The Turning Point (23 page)

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Authors: Marie Meyer

BOOK: The Turning Point
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Griffin took a step in her direction. “Excuse me?” he growled, his expression darkening. I knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but he was damn good at intimidating her. He wasn’t the little boy who lived next door anymore. He’d grown up. With his deep voice and considerable size, he towered over her, the muscles in his arms flexing.

She shuffled backward. “Just go.” With a dismissive flick of her wrist, she sat back down at the table.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought, all bark and no bite.” Griffin pulled on my arm. “Come on, Bean. You don’t have to put up with her shit anymore.”

I glanced at Jennifer; she’d already gone back to her broccoli-laced brownie recipe. Griffin was right; I wouldn’t have to put up with her shit while I was away. But he was wrong about her bite. When he wasn’t around to back her down, she relished the chance to sink her teeth into me. It hurt like hell when she latched on and wouldn’t let go.

We walked down the hallway. Michael and Mitchell were waiting by the door. “I need a big hugs, boys,” I said, bending down and opening my arms wide. “This hug has to last me until December, so make it a good one.” Both of them stepped into my embrace and I held on to them tightly. “You two be good for your mommy and daddy,” I said.

“We will,” they replied.

I let go and they smiled. “I love you both.”

“Love you, Aunt Jillian,” they said.

“Now, go find your mom. She’s in the kitchen.” Knowing the boys’ penchant for sneaking out of the house, I wanted to be sure their mother had them corralled before Griffin and I left.

I stood back up and looked into Griffin’s dark eyes. “I’m ready.” I tossed him the keys.

“I’m the chauffeur, huh?” Griffin smirked, pulling his eyebrow up. He opened the door for me and I stepped out onto the porch.

“You get the first nine hours; I’ll take the back side.” This time he gave me a full smile.
What would I do without him?
On the porch, I froze. It finally hit me. What
I do without him? Sure, I wanted out of Jennifer’s house, but at what expense? Couldn’t I just go to the junior college like Griff and get my own apartment? Why had I made the decision to go to school eleven hundred miles away? How could I leave him—my best friend?

The lump in my throat came back but I forced the words out anyway. “Griff…” I sounded like a damn croaking frog.

Griffin wrapped his arms around me. “Yeah?”

“Why am I doing this?”

“What do you mean? This is all you’ve talked about since you got the scholarship.”

“I know.” I sniffled. “But I don’t know if I can do this. We’ll be so far apart.”

“Uh-uh. Stop that right now. I am not about to let you throw away the opportunity of a lifetime just because we won’t see each other as often. You’re too talented for Glen Carbon, Illinois, and you know it. Now go, get your ass in the car.” With his hand, he popped me on the backside, just to get his point across.

I jumped, not expecting his hand on my ass. My heart skipped and my cheeks flushed. “Hey!” I swatted his hand away.

“Get in the car, Jillian.”

Damn, I already miss him.

One would think this part would get easier to write with each new book, but that is not the case. Writing hundreds of pages, breathing life into characters, none of that would be possible without the people named here. I am humbled and so very thankful for all their love, guidance, and support.

My agent, Louise Fury: I’ve had so many memorable moments in the last two years, and meeting you at RWA15 was yet another! The energy and devotion you give to your clients is awe-inspiring. Your advice, attention to detail, and enthusiasm make me a better storyteller, and for that I am grateful. I am blessed to have you in my corner. Thank you for guiding me on this journey!

Lady Lioness: RWA15! It was so wonderful to finally have met you! I’m so thankful to have you and Louise to edit and mold my writing into something presentable. Now, three years after Pitch Wars (Wow! Has it really been that long? Crazy!), I still love opening your edit letters!!

My editor, Megha Parekh, of Grand Central Publishing: The summer of 2015 contained so much awesome, and meeting you at RWA15 only made it that much more awesome! From having lunch together to the Forever Romance party, the whole experience was surreal and wonderful! Thank you for your patience and insightful edits with
The Turning Point
. I’d also like to thank Dana Hamilton, whose edits and enthusiasm for my work helped make
The Turning Point
what it is today (I also loved meeting you at RWA as well)! Working with everyone—Megha, Dana, and the Forever Yours team—this last year has been an amazing journey and a dream come true!

To the Grand Central Publishing/Forever Yours Production Team: my publicist, Fareeda Bullert, thank you for helping readers encounter
The Turning Point
(and AtD & CGB)! From blog tours to teasers, thank you for everything! Also, it was so lovely meeting you at RWA15! My cover designer, Brian Lemus, thank you for giving TTP such a beautiful cover! You captured Sophia and Lucas perfectly! And to everyone else at GCP/Forever Yours, thank you for helping transform
The Turning Point
into a book and getting my words into the hands of readers!

A special thank you to Rachel Van Dyken, for graciously reading
The Turning Point
and writing a lovely blurb. Thank you so much, Rachel!

My Darlings: Guess what? I love you! There are not enough thank-yous to shower upon you, but I do pay in hugs and kisses…and Mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! The two of you are the lights of my life and the reason I work so hard.

Tex, thanks for escorting me to the big city! There isn’t a person in the world I would rather see the world with. Here’s to many more vacations together (and not waiting fifteen years in between them). I’ve got a good one mapped out here (hint, hint)!

My family: Thank you for all your love and support, for watching the kids while I write or head to New York City! Without your help and encouragement, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Love you all!

To my Internet family—NAC! You are all the best, the most talented people I know! I love our group!! Once again, I’m going to reflect on my time at RWA15, because meeting so many of you was a dream come true (and I cannot wait to meet those of you I haven’t yet…RWA16?)! Thank you for everything, all the tweets, posts, and our chats about things that are pink! ;) You all make me smile and keep me sane! And I cannot forget my Pitch Wars pal, Annie Rains! I love getting your e-mails and chatting with you! Thank you for all your help with everything!

A big thank you to Ed Sheeran for writing songs that fueled my imagination with countless scenes. Your music is my muse.

My local Starbucks and barista friends who kept me well caffeinated so I could subsist on four hours of sleep and continue to write coherent scenes. I’m cheers-ing you with my usual—green tea in one hand and a flat white in the other.

My readers, the greatest part of being an author is having the opportunity to share my stories with you. I’m humbled by your love and support. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories, embrace my characters, and write such lovely reviews. I am so appreciative! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

All praise and thanks to my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Marie Meyer was a language arts teacher for fourteen years. She spends her days in the classroom and her nights writing heartfelt new adult romances that will leave readers clamoring for more. She is a member of RWA and the St. Louis Writers Guild. Marie’s short fiction won honorable mentions from the St. Louis Writers Guild in 2010 and 2011. She is a proud mommy and enjoys helping her oldest daughter train for the Special Olympics, making up silly stories with her youngest daughter, and bingeing on weeks of DVR’d television shows with her husband. Marie is represented by Louise Fury.

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