The Velvet Rage (30 page)

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Authors: Alan Downs

BOOK: The Velvet Rage
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Relationship helplessness
Relationship hopelessness
Relationship trauma
depression in
influence of
memories of
symptoms of
See also
allowing competing feelings
compromises in
contributing to sense of peace
denial in
failure of
with fathers
with mothers
resolving conflicts by taking responsibility
sex used as filter for
trust in
Relationships in stage one
consequences of
darker side of
as defining
emotional trauma of
future relationships built on
inexperience in
power of
shame vs. love
suicide in
as tumultuous
vicious cycle of
from emotions
by revealing true identity
Research on aging phobia
Research on trauma
of fathers
in vicious cycles
Responsibility (skill)
taken for feelings
taken in conflicts
Retaliation in vicious cycles
Roots of trauma
Safe sex
San Francisco Chronicle
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Secondary emotion
validation of
Sense of self
of gay boys
of straight boys
adult violent
casual, brief encounters
as compulsion
to control others
as filter for relationships
fulfillment of
importance of
lack of
for money
as process addiction
pursuit of
through dishonesty
used to manage emotions
and validation, invalidation
See also
Denial of sexuality
Sexual abandonment
Sexual abuse.
See also
Childhood sexual abuse
Sexual conquest
Sexual orientation
Sexuality, acceptance of.
See also
Bisexuality; Denial of sexuality; Heterosexual identity
avoidance of
as debilitating
elimination of, emergence from
feelings of
and identity crises
as inhibited emotion
intensity of
invalidation not tolerated
vs. love
and rage
reacted to with abandonment
reduced by owning shortcomings
in stage three
in stage two
validation needed
and vicious cycles
See also
Compensating for shame as stage two; Compounded shame; Overwhelming shame as stage one; Toxic shame
Silent Sons
60 Minutes
television program
Skills for authentic living.
See also under specific living skills
Social attitudes
Societal approval
Soul purging
Stable home
Stage one.
Overwhelming shame as stage one
Stage three.
Cultivating authenticity as stage three
Stage two.
Compensating for shame as stage two
Straight boys
Straight life
Straight men
differences with gay men
and gay men, common quest for authenticity
as homophobic
Stress reliever, foreclosure as
Struggles of gay men
Substance abuse
attempts by gay youth
to avoid shame
and changing quality of feelings
linked to childhood sexual abuse
from stage one relationship trauma
in stage two
Crash and lash syndrome
Terror of abandonment
Dialectical Behavior Therapy; Psychotherapy
New Orleans newspaper
Toxic shame
and betrayal
leading to judgmentalism
overcome by owning one's feelings
preventing passion
reacted to with abandonment
in stage three
in stage two
See also
Traits of fathers
biological effects
memories, reflections, of
roots of
in stage one
in vicious cycles
See also
Relationship trauma
Trust in relationships
and betrayal
keeping inner circle safe
Truth, hiding of
Unprotected sex
Urban gay men
achievement of
of fathers
of feminine qualities
vs. invalidation
vs. joy
levels of
from others
for psychological well-being
of self
shame relating to
as skill in relationships
in stage two
See also
Validation, authentic
Validation, authentic
crisis of meaning resolved
importance of
from mothers
and rage
and shame
in stage three
Validation junkies
Validation seeking
with adopted children
through adoration
through approval
through home, vacations, jobs
through praise, recognition
through sexual conquest
as unsatisfying
Velvet curtain
Velvet glove
Velvet Rage
Vicious cycles
anger in
apologies, pseudo-apologies
avoidance as part of
blaming as part of
crisis in
defensive behaviors
psychotherapy for
refusing to admit mistakes
of relationships
resentment, retaliation
shame as part of
with trauma
Victim of emotional violence
Vidal, Gore
Violent sex.
Adult violent sex
Vulnerability of gay men
Walk away from distress
Wall Street Journal
Williamson, Marianne
See also
Lesbian women
Woundedness, emotional
vs. aging
narcissism of
obsession with
suicide attempts
Quote on page 107 from A SONG FLUNG UP TO HEAVEN by Maya Angelou, copyright 2002 by Maya Angelou. Used by permission of Random House, Inc.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and Da Capo Press was aware of a trademark claim, those designations have been printed with initial capital letters.
Copyright © 2005, 2006, 2012 by Alan Downs
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, address Da Capo Press, 44 Farnsworth Street, Third Floor, Boston, MA 02210.
Cataloging-in-Publication data for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
First Da Capo Press edition 2012
eISBN : 978-0-738-21585-3
Library of Congress Control Number 2012933548
Published by Da Capo Press
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
Note: The information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. This book is intended only as an informative guide for those wishing to know more about health issues. In no way is this book intended to replace, countermand, or conflict with the advice given to you by your own physician. The ultimate decision concerning care should be made between you and your doctor. We strongly recommend you follow his or her advice. Information in this book is general and is offered with no guarantees on the part of the authors or Da Capo Press. The authors and publisher disclaim all liability in connection with the use of this book.
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