Authors: SK Benton

Tags: #vampire, #magic, #violence, #lycan, #immortality, #alien invaders, #werewolf adult fantasy


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"Yes - that much is true, my son. Why do you

"Well, that means that if we execute a
frequency shift in Azul we will have millions of lycans,

"Multiple tens of thousands, but close
enough," responded the ancient Primulus.

Then, why don't we start at home? We can
procreate from there. I would really like to turn Alicia," said

"So, can we activate the lycan population
without affecting those with recessive vampire genes?" asked

"No my boy. Sadly, all species operate on the
same frequency, so you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Plus,
imagine tens of thousands of lycans and vampires running around,
unaware of who or what they are. It would be a bloodbath. We would
be doing the Vrol's work for them."

"Father," Gabriel interjected, "we once
affected only a quadrant of a world doing something similar. We
used magnetic fields to create a degree of separation."

"My son, as good as your idea sounds, we
would still have masses of confused people. I believe that what we
must do would border on kidnapping."

"Kidnapping?" everyone shouted out in

"Bagatelle, you have intimate knowledge of
Azul and its moons, am I not correct?" asked Draagh.

"Yes sir, that is correct. Why do you

"Of course!" exclaimed Max. "We can make a
secret base on a moon and take the best individuals with recessive
lycan genes with us. Then we convert their frequencies and train
them. It will be a controlled change - slow, but without the chaos
of a mass effect. G can guide us and help to locate the best area
for an ops base."

"Genius," stated Michael, as Draagh nodded in

"Yes, yes, quite so. I do so enjoy being very
smart," the old mage said jokingly, as he pointed to his temple,
while displaying a sparkle in his eye.

"And I will be able to turn Alicia?" asked

"You betcha, Brother. She'll be the first
one," stated Jennie.

"Excellent, oh, and we should probably build
our base on Vera, as it's the least populated of the three system
moons," the deposed rear admiral continued.

"It's a cold moon, and there are mostly
mining operations there anyway, right?" asked Max.

"Yes, but we shall build the base underground
where it is warmer. We can slip recruits directly to the base and
keep the actual location a secret, lest one of them decides to
defect and report us to the federal authorities," said Draagh.

"Sounds great, but before anything, I want to
retrieve my mother and bring her to the Rhönen," said Max.

"Can I go with you to get her?" asked

"You and Liliana, both. Maybe Draagh can slip
us over there. It would be a death sentence to take the Machu
Picchu back. And I am sure she has heard all kinds of nasty, untrue
things about me."

"Um, yeah, Max. Johnson's government told her
that you were a traitor to the human race, and that you had created
an alliance with Earth savages and were going to return to Azul to
take over. Unfortunately, they also told her that you were possibly
killed in battle, so I wouldn't recommend simply knocking on her
door," said Bagatelle.

"Good idea," said Max.

Draagh looked at Max, but didn't agree on or
deny going to Azul with them. It was as if he had already made up
his mind on something else.

"So Draagh, what are we going to do today?
Are we leaving already?" asked Jennie.

"My dear, I would like to remain one more day
and leave tomorrow. There are a number of tasks that need to be
completed here."

"Such as?" asked Max.

"Max, my boy, look at the street. I believe
that we can fix a number of roads. These people have been extremely
gracious to you, and we are immensely thankful. It is only fitting
that we leave them a bit of whatever we can before we depart, would
you not say?"

"But won't fixing roads enable enemies to get
here more easily?" asked Bagatelle.

"Nothing is without risk, my young ones.
Nothing is without risk," stated the old mage.

"Pops, I have a connection for a boat to get
us up north. He's in Ventura. Should we go up in the boat, and let
Michael and Gabriel fly up on their own?

"Neither, my boy. We are going to slip

"But aren't things messed up here? I haven't
been able to slip since I arrived at this place!" exclaimed

"Without a ghanlo, no, it is not possible.
The magical energies on this world are not consistent. However, you
shall soon see. Do not worry about protocols, my boy. Just go with
the flow."

"So you are going to slip us all up there,
then?" asked Jennie.

"Yes my dear, but we must first repair the
streets in this town. I have decided."


After going over some specifics, Draagh,
Michael, Gabriel and Max all got to work leveling the roadway. Max
handled most of the physical moving of rubble and chunks of
concrete and rebar, as his magical skills were not as refined as
those of his elders. Jennie brought him generous quantities of meat
and water as he performed his duties, keeping his levels peaked.
Once the road had been prepped, Gabriel went to help Jessica work
on a barbeque in front of Seven Sins, while Michael and Draagh used
heat cantuses to melt a nice layer of slurry over the street. By
the time they were done they had repaired Santa Monica Boulevard
from Wilshire to La Brea - nearly eight kilometers of road, all
done in a matter of a couple of hours.

Max sat at an outside table with Jennie
and Liliana, eating some grilled meat of unknown origin (but it
still tasted nice) while looking out over the new, improved
landscape. It no longer looked like a post-apocalyptic wasteland
(unless one looked behind the immediate buildings) - it more
resembled a 21
century Los
Angeles neighborhood.

Seeing Dons exit Seven Sins with Pandy
made Max think how sad it was that the diminutive human would have
such a short lifespan. The girl couldn't turn him, as her lycan
genes were mutated and resembled more of a watered-down version of
what he carried. Then it suddenly dawned on him -
could turn Dons. He had never
turned anyone, although it was relatively simple. All he had to do
was bite Dons and share a spot of his own blood in the man's open
wound. The virus in his blood would effect the change to lycan, and
hopefully turn Dons into a more powerful version than existed on
his world.

"Pops, I know that Pandy wanted to turn Dons,
but she can't. So, would it work if I did?" Max asked his

"Hmm, well, I do believe that it should work.
And if something were to go wrong I could always heal him. Why do
you not you ask him if he would like to be changed?"

Max popped up and walked over to Dons and
Pandy, who were enjoying a cold drink while standing on the newly
refurbished street.

"Dons, could I speak to you about

"Oh yeah, mate, sure. By the way, the street
looks sharp. Thanks!"

The two walked over a few meters on the new,
smooth pavement.

"Yeah, um, I was gonna talk with you about
another improvement. How would you like to be turned? To be a
lycan? You could live a whole lot longer, be stronger and heal

"No thanks, mate. I'm good," Dons responded

"Huh?" responded Max, totally surprised.

"That's just it. I like being a human.
Never wanted to be
. So thanks,
but no thanks."

Max continued to look at his friend, slack
jawed and unable to believe what he was hearing.

"Look, Pandy doesn't change on the full moon
like you. If you turn me I'll probably end up like you. No more
full moon parties, which are the biggest events of the month. Plus,
it looks painful as hell. So thanks Max, but no thanks."

"Ok, however you like it, my friend. But if
you ever change your mind, all you need to do is ask and I'll set
you up."

Finished with his odd rejection, Max walked
back to his wife and daughter, taking a seat next to them.

"Papi, Mr. Dons does not desire to be lycan
like us because he enjoys the challenge."

"What challenge is that, sweetie?" asked

"Lycans are naturally stronger and live a
long time. There is less of a struggle for us. Mr. Dons likes the
struggle and the challenge. Is it not obvious?"

"Umm, Lili, how old are you, sweetie?" Max
asked jokingly.

The little girl grinned and went back to
eating her hamburger.


Michael and Draagh sat in the coffee shop of
the new hotel, catching up on some things and discussing others, as
Michael still had many questions.

"Father, are you sure that Marnn's ghanlo is
meant for Max?" asked Michael.

"I am quite certain, my son. In fact, the
only reason I sent it off during the Battle of the Blood was that I
needed to get it away from Marnn in case he somehow escaped
banishment. Once the ghanlo has joined with Max it shall be
unavailable to Marnn in the unlikely event he escapes and returns
to the universe-at-large."

"Is the boy aware of this - the power he
shall possess?"

"No - not in the least. And we are going to
have to guide him very carefully. He will immediately have massive
destructive capabilities in his hands. However, I believe that with
the proper mentoring he shall do quite well. He is a remarkable
lad, you know."

Michael grinned, and was in total agreement
with his father.

"So we are leaving soon for the north? You
are certain that is where it resides?" asked Michael.

"Oh, of course my son. It is embedded in a
wooden totem pole of indigenous design, on the island of
Revillagigedo, in what was once called Southeast Alaska. The totem
pole is in Saxman, just south of Ketchikan. I have already
identified the precise location, but when we go… please, do not
tell Max anything. He needs to be drawn to the artifact. If he is
not, then we may not be sure that the ghanlo is meant for him. But
as I said before, I am quite certain it is meant for the boy."


The Gunnarssons went back to their suite in
Hotel California, where Max had gathered his few belongings. They
started to pack their gear and prepare for an early morning
departure. Liliana pulled her lessons book out and showed her
father her increased proficiency in Castilian, and drawings she had
created during his absence. Jennie was happy being near Max, and
kept pulling him over to the sofa, where she would crawl up into
his lap and act more like a cat than a canid. Finally reunited
after all those long months, they were determined to never be
separated again.

"Max, I think we should take Lili with us
everywhere we go. At least for the near future," said Jennie, as
she watched their daughter cheerfully drew pictures of the Feral
Kids clan, paying special attention to Pandy's likeness.

"That would be fine, hun. I really kinda
planned on keeping you two close by anyway. You know, I didn't
experience six months away from you, but she obviously grew a lot.
And more than in just height."

"I grew three centimeters in height while you
were away, Papi," the little girl said as she continued to
concentrate on her surprisingly detailed drawing. Then, looking up
with her doe-like brown eyes, she said, "And I missed you every
minute you were gone."

Jumping up, she sailed through the air,
landing on top of her parents, where the three had a family hug
that lasted a good 30 minutes.


Feral Clan and the local population threw a
goodbye party for Max and his family that evening. He had become
quite the celebrity and was well liked, even by those who
considered him an enemy at first, such as Adam and Marko. He had
completely restored Adam's wand, and had even added some extra
functionality to it (but still made it subject to the whims of
Dons, Jessica and Pandy), so he would be able to assist his clan to
the utmost of his abilities. Marko's transformation was the oddest
thing that Max had experienced in his few days in Hollywood. It was
almost as if he was brain-wiped. Of course, he still maintained his
brusque personality, but he had an intense desire to protect and
serve - like a lycan from the Rhönen Dominion.

Liliana and Pandy ran around, waving
long ribbons through the air in time with the beat of Lennie's
band. They had actually learned a couple of ancient
Rob Zombie
songs, thanks to Jennie
having brought Max's audio crystal along, which contained roughly
sixteen million songs from over the centuries. Max had repaired an
old binary storage unit and made it so Lennie could listen to
copies of the hundreds of songs that Max had given him. One thing
was certain - Lennie's band was going to have the largest
repertoire in the world - his world, anyway.

Michael and Gabriel stood off to the side,
watching as people milled about, occasionally extending their wings
out on request.

"It's like they're showing off or something,
isn't it?" Max asked Jennie, who was comfortably seated on his lap.
She just giggled and leaned back into him.

"Hey, if you got it, then why not flaunt it?
But you're my angel, sweetie. Wings or not, you're my angel," she
said lovingly.

Chapter 23 - Tongass or Bust


After waking up, Max, Jennie and Liliana
finished packing their items in preparation for their departure and
were relaxing, when Draagh contacted them via their comms.

My children!
I do hope that you have had sufficient rest."

Oh yeah. But
Draagh, when are we leaving
?" asked Max.

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