The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America (172 page)

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“weasel words,” 115, 119

Webb, Seward, 390, 391–92

Webb, Walter Prescott, 464

Weise, Elizabeth, 727

Welch, Lew, 548

Wells, William, 387–88

Welsh, Herbert, 254

West, 39, 60, 73–77, 147–76, 225–60, 262, 267–75, 290–95, 397—

folklore of, 466

“grand holiday” in, 230–35

irrigation in, 422–26, 451, 467, 566, 573, 663, 664

land grab complaints in, 14, 249, 451, 542, 673, 675, 678, 680, 772

myths of, 207–8

paintings of, 60, 74, 154, 260

phases of exploration of, 75

photography of, 74, 149, 207, 269, 381, 391

Remington’s views on, 212–13

stamps in promotion of, 309

T.R. drawn to, 39, 73–76, 134–35, 138

T.R.’s identification with, 287, 334, 623–24, 641, 676, 809

T.R.’s reclamation of, 376, 779

T.R.’s writing about, 91, 241;
see also specific books

see also specific places

West, Emlen, 117

West, Oswald, 748, 749

West Coast Audubon Association,

West Virginia, 572, 667

westward expansion, 191, 193, 199, 226, 228, 229, 249

celebration of, 243

closing of frontier and, 240–44

T.R.’s address on, 231

Wetherill, John, 644–45, 646, 649, 654, 655, 670, 672, 689

Wetherill, Louisa Wade, 645

Wetherill, Richard, 415, 644n, 689

Weyerhaeuser, Frederick, 503

Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, 680

whales, 38

Wharton, Edith, 427

Wheeler, Benjamin, 536, 546

Wheeler, George, 789

Wheeler Geologic Area, 789

Wheeler National Monument, 789

“When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” (Whitman), 221

White, Henry, 788

White, Richard, 242–44

White, Stewart Edward, 574

White, William Allen, 13, 354, 397, 815–16

White Chief, The
(Reid), 28

White Fang
(London), 781, 782

Whitehead, Charles E., 264, 286

White House, 24, 275, 403–6, 427, 429, 550, 579, 631, 638, 804, 808

Abernathy’s visit to, 612, 620

birds at, 570, 640

bull-moose trophy in, 816

cabinet meeting (kitchen cabinet) in, 1

Finley’s visit to, 716

hate mail at, 681–82

Lincoln’s ghost in, 580

Oval Office of, 335

pets at, 449, 523, 552–53, 557–61,
, 615, 616, 705

renovation of, 557, 630

shrubbery and lawns at, 536, 682, 774

Tafts at, 792–93

T.R.’s bully pulpit in,

Washington at, 404–5,

White House Governors’ Conference (1908), 694–95, 767, 770–74, 776, 803

White Mountains, 39, 40, 667, 684, 758

White River National Forest, 379, 468

White River plateau, 242

White River Plateau Timberland Reserve, 296, 379

White River region, 378, 379, 382

“White Seal, The” (Kipling), 77

Whitman, Walt, 69, 246, 265, 266, 369–70, 504

Burroughs’s relationship with, 220–22, 517

Whitney, Casper W., 286, 385, 388, 416, 808–9

Whitney, William, 589

Whymper, Edward, 140

Whyte, William H., 362

Wichita Forest Reserve and National Game Preserve (later Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge), 19, 590, 594, 610–11, 612, 616, 624–29, 641, 810

Wichita Mountains, 129, 273, 277, 421, 581, 585–91, 594, 595, 601–12, 616

types of habitat in, 591

Wichita Mountains Forest Reserve, 421, 587–90, 593

Wichita Uplift, 591

Wilcox, Ansley, 395

Wilcox (guide), 129–30, 132

Wild Animals I Have Known
(Seton), 504–5

Wild Bird Guests
(Baynes), 714

Wilde, Oscar, 91, 766

wilderness, 241–42, 243, 331

Adirondacks as, 39, 70, 342

Alaska, 76–77

America as, 37, 141

Bierstadt’s painting of, 260

Cooper’s effect on concept of, 41

defined, 70

Hudson River valley as, 35

North Woods as, 110–20

Thoreau’s condemnation of war on, 4–5

T.R.’s craving of, 109, 110, 140

T.R.’s deferring of need for, 138

Wilderness Act (1964), 70

Wilderness and the American Mind
(Nash), 70

Wilderness Hunter, The
(Roosevelt), 6, 223, 250, 251, 265–67, 371, 379n, 419

cougars in, 382

preface of, 265

reviews of, 266–67

“Wilderness Reserves” (Roosevelt), 545, 555–56, 621

Wild Horse Trail, 209–10

wildlife, massacre for profit and sport of, 9–11

wildlife conservation, 231, 448

Columbian Exposition and, 258–59

in T.R.’s annual message, 408, 411

“Wild Parks and Forest Reservations of the West, The” (Muir), 410

Wild West Show, 154, 207, 258, 374, 413, 581, 595, 611, 660, 687

Wild Wings
(Job), 708–12, 711, 716, 721, 725, 727, 744

Wilhelm, Kaiser of Germany, 576

Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, 788

Will, Thomas, 735

Willamette Valley, 425, 748–49

William IV, King of England, 3

William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, 748–49

Willis, Joe, 195–96

Willis, John, 209–10, 641

Wilmer, Joe, 615–16

Wilmer, Will, 615–16

Wilson, Alexander, 38, 58, 97, 99, 363

Wilson, E. O., 29
, 175

Wilson, James, 424, 433, 564, 590, 684

bird reservations and, 14, 584, 712

T.R.’s correspondence with, 680–81

Wilson, John Lockwood, 291–92

Wilson, Mary Ellen, 52–53

Wilson, Woodrow, 21, 450, 811

Winchester, Simon, 637

Wind Cave, 19, 403, 460–63, 544

Wind Cave National Game Reserve, 628, 629

Wind Cave National Park, 462–63, 467, 468, 628, 760

Winning of the West, The
(Roosevelt), 209, 213, 223, 225, 226–29, 242, 249, 251, 524

Edith’s reading of, 233

Native Americans and, 199, 243, 274–75

new foreward to, 331

Parkman’s influence on, 198–99, 228

reviews of, 228–29, 289

strenuous life in, 348–49

Turner influenced by, 240

Volume 3 of, 274–75

Volume 4 of, 297

Winslow House, 257–58

“Winter of the Blue Snow,” 197

Winter Sunshine
(Burroughs), 217

Winter Valley, 611, 624, 625, 626

wire, 521, 590

Wisconsin, 129, 241, 367, 372, 389, 569, 625, 684

Dells in, 772

T.R.’s campaigning in, 211

Wister, Owen, 289, 316, 321, 341, 463–67, 576, 592, 641, 688

in Boone and Crockett Club, 203, 262

on T.R., 122–23, 289, 315

“With the Cougar Hounds” (Roosevelt), 381–82

“Wolf-Coursing” (Roosevelt), 603–4, 620–21

Wolfe, Thomas, 231

wolf exterminators, 604

wolves, 385, 502, 581, 589, 619–23, 783

eastern timber, 72

gray (prairie wolves; coyotes), 308, 585, 592, 593, 594, 600, 601, 604–9,
, 620–23

Leopold on, 706–7

Long’s description of, 619–20

Mexican gray
(Canis lupus bailey)
, 706

red, 699

“Wolves and Wolf Nature” (Grinnell), 308–9

“Woman as a Bird Enemy” (Chapman), 11

Woman’s Roosevelt Memorial Association, 82

women, 243
as suffragists, 11, 79, 655

Wood, J. G., 28, 37

Wood, Leonard, 313, 315, 322–23, 335

Wood, L. N., 732

woodcocks, 83, 505

“Woodlands of Alaska, The” (Emmons), 470–71

woodpeckers, 31, 72, 484, 570, 700

ivory-billed, 9, 320, 700, 727

Woodruff, Timothy, 355

Woods Hole, Mass., 144

Woody, Tazewell, 250

Wool Growers Association, 295

World Conservation Congress, 804–5

World War I, 21

World War II, 328, 742, 743

Worster, Donald, 424, 429, 535, 539

Wounded Knee, massacre at (1890), 253, 641

WPA Guide to California
, 296

wrens, 33, 774, 775

Wright, Dr., 71

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 257–58

Wright, Robert R., Jr., 523

Writers’ Project, 295–96

Wyoming, 137, 149n, 467, 629, 662
, 675, 786–87

bird reservations in, 18, 790–91

cougars from, 413

developers in, 226, 236, 401

forest preserve in, 239, 291, 403

as grazing state, 676, 681

Great Loop tour in, 507, 508, 512, 515

hunting in, 249

national monument in, 631–35,

poachers in, 231

railroad in, 232

ranching in, 153

T.R.’s first expedition in, 171–75

T.R.’s writing about, 181, 247, 377

Wyss, Johann D., 28


Yale University, 187, 245, 340, 345, 390, 400, 449, 707

yellow journalism, 310, 384–85, 683

Yellowstone Act (1872), 76, 231, 232

Yellowstone Forest Reserve, 472

Yellowstone Game Protection Act (Lacey Act; 1894), 76, 269–72, 284, 285, 286, 403, 715

Yellowstone Lake, 270, 399

Yellowstone National Park, 20, 21, 137, 200, 230–39, 267–73, 304, 384, 403, 450, 462, 528, 535, 621, 629

animals slaughtered in, 189, 201

buffalo in,
buffalo, in Yellowstone

cougars in, 382, 502

elk in,
elks, in Yellowstone

“grand holiday” to, 30–35

Grant and, 76, 248, 460

Grinnell and, 188–89, 231, 232, 236, 238, 270

Harrison in, 224, 231

Hayden Survey in, 107

Ludlow Expedition in, 188, 189

Mammoth Hot Springs in, 234, 513, 515

photography of, 74,
, 269

poaching in, 76, 201, 205, 231, 248–49, 263, 269, 270, 272, 429

protection of, 205, 206, 232, 236, 238, 239, 244, 248–49, 262, 267–72, 296, 322, 398, 399, 403, 429, 492, 569–70

Remington in, 262

Roosevelt Arch in, 516

surveying of, 188

tourism in, 233, 270, 271, 454, 464, 555–56, 570

travel to, 148, 205, 232, 271, 507, 633

T.R. in,
, 233–35, 413–14, 502–3, 505–8,
, 511–18, 555–56

Wister in, 262

Wyoming developers and, 226

Yellowstone National Park Timberland Reserve, 238, 239, 400

Yellowstone River, 187, 233, 250, 515

Yellowstone Science
(Johnston), 236, 383

YIC, 238, 245, 249

Yosemite National Park, 21, 267, 271, 286, 384, 450, 457, 535, 536–47, 621, 649

creation of, 236

Hetch Hetchy in, 544, 636, 734, 789–90

Mariposa Grove in, 536–38,
, 636, 642, 649, 771

surveying of, 294

T.R. in,
, 444, 502, 507, 508–9, 536–47,
539, 542
, 556, 636

Yosemite National Park Archive, 545

About the Author

is a professor of history at Rice University and a contributing editor at
Vanity Fair
. The
Chicago Tribune
has dubbed him “America’s new past master.” Six of his books have been selected as
New York Times
Notable Books of the Year. His most recent book,
The Great Deluge
, won the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award. He lives in Texas with his wife and three children.

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