The Wolf's Forbidden Baby: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance (9 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Forbidden Baby: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance
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As the battle wore on, Devan’s assumption that Kyla’s father had held back during the other fight proved true. The coyote might be smaller than him, but his reach was decent and the strength of each blow surprised him. Devan held his ground as best he could, but he couldn’t help being annoyed that not one of his wolves or coyotes attempted to help him. This wasn’t a challenge battle. This was war with total annihilation on the line.

But then, during a quick succession of lightning strikes, he spied as sight that left him both infuriated and paralyzed with fear. Kyla lay crumpled in a ball, but at least he had found the rest of their pack. They surrounded her, fighting off their enemies, protecting her, keeping her safe. If he wasn’t so frightened for her, he might’ve felt proud of his pack.

Although his legs were worn from the battle, he found the strength to launch himself onto Warrick’s back. He jumped onto Kyla’s father’s head and then onto the roof of the nearest car. With ease, no longer feeling the pain and aches from blows and bites and slashes, he leaped down and entered the fray around Kyla.

How many wolves, how many coyotes he fought, he didn’t know. The storm continued, the street now a river of bloodied water. Even the other two alphas came over and attacked not just him but his pack.

The final stand. Why they had wounded some and even killed a few, they had lost some on their side so the numbers remained on their enemies’ favor. At times, though, Warrick’s wolves and her father’s coyotes attacked each other, he was glad to see.

By the time the numbers were finally even—ten on ten—the circle surrounding Kyla had broken some. Devan rushed to her side. Her father ran alongside him. Devan nipped at his side, but her father didn’t slow down and launched at his daughter, teeth gleaming in the dimming darkness as dawn neared.

No. Kyla was holding her belly. Although she appeared mostly unharmed, Devan knew something was wrong. She didn’t even react as her father almost descended on her. Devan burst into a higher gear and reached Kyla first. He whirled around and accepted the blow—the death bite—geared for Kyla. As if from afar, he felt the teeth ripping, tearing, felt blood gushing down onto his chest.

Kyla screamed. In the blink of an eye, she was human again. Her sisters shifted as well, falling to her side.

The baby was coming, he realized. He was dying as his child was being born. Gradually, he realized the teeth and the pressure was gone. Through dimming vision, he spied that his wolves and coyotes were reforming the circle around him and Kyla and her sisters, the other alphas forced outside.

Devan converted to his human form. It was easier to apply pressure to his wound that way. With one hand at his neck, he limply crawled over to Kyla. Maria or maybe Viola focused on him, lips moving but he couldn’t hear her words. She ripped her clothes and used it to soak up his blood.

“How…” He could hardly talk.

“She’s losing too much blood. Viola, come here. Push down on her belly… now.” Paula was positioned between Kyla’s legs.

Kyla screamed.

From deep inside, Devan forced himself to move closer to her head. “I’m here. Don’t… I’m… Okay…”

Kyla turned her head to him, but her eyes were closed. She had passed out.

Dimly, Devan realized the wetness on his cheeks were tears and not rain. The storm was dying too. With every heartbeat, he was losing more and more blood.

“Again,” Paula demanded.

Devan closed his eyes. When he was next aware, Maria was handing him the baby. A girl. He almost didn’t want to touch her. She was too perfect and precious, but she was covered in goo and blood, so he didn’t mind trying to hold her. At least he’d have this before his final sleep claimed him.

“Blood,” Paula murmured.

“What’s going on?”

Paula glanced at him, the fear in her eyes visible despite his blurred vision.


“She needs blood and now. If not…”

“Give her mine.”


“Do it.” He glanced around at everyone. They were all injured too. No one could easily donate blood. Might as well be from him. He already had an easy access point.

Marco stepped forward. Everyone was in human form, even the other packs. No one was fighting, just watching. Tension remained high, though, even Devan could feel it.

“I’m an EMT. I can set up a makeshift…”

Devan faded in and out of consciousness as Marco established a means to transform Devan’s blood to Kyla. Devan managed to force himself to ask if Kyla was all right.

Someone neared him where he was lying on the street. “She’s fine.”

He barely nodded and closed his eyes again, surrendering everything. Kyla was all right, he had held his baby, what more could he want?



A month had passed since the showdown, and Melinda wasn’t anywhere close to sleeping through the night, but she was finally down for a nap. For a moment, Kyla stared down at her child. She had her blond hair but Devan’s dark eyes. Only time would tell if she would be a wolf or a coyote when she shifted, or some kind of hybrid, but that didn’t matter.

Kyla kissed her fingers and touched them to the babe’s forehead before going to check on Devan. He was slowly recovering his strength. When the two packs had seen how far he had been willing to go to save her, how far they all were willing to go to fight and defend themselves, the others backed off. Maybe they would come back one day, but each week that went by without a problem gave Kyla hope.

Hope the others shared because the ones who had survived—they had lost four of the wolves Devan had fought so hard to gain—were talking about wanting to build houses in the clearing they had claimed. It was near enough to a city that they could find work.
A home for us all.
The thought pleased her, and she grinned, at peace with the world.

Devan stirred when she sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Kyla.” His smile moved her almost to tears. “What’s wrong?”

“You… you almost…” She shook her head, tying to hide behind her hair. Being so busy tending to Melinda and caring for Devan, she hadn’t allowed herself time to focus on how much she had almost lost. She could have died. Melinda could have. Devan almost did.

“I’m here. And I’m not leaving. Kyla…” He sat up easier than she thought he would be able to. “I—”

“I love you,” she blurted out.

He gave her another devastating smile. “I wanted to say that first.”

She giggled. “I’m sorry. Pretend I didn’t.”

“Never.” Devan claimed her hand. “We’ve already been through so much. I will never leave your side, or Melinda’s. Please, Kyla, would you be my mate and allow me to be your wolf?”

Her heart felt like it could burst. She could not love this man, this wolf, more. “If you will allow me to be your coyote.”

The kiss he gave her had goosebumps forming on her arms. He turned one finger into a claw and cut her palm. She did likewise with his. They merged their bloodied palms together. Mates for life, bound by both blood and love.

As soon as the shallow wound on his hand sealed up, Devan rubbed up and down her back, drawing her closer to him.

“Are you sure?” she murmured, not wanting to overtax him.

He lifted his hips, pressing his manhood against her.

“I’m sure.”

Before she could smile, his lips claimed her, much as he had her heart. It wasn’t easy to not shout out as he kissed and caressed her everywhere. She memorized every inch of his body, giving pleasure as she took it. The way she fit into his arms was perfect, and when they united, there was no greater feeling. The way he made her feel, the love he expressed, she accepted and returned it.

When they finished their mating lovemaking, Kyla curled up beside him. Maybe they would have more children one day. Maybe their pack would grow. Maybe not. All she knew for certain was that she would always love Devan and Melinda, just as he would always love her and their baby.

For the first time since she had met and fallen in love with Devan, she felt excited for the future. Whatever lay in store for them, they would face it together.















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It is time for Angeline to be mated and she has little choice in the matter. That is because it is her mother who is responsible for matching Alphas with good potential females. So she is determined that her daughter be matched with one of the most eligible bachelors around.
That man is Clyde. Strong, handsome, dominant and, most importantly, LOYAL to the woman he wants.
Angeline is about to discover just how much she really needs an Alpha in her life. The only problem is Clyde is not so sure he really needs Angeline in his life.
Can Clyde learn to want and love Angeline as his mate? Or is Angeline set to forever be the Alpha's “
Unwanted Mate




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