Read The Twin Moon (The Moon Series) Online

Authors: Buffy Christopher

The Twin Moon (The Moon Series) (14 page)

BOOK: The Twin Moon (The Moon Series)
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Tell me what it does to you.”
It sounded like a challenge to Andy.

“Your voice makes my nipples hard and there’s t
his tingling heat in my belly
Andy was embarrassed talking dirty to him.
She had never done this with anyone else.

Umm, m
y body’s hot,
and the more you talk the worse it gets.
It makes me ache inside, like I need to be f
illed.” A tingle of excitement shimmied through her body at her own words.
Andy rubbed a hand over her
right breast and her nipple
immediately pebbled against her fingers.

“See that wasn’t so hard.”

“This is crazy.”
Andy rubbed her hand over her face as she lay there in bed.
She was actually thinking about getting off with him.

“What’s so crazy about it?
I’m a male, you’re a female.
We’re enjoying each other.
There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“But we just met.
The other
night we were all over each other and look at us, tonight we can’t even
have a normal conversation with
out it turni
ng sexual.
Don’t you think the
s something wrong with that?”
Andy really
into this phone call
and that was the problem.
arning bells were screaming sirens in her ears
calling for her to put on the breaks.

“Do you want to stop?”

The question sounded so innocent
the way he said it, it made
a flushing heat
rise up inside of her and suddenly it was if she was two foot tall.
“Yes… and no.”
Andy was torn
between wanting to orgasm and doing what was right or at least what she thought was right.

up to you, baby.
We stop when
ever you say so.”

Why did he have to be so damn nice?
Andy’s head was a turbulent storm, tossing her this way and that in uncertainty.
What if he thought she was
But he was so sexy.

“Andy, are you still there?”
Ian’s voice was calm and low, almost patient as he waited for her.

I’m sorry.
I better go.
Good night, Ian.”
He asked her to wait
but she hung up.
Andy wasn’t sure what had come over her, but she was glad she had stopped when she did.
She pulled on her shirt and cuddle up in bed.
She wanted to talk more with Ian, but not if she kept throwing herself at him.
She shook her head.
She needed to get some s
leep, she glanced at the clock.
It was late and w
ork would come early tomorrow








Chapter Six

out of bed slow and easy.
His body still ached
but he would go see Gavin today if it killed him.
He wasn’t leaving the boy chained to the bed.

The shower was good, hot water made his sore muscles ache a little less.
As he got dressed he remembered his phone conversation with Andy.
He hoped he could get her back on the phone tonight.
They had been so close to some real hands on stuff when she’d freaked out and hung up.
What could have scared her?
Maybe things had moved to fast.
All of it just seemed so natural for Ian with her
considering she was
his mate
t didn’t occur to him not to talk to her like that.

Ian paused in the living room to fi
d Dillon on the couch cleaning his gun.
When he did stuff like that it just made Ian nervous.
“Been shooting?”

“No questions, rememb
Dillon continued with wiping
the inside of his barrel.

“Right, sorry.
I’m headed out for a little while.”
Ian motioned to the door.

“See you later.”
Dillon h
eld the barrel up to stare inside.

, later.”
Ian turned away.
His brother was just strange.
Ian was aware that his status as a tracker for the Silver Creek Pack up north, his parents p
ack, was important, and
was for loners like
Dillon, but the guy was just weird
since he’d came to Ian’s
Ian wasn’t sure what he thought about that either.
shook his head as he locked his apartment door and made his way down the hall.
Dillon must be in some big shit if he was here.
Because he was.
Ian was sure of it.

drove over to Warren
’s house, f
the direction
Warren had left at his apartment.
The house was nice, normal for the
Craftsman style
He parked on the street out fro
nt and
Ian knocked
The door open

What are you doing here?”
A cougar from the pack stood in the door way.
hair was pulled into a ponytail and she was in
pink stretch shorts, a white sports bra
and sneakers.

“I’m not sure I have the right address.
I thought this was Warren’s place.”
Ian looked back
up at the number then at the note in his hand.

“You’re in the right place.
This is Warren’s place.
Darn and I thought you were here to see me.”
The woman had a pout on her face when Ian glanced back up at her.

“I’m sorry, I don’t…”
Ian had forgotten her name.

Fire flashed in
the black of her
eyes as she stared at him.
Then she smiled brightly and put her hand out.
“I’m Kaylen.”

“Nice to meet you, again.
Warren said he was having problems with Gavin.
I thought maybe I could help.
I’ve worked with Gavin a lot
at The Haven.”

“Oh, yeah
come in.
He’s been wild since he discovered
,” she marked the word with air quotes,”
his mate.
He’s upstairs in his bedroom.
You just caught me in the middle of my workout so if you’ll excuse me I need to get back to that.”
She turned and heading into the house.
Ian followed and closed the door behind him as she walked away.

Okay, so Ian figured it was up to him to find Gavin.
He headed up the stairs and found a door partially open.
Ian sniffed, Gavin’s scent was strongest here.
He knocked.

“I told you to go away.”
The cub roared.

Ian cracked the door open and poked his head inside.
Gavin’s right arm was raised above his head and cuffed to the bed.
e was in a t-shirt and boxers l
ying on top of his covers.

Ian opened the door and came into the room.

Gavin looked up the
hurried into a sitting position. “What do you want?”
he snarled.

“I thought maybe we could talk.”
Ian grabbed the chair at Gavin’s desk and pulled it closer to the bed then sat down.
“Warren said you’ve been having some problems.”

“He’s the one with the problem.
I hate him.
He’s not my father.”
Gavin clenched his jaw and looked out the window to the right of his head board.

“I don’t think he wants to be, Gavin, but he is your uncle and if you have a problem
he has a problem.
That’s how family works and h
e’s still pack.”
Ian brushed his hands down his thighs trying to make sure he didn’t say things that would overly upset the cub.

“He’s human.
He’s not even like us.”
Gavin sneered at Ian.

Neither was your father, but you still accepted him.”

“My dad was a god among men.”
Gavin growled low in his throat.
“His strength could match any Were, and you know it.
My stupid uncle is just human, Edge’s fuckin’ bookkeeper.”

“First, do not cuss at me.
Second, your uncle is CPA who went to school for a long time to earn his degree.” Ian ticked off the sentences on his fingers.
“Third, m
y mate’s human.
Does that make her any less important?”
Ian waited for Gavin’s answer, hoping the boy hadn’t
become prejudice against what essential boiled down to his own kind, he was part human because of his father and lucky that he could shift into cougar form at all

“No, I guess, not.”
Gavin’s shoulder slumped a little.

“When our ancestors decided to merge with the cats in the jungle to protect themselves from the great hunters
we made a promise to our people, to never forget that there were two sides to ourselves.”
Ian held both of his hands out in front of him to illustrate.
“The human and the cat.
We respect both.
We are not just one or the other and we cannot be one without the other.
Even though it was a long time ago and our people have c
hanged over time it is still who we are

“I know, I remember the stories.”
Gavin nodded his head his eyes locked on
hole in the blanket
near his thigh
as he picked at the threads.

“Then you also remember the stories about mating.”
Gavin’s head immediately shot up and his gaze locked on Ian’s.

“I remember that a male finds his mate.
That he knows her by her scent and her voice.
That no one can take her from him once he finds her.”
Gavin’s words were
sudden and quick.
he stared at Ian
, unmoving,
his fingers no longer fiddling with the hole in the blanket.

“That’s true.
A male does find the female, but the female decides if she wants the male.
is hers
And as males we have to allow th
e female to make that choice.
We cannot force her.
Do you understand?”
Ian folded his hands as he waited for Gavin’s response.
The cub stared at him for a long minute then looked down at the blanket and started messing with the hole again.
let him understand
Ian didn’t want to wring this cub

s neck.

“But she’s mine.”
Gavin’s spoke quietly and when he looked up there were tears in his eyes.
“I don’t even know her name.
They won’t tell me and I can’t see her.

The cub dashed the tears away and shook his head.
“No, she’s mine.
I have to have her.”

“You can Gavin, but not now.
It’s too soon.
You’re still cubs.
That’s not fair to her.”
Ian ran a hand through his hair.
What would he do if someone told him he couldn’t pursue Andy?
would kill him.
His heart hurt for the cub.
“What do you think her parents would do if Edge allowed
you to take her

Gavin looked out
the window
The silence stretched so long that Ian was sure he would have to leave.
“What about email?”

BOOK: The Twin Moon (The Moon Series)
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