The Wedding Ransom (8 page)

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Authors: Geralyn Dawson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Wedding Ransom
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Heat from a blush stained her cheeks, and she attempted to turn around. A fierce tug at her scalp was the first indication she’d caught her hair in a bramble bush behind her. “Son of a blowfish,” Maggie muttered beneath her breath.

To her embarrassment, Malone laughed. “Why, Miss St. John, I am appalled. Such language from a lady.”

She closed her eyes. Just her luck the man had hearing good enough to hear the sun rise.

“Of course,” Malone continued, “it took me a few hours in your grandfathers’ company to realize y’all have your own particular way of cussin’. I must say I’ve wondered about it.”

He could just keep on wondering. Maggie didn’t feel like explaining that her papas had cleaned up their speech when she, at five years of age, had spoken a particularly vulgar curse during a moment of frustration. Instead, while she lifted her hands to her hair to work it free of the thorns, wincing as the movement yanked at her scalp, she asked, “How did you know I was here?”

“You were about as quiet as a running buffalo. Bet it comes in handy that all your grandfathers are hard of hearing.” Malone clicked his tongue and added, “Hold still, Maggie. You’re gonna get yourself tangled even worse.”

His shadow blocked the sun as he moved close. The scent of sandalwood soap made her want to lean forward.

When he touched her, she froze. His fingers worked gently, slowly freeing her hair strand by strand. As the seconds dragged by, Maggie felt a fluttering in the pit of her stomach. To her dismay, she realized it wasn’t fear or apprehension causing the reaction, but rather something just as elemental.

Rafe spoke in a low, husky drawl. “This calls to mind a story a friend of mine tells about helping untangle a lady from a bramble patch a few years back. The incident caused him no end of trouble. I gotta say being with you like this makes me appreciate the tale in a whole new light.”

He massaged her scalp where a tangle had pulled, and Maggie’s eyelids grew heavy. She wanted to purr. She cleared her throat instead. “What happened?”

Malone chuckled. “To Katie and Branch? Shoot, a person could write a book about those two. I guess the shortest way to tell the story is that he married her.”

Maggie opened her eyes and immediately snapped them shut. Rafe Malone’s bare chest was mere inches away.

He continued. “You remind me a bit of Katie Kincaid, actually. You’re both strong, outspoken women. You both have a temper.” He paused a moment, the pitch of his voice deepening as he added, “And you, Maggie St. John, are heartstoppingly beautiful all dressed up in briars.”

His compliment stole into her heart and warmed her like the Caribbean sun. Strong. What a wonderful word.

He freed the last tangled strand from the thorns and smoothed it back away from her face. His fingers lingered in her hair. “Spun silk. Gold with a hint of red, just like a west Texas sunset. You be more careful with it, Miss Maggie. It’s too pretty to leave behind on brambles.”

Placing his hand beneath her elbow, he helped her move out and away from the bushes, but he didn’t release her. Awareness stretched between them, and Maggie fought to remember all the reasons why she didn’t trust this man. He was a rascal. A seducer. A thief.

My word is my most valuable possession.

“You lied.”

“No, ma’am.” His voice wrapped around her like a velvet ribbon. “West Texas sunsets are oftentimes gold as your pirates’ doubloons with a hint of red for excitement. And if your hair isn’t silky, then I’m not the most talented thief in Texas.”

And Rafe Malone was the most talented thief in Texas. She wondered if his talents extended to stealing women’s hearts.

The thought was enough to break the hold he had on her. She scooted past him and stepped back to the boulder. “I wasn’t talking about me. I heard what you said about your father to Papa Gus, yet when you spoke to me this morning you claimed to me to be an orphan.”

He shrugged. “Now there’s a lesson for you, Miss Maggie. Eavesdropping has its place. The problem is sometimes you hear things you’d rather not have heard. Gotta be prepared to take the bad along with the good.”

He was right and Maggie knew it, and that riled her anger. “Put your shirt on, Malone,” she groused. “I’ve seen more of you naked than I have clothed.”

“A few minutes earlier and you’d have seen even more of me naked,” he fired back with a wicked grin. “Your Gus had me diving for the bottom of Lake Bliss searching for something one of the others lost a while back.”

Maggie nodded, grateful to have something to think about other than Malone’s bare chest. “Papa Lucky’s lucky dagger. He was using it to cut line last year and dropped it into the lake.” While she spoke, Rafe grabbed his shirt off a nearby bush and slipped it on. Maggie doggedly crushed a quiver of disappointment that he’d honored her request to dress. “Could you reach the bottom?”

“Easily. The water wasn’t twelve feet deep. It took some doing, but I finally found the knife. Actually, I don’t think the dagger was the entire reason he wanted me to dive. I got the feeling it might be a test of sorts.”

The man was perceptive, she’d give him that. Gus had told her the path to the treasure required some diving. Obviously her grandfather had thought to put Malone through his paces while taking advantage of the opportunity to hunt for Papa Lucky’s lost weapon. Its retrieval would make her papas happy, she knew. Especially on the eve of the trip. Not long ago, Maggie had heard Lucky blame the cave-in that blocked easy access to the treasure on a turn of bad luck that began with the loss of the knife. “I know my grandfather appreciated your help.”

He watched her expectantly. Maggie remained silent.

A rustling in the bushes nearby caused a blue heron to take flight and she observed its ungainly effort to gain the air. That was when she finally spied the rowboat secured to the bank some thirty yards up the lake. “I’ll take care of the bottles for Papa Gus if you want to head back to the hotel,” she said, offering Rafe an encouraging smile.

He shook his head. “We’d best stick together. No telling what that rustle was a minute ago. Maybe a bear, you think?”

“It sounded more like a squirrel to me.”

But Rafe Malone was not to be dissuaded. He followed her along the path toward the boat and stood beside her as she knelt, favoring her bad knee, atop a dusty rock beside the crate of empty bottles. Removing one, she dipped it into the lake. Air bubbled to the surface as water rushed into the container. When it was full she set it carefully inside the crate and grabbed another bottle. She filled three more before she found the nerve to ask, “So whom did you lie to, me or my grandfather?”

Rafe sprawled beside her and plucked a cork from a small box inside the crate. “You mean about my family?”


Taking one of the filled bottles, he inserted the cork with a firm slam of his fist. “Look, Maggie, the man misjudged his step and took a plunge in the lake. It embarrassed him. His pride was hurting. All I did was ease it a bit.”

“That’s the only reason?”

“Yeah.” He cocked his head and inquired, “What other reason could I have?”

Maggie couldn’t imagine.

She filled four more bottles with Lake Bliss water and wondered if it could be true. Had he lied to Papa Gus solely to spare her grandfather’s ego? Handing him a bottle to be corked, she lifted her gaze to his. Malone’s eyes glittered like sunshine on water and she stared mesmerized into the light.

And Maggie believed him. Darned if she didn’t believe him. One little lie made her wonder if she hadn’t been too hard on the man. What was the old saying?
A lie told in kindness doesn’t count against you.
What Rafe Malone had done, what he’d said to Papa Gus,
been an act of kindness. In fact, it sounded just like something her grandfathers would do.

The similarities between Rafe Malone and her papas struck Maggie like a fist. All five of them were rascals, rogues capable of charming peas from their pods. They were dangerous, adventurous, appealing men. Honest in their dishonesty. Honorable.

My word is my most valuable possession.

Maggie inhaled a deep breath. And Rafe Malone was kind, just like her papas. Was that why she was drawn to him? Had her grandfathers brought home a younger version of themselves?

Was Rafe Malone Maggie’s kind of pirate?


“What do you mean, you don’t have a ship?” Five days after leaving Lake Bliss, the question exploded from Rafe’s mouth as his gaze settled on the impossibly small sailing vessel docked at the end of a Galveston pier. The forty-five-foot sloop bobbed gently in the muddy bay waters, the name
Buccaneer’s Bliss
a golden arch across its bow.
Bliss, ha. Nightmare was more like it.

Rafe drew a slow breath, filling his lungs with salty air, and turned to his companions. “I’d just as soon not sail anywhere in that. It looks like one decent—sized wave will swamp it.” Shaking his head, he gazed back at the boat. “
Buccaneer’s Bliss.
You should call it the
Leaky Teaky
. I can’t believe you don’t have a ship. What kind of pirates are you?”

“Retired pirates.” Snake’s droll brogue rolled across the salty morning air like breakers on the beach. “We traded in the
Mary Margaret
for rocking chairs once we realized the barkentine wouldn’t fit on Lake Bliss. Now, grab your bag and stow it. We sail in the morning with the tide.”

Rafe stood his ground, his frown fixed on the boat, while Gus scowled and folded his arms. “What’s the matter with you, Malone? Do you actually think we’d take chances with our Maggie’s safety?” He gave Snake a sidelong glance and said, “The fella may be brave, but I question whether he has any smarts.”

“I’m wondering about how brave he is,” Snake replied. “The boy sounds like he’s afraid to sail with us.”

“I’m smart enough to be afraid to put to sea in that rickety old tub,” Rafe fired back, his voice rising like the caws of the sea birds perched on the yardarms of the
Buccaneer’s Bliss
. “I signed up for adventure, not suicide.”

A feminine laugh drifted from behind him. “Whine, whine, whine. You sound just like my children.”

Recognizing the voice, Rafe whirled around in surprise. “Honor?” He had just enough time to grin before the brown-eyed beauty, Mrs. Luke Prescott, threw herself into his arms and kissed him.

“Rafe Malone, am I glad to see you!” she said.

“That doesn’t mean you have to kiss him, Sunshine. Malone, get your hands off my wife.” Luke Prescott ambled up the pier holding a bundle of blue-eyed, blond-haired one-and-a-half-year-old feminine energy in each arm.

Rafe gave Honor Prescott an extra hug for her husband’s benefit before releasing her so he could swoop one of her daughters from Luke’s arms. He smelled talc and lemon candy and happiness. “Kimmy, my love,” he said, giving the child a tickle kiss on the neck.

“Me, too!” cried the child in her father’s arms.

Tess wasn’t about to let her sister have all the fun, so Rafe relieved his partner of his other daughter and nuzzled her into giggles also. Rafe was laughing, too, when he looked past Luke and said, “Hey, Micah. Jason. Fancy new hats y’all are sporting, boys.”

Micah tipped his hat and grinned. “Nana bought them for us yesterday at the dry goods.” Turning to Luke, he asked, “Pa, is it all right if we go on back down the pier a ways and watch that fella playing the game with seashells some more. I really think he was cheating somehow. I want to see if I can catch him.” At Luke’s nod, the boys scampered away.

Well aware that the pirates were observing the reunion with avid interest, Rafe kept his tone casual as he glanced at the man he considered his brother and observed, “Smart boy, that Micah. Y’all traveled a far piece to do some shopping and spy out a confidence game.”

Luke cocked his head to one side and his tone was droll. “It was a spur-of-the-moment decision.”

“It was my fault.” Honor reached into her handbag and removed a folded piece of paper Rafe recognized as the brief note he’d left for Luke, tacked to the door of his cabin. “You know me,” she said, her smile not quite reaching her eyes as she fanned her face with the makeshift fan. “I get these wild ideas and off I go. Sometimes I even forget to mention them to my family ahead of time.”

Rafe bit his lower lip in chagrin. As much as he envied Luke his happy marriage, Rafe was happy not to have to deal with Honor’s temperament on a daily basis. The woman wielded guilt like a rapier. He offered her his most charming, get-me-out-of-trouble smile, but she wasn’t falling for it. Even worse, she appropriated little Tess from his arms.

Gus nudged Snake in the side. “She reminds me of our Maggie.”

“That she does,” the burly pirate replied. His amusement transformed to pain, however, when Miss Kimberly Prescott took a shine to his earrings. Quick as lightning, she leaned away from Rafe and made a grab for the gold hoops, snagging two of them. “Yeow!” Snake roared.

The baby laughed. Luke Prescott cursed. Honor winced in embarrassment, and Rafe thanked his lucky stars little Kimmy took the heat off him by courting her mother’s displeasure. Once he’d managed to untangle Kimmy’s fingers and Snake’s ear, he said, “Now that your daughter has said hello, I reckon I should introduce you to my companions. Captain and Mrs. Luke Prescott, allow me to introduce Mr. Gus Thomas and Mr. Snake MacKenzie.”

Honor shoved little Tess at her husband, then led Snake to a nearby bench where she dabbed her handkerchief against his bleeding ear, her apologies coming fast and furious. Gus took a look at the twins squirming in Luke’s and Rafe’s arms and followed Honor and Lucky.

“What the hell are you doing here, Luke?” Rafe asked, keeping his voice low.

“That’s my question, Malone. I was just shaking hands on a deal to sell two geldings to a ranger captain fresh from the Indian wars when Micah came running into the stables yelling that Uncle Rafe had been accosted by pirates.”

“Micah was there? I never saw him.”

“He wanted to see Dapple Annie’s foal. He wasn’t armed—he didn’t think to bring his corsair’s cutlass with him—so he figured the best way to help was to get me. Captain Ross and I galloped hell-bent for leather to your place, and all I find is a note saying you’d met some new friends and gone off adventuring for a couple of months.”

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