The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future (52 page)

BOOK: The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future
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Quantification Settlement Agreement


Queen Elizabeth Island



rain forests


Reagan, Ronald

RechargeIt initiative

regional corporations

renewable energy resources.
See also specific energy types

Republic of Korea

reserve-to-production ratios


resource demand.
See also specific resource types
: and aboriginal peoples; and the Arctic economy; connection to other global forces; and the economic slowdown; and electric vehicles; and Far East Russia; as global force; historical debate on; and human settlement patterns; and hydrocarbon cities; and inertia of global forces; mineral depletion rates; and prospects for NORCs; and proven resource levels; and renewable energy; and reserve levels; and the resource curse; and the Russian Far East; and traditional resources; and urbanization; and water consumption; and West Siberian Lowlands

Resource Wars

Reykjavik, Iceland

Ricardo, David

ringed seals

Río Negro

Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy

risk assessment

See specific river names

Road of Bones

Rodriguez, Ernesto

Roosevelt, Franklin

Russia and the Russian Federation: and aboriginal peoples; and aging populations; and the Arctic Council; and Arctic islands; and Arctic resources; and Arctic transportation; and climate distribution; and coal resources; and crop yields; and demographic trends; and economic growth models; and endangered species; and the Far East; and fertility rates; and gas and oil reserves; and global warming; and human settlement patterns; and immigration policy; and infrastructure development; and natural gas resources; and the “New North,” and North Pole expeditions; and population declines; and prospects for NORCs; and shifting economic power; and the Siberian Curse; and territorial boundaries; and UNCLOS; and water resources; and West Siberian Lowlands; and winter roads; and xenophobia

Sahara Desert

Sakha Republic

Sakhalin Island

Salazar, Ken

Salisbury, Joe

Sámi people

Sanikiluaq, Canada


satellite technology

Saudi Arabia


Schlesinger, James

Schwarzenegger, Arnold


Scott, Allen

Scripps Institute of Oceanography

sea ice: and albedo effect; and Antarctica; decline of; and global warming; multiyear ice; and ocean currents; and sea levels; and shipping

sea levels: at-risk cities; and climate change; and glaciers; and sea ice; and urbanization

Sea of Okhotsk

sea surface temperatures (SST)

Seager, Richard

Serreze, Mark

Sheutiapik, Elisapee

Shiklomanov, Igor Alexander

Shiklomanov, Nikolay


Shishmaref, Alaska



Siberian Curse

Silent Spring

Simmons, Matt

Simon, Julian


Singh, Harnarayan

Singh, Parminder

slum cities

smart grids

Smith, Adam


solar power


Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland

Sonoran Desert

South Africa

South America.
See also specific countries

South Kara Sea

South Korea

South Ossetia

South-to-North Water Diversion project

Soviet Union.
See also
Russia and the Russian Federation


Stalin, Joseph

State Water Project

Stern Report

Stirling, Ian

storm surges

Straits of Hormuz

Streletskiy, Dmitry

Sub-Saharan Africa


Suez Canal

sugarcane ethanol

sulfur dioxide


surface water


Sweden: and aboriginal peoples; and the Arctic Council; and Arctic resources; and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS); culture of; and demographic trends; and human settlement patterns; and melting permafrost; and natural resource consumption; and the “New North,” and NORC collaborations; and North Pole expeditions; and nuclear power; and territorial boundaries; and UNCLOS; and winter roads

synthetic natural gas (SNG)




technology: arctic sea ice mapping; and ethanol production; as global force; and global warming; and hydrogen fuel cells; and nuclear power; and satellites; and smart power grids; and solar power; and tar sand extraction; and urbanization; and water resources; and wind power



Thatcher, Margaret

thermal expansion of water

thermohaline circulation

Thompson, Lonnie

Three Mile Island


Tibetan Plateau

tidal power

Tigris-Euphrates River system

Tolko Industries


Trans-Siberian Railroad

transboundary rivers

transmission of power

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Tromso, Norway

tropical storms


Truman, Harry

See also




Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy

Udall, Stewart


UN Commission for the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS)

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

UN Population Division

UN Security Council

United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom.
See also

United Nations

United States: and aboriginal peoples; aging population of; and the Arctic Council; and Arctic islands; and Arctic policy; and Arctic resources; and Arctic transportation routes; and Canadian relations; and coal resources; and concentrated solar thermal (CSP) power; and demographic trends; and economic growth models; and ethanol production; and global warming; and globalization; immigration policy of; and natural gas resources; and the “New North,” and NORCs; and North Pole expeditions; and nuclear power; and power transmission systems; and sea levels; and shifting economic power; and the Siberian Curse; and UNCLOS; and water resources; and wind power

urbanization: and aging populations; and the Arctic; and climate change; and economic growth; and energy consumption; pace of; and prospects for NORCs; and resource supplies; and sea levels; and shifting economic power; and the “twenty-first century” city; and water resources

U.S. Army

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency

U.S. Climate Change Action Partnership

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. Department of State

U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Committee

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

U.S. Minerals and Management Service

U.S. National Intelligence Council

U.S. National Science Foundation


Vancouver, British Colombia

Varlomov, Alexei


Verkhoyansk, Russia




Volta River

Vörösmarty, Charlie



Washington Consensus

Water Follies

water resources: and agriculture; aquifers; and climate change; crises related to; and drought; and energy consumption; export projects; and foreign policy; and global water stress; and groundwater pumping; and hydropower; importance of; and the Intertropical Convergence Zone; large water projects; measurement of; and population growth; and privatization; prospects for; and runoff; and sanitation; and snowpack and glaciers; and transboundary rivers; and urbanization; and virtual water trade


Watt-Cloutier, Sheila

weather patterns.
See also
climate change

Wellinghoff, Jeff


West Antarctic Ice Sheet

West Bank

West Siberia

When the Rivers Run Dry



Williamson, John

wind power

winter roads

Wolf, Aaron

women’s empowerment

World Bank

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Trade Organization (WTO)

World War I,

World War II,

World Water Council


Yakut people


Yamal Peninsula


Yongwei Sheng

Younger Dryas event

Yucca Mountain

Yugakir people

Yukon Territory

Yupik people


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