The Virgin Sex Queen (22 page)

Read The Virgin Sex Queen Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Police, #Love, #Family, #explicit, #sex, #sensual, #Law, #BBW, #friends, #sweet, #laughter, #cop, #writer, #plus size heroine, #australian

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“I’m a little
afraid.” She frowned up at him. “And if you ever laugh at me, if
smirk at me naked, I’ll kill you. I swear I’ll tell
Sam and he’ll wipe the floor with you.”

“I’d never
laugh at you naked, Soph,” he stated quietly. “I’m not that kind of
bloke. You need to trust me.”

Trust Alan?
Yes, she trusted him to keep her safe, to laugh with her, to tease
her, but she didn’t want to see the distaste in his eyes when he
saw her naked.

“Don’t.” He
brushed a butterfly kiss along her cheeks to her eye and then the
temple. “Don’t torture yourself over something that will never
happen. Give yourself to me, Soph. I promise you won’t regret

“I have to go
back home after my holiday here.”

“So we have
this time to explore your fantasies.” His mouth trailed down,
skimming her ear to tickle the side of her neck. “Together.”

Her heart was
tripping inside her chest. “All of them?”

“I’ll control
the fantasies, Soph.”

“Why you?”

When he looked
at her, his eyes gleamed. “Who’s the experienced one here?”

“Oh. Okay.” And
it was done.


He couldn’t
believe he’d done it. Sophie Willow had agreed to let him have free
access to her luscious body.

Okay, she
probably didn’t see it in quite the same way, but it was the same
thing. Tomato, to-may-toe.

Breaking past
some of her barriers was going to be challenging, though, and
downright fun. He wondered just how far she wanted to go with those
hot erotic scenes she penned, but if she was game, so was he. Hell
yes. Some of them he already knew, had done, some he hadn’t, and a
couple, well, they actually made him a little nervous, not that
he’d ever admit it to Sophie, much less anyone else.

Holy cow,
was a bit too much. But if Sophie wanted to go that
far, well, he’d manfully give it a go - except he drew the line at
hurting her, he really did. No way was he into pain, either giving
or receiving. That was the line he drew.

The best thing
was that she didn’t know that, which meant he could keep her

Oh boy, it was
going to be carnal fun.

One thing he
had to work on, though, was her self-consciousness about her body.
Personally, he thought her body was an intriguing playground, all
lush swells and deep dips. Yeah, the thought of all those lush
curves had him shifting in the car seat.

Mike cast him
an expressionless look.

“What?” Alan

“You wouldn’t
squirm so much if you did your job and stopped reading those


“Huh.” Mike
peered at read the title before sitting back against the seat.

Taming Mandy
.” His gaze fell to the other book tucked
partially under Alan’s thigh. “
Soldier’s Command
.” He tapped
the one on the dashboard. “
Hot Sin

Alan waited for
something further but Mike just went back to silently watching the

“I’m on a
coffee break,” Alan informed him.

“And instead of
being back at the station, we had to swing past Marty’s house to
pick up these books and skulk under a tree so that you can read
romances.” Cold eyes swung back to him. “Erotic romances.”

“Hey, I don’t
want the other blokes to get their hands on this stuff until I’ve

“Yes, because
they’re all lining up for the books.”

“It’s certainly
pulled more than one and two word sentences from you.” Alan
smirked. “Want to read one?”

“I don’t need

“Ooohhh, Mikey,
you make me all shivery and jittery with your masterful, sexual

Cold eyes.

“Okay, okay.”
He dog-eared the page, closed the book and slid on his mirrored
sunglasses. “Let’s go. Law to keep, order to maintain, all that

Mike turned
back to face the road.

“Oh please,
don’t give me the cold shoulder. You’re just dying to read

Mike started
the car, indicated, checked the traffic and pulled out onto the

“You might find
some tips to help spice up your love life,” Alan suggested,
enjoying himself immensely.

Winding Mike up
was his life’s mission, among other things. He liked the big lug,
but the man could keep a stoic face through almost anything. He was
determined to break that stoic expression one day. Without getting
himself broken doing it.

“Maybe you
could do more than wear your yellow ducky boxers to get the bedroom
heated up.”

That big,
square, hard jaw tightened.

Grinning, Alan
looked out the car window. Yep, the yellow ducky boxers got Mike
every time. The tightening of that granite jaw was a sign he was
annoyed. But Alan was no fool, annoying King Kong was one thing,
pushing too many buttons would be just wrong. And stupid.


A car zipped
past going in the opposite direction and he glanced at the radar.
Above the limit by almost ten kilometres. “Let’s go, big boy, we
got one.”

Mike had the
car turned expertly, the siren slicing through the sound of the
afternoon traffic, the lights flashing on the roof.

The car was
ahead of them but they gained quickly. Just as the driver realised
what was happening and reacted, Alan’s eyes widened. He knew that

“How about
that,” Mike murmured as the car indicated to turn off the road.

He pulled in
behind the car and looked at Alan.

Alan studied
the back of the car. Oh yeah, he knew that car. Sophie Willow,
breaking the law again.

Part of him was
annoyed, the other part laughing darkly.

“I’ve got
this.” He climbed out of the cop car.



The siren
sounded behind her, blue lights flashing. Shit. A glance at her
speed limit confirmed it - ten kilometres over.

Sophie pulled to the side of the road. And how was this for
coincidence, when she looked in the rear view mirror, who had
caught her? Cute Boy and The Incredible Hulk. What were the odds of
that happening again? She rolled her eyes.

The Incredible
Hulk stayed in the car while Alan got out of the driver’s seat and
approached her door. Thank goodness it was Alan. The Incredible
Hulk scared the crap out of her.

Plus with Alan,
she’d likely get away without a speeding fine. They hadn’t indulged
in sex since last night when she’d agreed to let Alan teach her a
few…things, kind of hard to do with Sam in the house, but Sam had
left this morning to visit his parents for a few days and tonight,
well, tonight was another night.

Of what, she
couldn’t wait to see. Nerves and anticipation combined.

Even though
she’d been caught speeding again, Alan would no doubt remember
their passionate first lovemaking session and be sweet to her,
ready to please her. Yep.

“Hey, Alan,”
she said, unable to help feeling a little shy when he bent down to
peer into her window.

Taking off the
mirrored sunglasses he wore, Alan regarded her unsmilingly.
“Sophie.” He glanced around the car before zeroing in on her again.
“In a hurry?”

“No.” Her smile
faded when he didn’t smile back but continued to regard her out of
hard cop eyes. “Ummm…”


She’d never
seen him look so hard. Every vestige of humour was gone, the Cute
Boy replaced with Stern Cop. It would have been sexy if she wasn’t
so unnerved. “Uh…so.”

His dark eyes
raked over her face. “What have I told you about speeding,


“Do the words
‘speed kills’ ring any bells?”

“I do believe
you told me that last time.”

“So you do


“But you didn’t
take any notice.”

“Oh, but

“Ma’am, I’d be
careful what you say to me right now.” There was a definite
dangerous edge running through his words.

“Ma’am?” Sophie
gave a small laugh. “Are you kidding me?”

“Do I look like
I’m kidding?”

Uh oh, Alan was
serious, deadly serious. Dangerously serious. She gulped.

“I only give
one warning, Sophie. Remember?”

“Yes, but-”

“You had your
one warning.”

“So you’re
giving me a fine?” She sighed. “Damn.”

“Did you think
I wouldn’t?”

She tried for a
hopeful smile.

“Seriously?” He
gazed intently at her.

“Well, you

“I’m going to
be home in an hour, Sophie. Be there.”


“You heard me.
Be home when I get there.”

“Are you
joking?” Incredulous, she stared at him. “What for?”

“What do you
think?” He straightened.

Was he for
real? “What are you going to do? Give me the fine there?”

He bent down
again, one arm resting on the roof of the car. His face was still
cop hard, forbidding, his gaze holding a dangerous light. “A fine
isn’t going to do you any good, is it, Soph? I know your record,
you’ve had a few speeding fines. No, I’ve something more in mind
for you.”

Now her heart
was starting to beat faster. “What do you mean?”

“Lessons are
sometimes learned the hard way. Be there.”

“Hang on.”
Sophie couldn’t believe he meant it. “Are you serious? Alan, you
can’t be serious!”

“I am deadly serious.” His tone brooked no argument. “Don’t
make it worse by arguing, and don’t make it worse by not being
there. One hour, Soph, and I’ll be home expecting you to be waiting
for me. Now go, and
speeding.” Sliding his sunglasses back on, he straightened,
walked back to the cop car, and swung inside.

Mouth agape in
disbelief, Sophie watched him in the rear view mirror. Mirrored
sunglasses hid his eyes but he was looking directly at her. Could
he see that far? Could he see her staring at him in the mirror?

And oh God,
just what was he intending to do when he got home?

When he simply
sat and watched her in silence, The Incredible Hulk doing the same
thing, she turned the indicator on with trembling fingers, checked
the traffic and pulled out onto the road.

Her heart was
jumping in her chest and her nerves were skittering, they were the
only words to explain how she felt. Hot, cold, a bundle of nerves.
She’d be lucky if she didn’t arse-end a truck. It’d be Alan’s fault
for making her a nervous wreck.

She didn’t know
what to think, could only guess at what he meant to do when he
returned to the house. Holy cow, he’d ordered her to be at the
house when he got there! Of course, she could just drive off
somewhere, refuse to obey. Yeah, why should she do what he ordered
her? Why should-

Her mobile
rang. She tried ignoring it while debating where exactly she could
go for a few hours - or the night…week…month - but the phone kept
peeling insistently. Finally she pulled over into a service
station, parking under a tree. Picking it up, she flicked it open
and put it to her ear. “Hello?”

“Don’t even think of going into hiding, Sophie,” Alan said
quietly. “Don’t make me come looking for you. If you run, I

“Alan, you’re
scaring me,” she blurted.

There was
silence for several seconds before he said just as quietly, “I’ll
be home in an hour. Be there.” The phone clicked off.

Lowering her
mobile, she flicked it shut and put it on the passenger seat with
shaking hands. Jesus, she was sure she was going to have a heart
attack any second. Dread filled her, but so did a perverse sense of

Oh God, she
really was a freak. How could she be both excited and scared all at
once? And what emotion ruled the strongest - fear or

Chewing her
bottom lip, she stared at the petrol bowsers, not seeing the cars
that came, filled up and left. Her thoughts were whirling. That
this could be happening to her, really happening, was barely
credible. A cute cop was pulling the disciplinary scenario on her.
Alan was doing the disciplinary scenario.

Just like the scenario from
. Oh sweet mother mercy! What exactly
was he planning to do? Wait, he couldn’t do anything at home, Sam
was there sleeping and - no, he wasn’t. He’d gone to spend a few
days with his parents, the house would be empty. Which meant Alan
could do whatever he decided served as punishment, even... She
almost broke out in a cold sweat. Surely he wasn’t going to…he
wouldn’t dare…it just wasn’t civilized!

Oh God, she had
to find a safe place! Wait! Where? He’d said he’d find her and that
wouldn’t bode well for a follow-up. Besides, he wouldn’t
really…would he?

Breathing a
little heavily, she glanced in the rear view mirror. Her eyes were
like saucers. Well, whose wouldn’t be? This was a fantasy come to
life, nothing like this was really true.

Only it looked
like it was going to be true.

No, no it
wasn’t, she assured herself, taking a deep breath and trying to
steady her breathing before she started hyperventilating. More than
likely Alan was just going to ream her out, yell at her, maybe
pound the kitchen bench with his hand to drive the point home.
Yeah, that was it. He couldn’t ream her out in public, but he could
do a good job of it in the privacy of the house.

Yeah, that was
it. A reaming. A sound telling-off. Okay, she could cope with that.
Nodding, Sophie started the car. Why run from a telling off? What
was she, five? She could handle it. After all, she had been
speeding again, he was right, she had clocked up a few speeding
fines in her driving history. Just a telling off. That’s all. Just

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