The Uncrowned King: The Sensational Rise of William Randolph Hearst (98 page)

BOOK: The Uncrowned King: The Sensational Rise of William Randolph Hearst
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I could not have hoped for a more talented and dedicated editor than Anne Collins at Random House Canada. We worked together years ago in the magazine business and I always held her in high regard but I am newly astonished at her capacities, and this manuscript has been immeasurably improved by her attentions. I also want to thank Jennifer Shepherd, Craig Pyette, and Sharon Klein at Random House for their hard work and professionalism.
I have benefited from the work of Judith Robinson, who has done a superb job of sorting out the Hearst family papers, and steered me to some materials I had overlooked, and who gave me her thoughts on several chapters of this manuscript. David Nasaw’s thorough biography,
The Chief,
was useful and thought provoking, and an inspiration for my different take on Hearst. W. Joseph Campbell has done some truly original research in the field of newspaper history and I learned a great deal from his publications. The reference staffs at the Bancroft Library, the New York Public Library, and The Library of Congress went out of their way to be helpful. A kind assistant at the Michigan State Library taught me how to scan newspapers from microfilm.
Nancy Macdonald (McGill) was of enormous assistance as a researcher on this project. Patricia Treble (
) was indispensable as a fact-checker and bibliographer. Thanks as well to Julien-Russell Brunet (University of Toronto), Matthew Hogan, George Serhijczuk (
). The redoubtable Chris Johnston kept me as functional and organized as it is in me to be. John Fraser, Master of Massey College at the University of Toronto, was generous with his hospitality. Brian Segal, Leanne Shapton, Andrew Tolson, Lenny Blum, Florence Richler, Sasha Josipovicz, and Dianne de Fenoyl all contributed in different ways. Robert Fulford read the entire manuscript and gave me his thoughts.
This is a book about journalism and journalists, and much of what I know on these subjects has been gleaned from the many hundreds of writers, editors, and publishers I’ve been privileged to know over the years. I am beholden to them all, and this story is intended in part to give something back to a trade we love. Finally, and most importantly, my deepest gratitude to Tina Leino-Whyte and Thea Whyte for their love and support.
Abbot, Willis J.
on Hearst
at the
war coverage
Abbott, Rev. Lyman
Active Service
Adee, Alvee A.
Advertiser. See
New York
Commercial Advertiser;
New York
Morning Advertiser
Age of the Editor
Albert and Arthur Brisbane News Service
Alfonso XII,
Alfonso XIII, king of Spain
Alger, Russell
Alix, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt
Altgeld, John Peter
Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers
American Cyclopaedia, The
American Economic Association
American Humorist, The
American Magazine
American Weekly, The
American Yacht Club
America’s Cup
Anaconda Copper Mine
Anson, Cap
Anthony, Clara
Anti-Cartoon Bill
anti-trust legislation
Associated Press
Arango, Clemencia
Archer, Addison
Armour, Philip Danforth
Arnold, George Waugh
Artemisa, Cuba
Arthur, Chester
Associated Press
Astor, John Jacob
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
Augustine, Cpt. Edward
Azcárraga y Palmero, Gen. Marcelo de
Babicora ranch
Bacheller Syndicate
Baker, Ray Stannard
Banks, Rev. Louis A.
Barker, Walter B.
Barrymore, Maurice
Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste
Barton, Clara
Bates, Ernest Sutherland
“Battle of the Standards,”
Baz, Maj. Julio Rodríguez
Beaudet, Louise
Becker, Charles
“beef, embalmed,”
Belknap, George E.
Belletristische Journal
Bellevue Hospital
Bemis, Edward W.
Benham, Col.
Bennett, James Gordon, Jr.
criticism of
personal life
as proprietor of the
on Pulitzer
and the Spanish-American War
wealth and possessions
Bent, Silas
Berriz, Col. José
Betancourt, Salvador Cisneros
bicycles and bicycling
Bierce, Ambrose
Bierce, Marcus Aurelius
Bigelow, Poultney
Biograph camera
Bitzer, Gottfried Wilhelm “Billy,”
Black, Winifred
Blackwell’s Island
Blanco y Erenas, Ramón
Bland, Richard
Bly, Nellie (Elizabeth Cochrane)
Bollman, Erich
Bonsal, Stephen
Book Buyer, The
Booth, Edwin
Booth-Tucker, Frederick
Boston Globe
Bouguereau, William A.
Bowen, William Shaw
Bowles, Francis T.
Brady, Jim
Breese, James L.
Brisbane, Albert
Brisbane, Arthur
at the
Chicago Journal
friendship with Hearst
at the
New York Journal
in the Spanish-American War
at the
at the
British Guiana
Brokmeyer, Henry
Brontë sisters
Brook Farm Institute of Agriculture and Education
Brooklyn Bridge
Brown, Anne
Browning, Robert
Bryan, Mary
Bryan, William Jennings
1896 Democratic leadership race
1896 presidential election
and the
Chicago American
in the Spanish-American War
Bryson, George Eugene
in the Cuban War
in the Spanish-American War
Buffalo, NY
bulletin boards
Butes, Alfred
Butler, Benjamin F.
Byron, George Gordon, Lord
cable rates
Cafe Inglaterra
Calhoun, Eleanor
Calhoun, William J.
California Theatre
Campbell, W. Joseph
Campo Florida, Cuba
Canalejas y Méndez, José
Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio
Carbonell, Carlos F.
Carlos I, king of Portugal
Carlson, Oliver
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie Steel Company
Carson City, Nev.
See also
Davenport, Homer; i llustration
Anti-Cartoon Bill
Carvalho, Solomon Solis (S.S.)
at the
Chicago American
at the
at the
Caryll, Ivan
Casa de Recojidas
“Casey at the Bat” (Thayer)
Casino (club)
Casino Theatre
censorship and press control
in the Cuban War
in the Spanish-American War
Central Pacific Railroad
Century Club
Cervera, Adm. Pasqual
Ceuta, Morocco
Chaffee, Gen. Adna R.
Chamberlain, Sam
at the
Chamberlin, E.O.
Chambers, Julius
Champagne Charley (alligator)
Chapman, Cpt. George S.
Charles, king of Portugal

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