The Third Wife (4 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: The Third Wife
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Chapter 5


Our two weeks were
almost at an end, bummer, but we had a blast. We did make it outside for
snorkeling and swimming and we remembered to eat at intervals. But he spent the
last thirteen days inside me, wrapped around each other. I am so going to miss
this. His attention focused solely on me makes me feel like I’m his whole

Tomorrow we head
back and I’m a little apprehensive though he keeps telling me not to worry.
“You’re worrying again. I thought I told you everything was going to be okay?
Nothing’s going to hurt you wildflower, I won’t let it.” I looked up at him
from my place on his chest. He’s so gorgeous it aches. Can I really share him? My
heart raced at the thought and something must’ve shown on my face because he
rolled me onto my back and slipped into me. I opened my legs wider to accept
him as my mouth lifted to his. Damn he does nice and slow so good. Kitty was
creaming by the third stroke, greedy bitch.

“I love being inside my wildflower.” Those words
whispered in that heartfelt way went a long way to easing my fears. I worked my
pussy on and off his cock as he slid in and out. When he lifted up and looked
down at me, his hands in my hair holding my head back I couldn’t hold back the
tears that formed. This was just so beautiful. He licked the tears from the
corners of my eyes.

“I love you Alana Jackson, my heart.” And that
sealed the deal. I came long and hard as I gave him back the words.


We pulled up to the
house and all my angst came back full force. How would we go on from here?
Arlene, Sharon and the little ones were waiting when we got to the house to
greet us, or more to greet him I should say. They were pretty much pretending
that I wasn't here, whatever. I felt a slight pang in my chest, and a slight
tingle in my belly. This was it, sink or swim time.

I kept going headed
for my room since no one was there to see me. The little girls seemed a little
distant. No doubt their mothers had warned them about me, who knows, we'll see.
I got undressed and showered all the while trying not to think of the fact that
he was with them. I knew realistically that he had to spend time with his
family, but tell that to my selfish heart.

I didn't go down to
dinner. I wasn't hungry and I didn't feel like seeing anyone right now anyway.
I was going to make it an early night. I wouldn't even let my mind wander to
what Cody was doing right now. I did fall asleep with tears in my eyes and my
ear buds in my ears though. I don't think I've ever felt so lonely and alone in
my life.



Alana had
disappeared the minute we got home. I know this was hard on her and that all my
assurances would go only so far to easing her transition. I’d made up my mind
to make things as easy for her as I could. I needed to spend time with the rest
of my family though. I had been gone for two whole weeks, my daughters missed
me and I them. Arlene and Sharon needed to reconnect. I saw the looks passing
between them. I know they were trying to guess which one of them I would be
spending the night with.

In my house I make
the rules. There're no specific nights for specific wives and I don't spend all
my time with my wives having sex. We do lots of things as a family, like little
outings for the girls. I take Arlene and Sharon out together and alone
according to how I feel. I also choose whose bed I will visit or who will visit
mine. Sometimes I want alone time and so do they and there’s never been a
problem before. Something tells me that that’s all about to change though.

I know to be fair I
probably should spend the night with one of them but I won't. I choose to spend
it with my new wife on her first night in our home. To me that was only fair.
Is it really about being fair Cody or is the truth that you can’t stay away
from her? I ignored that little niggling voice in my head I’ve done my duty for
all these years. So what if I wanted to take this little piece of paradise for

I helped get the girls
ready for bed after dinner and caught up on what had been going on in my
absence. Everything seemed to be same as always so no worries there. "I'm
calling it a night ladies..." I got up from the chair between them and
made to head upstairs. It had been hours since I’d seen her and I missed her.
It was going to be harder than I thought to get back into the groove of things.
I wouldn’t slight my wives and in no way would I ever make them feel that I
preferred one to the other. That would be a horrible thing for a man in my
position to do. But right this minute with our honeymoon still so fresh in my
mind, and the newness of having her under me. Fuck, two weeks weren’t enough. A
year wouldn’t be enough.

"What, you're not spending the night with
one of us?"

"Sharon, since when do you dictate what I do and where I do

"I just think it's only fair."

"Duly noted, anything else you would like
to say?"

"We were just wondering how long you
planned to baby her, and if you were planning on giving her higher status since
you seem so taken with her and all?" She was pissed and trying to hide it
but not doing a very good job of it.

"What about you Arlene you have anything to
add?" She looked away embarrassed as well she should, and shook her head

"Okay then let's
set this straight once and for all, so there's no misunderstanding. Whatever
you have going on in your heads that's on you. But that girl up those stairs is
my wife you get it? MY WIFE. Don't ever presume to tell me how I should treat
her. When I start mistreating either of you then you will have grounds to
complain, until then I would remind you of your places. Don't ever question me
again." I turned and walked away.

I've always been
fair. I didn't see this as being unfair; I wasn't ready for my honeymoon to be
over so sue me. Besides I did think it was only right that her first night in
her marital home should be spent with her husband. Tomorrow was soon enough to
go back to the norm.

I went to my rooms
first to shower then in only my pajama bottoms I went to her. She was asleep
with her headphones on. I started to smile until I got closer to the bed and
noticed the tear tracks on her cheeks. My stomach tied itself in knots. I
couldn't stand to see her cry. I climbed into bed behind her, drawing her into
my arms as she awakened on a hiccupping sigh.


"Shh, baby, I'm here." I kissed her
fully awake and laid her back on her pillow, looking into her sad eyes that
were breaking my heart. "I love you so much." Please be okay baby; I
hoped my love would be enough. It seemed to do the trick; her face broke into a
beautiful smile right before she captured my lips with hers. "I love you

I kissed my way down her body. It felt like days
instead of hours since I'd touched her like this. I was starved for her touch,
those soft, small hands roaming my back, taking my manhood into her palm.
"How do you want me wildflower?" I whispered in her ear as I nibbled
my way back up her neck.

"Soft and slow and dreamy, like the first
time." She spoke so softly, like the young girl she is. She has so much
confidence sometimes I forget how young she still was.

I entered her
softness, gazing into her eyes as she clasped her legs around my hips, biting
into her lip. I kissed her to stop my torment and she wrestled my tongue for
dominance. I let her win. "You're so sweet baby, I could stay inside you
forever." I moved in and out of her with slow deep strokes that set off
little sparks down my spine. She arched against me as though my words had moved
her. It drove me deeper still into her womanly warmth, my head swam with
euphoria. I could never live without this after having tasted it. There's
nothing I wouldn't do to keep her, nothing. She was my gift to myself, my one
selfish treasure, no one else would ever know that though, it wouldn't pay for
anyone else to ever know that.

Chapter 6


It's morning, time
to face a new day among other things. I have no clue what the new day will
bring. My new husband, (smile), just woke me up for some early morning
. At least that part of the honeymoon isn't over yet.
I think sloppy morning sex has got to be one of my
Don't get me wrong, I love the down and dirty leg twisting, back contortionist
kind too, but this, this feels like we're closer. Like we're renewing our love
for the new day.

I work my body
beneath his, feeling him right where I need him most. So deep inside me,
there's a sweet pleasure pain, but it hurts so good. His face is buried in my
neck, his breathing is labored and that shit turns me on even more. The quickening
of his pace when I squeeze a little let's me know that he likes what I'm doing
to him. I know he likes the feel of my nails scraping down his back, and my
heels bouncing against his ass as he rode between my legs.

"Oh, I'm
cumming..." Lights burst behind my eyelids my body is saturated with heat,
my walls quiver around him. As I draw his seed from him I bite him. Take that
bitches he'll be wearing my mark for at least two days. I got a slap on the ass
for that one. Should've known he'd be on to me.

"You're a bad girl." One last kiss
then he turned on his back drawing me down to his chest.

"Okay wildflower, we need to have a little
talk. I didn't want to do this on our honeymoon; that was our time, yours and
mine. But now we're back, and this is our life now. No don't tense up it's
nothing bad I promise. Just some things I think you need to know to help with
your transition. First of all, this is not a competition between you and them.
You do understand that don't you? If I spend time with Sharon or Arlene that
does not mean I don't still love you. It just means that they need me or
honestly, I need them at the time. It's not always about the physical either
and I have no intentions of ever sharing what goes on behind closed doors
between me, and any of you. There will be times when you might see me share a
tender moment with one or the other of them. Nothing, none of this takes away
from what I feel for you, just as what I feel for you cannot take away from
what I feel for them.
These are just
words I know, emotions are a whole different matter. I expect you to take time
to adjust, I will make allowances for the fact that although you were taught
our ways you've never really lived them, and haven't seen them in action. Your
parents because of the path they chose never had to follow the lifestyle. It
would've been almost impossible for them to do it in that environment without
ridicule. Those who speak out the loudest about injustice do not yet understand
the injustice of trying to force their will on others.
Our women are not mistreated, they're not
second-class citizens. We don't spend our days lazing around doing nothing but
having orgies with minors. There's crime here just as it is everywhere else.
Contrary to popular opinion we are human, fallible like all the rest. I'm
telling you these things to give you an idea of what you will face here. But
what I want you to remember most of all
that you
must come to me if ever there's a problem. I want your promise Alana, if
something or someone harms you in anyway I need to know so I can handle

"Babe I can take care of myself, don't
worry about me."

"That's just it, it's my job now to worry
about and take care of you so I want to hear you say it." He shook my shoulders
playfully. As we were about to get serious again, maybe have another round of
morning goodness there was a knock on the door. "What the..." He
broke off his sentence as he left the bed. Pulling on his pajama bottoms he
headed for the door.

"The kids
wanted to see their father." That's all I heard the bitch say before he
turned and looked back at me. The look on his face was priceless he was pissed.
He turned back to her and I could tell he reined it in for the kids' sake.
"Leave." One word, not even shouted but the way he said it, I hope he
never got that mad at me. Sharon took Katie and Crystal's hands and scurried

Poor thing, he had a
houseful of bitches to deal with. He came back to kiss me goodbye before
heading out the door with an apology. I stayed in bed a little longer,
pondering his words. Trying to find the best course of action to deal with my
new reality. It was obvious that he had feelings for me; it was also obvious he
had feelings for them. I could let that shit consume me, or I could sulk till I
get my way.

Somehow I don't think sulking is
make him do away with his daughters and his wives. It
will be hard watching him have any kind of intimate interaction with them I'm
sure. That's what I needed to concentrate on, how to deal with the fuck storm
that that was going to bring on. I hope this little valley was ready for the
storm of the century cause no matter what, a bitch like me knew it was coming.



I have to go in to
the office today. I'm a little hesitant after that stunt Sharon pulled this
morning. I'm not sure if she thinks I'm a green boy or just plain stupid. But
if she thought for one second I was going to allow her disrespect of not only
me, but Alana as well she was sorely mistaken. In order for me to keep order in
my home, things had to work both ways. There was only one ruler in my house and
that was me. As the head of my family that's my position, I will not brook any
form of insubordination, from anyone.

Allowances had to be
made for Alana obviously because she was new to this. I expected Sharon and
Arlene to make her feel welcomed. I wouldn't force friendships between them
though it was my wish that they all got along. But I did expect, and will
demand respect for each other. In all the years they've been with me neither of
them has ever pulled his stunt before, which told me they were even more
threatened by her than I first thought if they were willing to incite my wrath.

"Sharon, a word with you
." I found her in the kitchen with Arlene in deep
hushed conversation. I took in her pinched features with a sigh. When did she
decide that I was her pet to be led around on a leash? Had I become so
disinterested in my life that I had allowed her these liberties without
realizing it? Whatever the case may be I was going to put a stop to it and
right quick.

"You want to explain what that was about
this morning?" I kept a tight rein on my anger, patience was needed here
not a hot head.

"What, what did I do that was so wrong? I would think that
after not seeing them for two weeks you would want to spend as much time as
possible with your children before going back to work.

"So now you're questioning my love for my
children?" I guess she finally caught on to her plight when she heard the
cold fury in my voice. Her quick step back might’ve been a very wise move on
her part. I don’t think I’ve ever been this pissed at her before.

"I didn't mean...I..." She folded her
arms and looked down.

"Do you want to go
spend some time with your family Sharon?"

"Oh no please don't send me away..." Her eyes were
suddenly wide with fright.

"I'm not sending you away, I just think you
might need some time away. You see I want, no need, my wife to feel comfortable
in her new home. Just as I wanted you to be when you first got here. But since
you seem to be having a problem understanding that I think it might be best if
you're not here while she adjusts. My daughter stays here of course."

"I will behave." She huffed at me,
yeah right. I'll have to keep an eye on her. I didn't believe for a second that
Alana would tell me if anything happened while I was away. She just struck me
as the stubborn handle it myself type. We'll just have to wait and see. It’s my
job to protect her from all comers and that’s a job I intend to take very seriously.

"This was your first real warning, you get
three. Now send Arlene in when you leave." I was suddenly very tired. Then
I remembered my wildflower's laughter on the island and I smiled. I could do
this. To secure her happiness I would do anything.

"You wanted to see me husband?" I
studied her for a long minute before speaking.

"What's the plan?" She looked at me askance. "Okay
keep your secrets, but know this. If you clasp hands with Sharon against my
wife it will go badly for you. Did you stop being my wife when I married

"No." She was the more timid of the
two, the more easily led. I know that whatever scheme Sharon concocted she
would drag her along with her. I hoped she heeded my warnings because I meant
what I said. None will stay if she's not welcomed.

"Have I treated you poorly? Is there
anything you wanted or needed that I have not provided?"

"No husband." She twisted her hands in the folds of her
dress skirt.

"Good, then there should be no problem. Remember
Arlene, do unto others as you would have done unto you, you may go." She
left the room in a hurry and I sighed. To think the day had only just begun, I
miss the island.

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