The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (24 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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The entire way to the emergency room anxiety filled thoughts flooded my brain. I wasn't ready for a baby.
I ready for a baby? What would Andrew say? He's going to freak out. What if he doesn't want it? Who cares if he doesn't want it! I want it.
I want it? It went that way in my head the entire time in the car and while we waited in the Emergency room.

"I just want to say how thankful I am to have you. Thank you for being here with me," I said to him while we waited for the results.

"This could explain your mood swings."

I glared at him. "I'm not that bad. And I just broke up with Andrew, so give me a damn break."

right there, is what I'm talking about."






There was a loud bang, which sounded as if it were coming from the front door. I was unable to sleep and started to check what it was when I heard them. "Get out of my way!"

"Not a good idea, Drew. You need to cool off."

"She's always running away, not this time!" He slurred out. He was drunk.

"I hear you, but I can't let you come in like this." He tried pushing Connor out of the way. "Man, I'm not letting you in. Go cool off."

He stood there for a moment with his chest puffed out, before it deflated. "I need to see her."

"You do, but not like this. Go sleep it off and come back in the morning. I'll make sure she is here.

"I miss her."

"It took you a damn long time."

"You all told me to stay away!"

"I believe we said, get your head out of your ass and think about what you did." Andrew said nothing. "Come back tomorrow. Now, get the hell out before you wake up Andria."

"What if she won't talk to me?" Then, in a faint voice I heard him ask, "How do we fix this?"

"Go, sleep it off. I'll talk to her." He pushed Andrew out the door, shutting it in his face.

I stepped out, into the light as Connor approached. "You need to tell him."

"I can't."

"He has a right to know."

"I know that...I just..."

"All relationships go through ups and downs. Most stay down. But you and Drew...I expect better from the two of you. You need to talk. Actually
to each other. I'm going to bed. I suggest you get some sleep, 'cause you two
be talking tomorrow."

I tossed and turned for the remainder of the night. Thinking, how
we fix this? I woke up this morning thinking I wouldn't be able to feel again; to I could be pregnant, ending it with Andrew and his drunken ass.

As I lay there, I kept going over the day, but always coming back to the hospital. I wasn't pregnant. The doctor started in on medical jargon that was over my head. Everything he said after that faded away. The last thing I heard was that stress could cause menstrual periods to be late. If I didn't get my period in the next week or two, more tests would have to be done. My blood work was normal; other than it showed I was a little anemic. I haven't been eating properly. I wanted to say that I hadn't been eating at all, but I didn't want to hear a lecture from Connor.

Even though I wasn't pregnant, for a split second, thinking that I was...well, I had felt a joy that was indescribable. Knowing that Andrew and I were far from ready to have a family, the thought of us having a baby felt....

Needless to say, all of that added drama brought my spirits down even further. While I was in the ER, I should have asked for some mood elevators. They work for my mom, even though her prescription may not be legal in thirty-two states—including her own.

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache. With limited sleep, I seemed to be missing everything about Andrew even more, and still had no clue as to how to make things right.

"In need of aspirin?" Connor asked as he sat the bottle in front of me. "I figured all of yesterday's excitement would catch up to you eventually. You need to take some, either now or later."

"How do you know so much?" I grabbed a glass of water as I fumbled with the top.

"I can't reveal my secrets sweetheart. If I do, I will either have to kill you or marry you, and that position is already taken."

"I'm not sure about that."

He gave me a knowing look as he said while walking out of the kitchen, "Drew called. He'll be here in fifteen minutes."

Keira called as Connor left. "Good morning. Elena responded back. She said yes, you can use her place after the wedding. You have it for two weeks."

That couldn't have been better timing. It had been suggested that I take a vacation. Get away, truly away. The break I was supposed to have hadn’t been a break, and I needed to clear my head. Keira suggested Elena's house on Oahu, and it had come at the perfect time.

When I heard a knock at the door, everything that had happened between us flashed across my eyes when I saw Andrew standing there. "Can I come in?" He looked as bad as I felt.

I stepped aside, letting Andrew walk by. He paused, waiting for me to direct him towards the sitting area. I sat crossed legged on the sofa while he made himself comfortable on the adjacent love seat. We both stared awkwardly at each other for a moment before he finally said, "I had a strange dream last night." I raised a brow. "I dreamed that you were lying in bed next to me, but when I woke up, you weren't there."

"Really? That's an interesting dream…"

I wished the last three weeks had been a dream.

"That's what I thought, until I found myself here last night, wanting nothing other than to see you."

"I heard."

"I thought as much. I just wanted to see you...feel you." The last part saying in the seductive voice he used when he wanted something.

"What? You thought you could seduce me, and everything would fix itself? Sorry, but our issues have never been in the bedroom."

His dark circled eyes penetrated mine. "No, they haven’t.” He took a deep breath, and then sighed. ", I don't know how to to get back to where we were."

I didn't either

I have thought about that all morning. "I'm not sure if we can." My heart hurt at the possibility of not reconciling as we stared at each other.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I love you, Andrew! You know this," I said, stunned.

"Can't that be enough?"

I wanted it to be, but was afraid that it wouldn't be enough.

"If I could take back what I said, I would, but I can't," he said openly.

"We both said a lot of things we shouldn't have."

He got up and moved to sit next to me. "I need you to know something. I'm human."

I scoffed at him. "Very funny…"

"I'm serious. I will mess up again, and hopefully it's not worse than this." He grabbed one hand, and his touch...I missed feeling him. We both glanced down as our fingers instantly intertwined. "I know that I have a screwed up life—my career helps with that—and I have had some crazy people around me."


"As insane as things may be, you loved me. I loved you, and I
trusted you. Did I have a moment of doubt…maybe, but it wasn't because of you. I realized that I was holding you to a standard that you were far above. I've made a lot of damn mistakes, and I have trusted people who I shouldn't have, but in my heart baby, I always trusted you. When Peyton tried to compare her scheme to your book, I was furious."

I turned my body to face Andrew completely. "I should have told you the entire truth. How could I have expected you to trust me, when I was holding things back? But you do realize I wrote the book before I met you?"

"I know that. If I could tell you about all of the ways people have tried to get close to me…you would think that I was making it up." He lifted our joined hands and began to brush them across his stubbled face, lingering on his lips with each passing. "I believe that fate brought you to me, as well as helped inspire you to create something incredible." He kissed my fingers a few more times, then looked directly into my eyes as he said, "I made a huge mistake, and I am
sorry for that. I promised that I would never hurt you again baby, and I did; again."

I folded my other hand around our clasped ones, while moving in closer. "I knew you couldn't keep that promise. No one can. The fact that you said it meant more to me than the promise itself. With that being said, we both made a few mistakes. I should have communicated with you better. I had been holding in so much…I couldn't think straight, and then after…"

I stopped myself. Now wasn't the best time to mention that I thought I was pregnant. Andrew came up with his own conclusion on why I hesitated. "Why didn't you tell me about all that Brittney had said to you earlier?"

Her name spewing out of his mouth made me sick. I released our hands. "When it came to
, it seemed as if you had rose-colored glasses on."

He had some huge oversize blinders on, was what I really thought.

"That's not true..." He looked as if I had insulted his intelligence.


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