The Virgin Sex Queen (24 page)

Read The Virgin Sex Queen Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Police, #Love, #Family, #explicit, #sex, #sensual, #Law, #BBW, #friends, #sweet, #laughter, #cop, #writer, #plus size heroine, #australian

BOOK: The Virgin Sex Queen
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“Fine, fine.
I’m going. Now, you’re sure you’re getting enough to eat?”

“I’ve got
something really yummy on the menu tonight.” He was going to eat
something all right, but not what she had in mind.

“Good. Make
sure you get early nights, too, with the hours you work. I’ll see
you, baby.”

“Okay Mum.
Thanks for calling.” He hung up faster than was really polite, but
hey, Sophie was waiting. He started eagerly towards the

By now she was
probably sitting in the bed, eyes big, that light of combined
excitement and a touch of uncertainty present that made him want to
take her in hand and teach her all kinds of bad things.


Yep, no doubt
she was waiting for him, lips trembling, anticipation riding her as
hard as he was going to - oh. She’d fallen asleep while waiting for

Alan looked at
her in the bed. Yep, cotton nightgown, sheet to her waist, hair in
one neat, thick braid, all innocence. And he was the debaucher.
Yeah. He could almost feel that feral growl rising in his

Grinning, he
left the room. He had just the thing to wake Soph up, to get her
into the mood. To start the festivities off, as it were.

Retrieving the
handcuffs from the top of his dresser, he strode back into the
room. Officer Cooper was back on duty.

carefully over the bed, he looped the handcuffs over the rail
before gently taking one wrist and raising her arm. He froze when
she sighed and shifted slightly, but she continued to sleep.

Oh yeah. He
clicked the handcuff around her wrist and moving around to the
other side of the bed, he repeated the action. Now she was lying
there with her hands cuffed to the headboard.

Handcuffs in
the bedroom never failed to do it for him. He’d done this before
with a giggling, lithe and very beautiful chick, but he certainly
had never done it with the anticipation he felt now for the beauty
sleeping so unawares of what he had planned for her. Nor had he
ever taken it as far as he was going to now.

Going back into
his room, he donned his police uniform. No one was home, the blinds
were drawn, and his sergeant would never know what nefarious things
Alan planned on doing while wearing the West Australian Police

Leaving the cap
off, he returned to Sophie’s bedroom and stood beside the bed,
level with her waist. Folding his arms across his chest, he said,
“Sophie. Sophie Willow.”

She sighed,
tugged at her hands. Tugged again. Slid back towards sleep.



“Open your
eyes, ma’am.”

She blinked,
still a little dozy. “Alan?” She glanced around the room. “Sorry, I
must have dozed off and - what the hell?” She tugged at her wrists,
her gaze flashing up to see her wrists securely cuffed. Her mouth
dropped open.

Alan grinned.
“Hello, Soph.”

“What is this?”
She tugged on the handcuffs.

“I had a great
idea. Since you write about handcuffed heroines getting all
pleasured, I thought maybe it was time to do some research in that

Her gaze
snapped to him. “Are you insane? Let me go!”

sweetheart,” he said. “No.”


“We’re just
getting started.” Picking up the note book by her bed, he started
reading it. “Hmmm, let’s see what nefarious deeds you’ve been

“Put that
down!” She jerked on the handcuffs. “Alan Cooper, you stop right

He thumbed
through it for several pages then stopped. Hoo boy, so this was
Sophie’s latest fantasy? All right! And no one else had read it
yet. Okay, it wasn’t hugely wild, but hot damn, it was going to be
fun. He’d just make a few adjustments, creative license and all
that shit.

Looking up, he
said sternly, “Ma’am, you’ve been very,

“Alan.” Her
cheeks crimsoned. “Don’t you dare!”

“Yep, very
naughty. Good thing I’m here to teach you to respect the law.”

“Oh shit. Alan,

“Now don’t you
worry, ma’am, I know just what to do.” He dropped the notebook back
onto the bedside table.

“No no no!” She
was almost frantic.

Yeah, almost,
but there was that little light in her eyes, too. Luscious Sophie
was scared, all right, but mostly she was intrigued. Oh, this was

Maintaining a
serious face, he leaned down to place one hand on her chest right
between those big boobs. “Just settle down, ma’am. I’m going to
make you a little more comfortable.”

“I’ll scream
the place down,” she threatened.

“Course you

“I mean it,
Alan. I’ll
Everyone will hear me!”

He couldn’t
stop the wicked grin. “I’m counting on it. After all, I have both
of our reputations to upkeep. Sweetheart, you scream your lungs
out. Everyone in hearing distance will be agog to know just what
dirty little kink you’re researching now.”


sweetheart,” he admonished, “Relax. I’ve used handcuffs before. I
know how to treat a…” Straightening, he winked. “Felon.”

“I think you
might be treading that path right now,

“I’m going to
ignore that bit of sarcasm.” Biting back his grin, Alan raised one
brow and slipped his mirrored sunglasses on. Thank God the light
was bright. “Now ma’am, you’ve been detained for having porn in
your possession.”

“You wish. And
it’s not porn, smart arse. Now this has gone on far en-”

Pulling his
glasses down the bridge of his nose, he cut her a look. “It’s not
advisable to backchat me, ma’am.” Back up the glasses went. The
less she saw of his amusement at her reaction, the better.

She glared at
him. “Then stick to the script. You’re adlibbing.”

“Ma’am, your
smart mouth is going to get you into trouble. You have been

“Alan, when I
get loose, I’m going to rip your-”

He held up one
finger. “You only get one warning. You’ve had it.”

She rolled her
eyes, which really spoiled her next plea. “This is going too far,
too fast. Alan?”

Easing his
weight back on one hip, Alan canted his head to the side. “Are you
hiding something, ma’am?”

Sophie eyed him
suspiciously. “What?”

“On your

Her eyes
widened. “No!”

“Hmmm, that
answer was a little too vehement, a little panicked. Are you
panicking, ma’am?”

“Holy cow, yes!
I’ve had enough!

“Oh Sophie.” He
shook his head. “This is suspicious behaviour.” He took a step
back. “Now I’m going to ask you again, ma’am, are you hiding
anything on your person?”

She glared at
him. “No.”



“I’m gonna have
to frisk you, ma’am.”


He smiled.
“This won’t hurt a bit. Maybe.”

“You -

Cooper, ma’am. In case you want to scream it out later.”

She started
yanking on the handcuffs again. “Curse it, you mean!”

“Now, ma’am,
just lie still and let me frisk you.”

Why start with
subtleties? Alan placed both hands on those generous boobs,
massaging them slowly with his palms, cupping them, feeling the
nipples almost instantly peak.

Her soft gasp
was audible, even though she bit it off.

Keeping his
gaze on his hands, he pursed his lips. “Hmmm. I think you’re hiding
something under there, ma’am. Let’s see what else I feel.”

She’d gone
completely still, the only sound in the room her breathing which
was already becoming a little choppy. If she wasn’t careful she’d
hyperventilate. Alan suppressed his grin and shifted his hands down
to the gentle swell of her belly. Leaving one hand there, he slid
his other beneath the sheet and slowly, oh so slowly, shoved it

“Can’t leave
anything unchecked, ma’am, I’m sure you appreciate that.”

“Oh yes - I
mean no.” Her hips shifted in the bed and he pressed down a little
on her belly. “Hold still, ma’am, I don’t want to slip and impale
you on something.”

Out of the
corner of his eye he saw her mouth drop open in a little ‘O’.
Biting his inner cheek, he lightly trailed his hands across her
lower belly. “Now this could take a few minutes.”

The tension
when his fingers slid over the outline of her mound was

“Spread ‘em,”
he ordered.

She jerked, the
cuffs rattling on the headboard. “Oh, Alan, I don’t think-”

“Ma’am, spread
your legs.

He heard her
gulp. Oh yeah, he was getting to her. Those full, plump thighs
parted and he shook his head sorrowfully. “I’m afraid this
nightgown is getting in the way, ma’am. I’m going to have to go

“Oh shit!” She
clamped her thighs shut but his hand was still in-between them.

Turning his
head, he gave her a disapproving look over the top of his glasses.
“Tsk, ma’am, such language.” And winked.

“Anyway,” she
croaked, clearing her throat and trying again, regaining a little
bravado. Or pretending too, he could see the blush in her cheeks
and the whiteness of her knuckles. “You can’t use that scene. It’s
just from my notes. It’s not part of an official book yet.”

“Ever hear of
creative license?”

“You know crap
about creative license. And the scene isn’t finished, so

“Oh baby, I can
finish that scene, and you’ll be wanting to take notes. Trust me,
it’s a screamer.”

Her cheeks

“Now, ma’am.”
He snapped back into role. “Spread those legs or I’m going to have
to restrain them as well.”

That got her
moving. He felt the shiver go right through her, then slowly, ever
so slowly, she spread those plump thighs again. Keeping his gaze on
his fingers, he trailed his fingers lightly across the nightgown,
tracing along her leg until he got near her knees where the hem
lay, and then he very deliberately slid his hand beneath the hem,
spreading his palm across her skin above her knees.

She might have
plump thighs, but they were firm, too. Warm skin, silky.

After giving
her thigh a firm squeeze, he lifted his hand until just his
fingertips rested on her skin, and then he proceeded to trail the
up the inside of her thigh, higher and higher, feeling the tension
in her ricochet the closer he got to the apex of her thighs.

“Ma’am,” he
said a little huskily. “You’re about to be invaded.”

“I am?” she

Glancing up, he
saw that her wide-eyed gaze was locked on his hand where it
disappeared under the nightgown, and he grinned wickedly. “Oh yes.
Very much so. This won’t hurt a bit, ma’am, I promise.”

Now he watched
her face as he moved higher, his fingertips brushing the curls
protecting her secrets, feathering over the edges of the plump
labias already damp with arousal.

That was the
secret, get Sophie so aroused she wouldn’t even notice that his
movement up her legs was pushing the nightie higher, bearing more
of her to his view.

It was a damned
yummy view and about to get better. And a whole lot hotter.

“Now brace
yourself, ma’am,” Alan said sternly. “I’m going in.”

Her thick
lashes lifted, her hazel eyes so wide and innocent, a little
fearful, yet hot and wanting all at the same time. Especially when
she unconsciously licked her lips.

Jesus, that was
a sight to make a man’s dick go hard as a rock.

Glad that his
sunglasses hid his eyes from sight, he smiled at her and cupped her
sex, his middle finger sliding smoothly through the sheltering
labias to settle against her perineum. Oh God, she was slick with
arousal already, her protests be damned. That made it easier to rub
against her in smooth, slow motions of his hand.

“Yes ma’am,” he
said, not trying to hide the huskiness creeping into his voice. “I
think I may have found something… what’s this?’ He stopped, the tip
of his finger right at the entrance to her body and fingered it,
making her gasp and her hips writhe. He pressed down on her belly
warningly. “I do believe I’ve found a pocket of some kind. Ma’am,
I’m going to have to investigate.”

“Oh God…Oh

“Close,” he
said. “It’s Constable Cooper.”

The last two letters of his name was keened out when his finger
slid deep, deep inside that snug little sheath.

Her wet heat
coated his finger. It made his shaft jerk and press in sudden
urgency against the zip of his pants.

It wasn’t time
for that, not yet. Pulling on iron control, he blocked out his own
rising arousal and concentrated on Sophie.

Taking several
deep breaths, he gently pumped his finger inside her, feeling her
internal muscles clamp down on him. Oh yeah, that felt good all
right. Bloody awesome. It would be even better when he was buried
deep inside her, his shaft nudging high up inside her hot body.


For now, he had
a job to do, a role to play, and a self-conscious chick needing to
be mindless for what he had planned.

“Well now,
ma’am, nothing seems to be inside you.” Withdrawing his hand, he
straightened and hooked his glasses down the bridge of his nose a
little so she could see his eyes.

Oh lord,
eyes were hot, so very hot.

“Ma’am.” He
smiled slowly. “I’m not actually finished yet.”

“You can say
that again!” She bit her lip. “I mean…” Trembling, she took several
deep breaths.

herself. Oops, couldn’t have that.

“I’m can’t
anything, ma’am, but I’m going to have to take a closer

“What? You

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