The Tycoon's Proposal (2 page)

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Authors: Melody Anne

BOOK: The Tycoon's Proposal
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When she got the call the next day, she hung her head and barely managed to hold the tears back. Someone else had gotten the position. She was running out of options. She didn’t know how she was going to take care of Patsy’s hospital bills and still keep a roof over their heads. She got dressed and headed towards her waitressing job, where she would be lucky to take home thirty dollars in tips for a ten hour shift. It wasn’t much motivation but it was better than nothing.




Three months later, Nicole sat by her phone trying to work up her courage. She had to call him, there was no other choice. Nicole was cringing at the thought of groveling at Ryan Titan’s feet but she really didn’t see any other options. Her sister needed the operation and as hard as Nicole worked she still couldn’t pay for it. The hospital didn’t care if it was a life or death matter. They only cared about the bottom line. She couldn’t believe they said it was an elective surgery. It was something slowly killing her though and not an emergency. They wouldn’t perform it without payment in full.


Nicole took a deep breath, with her hand resting on the phone. She’d been in the same position for the last hour, trying to force herself to pick it up. Her palms were sweaty and her heart was beating irregularly, out of control. The tear tracks down her cheeks had long dried but the terror was still there.


She hadn’t talked to Ryan in twelve years and the last conversation hadn’t gone well. He still believed she’d cheated on him. It had been so much easier to let him believe that but oh how it had broken her heart.


She told herself repeatedly it wasn’t about her. It was about her little sister and no matter how much he may hate her he’d always loved Patsy. There was no way he’d sit back and let her die when he could help her.


She wiped her hands on her jeans and picked up the handle of the phone, trying to control her trembling hands. She had to redial the number three times. She was shaking so hard she kept misdialing.


As the phone started to ring her nerves were at the breaking point. She was hoping it would go to voicemail. Then she could just leave a message and not have to face hearing his voice.


“Who is this?” a voice demanded, startling her.


“Th…this is Nicole,” she stuttered. There was an uncomfortably long pause on the other end of the line.


“Nicole who?” came the same voice, as cool as ice.


“Nicole Lander,” she said, barely above a whisper.


“How did you get my person number?” his voice demanded. She was thinking she’d made a really bad mistake. It sounded as if he didn’t even remember who she was. Maybe their time together had been far more significant to her than to him.


“I got it from your uncle,” she finally managed to say. There was another really long silence at her words.


“What do you want?” he demanded to know.


“I um, wanted to see if I could, um, talk to you about something important,” she forced through her trembling lips. “We used to know each other, a really long time ago, I don’t know if you still remember me,” she finished.


“I don’t have time to beat around the bush. Spit out what it is you want,” he demanded of her. She didn’t want to ask him for money over the phone but what choice did she have.


“My little sister is in the hospital and she needs an operation and we don’t have any other options. Your uncle said I should talk to you,” she finally pushed out, on the verge of crying, once again. She could tell by his tone of voice he was simply humoring her and in no way was going to help them out. She was going to lose her baby sister and she didn’t think she could possibly make it through the horrific experience.


He was silent for so long she thought he hung up the phone. He didn’t remember her, or her sister and he was far too important a man to sit there on the phone with her. She’d failed her last resort and she felt an overwhelming sense of grief. She was starting to take the phone from her ear when he finally spoke again.


“Do you know where my office is?” he demanded.


“Yes, in the city,” she mumbled.


“Be there tomorrow at five,” he said and then she heard nothing but a dial tone. She sat there for a couple of minutes in shock as the phone continued to beep at her. She finally managed to hang up and allowed the tears to fall down her cheeks. It wasn’t hopeless. He was willing to hear her out. She didn’t care what it took. She had to convince him to help her baby sister. She couldn’t lose her.




Ryan sat at his desk, feeling a myriad of emotions coursing through him. He had known who was on the other end of his line from the very first word she had whispered. He could never forget that voice. It had haunted his dreams for the past twelve years. She’d been the girl who got away; hell not only got away but thrust him from her life.


He ran his hands through his hair and let out a sigh of frustration. How he wished he could’ve simply told her to go to hell and hung up the phone. There was no way he could be that much of a bastard. He’d loved Patsy as if she was his own little sister.


He felt a smile lift the corner of his lips, as he thought back to little Patsy toddling around his legs, as he spent time with Nicole. She had become attached to him from the very first moment he came through her doors. Over the years of watching her grow up she’d squeezed a piece of his heart.


He hadn’t heard Patsy was hurt. He decided to make some calls and get some background information on the situation. He needed to be well prepared when Nicole stepped through his doors. He’d been incredibly surprised by her call. He wasn’t having any more surprises when she stepped back into his life. He also needed to speak to his uncle. He didn’t know what the old man was up to but he knew not to give his number out to anyone. His uncle should’ve taken her number and given it to Ryan. That way he wouldn’t have been surprised. He didn’t like to be blindsided.


By the time Ryan got the answers he was looking for, he hung his head in shame. He couldn’t believe how bad things had gotten for Patsy. He knew beyond any shadow of a doubt he would help her but Nicole had no clue of that. He would help Patsy but he was also going to get what he wanted out of Nicole.


She’d once thought he wasn’t good enough for her and now he was the only one who could save her baby sister. He felt a sense of justice in that knowledge. He knew there wasn’t any point in working the rest of the day, as he couldn’t concentrate. He was eager for his appointment the next day. A smile stole across his features, as he sat back in his chair. He enjoyed a challenge and Nicole would definitely provide him some entertainment.


He made several phone calls, which included getting Patsy moved to a private room. He then found the best cardiothoracic surgeon he could find, called in for a consult. He didn’t do anything in half-measures and he wanted to make sure she received only the best of care.


By the time he hung up the phone, he felt more in control. Patsy was going to be well taken care of and he was going to get his chance for redemption with Nicole. She would pay for what she had done to him and they both would enjoy the punishment.


Ryan headed home, feeling better than he had felt in a long while. That somewhat empty feeling he had been dealing with for quite some time seemed to have completely lifted. He found himself smiling as he jogged up the stairs to change clothing. He was meeting up with Drew later in the evening and decided to enjoy his great mood.




Nicole paced outside the high rise building, working up her courage to enter through the double doors. He wouldn’t have told her to come in unless he was going to help her sister. He may hate her for what he thought she’d done to him but he used to be the kindest person she knew and there was no way he could let Patsy die.


She squared her shoulders and held her head up high as she entered the plush interior of Titan Enterprises. Even the lobby of the building screamed luxury, with its marble floors and huge security desk. There were plants strategically placed to make the area warm and inviting and several people were moving around the lobby, coming in and out of different doors. She didn’t know if the room was supposed to seem intimidating or not but it certainly made her feel out of place. The people he dealt with on a daily basis most likely didn’t notice the luxury surrounding them as they were around it all the time.


The guard behind the desk looked pleasant enough but Nicole could see the steel in his gaze. If she wasn’t on the acceptable list, there was no way she’d make it to the elevators. She had to fight every instinct in her, which told her to turn around and run away. She was made stronger than that and wouldn’t back down. She’d fought harder battles in her life but her sister’s surgery was the only one she’d ever fought for with her whole being.


She tried to walk with as much confidence as she could muster. What if him having her come in had been a cruel joke and the guard was going to send her on her way? If that were the case she would leave kicking and screaming. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for her sister, even if it meant humiliating herself.


“Do you have an appointment?” the man asked her.


“Yes, I’m here to see Mr. Titan,” she answered. She’d been trying to sound confident but her throaty voice sounded weak, even to her own ears. She took a few deep breaths, trying to pull herself together.


“Your name, please?” the guard asked.


“Nicole Lander,” she replied. The man looked at his computer for a moment and she had to quell the panic from rising. After what seemed an inordinately long amount of time, though it was only seconds, he nodded his head and handed her a badge.


“Go to the elevators and swipe this badge. Go up to the twentieth floor. When you step off the elevators go to the right and you’ll find the reception desk. Mr. Titan is expecting you so check in with his secretary,” the man said. Nicole nodded at him, to let him know she understood.


Walking over to the elevators, she pushed the button and waited. It felt like she was in a fog as the bell chimed and the doors opened. She stepped inside and had to fight her claustrophobia as the metal machine rose higher and higher. Instead of the music being comforting, she was feeling more closed in. She hated small places but as the numbers lit up, signaling her imminent arrival, she could feel her breathing become shallower. She was seconds away from seeing her first love and she had a feeling the meeting would be quite the chilling one.


She’d wanted him to hate her when she pushed him out of her life. It had been a far better option than the alternative. There was no way she wanted him to know who she really was. She would much rather have him look at her with anger and contempt in his eyes, than pity or disgust from knowing the truth.


The doors opened and she jumped a bit from the bell signaling her arrival. On wooden legs she stepped from the doors and made her way to the beautiful desk, which sat in the middle of a huge reception area.


“Name please,” the woman asked, barely looking up from her computer.


“Nicole Lander,” she answered in a bit stronger voice. The woman picked up her phone and spoke into it for a moment.


“Mr. Titan is currently busy. He asked me to tell you to have a seat. He’ll call you when he’s finished up,” the woman said. She turned back to her computer, confident Nicole would do what she was told.


Nicole walked over to one of the plush seats and picked up a magazine. She glanced at her watch every few minutes. She was anxious to get back. She really wanted to make it to the hospital to visit with her sister before she had to report in to her waitressing job.


The time continued to tick by and she was getting seething mad once an hour had passed. She figured she’d be in his office no more than a half hour but if she didn’t get in there soon she wouldn’t be able to visit her sister. She stepped up to the desk, thinking he’d forgotten about her.


“I wanted to make sure Mr. Titan knew I was still here,” she said to the receptionist. She knew she had a bit of bite to her tone but it was rude to make someone wait this long. He must assume he was the only one who had a life. The secretary looked up startled, like she couldn’t possibly believe Nicole would dare to question her boss’s intentions.


“Mr. Titan’s a very busy man. You’ll have to wait for him to call you in,” the woman rudely replied. Nicole nodded and took her seat again. Another half hour passed, still with no word from Ryan and she could no longer wait. She couldn’t afford to be late to her job. It looked like he’d played her for a fool. He was most likely in his office, watching her fidget from some hidden camera and having a nice laugh to himself.


She slowly got up and headed off towards the elevator. She didn’t approach the reception desk again, why bother? She took the elevator back downstairs and returned the badge to the security guard. She held her head high as she exited the building. She was going to barely make it to work on time so she wouldn’t allow the tears fall, which were trying so hard to escape.

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