The Third Sin (29 page)

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Authors: Elsa Klensch

BOOK: The Third Sin
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“Harold knew that Kirsten stood between them and the stone. He didn't tell his mother—he just tried to solve the problem, with Max's help. Getting rid of Kirsten would have been a cheap way to get Irina off his back.”

“But then Max would have had his claws into Harold forever,” Keith said. “I don't think Harold Bruckheimer knows who Max Lundell really is.”

“I know this sounds crazy, Keith, but I feel sorry for Irina, in a way. That diamond gave her what she needed most—it made her feel important—gave her self-esteem.”

Sonya got up and took both wineglasses to the kitchen sink. “It's time for bed,” she said.

Keith got up and followed her into the bedroom. There would be time the next day to write her story, to figure out what she was going to say to Keith about his daughters, to do the interview with Kirsten. But now, she had a sexy man in her bedroom and she intended to take full advantage of that.



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Shooting Script

Take Two

The Third Sin



“Klensch is adept at drawing memorable characters and keeping the pace moving. The breathless conclusion barrels along with energy. A solid mystery with a pace like a volcanic eruption.”

Kirkus Reviews
Shooting Script

“Should appeal to Danielle Steel fans.”

Shooting Script

“After reading
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I know that Elsa Klensch will have as long and successful a career as a writer as she did as a pioneering fashion journalist for CNN. Elsa proved that television coverage of fashion could be successful. Now she proves that she is as good at writing fiction as she is in front of a camera.”

—Oscar de la Renta

“Only Elsa could fashion such a lively murderous tale.”

—Calvin Klein on
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“The style expert's first novel is a hot mystery set in the fashion world, featuring a smart female producer who scoops a murder case. Kick back in your stilettos to find out who knocked off a mogul's wife: the supermodel, the designer, or her own hubby!”

Us Weekly
Live at 10:00, Dead at 10:15

“If Mickey Spillane dealt in dress patterns and couture instead of lead and vengeance, this is the kind of book he'd write. The book is brisk and sharp, building to a satisfying and hilarious payoff.”

New York Post
Live at 10:00, Dead at 10:15

“Klensch is the ultimate fashion insider. It's impossible not to wonder who the real-life models for her characters were. This is a fun and fast-paced read, with lots of dish on an industry that can be as ugly as it is beautiful.”

Calgary Herald
Live at 10:00, Dead at 10:15


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2014 by Elsa Klensch

All rights reserved.

Cover art by Getty Images

A Forge Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010

is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

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The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Klensch, Elsa.

    The third sin : a Sonya Iverson novel / Elsa Klensch.—1st ed.

        p. cm.

    “A Tom Doherty Associates book.”

    ISBN 978-0-7653-1446-8 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-4668-1554-4 (e-book)

    1.  Iverson, Sonya (Fictitious character)—Fiction.   2.  Women television producers and directors—Fiction.   3.  Inheritance and succession—Fiction.   4.  Diamonds—Fiction.   5.  New York (N.Y.)—Fiction.   I.  Title.

PS3611.L46T48 2014



e-ISBN 9781466815544

First Edition: August 2014

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