The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America (169 page)

BOOK: The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America
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in Oklahoma, 226, 241, 585, 587, 591

reservoirs, 376, 415, 422, 424–25, 636, 663, 748, 779

reversion, 686

Rexroth, Kenneth, 295–96

Reynolds, Charley, 188

rhinoceros, 656, 794–95

Richards, DeForest, 507

Richards, William A., 13

Richardson, Mrs., 101

Righter, Robert W., 643

Riis, Edward, 387

Riis, Jacob A., 24–25, 217, 373, 387, 393

on Roosevelt pets, 557, 558

Ripley, Edward Payson, 675

Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, The
(Morris), 105, 139n

Rivers of Empire
(Worster), 424

Robbins, Roy M., 667, 676

robins, 33, 505

Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt (Conie), 36, 43,
, 60, 109, 265

on “grand holiday,” 230, 232–34

T.R.’s correspondence with, 126, 131, 134, 321, 327, 329

Robinson, Douglas, 165, 230, 327, 753

Rockefeller, John D., 383, 634, 683, 685

Rockhill, W. W., 286

Rocky Mountains, 74, 149, 171, 232, 374, 523

artists and, 207, 260

birds of, 265–66

buffalo repopulation in, 255, 276

development of, 241–42, 296

in fiction, 262

“grand holiday” in, 230

grizzlies in, 586

politics and, 292, 389

Reid and, 26, 28

trap use in, 215

trees and forests in, 250, 342

T.R.’s interest in, 39, 297, 377–84

wildlife depletion in, 205

Rodgers, Mark A., 650

Rodriquez, Adolfo, 310

Rogers, Archibald, 202, 237, 262, 388

Rogers, E. P., 202

Roosevelt, Alice,
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt

Roosevelt, Alice Lee, 114, 147, 165–68, 196

death of, 166–68, 181, 190, 193

European travels of, 140

in Mount Desert Island, 126

pregnancy of, 151, 165, 166

T.R.’s marriage to, 116, 120, 123, 125, 137

T.R.’s missing of, 128, 137

Roosevelt, Anna,
Cowles, Anna Roosevelt

Roosevelt, Anna Hall, 224, 273

Roosevelt, Archibald, 230, 356, 449, 560, 586, 615, 631

pets and, 552–53, 557–58, 615, 692

T.R.’s correspondence with, 692, 769

Roosevelt, Corinne,
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt

Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaack, 42, 80

animal protection and, 47, 50, 53, 59

Roosevelt, Edith Carow, 202, 227, 332, 558,
, 670, 813

in Adirondacks, 392–94

in Albany, 337, 338

campaigning of, 211

European travels of, 193, 196, 222

financial concerns of, 214

as first lady, 404, 536, 557, 578, 630, 774

in Florida, 319, 325, 586

on “grand holiday,” 230–35

health problems of, 234, 313

marriage of, 196

on Mississippi, 692

Pine Knot and, 615–18, 665, 767, 769

pregnancies and childbirths of, 197, 223, 230

T.R.’s dating of, 98, 105

T.R.’s engagement with, 190–91, 196

in Washington, D.C., 230, 404, 536, 552, 557, 615, 630

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 127, 273, 586

Roosevelt, Elizabeth Ellis (Aunt Lizzie), 78, 80

Roosevelt, Elliott, Jr., 273

Roosevelt, Elliott, Sr. (Nell or Ellie), 32, 43, 63, 134–38, 158, 166, 182

alcoholism of, 213, 223–24, 273

Boone and Crockett Club and, 202, 224

clothes of, 131

death of, 273

foreign travels of, 56, 60, 128, 151, 213, 224

hunting of, 124, 128, 130, 151, 213, 224

libertine ways of, 128, 134, 224

mental problems of, 213, 223–24

in Midwest, 124–25, 127–32, 127, 134–35

sweet nature of, 127, 273

in Texas, 125, 128, 130, 151

T.R.’s competition with, 127, 130, 136, 151, 213

writing of, 286

Roosevelt, Emlen, 42, 112

Roosevelt, Emlyn, 494

Roosevelt, Ethel, 230, 322, 326, 392–94, 559, 561, 586, 615

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 469, 586, 648, 731, 741, 788, 811

Roosevelt, James A., 150

Roosevelt, James West, 30, 66–67, 112, 202

Roosevelt, John J., 50

Roosevelt, Kermit, 223, 230, 356, 392–94, 586, 753, 774

T.R.’s correspondence with, 428–29, 449, 574–75, 617, 618, 666, 669, 670, 682, 733, 795

Roosevelt, Margaret Barnhill, 80

Roosevelt, Martha Bullock (Mittie), 35–38, 39, 41, 52, 71, 98, 147

death of, 166, 168, 181, 190

in Egypt,

in Long Island, 69, 137

southern background of, 31–32, 268, 404

T.R.’s childhood and, 24, 29, 31, 32

T.R.’s correspondence with, 32, 63, 65, 95, 105, 116, 152

T.R.’s moving back with, 165–66

Roosevelt, Nicholas, 695

Roosevelt, Quentin, 393, 429, 631

Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell (R.B.R.), 12, 68, 77–92,
, 97, 98, 101, 222, 282

animal stories of, 82

automobile of, 375, 384

background of, 80

Baird’s correspondence with, 89–90, 143

bird interests of, 89, 320, 687

Boone and Crockett Club and, 264

death of, 648

as Democrat, 79, 80, 100, 375, 376

diaries of, 78, 81, 90–91

Elliott compared with, 128, 224

fish conservation and, 80–90, 144, 202, 235, 583

on Florida, 12, 89, 91, 320, 321, 722, 724

gadgets championed by, 138

Green’s relationship with, 86, 89

importance of legacy of, 85, 91–92

at inauguration parade, 583

Jordan influenced by, 758

Lotus Lake of, 89–90, 91, 372, 375, 494, 583, 648

as man of letters, 79–80, 102

mayoral ambitions of, 89

NYAPG and, 264

oyster farming of, 372

T.R. compared with, 91, 142, 182–83, 247, 353

T.R. influenced by, 12, 80, 91, 100, 113–14, 202, 249

T.R.’s correspondence with, 583

white pine campaign of, 648

womanizing of, 78–79, 224, 583

Roosevelt, Theodore, III (Ted), 197, 213–14, 230, 351, 356,
, 494, 558, 753

Burroughs’s relationship with, 368, 369

T.R.’s correspondence with, 581–82, 788, 795–96, 802

Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.:

accidents of, 161–62, 181–82, 234, 427, 600

American chauvanism of, 15, 58, 102, 141, 142, 227, 231, 256, 258, 266, 310, 311, 313, 371, 397, 415

Americanism of, 244, 255, 266, 410, 507, 528, 534–35, 635

animal protection and, 45, 46–53, 59, 142, 316, 327

appearance of, 12, 65, 98, 193, 253, 330, 387, 552, 792

as assistant secretary of the Navy, 294, 297–98, 303, 310–13, 797

awards and honors of, 332, 511, 532, 533, 536, 619, 669–70, 764

birth and childhood of, 22–31, 23, 63, 164

boxing of, 93, 105, 110, 121–23, 344–45, 350, 603

as bridge figure, 110

career choice of, 67–68, 99, 123, 143

celebrity of, 211, 264, 324, 330–32, 339, 342, 374, 384–85, 613

as civil service

commissioner, 14, 212, 217, 223, 226, 231, 235, 236, 248, 251, 253–56, 261, 267, 274, 287

class-consciousness of, 136, 160

clothes of, 98, 130, 131, 169,
, 180, 182, 193, 250, 315, 316, 378, 513, 545, 609, 614, 676, 772

collecting of, 30–31, 32–33, 41, 57, 63, 73, 91, 94, 97–98, 109, 123, 131, 268, 794

at Columbia law school, 137, 138

concentration of, 141, 227

conflict-of-interest charges against, 236

as conservation visionary, 19–21, 245–47, 689

death of, 45, 247, 741, 757

as deputy sheriff, 191–93,
, 313

drinking of, 314, 384–85, 610

eating habits of, 47, 71, 234, 438, 609, 618

in Egypt, 55–58,
, 59

in election of 1888, 211–12

in election of 1898, 331

in election of 1900, 294, 355–56, 373–76,

in election of 1904, 61, 389, 406, 422, 502, 507, 524, 527, 553, 568, 572–77,
, 597

in election of 1912, 94–95, 119, 816–17

emotions bottled up by, 167

European travels of, 35–38, 53, 54–55, 59–60,
, 63, 65, 102, 138, 140–41, 196, 222, 227, 416

expansionism of, 298, 302, 384, 471, 531, 534, 797

expressions used by, 104
, 115, 156

as father, 230, 356, 429, 553, 579, 753

as “father” of the frontier thesis, 241

financial concerns of, 165, 191, 197, 214

fitness regime of, 93–94, 104, 105, 108, 110, 115, 795, 808–9

fortitude, vitality, and energy of, 104, 122, 141, 160, 162, 227

German of, 102, 131

as governor, 11, 14, 337–61, 338, 364, 365, 368–72, 376–77, 390, 392, 403, 415, 477, 772

“grand holiday” of, 230–35

Great Loop tour of, 502–53, 556, 578

as Great White Chief, 160, 255, 581, 610

gregariousness of, 12, 13, 396–97, 433, 768

as gubernatorial candidate, 331, 333–36

at Harvard,
Harvard University

hazing incident of, 93, 105, 109, 118, 164–65

health problems of, 22, 36–37, 54, 56, 59, 65, 68, 93, 100, 113, 115, 116, 118, 124, 126, 133, 135, 151, 154, 181, 350, 428–29, 594

as historian, 164, 231, 241–44, 262;
see also Naval War of 1812, The; Winning of the West, The

homeschooling of, 68, 96

homesickness of, 128, 137, 140, 181

house leased out by, 165

house purchased by, 147

inauguration parade of (1905), 581–83

inheritance of, 110, 142, 191

insomnia of, 123, 136, 167

investments of, 148, 153, 162, 165, 168, 170, 191, 198

keen hearing of, 31, 73, 97, 158

Latin of, 65

in launching of modern conservation movement, 5, 13–21

law-and-order attitude of, 242

legacy of, 753–54, 788–89, 815–16

as “man’s man,” 163

marriages of,
Roosevelt, Alice Lee; Roosevelt, Edith Carow

as master builder, 535

mayoral campaign of, 196

mental health of, 109, 123–24

mountaineering of, 116–19, 127, 140, 173

natural history education of, 22–45, 103, 164, 186

naturalist career abandoned by, 143–46

in New York assembly, 142–43, 150, 154, 165, 166–67, 168, 185, 190, 226

optimism of, 12, 14–15, 109, 153, 198, 393

as outdoors writer, influences on, 25–28, 83

patricians rejected by, 227–28

as police commissioner, 287–89

political career considered by, 123, 331

political stagnation of, 212, 377–78

powers of observation of, 130

as president, 1–3, 5, 6, 8, 11–21, 24, 181, 211, 215, 224, 238, 239, 253, 367, 396–816

puritanical streak of, 71, 134, 177, 224, 287

racism and ethnocentrism of, 243, 255, 274–75

as rancher, 6, 161, 162, 164, 167–71, 175, 189, 191, 198, 233

religious practices of, 56, 522–23, 614

romantic vision of, 153, 161, 177, 198, 233, 394

self-confidence of, 111, 115–16, 266

self-criticism of, 113, 196

self-reflection of, 211–12

sketching of, 33,
, 38, 53, 138, 669

in Spanish-American War, 13, 18, 27, 310–36,
, 336, 354, 475, 508

spectacles of, 31, 94–95, 156, 159

strenuous life preached by, 68, 227, 331, 348–51, 355, 380, 412, 427, 429, 544, 568, 603, 614, 795, 808, 813

as Teddy, 444–45

as traitor to his class, 355, 409, 675

as transforming agent, 14

trust-busting of, 20, 634–35

as vice president, 11, 14, 40, 63, 376–78, 384–95

as vice presidential nominee, 355–56, 373–76, 375

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