The Truth in Lies (The Truth in Lies Saga) (28 page)

BOOK: The Truth in Lies (The Truth in Lies Saga)
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My hands trailed over the marks that had been left on his skin.  My nails fit the indentions perfectly. “This.  I didn’t even realize I had done that to you.  God, you must think I’m horrible.”

Drew’s lips twitched.  “On the contrary.  I found that to be very hot last night.  And to answer your question, it does hurt some, but well worth it.” He closed the door of the fridge with his foot, dropping a bowl of fruit on the counter, and had me in his arms before I could even respond.  “Don’t you dare get upset.”  His lips pressed to mine muffling any response I might have attempted.

When he finally released me to breathe, I was too intoxicated to say anything but, “Okay.”

He gently patted my backside and relinquished me from his hold.  Everything seemed so easy with him.  Almost like we had been together for years, but were still magically in love with one another.

“Help yourself,” he instructed, handing me a plate.

placed a couple of pancakes on my plate, before sitting down at the table.  "I have to be at work in hour. My first student is at nine this morning,” I told him through a mouthful.

"I have no idea what my day looks like.  It would require me to call Holly and I really don’t want to have to explain to her where I am at the moment."

“Why would you have to explain to her where you are?” I asked, as he sat down with a full plate beside me.  

"She thinks it’s her responsibility to keep tabs on me at all times.  I think my father has some involvement in that.  She can be a little
when I’m late and don't get in touch with her."  He crammed a huge bite into his mouth, groaning.

“That explains a lot,” I muttered into my coffee cup.

“How so?”  Drew’s eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

I paused staring at him over the rim of my cup.  “Well, you see, um – how do I tell you this?”

“You mean, how do you tell me that Olivia bribes Holly for information on my whereabouts?” he asked. 

My shoulders slumped forward, the hot brew sloshing in my cup.  “How did … how did you know?” I stammered.

“I have my ways.”  His lips curled into a cocky crooked grin.

I leaned back in my seat, casting my gaze on his firm chest.  “You put Holly up to some of that, didn’t you?”

Drew tapped his index finger against his temple.  “You are wise, my dear.  Very wise indeed.”

He laughed haughtily.  “Evil little shit,” I mumbled under my breath.

“What was that?”  He leaned in closer to me, expecting me to answer.


“What did you say, Mickie?”

“Nothing,” I repeated.  “Now you might want to call Holly to ensure she doesn’t have a coronary over you being MIA.  I’d hate for you to get in trouble with the boss on my account.”

"She might think she’s the boss, but I’m the one who signs her paycheck."

"Andy, I hate to tell you this, but she’s
woman.  As women, we’ve perfected the art of making men think that they’re in charge."  I shoveled a huge bite of the delectable pancakes into my mouth.

"Oh, no, you didn't!"

I nodded, giving him my best smug expression.  Drew stared at me incredulously.  Then my favorite smile appeared on his lips.

"Okay, fine.   I'll give you that one.  But admit it; you women would be lost without us."

I swallowed down my bite and laughed. "Very true, life would be no fun if we lost our ability to torture men."

"So you admit that you women do abuse us men."

"I admit no such thing. I'm only saying that men are men. They are the two-headed dragon, if you will. A creature controlled by two heads, and they only have enough blood in their bodies to control one head at a time. So, we women have to correct their course from time to time. That's all I'm saying."

Drew laughed so hard he had tears forming in his eyes. “Only you would come up with something like that.”

Our hilarious banter flew back and forth throughout breakfast. Drew could dish it out as easily as he could take it. I nearly spewed coffee all over him several times at the random things he would say.  

After breakfast was over, he helped me put the dishes into the dishwasher. We developed a system between us.  Everything flowed so naturally.  Once the dishwasher was set, we went back into my bedroom.  As I finished my morning routine, Drew busied himself with picking up my room.  Putting away dirty clothes, discarding of condom wrappers, and making my bed were just a few of the things he did to occupy himself.

Satisfied with my appearance, I gathered my messenger bag, phone and keys.  “You got everything?” I asked, slipping my phone into my bag.

Drew took a final look around the apartment, now fully dressed.  His chest fell and a sad frown tilted his lips.  “Yeah, I got everything.”

I approached him, wrapping my arms around his waist.  He cupped my face, smiling down at me.  “You busy tonight?” he queried. 

“Not that I know of.  Why?”

“Would you like to have dinner with me?  It might be late, but I really want to see you.”

“Of course.  Call me when you get off work.”

“Being with you makes me very happy,” he murmured, pressing his lips to mine.  My heart fluttered in my chest like an angel’s wings. 

“You make me happy
too, handsome.”

He took my hand and led me out of my apartment.  A piece of me ached to go back in and hide out for the day. I didn't want to leave him.

We reached my car where he chivalrously opened my car door for me.  I slid into my seat, buckling myself in.  “Call me,” I told him as he leaned in to kiss me.

"You know better than to tell me that. I'll call you as soon as I get in my car," he teased, pecking my lips.

"I'm counting on it."

The sound of Drew’s laugh was muffled by the closing of my car door.  I started the engine and pulled out of the parking spot.  My rearview mirror never looked so good.  Seeing Drew, standing in my apartment’s parking lot, grinning like a fool, and wiggling his fingers at me in a sweet farewell
caused my heart to overflow.  I couldn’t imagine how it could be possible that he would want me, but somehow he did. 

As I pulled out of the drive, he turned on his heels and strutted to his car.  I threw my head back and laughed loud and hard.  He really was a cocky son of a bitch, but that was just another part of his charm.

Everything had been so perfect.  I could still feel the fire and passion deep in the pit of my belly from the night before.  I couldn’t believe that we spent the night in each other’s arms.  Then to wake up and make love as we did, I couldn’t imagine my day starting off any better than that.

In one night, Drew had successfully claimed me, owned me, and made me feel things I had never felt before.  In the depths of my soul, I had never felt so alive.  I sighed happily as Drew disappeared in my rearview mirror.  The thought struck me that no matter what the future held; one thing was for certain, Drew and I were destined to be together.  We may have found each other in the most unorthodox way, but it was worth it.

Chapter Twenty Five

Things couldn’t have been more perfect between Drew and me.  We spent
the entire week together.  Every night after work he would appear at my apartment where we would either go to dinner or I would cook for us.  Either way, the night always ended the same way.  Us wrapped up in each other’s arms, making love.

But as perfect as things were between us, there was always something looming in the balance, threatening to ruin the joy we had found
.  That something was more like someone. 


The constant shuffle around Olivia was unbearable for me.  One week in and my nerves were shot.  Much like Jared in the past, Drew tried to show me how blind I’d been regarding Olivia.  What they said had merit, but they didn’t know her as I did. Olivia had saved me from being raped. She was there for me when I lost my baby. It wasn’t possible that she was as evil as they made her out to be. 

She called me every day acting as i
f things between Drew and her were getting better.  Countless times I had to bite my tongue to keep from calling her a liar.  Drew was right.  I needed to wait to confront her when we both could make our cases known to her.  Just a few days with him, and I was already picking up his legalese.  

With each passing day it became harder and harder for me to control my temper.  Naturally, I’m a passive person, but everyone has a breaking point.  And I was getting dangerously close to mine.  Drew recognized my enraged disposition and devised that we would rectify the situation by the weekend.  He hated hiding even more so than I did.

Drew and I determined we would tell Olivia everything.  We discussed how to handle her and agreed that the most humane way was to take her to dinner and lay it all out on the table.  I prepared myself to lose her from my life.  It was what I deserved.  Sure, she lied to me, but I’d lied to her too.  In my opinion, I should’ve been more forthcoming with her regarding my feelings for Drew.  Had I been, maybe she would’ve seen our love as true.  Drew and Jared both thought otherwise. 

Once the decision was made, Drew scheduled a dinner with her making sure she understood I would be joining them. 

The week quickly disappeared.  Saturday, the day of reckoning, finally rolled around.  I lay awake staring at the ceiling while Drew slept peacefully beside me.  I knew I wasn’t as prepared as I made him believe.  Olivia had been an intricate part of my life for so long, and here I was about to hurt her in the most heinous of ways.

Sunlight peeked into the window, biding us a good morning. 
Driven on instinct, the instant Drew was awake; he suspected something wasn’t kosher with me.  I befuddled my way around him, ensuring him that I was fine.  He gave me a look that only one other person had given me in my life.  It was a look my mother always gave when she knew I was lying, but she didn’t want to press the issue.  I mentally chided myself for trying to trick a lawyer into believing a lie.  He could read me like a book.

He had a golf game planned with Gavin, so he got dressed and left me with a kiss.  Riddled with guilt about the bomb that we were about to drop on Olivia, my day seemed to drag on and on.   I had brunch with Jared, did some shopping, and eventually found myself at home staring at the same line of my book for hours.  I was relieved when the time finally arrived for me to get ready to go.

I lingered in the shower as long as I could, and even took more time than usual to get ready for the evening.  I dressed in a navy blue dress that hit me below my knees and a pair of ivory pumps.  I twisted my hair up on top of my head, adorning it with a silver clip encrusted with pearls.  As per usual, the solitaire Drew bought me for my birthday, dangled around my neck.

Mixed with sorrow and happiness, I waited for Drew to pick me up.  I paced the floor of my living room nervously.  My stomach was tight with anxiety and my throat burned.  I practically jumped out of my skin at the sound of my door knocker slamming against the brass of my front door.  I peeked through the peephole, having learned my lesson from past experiences, to see Drew standing at my door in all his sexy glory.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled the door open.  His smile gleamed as he rushed into my arms, kissing me deeply.  “I missed you today,” he hummed against my lips.

“I missed you too.”

Drew stepped back taking in my appearance.  “You look gorgeous.”

My eyes raked over him.  He was wearing the suit that I bought him.  It was well worth the money I had spent on it.  “Thanks,” I whispered, blushing a brilliant red at his compliment.  “I love that suit on you,” I added.

He lightly stroked the side of my cheek.  “I have this wonderful
who handpicked it for me.” 

Unable to contain my happiness, my blush deepened as my smile spread over my face.  “She has excellent taste.”

“So I’ve been told.  And I’m lucky to have her.”

“I’d say she’
s the lucky one,” I suggested, sweetly.

“We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one.”  He winked at me.  The silk, sapphire colored tie darkened the color of his eyes as they sparkled in the light of my home.

“Agreed,” I conceded.

“Let’s get a move on it.  I’m sure we’ll beat her there, but I still would hate to lose our reservation.”

I grabbed my ivory clutch and followed him out to the car.  The drive to the restaurant was pleasantly quiet.  Drew held my hand, protectively the entire way.  But even with his constant reassurance that everything would be okay, I knew it wouldn’t be. 

This night would be a nightmare.  One that I was certain I would relive in my mind for a long time.  Every fiber of my being wanted to run.  I wanted to escape the consequences of my actions, but this was the price I had to pay for Drew and me to be truly happy.

We arrived at the restaurant on schedule.  Drew escorted me toward the building, rubbing my back in support.

“I hate seeing you so tense.”

I exhaled, but my body wouldn’t loosen up.  “I’ve known her for a long time, Andy.  It hurts that I’m throwing that away.”

“I know.  Would you prefer if I disappeared from your life instead?”  The mere question sliced through me like a knife. 

“No!” I exclaimed, almost shouting. I looked up into his deep blue eyes to see his relief at my reaction.  “Absolutely not.  Losing you would be more painful than almost anything I’ve ever endured in my life.  Second only to losing my son.”  My heart contracted in agony as the memories of the day I miscarried my son resurfaced.  It was the only pain I could compare losing Drew to.   

Drew dragged his knuckles along the length of my cheek.  His smile was soft and sympathetic.  “It’s going to be okay, Mickie,” he promised.

I pushed myself up on the tips of my toes, meeting his lips in a passionate kiss.  Taken by surprise, Drew stopped in the middle of the parking lot.  He picked me up off the ground and pressed my body to his, kissing me with fervor.

, I pulled away.  The sun had already lain to rest for the evening and the moon shone brightly in the sky, dancing across the lines of Drew’s face. 

“So handsome,” I whispered.

His lips twitched in a crooked grin.  “Shall we?”

“If we must,” I grumbled.  He chuckled and placed my feet back on the ground.

The rustic aroma of the restaurant saturated the air.  Garlic and basil mixed with the scent of a wood-fired grill invoked a mouthwatering effect.  Two greeters stood behind a desk.  Drew and I approached the stand, his arms wrapped around my waist.

“Reservation for Wise, party of three,” he stated with authority.

A young man scanned over a computer tablet.  “Yes, sir.  Your party has already arrived and been seated.  If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your table.”

Drew cast me an inquisitive glance.  Olivia was never on time.  Not even for her own parties.  Something wasn’t right with this situation which only made me worry more.

We followed the host as he directed us to the table.  In the back corner of the room sat Olivia.  She was dressed in a dark red dress that accentuated every curve of her body.  Her dark hair flowed in soft waves over her shoulders.  She stood up from her seat as we approached the table. 

“How wonderful.  You arrived at the same time.  I’m so glad I didn’t have to wait any longer.”

"Hello, Olivia," Drew greeted her with a tiny kiss on the cheek. 

"Hi, Drew," she replied turning her head to kiss him.  He dodged her lips impulsively.

She ground her teeth together.  Barely glancing at me, Olivia said, “You look nice this evening, Kenz.” 

“Thank you.  So do you,” I answered, accepting the chair that Drew pulled out for me.

Olivia sat down across from me, never taking her eyes off of Drew.  Drew made himself comfortable beside me and unfolded his napkin over his lap. 

“Well, this is cozy,” he coaxed.

“Very,” Olivia said in a flat tone. 

I intertwined my fingers together, unsure what to say.  The tension between the three of us was immense.  The waiter approached the table.  “Good evening,” he started.  He was tall with an athletic build and a baby face.  His light brown hair was buzzed nearly to his scalp.  “My name is Daniel and I will be your server this evening.  I can start you off with a nice glass of Chardonnay or perhaps a Merlot?”

“No wine for me.  Thank you.  I’d like a glass of water, please,” Olivia requested.

This was the second surprise of our evening.  Olivia never turned down a glass of wine.  It had been her opinion for as long as I’d known her that the proper wine completed the meal.

“Um, I’ll have a Coke and she’ll have a glass of Moscato,” Drew ordered for us.

Olivia tilted her head in my direction.  Bile burned through my esophagus.  Drew had come to know my drink of choice and ordered it without thinking.  I couldn’t believe he would do that in front of her.

“Very good,” Daniel stated.  “I’ll return shortly with your drinks.”

“He’s ordering for you?” she directed at me.

The room started to spin.  The moment of truth had arrived faster than I anticipated. 

“Olivia,” Drew started.  His demeanor was strong and professional.  My imagination took over, thinking of how he might approach a client in this same manner.  “We asked you here tonight because there’s something Mickie and I wish to talk to you about.”

I gulped hard.  Drew reached under the table, lightly squeezing my knee.  He was firm and resolute.  There wasn’t a shred of fear in his eyes.  He was prepared where as I still wasn’t.

“Oh, but me first.  I was excited that you two wanted to go out tonight.  I have such great news.  You both will simply die when I tell you.”

Drew relaxed back into his chair.  I leaned forward, resting my chin in my hand.  I smiled at her excitement.  I had a feeling she was about to tell us she got the promotion.  “What news?” I insisted; making sure my voice was filled with enthusiasm.

Olivia’s smile widened.  She bounced in her chair.  “Drew, I knew you wouldn’t mind Kenz being here when I told you.  She’s virtually a sister to you after all.”

Drew practically choked on a laugh.  “Tell me what?”

She licked her lips in animated suspense.  “That you’re going to be a father,” she squealed, clapping her hands excitedly.

Drew’s hand dropped from my knee.  My chin fell out of my hand, as my jaw very nearly hit the table.

“I beg your pardon,” he managed to say through gritted teeth.  Drew’s usually tan skin now appeared to be a pale green color.  He shook his head as if trying to deny what was happening.

My mouth gaped open.  It took me a moment to process what was going on around me.  This couldn’t be happening.  It simply wasn’t possible. 

“I thought you’d be happy about this.”  Olivia’s smile dropped in disappointment of his reaction.

Drew’s fists landed on the table with a loud bang.  His face twisted in a deviant grimace.  “Happy?  What made you think I’d be
?” he demanded. 

“I’m pregnant,” Olivia announced, “and you’re the father.”  It was as if she was oblivious to the anger that burned off of him.  He shook violently, his fists now balled so tight that his knuckles bared white.

“Andy,” I whispered, reaching for his hand.  He pulled away from me like I was a snake about to strike.

“Don’t,” he snarled.  His eyes hardened with fury.

I was stunned by his reaction.  The vein in his forehead pulsed bright blue as did the long one streaming down his throat.  His jaw was clenched so tight, I feared he might break a tooth.

“I’ve got to get out of here,” he said suddenly. 

His chair screeched across the hardwood floor, falling backward as he jumped up.  Without another word, Drew marched out of the restaurant.  I looked at Olivia to see her watching him with a strange vacant expression.  Her gaze turned to me and her expression changed.  Tears began to stream down her face.  Her bottom lip trembled with sobs.

“I thought he’d be happy,” she cried.  “He was supposed to be happy.”  I reached across the table, patting Olivia’s hand in a failed effort to comfort her.

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