The Virgin Sex Queen (16 page)

Read The Virgin Sex Queen Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Police, #Love, #Family, #explicit, #sex, #sensual, #Law, #BBW, #friends, #sweet, #laughter, #cop, #writer, #plus size heroine, #australian

BOOK: The Virgin Sex Queen
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“Glad to be of
service.” Sophie laughed.

Laura leaned
over the table. “How much of what you write have you done,

“Whoa, Laura!”
Chelsea whistled. “Looking for pointers? And I do mean ‘pointers’.”
She made air quotes with her fingers.

Laura just

Hmm, seemed
like sweet, shy Laura had a backbone after all. It was always the
quiet ones.

Debbie looked
coldly across the table at Sophie. “Yes, just how much is real,
Sophie? How much have you done?”

“I only write
what I know,” Sophie replied coolly.

Debbie’s smile was anything but pleasant. “So the oral sex…?”

There was no
help coming from Chelsea, she was hanging onto every word. Belle
was blushing a little, but there was a knowing look in her eyes
right before she dropped her gaze to the table. Well, well.

“Come on,”
Elsie said. “No holding back. Any tips for beginners?”

Oh boy. Not
good. Sophie raised her brows. “I don’t think this is quite the
place to discuss this, do you?”

“Can’t see why
not,” Elsie retorted. “We’re all friends here.”

Sophie cast a
glance sideways, nearly doing a double take to find that Alan was
leaning towards her, his arm across the back of her chair, his head
turned away as he spoke to Max. Holy cow, when had that

“Yeah.” Chelsea
drew her attention back with a light kick to the shins. “Come on,
little cousin, you’ve been holding out on me for years. I don’t
forgive that easily. Your punishment is to reveal some of the
tricks you know.”

More than aware
now of Alan’s presence, Sophie shifted a little uncomfortably.

Debbie’s eyes
narrowed in satisfaction. “Or is there something you wish to
confess, Sophie?”

Sophie’s eyes
. “Got a problem, Debbie?”

Debbie’s gaze
drifted over Sophie, and Sophie knew exactly what the blonde cow
was inferring without saying a word. How could a woman of Sophie’s
generous proportions possibly know anything about lust, sex, or
intimacy with a man?

Well, time to
twist Debbie into a knot. Sophie might not know everything
personally, but she did her research well and she wasn’t stupid.
And Debbie didn’t know just what Sophie got up to - which was
nothing, but hell, she could lie with the best of them.
you, Ghost

“Oh,” Belle
began, “let’s not bother Sophie. I’m sure she gets tired of talking
about some things.”

Awww, how sweet
was Belle?

“I’m sure she’d
enjoy sharing her knowledge,” Debbie retorted, her perfect teeth

Wow, what a
bitch. Well, she asked for it.

Sophie smiled,
took a sip of Diet Coke and rested her forearms on the table.
“What, exactly, do you want to know about oral sex, Debbie? What
don’t you know?”


Chelsea said boldly. “All the extras. Leave nothing out.”

“Fine. First
off, remember that the underside of the man’s penis is extremely
sensitive.” Sophie played her fingers along the Diet Coke can.
“Lick it with just the tip of your tongue. Play with it, but only
use the tip. Speaking of tips,” she added on a drawl, “don’t forget
that little slit in the top of shaft head. Don’t want it to feel
left out.”

Debbie’s cheeks
were bright red with embarrassment and a touch of fury. “Anyone
could know that from a book.”

“Sure, but only
experience can really let you know how to play with…” Sophie
winked. “It.”

laughed, Elsie grinned from ear to ear, and Belle just nodded.
Laura was hanging onto every word.

“Cute,” Debbie
said coldly. “Like I said, anything you can get from a book.”

Sophie looked
her right in the eye. “A man’s sac is sensitive. Fondle it, roll
the balls, pull it gently from the body just enough to cause
sensation. If you’re really good, you can take one ball in your
mouth. If you’re into sucking sacs, of course.” The words were
coarse, but she said it sweetly.

Chelsea’s mouth
dropped open. “Really?”

“Sure.” She
took several mouthfuls of drink.

Debbie was
looking anything but pleased. “Sounds…”

“Dirty?” Sophie
smiled widely. “Oh yeah, it’s down and dirty. But it gets better
when you swallow that shaft.” She dropped her eyelashes, peering
sultrily through them at the avidly listening women. “Deep throat

A strangled
sound came from further down the table and she glanced sideways to
see that the men had all fallen silent and were listening as avidly
as the women.
Oh shit. Game face, game face! Just don’t look at
She could feel him looking at her, his nearness suddenly
almost suffocating. Not to mention that his arm was over the back
of her chair and he wasn’t just leaning towards her, no, she had
his full attention.


Chapter 5


Sam just looked
stunned. Oops. She sent him an apologetic look, but he just blinked

believing that she wouldn’t dare go further, Debbie drew herself
up, linking her hands loosely on the table and smiling
disbelievingly. “I’ve heard you’re into spankings.”

“Now where did
a nice girl like you read that?” Sophie shot back.

Chelsea laughed
outright. “Have you been sneaking peeks at raunchy books, Deb?
Shame on you!”

aren’t fun,” Debbie replied, almost snapping the answer before
regaining her decorum. “It’s brutality.”

Oh boy, this
was going to be fun. Sophie smiled slowly, arching her brow
upwards. “Well now, that depends on who’s the bad girl and who’s
giving the spanking.” She licked her lips slowly, deliberately.
“And what happens afterwards.”

Debbie’s cheeks

The table was
silent, and then Chelsea leaned forward again. “So this deep

“Chels,” Max
said warningly.

“Oh, come on,
Max. I don’t know if I’m doing it right.”

“Jesus!” Sam
leaped up. “Chels, please!”

“Oh, grow up,
Sam. I’m sure you’ve been sucked off before.”

“Holy cow!

“Yeah, him
too,” Chelsea said, totally uninhibited. “Tell him, Max.”

“What? No, Sam,
I didn’t…I mean, we did…oh shit.” Face in his hands, Max was unable
to look at either his wife or his brother-in-law.

Marty was
grinning from ear to ear.

“Nice,” Alan
drawled. “I’ve never seen Max speechless before.”

“It’s my
sister,” Sam declared. “She’d shock the shit out of anyone.”

“Hey, just
telling it like it is,” Chelsea retorted.

“No more,” Max
growled. “I’m warning you, Chels.”

“Or what?
You’ll spank me?” She stood up, her eyes laughing wickedly. “I dare

Max leaped up
and ran for her.

shrieked and took off, disappearing around the corner of the house,
Max in pursuit.

Worried, Sophie
bit her lip. Sam just shook his head at her.

“Relax.” Alan’s
hand dropped onto her shoulder as he leaned in to whisper in her
ear. “Chels is always stirring Max up. He loves it.”

Relax? With
Alan so close she could smell his tantalizing mix of aftershave and
man all mixed up in one delicious scent? And feel the warmth of his
body? Relaxed was the last thing she felt.
Game face on,

Sophie cast a
smile at him only to find his eyes fastened on her, all hot and -
sweet baby Jesus, was that a hint of lust? Her loins almost
quivered in response. Shifting her gaze before she could disgrace
herself by throwing herself at him, she found Debbie glaring at
her. So she smiled coyly back and leaned into Alan.

Give the man
credit, he didn’t push her away but just let her lean into him. His
fingers started drawing slow circles on her arm and her eyes nearly
went out of focus.

From the side
of the house came shrieks of laughter and growled threats, then
silence for about a minute followed by giggles. Sam shook his head
again when his sister and brother-in-law came tumbling back around
the house, Chelsea with her hair falling out of the now loose bun
and Max’s shirt pulled out from his pants. Max grinned at Sam and
sat down while Chelsea draped herself on his lap, still

“I need meat
before I can stomach anymore,” Sam announced.

“Amen brother,”
Frank agreed, winking at Elsie. “Gotta get my strength up.”

Elsie blushed
and simpered. Belle shared a secret look with Marty, both of them
grinning. Yeah, Sophie had no doubt there was nothing wrong with
their love lives.

At least they
had one.

Poor old Brian
she wasn’t so sure about, married to Debbie. Going by the wistful
looks he was casting towards her, he was lucky to get anything.
Probably had him booked in for a monthly conjugal visit. In the
dark. Touching only what he was allowed to. Under her nightgown
which probably covered her from neck to ankle and had elastic
around the bottom to ensure it didn’t creep up during the night and
give her husband a sneaky feel.

Seeing Sam head
towards the kitchen door, she stood up. “I’ll help you bring the
food out.”

“I’ll help,
too,” Belle said, getting up.

Alan drained
his can of Coke and pushed to his feet. “Geez, I guess I’d better
look productive seeing as you’re all our guests and

thinking,” Marty agreed. “I’m starving.”

“You’re always
hungry,” Belle retorted.

He waggled his
eyebrows at her, causing her to blush and laugh.

Within no time
the meat was sizzling on the BBQ, the salads and desserts were on
the table, the paper plates and plastic cutlery positioned in front
of everyone. Drinks were renewed and everyone apart from Sam, who
was working the BBQ, sat down to chat.

The phone rang
and Alan went in to answer it, returning to the door a mere minute
later to call out, “It’s for you, Soph.”

Wondering who
it could be, she walked to the house, pausing at the door to allow
Alan to shift and let her through. She couldn’t help but glance up
when he murmured with obvious displeasure, “It’s a man.”

Sometimes she
just couldn’t figure him out.


Returning to
the table, Alan couldn’t get the caller from his mind. A male
caller, this Ghost bloke she had mentioned a few times. What did he
want? Even more, what did he mean to Sophie?

God, Sophie.
What she’d come out with at the table had almost had him showing
everyone what an impressive boner he was capable of getting. No
doubt so did every other bloke at the table. That wasn’t a good
thing, not if they were getting it by listening to his Soph.

He could only
imagine what she could get up to in his bed. She had experience, no
doubt she could blow his mind, among other things, yet…yet the
thought that she’d learned the techniques from someone else, from
some other bloke, that didn’t sit well.

Oh, he wasn’t
going to be a hypocrite and say she was a slut for sleeping around
and being experienced, far from it. She had needs, rights, just
like he did. He was certainly no pure boy, hadn’t been for years.
But somehow just the thought of someone touching her, being inside
her, it was just…wrong. Bloody wrong. Enough to make him want to
howl at the moon wrong. Enough to make him want to claim her, throw
her on the table, take her roughly, cover her with his scent then
stand there smiling in triumph because every other bloke in the
vicinity and beyond would know who she belonged to now.

Man, was he
going nuts? Yeah, he was, and it was all thanks to Soph.

He needed a
beer. Getting up, he headed back into the house. Going into the
kitchen and taking a can from the ‘fridge, he looked towards the
hallway where her voice was coming from. Even as he turned his
head, his eyes narrowing, her voice dropped to a whisper.

Now how strange
was that? She was obviously hiding something. Whispering naughty
things into this Ghost’s ears, perhaps?

Shit, he should
just walk away, but instead he placed the can on the bench, his
feet moving of their own accord, his ears straining to hear as he
left the kitchen and approached the lounge. Stopping just short of
the doorway, he listened unashamedly.

It wasn’t what
he expected.

“I’m telling
you, Ghost, she was trying to trip me up!” She was obviously
listening to the reply, because her words came to him with pauses.
“Yeah, she was…asking all these questions…uh-huh…so I said, well,
you know….and then Chelsea started with Max - no, not sex! Geez! I
mean, she started goading Max and…no, I’m not giving you all the
details.” She laughed softly, the low tone making Alan’s innards
churn a little. Whether from nausea because it was aimed at another
man or disturbing because her low laugh did funny things to him, he
wasn’t quite sure.

He was about to
back away when she continued talking, her voice even more hushed.
“It was close, Ghost. What if she trips me up? What if I
accidentally let it slip?”

Let it slip?
Alan frowned. Let what slip?

“I’m worried,”
Sophie whispered. “What if they find out that I’m making things up,
that I haven’t really done all this erotic love making, that I’m
not experienced?”

Well, hello.
Alan’s ears perked up. She hadn’t done it all? Sophie wasn’t
experienced? What the-

“God, I haven’t
made love to a man, not even a vibrator! ...I know, too much
information, sorry…”

Alan’s eyebrows
shot upwards. Wow.

“If they find
out I’m a virgin, my reputation as an experienced erotic romance
writer is shot to pieces.”

One word rang
in Alan’s ears.
. Sophie was a virgin? But everything
she said, she wrote…

“I know its all
fantasy, Ghost. It’s also my livelihood, as you know….yes…I have to
maintain that game face. Yes, I know I shouldn’t fret... You’re
right…I know all I have to do is play the game, maintain the
façade. You taught me well. I just can’t help but

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