The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (28 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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I leaped forward saying, "That's what I thought at first! I asked myself, am I ready? Can we do this?"

"You still thought of us as

I sat back shaking my head. "I love you. I will
think of us as a team—more so lately, though."

"I messed up, baby."

"We both did," I said as I looked into his sad eyes. "One thing I know for sure is that we both love each other enough to make this work."

"I would do anything for our family. I need you to know that. When the time comes…."

My heart melted. Thinking again of Andrew being a father…something stirred deep inside of me, and I had to force it down or we would be making several babies tonight.

"You would be a great mother." He added running his hand down my bare arm.

I looked down embarrassed by his sincerity. "You know that's not true."

He placed his hand under my chin and lifted my face up saying, "You would. I could see you going all mamma bear on people."

"The way things are now with the paps...could you just imagine our poor kids?"

He had an odd expression. "What are you saying?"

"The paparazzi would have a field day. I don't mind dealing with the crap, but our children shouldn't have to."

He was too quiet.

I stared at his blank expression, and then realized what he could have thought, "I'm not saying that you would have to quit your job. All I'm saying is that we would have to figure out how our kids can have a decent, normal life. ...But, I guess they will have to deal with things like I do."

"I promise you, when we decide to have kids, things will change."

I squeezed his hand. "I love you for saying that, but you know that won't be true. You are getting even more popular than ever, and your career is taking off."

"What about you? The new book is coming out—"

"My work doesn't compare to yours, but we will work through it."

What choice did we have?

I turned into him adding, "You thought I was pregnant without telling you?"

Andrew nodded his head. "I kept telling myself; Andria has to have a damn good reason for not telling me. Trust her."

I smiled at that. We were working on "trust." It was boldly marked on both of our lists. "I should have given you a heads up, but I wasn't pregnant so…"

"You would have called me when you first thought you were, right?" he asked as he picked up my hand and placed a kiss inside my wrist.

Feeling the tingling sensation from his lips, I said. "I wanted to call you immediately. I was freaked out. All I could do was to think about you."

He cupped his hand softly along my face. I leaned into it, as his thumb brushed over my lips. "Baby, I'm sorry that I wasn't there."

"The emptiness felt worse without you being there. Connor did a great job, but I needed you so much."

"Connor knew!"

I sighed. "Trust me; he would have preferred if he hadn’t. He happened to hear me cry out, and I'm sure he wished he had never asked me what was wrong."

We both chuckled and then he scooted closer to me and lifted my legs over his lap. "
should have been there."

I leaned into him as he wrapped his arm around me. "Andrew, it wasn't your entire fault."

"But I should have been there."

I looked up at him. "Is it weird that I kind of wanted to be pregnant? I never thought about having kids when I was younger."

"I don't know why not. You would make the best mother."

"I can barely keep up with my own life. How am I supposed to keep up with another human being's?"

He placed a lingering kiss on my forehead before saying, "I hear that when it's your own, things change."

A lot
of things would have to change."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere. Besides, we have plenty of time to practice." He wiggled his eyebrows and then leaned in for a kiss.

His lips felt silky warm, and we took our time kissing. There was no hurry or rush, until I mistakenly slipped my tongue in, and a low rumble started to build from both of us. Andrew deepened the kiss as he took over. I laid back, enjoying the feel of his mouth as it explored mine, until my girly bits started to weep. My breath sped up, when Andrew started to explore.

His hand burned my flesh as it slid under my dress before he cupped my breast. I placed mine on top of his saying, "We can't."

He leaned into my left ear and said, "I want you."

I felt the warmth of his breath, but it was his words that ignited my need. My leg that was placed in-between his, automatically moved against his groin, and the moan that came out of Andrew spoke directly to my core.

"It's been too long, baby."

"Andrew." I panted out. "We said no sex until...mmmm..."

Damn! He wasn't playing fair. Andrew started to rub his fingers around my increasingly hardened nub.

"I bet that I could make you come from my fingers alone?"


"Let me taste you," he whispered.

I closed my eyes, and Andrew took that as a yes. The moment that I felt his mouth grab a hold of my bud through my dress, I sat straight up, breathing out, "...Ummm…if we keep this up, we may find ourselves in the same situation."

He looked up at me, licking his bottom lip and said. "I wouldn't mind that."


"I know you're as wet as I am hard, baby."

He was
me! Everything in me wanted to rip his clothes off, but we had both come so far in the past few weeks.

I placed my hands on each side of his face as I looked into his darkened eyes. "We agreed to wait. For us, remember?"

He searched mine, before sighing out as he unwrapped his arms from around me. "I know, but I never said that I wouldn't try."

The conversation at the restaurant during Erin's wedding brunch was very interesting. Erin apologized constantly, even though I told her it was fine. I wasn't upset that she had opened her mouth; she never had a filter when she was drinking. I knew that.

It was explaining things to our parents, and that made things fun. My dad misheard, and thought I was pregnant. He had caused a commotion after Andrew and I left, and Pilar had to take him back to the hotel. She said he tried to go to our suite, but she threatened him. I will spare you with the details of that threat, but I almost threw up in my mouth a little, when I heard the mention of no sex.

The moment that Andrew and I walked into the restaurant, Dad walked up to Andrew and asked how impregnating his daughter was looking out for her best interest.

I guess they had a deal of some sort when he had asked for my hand in marriage. I had to remind my dad that his grown daughter would be marrying Andrew, and pregnancy was very much in the future.

That stirred up even more baby excitement from Rebeca and my mother. Andrew stood with a huge grin on his face. I, on the other hand, did not mention exactly when in the future that would be, but just went with it.

We were heading out to drop me off at my flight destined for Oahu. Elena had been gracious enough to loan out her home on the north shore to me for two weeks. I was mentally and physically drained. I had been "on," for almost eight months straight, and I needed a break. I was hoping that Andrew could join me, but he said he couldn't get out of a very important commitment. I understood, but it didn't mean I wasn't disappointed. I didn't expect him to drop everything to fly to a tropical island with me, but I had hoped he could get
time off.

We said very little on our drive to the airport. Being away from him for two weeks wouldn't be easy, but I was going to look at the bright side of things. The time away would be good, though it was hard enough finding quality time together.

I was going to reschedule the trip, but Andrew had insisted that I go. He said that I needed to get away and to enjoy every minute of it. I wanted to enjoy every minute of it
with him
, but it was looking like that had been wishful thinking.

I didn't notice, at first that our car had passed the main terminal. I was in my head and wasn’t paying attention. When the driver parked and opened the door, I stepped out onto the tarmac facing a jet. I stood stunned. The plane before us was definitely not my airline.

A man came straight to Andrew and me, shaking his hand and said, "Mr. Hughes, we are on time, sir."

"Thank you, Mac."

Mac turned to our driver. "You can take these bags over there."

I looked at the bag cart that included Andrew's bag. I stood dumbfounded thinking
? We had been in different rooms so I hadn’t seen his things packed this morning.

"Allison and Kate will be your flight attendants. John will be your captain, with first officer Marie."

"Mac, thank you again for taking care of all this for us."

"It was a pleasure sir, ma'am," The man tilted his head and guided us to the plane.

Before stepping on the stairs, I grabbed Andrew's arm. "You did all of this?" He smirked and nodded. "I thought you were busy?"

"I did say that I had something very important that I needed to attend to."

"That's what I mean…"

are the most important thing that I need to focus all of my attention on. I took two weeks off, baby."






The moment the airplane door opened, the cabin was filled with the exotic fragrance of orchids and tropical flowers, and ukuleles could be heard playing in the distance. I took a deep breath, intoxicated by the sense of peace that overtook me. The islands of Hawaii were breath-taking, and even though I had visited several others previously, I loved the Island of Oahu the most.

Fragrant white leis were placed over our heads as we were guided to the awaiting sports car. Andrew put the top down, and we were off to the north shore. The mild tropical air and moist heat was a welcome change from the stickiness of the south. We pulled up to Elena's home that was breathtaking. It overlooked a secluded beach, and as we walked in, we were welcomed with gift baskets filled with local products.

Andrew placed our bags in the bedrooms, while I grabbed a sparkling water from the refrigerator. Keira had placed the supply order ahead of time, so the place would be well stocked with groceries when I arrived.

I had opened the accordion glass doors and looked out at the spectacular view, when I felt his arms wrap around me. I laid my head back, as Andrew's arms squeezed tightly around me. We stayed that way for a while and took in the beautiful scenery before us.

"Are you tired?" Andrew asked in my ear before placing a soft kiss on it.

I shook my head. "Are you?"

"No. I am a little hungry though."

I turned my head and smiled. "I can remedy that."

I took his hand and guided him to the kitchen table. Andrew sat down as I walked over to the refrigerator. "Let's see what we have here," I said, looking around.

There were so many fresh yummy things; I didn't know what to start with first. So, I took out everything. I focused on the fresh pineapple, papaya and mint leaves to make a salad and took out a carton of yogurt to create a sauce.

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