Thicker Than Water (10 page)

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Authors: Takerra Allen

BOOK: Thicker Than Water
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Neli had heard every word he said. She had other plans as well.


After eating a delicious meal that Tatum prepared, Ree and Tatum relaxed on his couch watching a Brazilian gangster movie called “City of God”. She felt real good being there with him and in the back of her mind she couldn’t help but think that she could get used to this.

“This movie is really good, Ree,” Tatum stated, getting more comfortable on the couch, as she placed her pedicured feet onto Ree’s lap. She could feel his semi hard dick coming to life through his sweat pants as she rubbed her foot up and down his left thigh.

“My feet are kinda cold,” She added, with a grin that read
‘you know I’m lying’.

He nodded his head slowly with a smirk and looked down at her pretty toes as he let his eyes travel up her toned legs, to her thick thighs, to her tight stomach, to her breasts and up her neck, to her beautiful face, and finally landing on her hypnotizing eyes. She recognized her power over him.

She knew what was about to happen and she felt nervous and excited all in one. She had been thinking about what it would feel like to sexually be with such a powerful man. And although she didn’t want to admit it, she, like many women, craved to be handled by a real thoroughbred nigga.

Ree licked his lips at the thought of tasting Tatum. He had plans on making her cum - hard. He knew that there was a lot at risk with dealing with her and that the consequences could affect both of them. He also knew that she was different than a lot of females he had known and he had known some of the best. He knew that she deserved a good nigga.

On the flip side, he also knew that he was feeling her person, and she was sexy as hell to him, so he said
‘fuck it’
and went with the moment. He stopped all of the games and turned the movie off.

“Hey, why’d you turn the movie off right after I just said I liked it?” She asked with a little humor, knowing damn well why he turned the flick off.

“Come here,” he ordered sternly.

Tatum gave him a
‘yeah okay’
look with a raised eyebrow but found that the demand in his voice turned her on. She repositioned herself on her hands and knees and crawled to his side of the couch. Her low cut Donna Karen blouse gave Ree a nice view of her full breasts wrapped in a sexy lace bra. Before she could even reach him, Ree leaned over and strongly grabbed her by the waist placing her on his lap facing him.

She leaned in to kiss him, but he grabbed her lightly by her long hair and pulled her head back as he licked and sucked lightly on her neck. Still holding her hair, he kissed her lightly on the lips at first and then a little harder while his other hand reached under her blouse and unhooked her bra. Tatum couldn’t even imagine it feeling any better, her body shivered as if she was soaking wet in the middle of a blizzard as he licked and sucked on her nipples. She rubbed her hands through his dreads, grinding on his lap as she could feel herself becoming too damn hot. It had been a mothafuckin year since she got some, and this was feeling better than anything she had ever imagined.

He lifted her up off of his lap and laid her down on the couch as he peeled off her jeans and pulled off her panties. He tongue kissed up her thighs, causing her to squirm, and then suddenly he stopped right when Tatum thought she was about to feel it. Anticipating his tongue, she moaned lightly and that turned him on even more. He knew what he was doing.

“Tell me you want it,” he spoke, looking up at her.
“I want it.”
“You sure?” He asked while caressing her ass and looking for the answer that would seal the deal.

Tatum felt that he was not only talking about sex, but he was asking her if she was sure about this, about him, about coming into his world, giving herself to him in ways that could potentially lead to her being hurt. But damn it could also lead to happiness that she never felt. She needed that. Was she sure?


Ree tickled her clit with the tip of his tongue and then began giving her what would go down as the best head she ever received in her life. He parted her lips with his thumbs and licked her in all imaginable ways. He started slow and light, then fast with more pressure, licking her and probing her with his tongue, causing her to actually fight the sensation of exploding.

Even after she grabbed the pillows and pulled at his dreads, locking her legs around his neck and head, he kept going, and she kept cumming. After Tatum came the third time, Ree came up for air with a hardness that pointed straight ahead through his sweats and Tatum knew what it was time for.

He picked her up and carried her upstairs to the bedroom, placing her on his lavish King size bed. He pulled out a condom and right before he was about to put it on, Tatum gave him a little tongue tease. She licked the tip of his penis head and then slowly slid him in her mouth, making sure to relax her throat. She sucked and licked him for a short time, just to give him a taste of what she could do. Then she stopped, looking up at him sexily. Ree had a look of pure ecstasy.

He didn’t even know what to say. His mouth was open and he was caught off guard, half because he didn’t expect Tatum to give him head, and half because he didn’t know it was going to be so good.

That was it, Tatum had him rock about to burst, he slid on the condom and worked himself into her and she felt like a slice of heaven to him. Ree took control and began hitting Tatum with a vicious stroke that had Tatum screaming and shaking, pulling her hair and biting the pillow.

The sex was crazy, the bed was moving, the lamp was on the floor, the mattress was half way falling off, and they couldn’t get enough. They went at it for what seemed like forever, giving in to every freaky desire that they had been thinking of. Ree gave her multiple back shots with orgasms to match, causing her to cream all over him and call for the Lord. And at the end of their round for round sexcapade, after they were both exhausted beyond belief of satisfaction, Ree got up, went to the bathroom, came back with a warm rag, and wiped her. She was in love.



Chapter 7 - Jealousy


“Where the fuck is Sasha at?” Tatum asked, taking a sip of her White Zinfandel wine. She seldom drank, but the way she had been feeling lately was a cause for a celebration.

“You know her ass always takes forever just to leave the house,” Kim joked. “Remember that time when that apartment down the hall from her was on fire? Bitch wouldn’t even leave the building without combing her wrap out.”

They all busted out laughing. That was Sasha, all day.

Tatum had invited her girls over to chill, she really wanted to tell them about Ree, but she knew she had to wait for Sasha. She would have a fit if Kim and Neli found out before her.

“Kim, pass me some of that,” Neli said, eyeing the blunt.
“Alright now, don’t be slobbing all on my shit. You know you the wet mouth,” Kim joked, passing Neli the blunt.
“Thank you, I promise I won’t get it wet,” Neli assured, smiling. The doorbell rang.
“That’s her,” Tatum assumed, hopping up to get the door. She opened it and there was Sasha, smiling up a storm.
“What you so happy about?” Tatum asked, smiling herself.
“Nothing, what you so happy about?” Sasha shot back, and then they both busted out laughing.

When they got into the living room, Sasha said her ‘what’s ups’ to her girls, then took a seat on the couch with Kim. She poured herself a glass of wine and slipped off her four hundred dollar Manolo Blahnik heels. Then she remembered what she had to tell them.

“Oh, y’all all are invited to my mom and dad’s Fourth of July barbeque, so y’all better not make any plans.”
“When is it?” Kim asked seriously.
They all started cracking up.

“Fourth of July, bitch!” Tatum screamed. Kim started to crack up herself. After like a minute of straight laughing Kim added, “Oh you know I’m gonna be there, with Sasha’s fine ass daddy.”

“Unh-unh, Kim don’t be talking ‘bout my daddy, my mom will fuck you up.”

“Mrs. Seals’ Vanessa Williams looking ass aint gonna fuck nobody up,” Kim cracked.

They all laughed some more. They all loved going down to Sasha’s parents’ house. It was a mini mansion located on the outskirts of Somerset, NJ. It had five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a pool, a Jacuzzi, and a basketball court. And when they had their parties, they loved to entertain and show the fuck off.

The only reason Sasha had moved up to North Jersey and out of her lavish surroundings, was because after she moved from Atlanta and they bought the house in Jersey, she had met Tatum at an elementary school summer scholar’s program and they became really close friends. They remained that way the whole time growing up, and soon Sasha became just as close with Kim, spending weekends at their houses and them even coming down to the suburbs some weekends.

When it was time to apply for colleges, she applied for all of the ones that Tatum said she was applying for, plus Sasha wanted to meet some niggas and she wanted to see more of an urban lifestyle. She received a full scholarship to William Patterson University and got an apartment near Tatum’s house in Elizabeth, and they’ve been tight ever since.

“Okay I’ve got something to say,” Tatum informed them, tapping her glass like at a wedding.

After all eyes were on her, she spoke.

“Your girl, Tatum Mosley, has officially-” she paused and looked around at the waiting faces, and then she proceeded, “been fucked.”

They all jumped up smiling and screaming, clapping and hooting and hollering.
“That’s what the fuck I’m talking about!” Kim screamed.
“Congratulations!” Neli screamed.
“I knew that celibate shit was not gonna last, I’m so proud of you,” Sasha added.
“Yes girls, Ree is the man. He is the real man.” Tatum smiled just thinking about the way he had her.
“I’m so happy for you Tay, it seems like you are really in love,” Neli declared.

“Wait, I aint even say nothing about love,” Tatum protested, taking another sip of wine trying to mask her true emotions. Everybody just looked at her but Kim was the one to speak.

“Yeah right, you aint give up the booty to nobody in a year, and this dread come and take your second virginity, and you gonna act like you aint in love, bitch please!”

Everybody slapped hands with Kim and started laughing again. Neli looked over at Sasha while they were laughing and looked at how beautiful she was. She was glad that Sasha was her friend and she was starting to feel bad for the things she had done to her. These were her girls and it felt good to have friends, especially beautiful ones.

Kim said a couple of more jokes and they all laughed some more and Sasha put her arm around Neli as they laughed together and Neli felt good. She knew this was the time for her to put all the mess with Chauncey behind her. All of her jealousy and envy would go out with it too and she will focus on herself and her friendships. She loved Sasha.

“Okay wait, I got something to say,” Sasha said, taking a gulp of wine fast to build up the nerve.

“What?” Everybody asked sensing her nervousness. Neli put her hand on Sasha’s shoulder urging her to go on.

“There is a reason I came in here smiling tonight.” They all started to smile. They all had their preconceived thoughts of what she was about to say. Neli was smiling ear-to-ear because she just knew that Sasha had met someone and she was so happy for her. They all faced her and waited for the news.

“Okay, I don’t know how to say this, and I know you guys are gonna say it’s too soon but-” Neli cut her off.

“It’s not too soon for anything,” Neli comforted her, smiling. Sasha looked at her wondering why she was so happy and then continued.

“Well, I guess I’ll just say it.”

Neli bit her lip ready for the moment to say to her girl ‘congratulations and when can we meet him’, but that moment never came. Then Sasha said it.

“Me and Chauncey are back together.”


Neli laid in her and Ray’s quality count Ralph Lauren sheets crying over another man. A man that no matter what she did, she just couldn’t shake, the dilemma that so many women go through. The only difference was that this man was in love with one of her best friends.

It was 4.p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon and Neli had been in bed all day, she didn’t even go to work. She just lay there trying to not think of the fact that Chauncey was probably touching Sasha at that very moment. She had reached a medium of insanity and depression and the thoughts in her head could not be trusted, not even by herself.
I have to do something about this. I can’t sit back and let him do this to me.
Neli knew that she had to be very careful and smart about her revenge plan because if Chauncey ever got wind to anything, he would kill her. Whatever she did, she would have to go through someone else. She thought of the saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer as she picked up the phone and dialed Sasha.

“Hello,” Sasha answered in an upbeat tone that let Neli know the bitch was probably smiling on the other end of the phone.

“What’s up Sash? You sound like you in a good mood,” Neli said, in a sarcastic way but still friendly.

“Girl, I am, why Chauncey just sent me 5 dozen roses all different colors to my job. Now what in the world am I supposed to do with all these flowers?” Sasha asked, rhetorically.

She knew that Neli was semi jealous of her and she also knew Neli had a little thing for Chauncey, so it gave her a little twinge of pleasure to relay the news.

Neli closed her eyes tight and tried to hold back the tears she felt building up. She just couldn’t help the fact that she loved Chauncey so much; it literally hurt her heart to know that they were back together.

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