the announcer said Brandon's time was the best of the night.

Since his brother had to wait around to pick up his gold buckle for the night, Kit left both horses with Brandon's team and walked back to the trailer to get his clothes and put them in his car. Then he headed to the bleachers. Now that his part was over, the only thing driving him was the need to be with Natalie.

Even from a distance he spotted her gleaming honey-blond hair. He had no idea where Luckey or Vic had positioned themselves, but it didn't matter because she looked happy. There was an empty seat next to her and Amy sat in her stroller in front of her, drinking water from a bottle.

As he walked toward her he heard a familiar voice. “Miles?”

It was his mother, but he'd been so intent on reaching Natalie, he was slow on the uptake. She sat on Natalie's right side and grasped his hand. “I'm so proud of you boys I could burst.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

He bent to kiss her cheek, but his gaze had centered on another pair of eyes that were focused on him, glowing a hot green. Kit moved past his mother.

“You were fantastic out there,” Natalie said in a quiet voice. “Come and sit down.”

As he stepped around the stroller and took his seat, Amy saw him and held up her hands, dropping the water bottle. “Kit!”

Not immune to that entreaty, he undid the strap and pulled Amy into his arms. “Did you see the horses?”

“Hus.” She gave him a big smile and kissed his cheek several times. The gesture went straight to his heart, as did Natalie's smile. The bareback riding event had gotten under way, but Kit couldn't concentrate on anything while he held Natalie's daughter on his lap.

“You have a new little rodeo fan, Father Segal. And here you were, hoping you could still pull it off. If you want my opinion, they should give you hazers a gold buckle. Your mother agrees with me.”

“How much does she know about us?” he whispered.

“Your brother told her I'm a friend,” she whispered back. “I've enjoyed sitting next to her. She taught me a lot about steer wrestling while we watched.”

Kit should have remembered his mother would be here to cheer them on. It hadn't occurred to him that the two would meet.

Luckey and Vic had to be around here somewhere. The rodeo would go on for another half hour, but for his friends' sake Kit didn't want to force them to be here any longer. Besides, Amy was restless. “Get ready to leave when the bareback riding ends. I'll carry the stroller while you bring Amy.”


He moved Amy into her arms. The diaper bag sat behind the seat of the stroller. He picked up the water bottle and stowed it inside. As soon as the announcer called for the tie-roping to start, Kit stood and carried the stroller past several fans to the aisle on the other side of him. Natalie followed with Amy who hadn't liked being moved. He'd talk to his mother later.

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