Thicker Than Water (7 page)

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Authors: Takerra Allen

BOOK: Thicker Than Water
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And the females, oh the females, they loved him. Not only was he sexy and mysterious, he was powerful. He was so powerful, and women loved that he never let them get in the way of him handling his business. It was funny the way that worked; they were attracted to a man who made them feel like they weren’t important.

After Deets peeled out, Ree walked out onto his balcony. He owned a lavish house out in West Orange, NJ. The area was quiet and discreet with very little police traffic, just the way he liked it.

His cell phone rang in his pocket; he pulled it out and looked at the name. Tatum. Damn, that girl had something over him. She wasn’t like any other girl he had ever met.
‘Not right now baby’
he thought as he pushed the ignore button. He had to think right now.

He looked out at the sky and tried to concentrate on his next move. How was he going to go about opening this new operation? Who would take over Newark with Chauncey in Central? Who would be his replacement? But somehow, way after the phone stopped ringing, Tatum kept creeping into his head.


No he didn’t send me to voicemail.
Tatum was shocked. She hardly called the nigga. Hell, she hardly called any nigga, and now when she did, he sent her to voicemail.

“You know who it is, and you know what to do.” Beep. Tatum hung up.

Fuck that, I aint leaving no message.

Damn, Ree sounded so good on the message and Tatum was really starting to dig him, but she knew she was in for trouble. Plus she already didn’t like the fact that she would have to get used to not having all of his time if they ever were involved in a relationship. Even now, one minute he was spending time with her and the next, he was too involved to even pick up his phone. He was always running in and out of state and even once out of the country since they’d started dating, back to Jamaica, to handle his “business”.

But the time that they did spend together was so, so good. Since their first date, he had done nothing but surprise her.

He sent her different colored roses for each day of the week, closed down a museum for just the two of them, sent drivers in Luxury cars to pick her up from class, and even rubbed her feet after long days on the job all the while providing stimulating conversation. All of this in one week!

She looked down at her cell phone hoping that he would call her back before class. Still no Ree.

She started getting that feeling that a girl gets when she has it bad. Everything he said and did captured her and held her, waiting for more. They had the best chemistry, the best energy, and still no sex. He had her wide open, and little did she know she had him the same.

It was 5:55pm., and just as Tatum was about to walk into her classroom and take her favorite seat against the wall, her phone began ringing in her gold Dior bag.

Watch this be Kim dumb ass
. She looked at the screen.
Oh my god it’s him. It’s him. It’s him, it’s him, it’s him!
She screamed, in her head, silently of course. She let it ring three times before she answered.

“Hello,” she sang sweetly.

“Why you not in class Ms. Mosley?” He asked coolly. Tatum could tell that he was relaxed. He had probably had just got done smoking. She didn’t care, it was all him, he was sexy.

“I’m getting there,” she answered, matching his same cool demeanor. If only he could see her cheesing on the other end of the phone.

“Yeah well, I hope you’re getting here after that.”

She could feel herself becoming weak, she hadn’t had sex in so long and the way that he touched her back and kissed her neck, it made her legs literally shake.

“Yeah I can get there, that is if the bossman got time for little ol’ me.”
He chuckled at her sarcasm.
“Well Ms. Lady, I treat my time like I treat my money. If I aint got it I make it, ya know?”
She giggled.
“Ooh that’s real cute, Ree.”
“Well, ya know. But, just get ya ass to class and then get here.”
“Okay boss I’ll call you when I’m on my way,” Tatum joked.
“No don’t call, just come.”

And with that, he hung up.
‘Just come.’
Tatum thought to herself and smiled at her nasty mind.
I just might do that.


Sasha drove home from work singing along to Faith Evans songs and trying hard not to cry.

“I re-mem-ber, thaaa waaay, you used, to love, me! Baby I remember!”

As she pulled into her complex, the summer night air gave her a chill that made her quiver a little, it was a strange feeling. She parked her car and looked in her rearview mirror, feeling that Chauncey didn’t give a damn about her. If he did, he wouldn’t have left her all alone without a reason, and he wouldn’t be bouncing around with a bird like Tasha.

I’m a dime, a full package, and any man would be happy to have me. I’m beautiful, I’m smart, and I take damn good care of my man. I’m the shit.
Sasha thought looking at herself.

Her caramel complexion was unblemished but accompanied by a red Rudolph nose from crying. Other than that, she was flawless. She took one more look at her beautiful face and regained her confident swagger. She stepped out of the car with her door key ready and took a look at the black Denali parked next to her, it looked familiar but she couldn’t place her finger on it.
Oh well.

She walked up the stairs and down the hallway toward her apartment door. Her feet were killing her and she couldn’t wait to soak them. Her complex was dead quiet and all you could hear were the crickets chirping. Instantly she felt nervous, as if she wasn’t alone, but she looked around, and saw no one. She hurried to get into her apartment.

Just as she began to stick her key into the lock, a sharp pain went through her head like a splitting headache. However, when she put her hand to her head and felt it wet with blood, she realized she had been struck in the back of the head with something. She wanted to scream but it hurt too badly and she could hear her own head thumping loudly.

She turned around to see who had hit her but the images became so unclear so fast, she felt sleepy and felt her body slumping down onto the ground, and then everything went black.






























Chapter 5 – Regret



Kim felt bad about the conversation between her and Sasha. That was her girl, like her sister, and she didn’t want to see her hurt. She knew she probably did the right thing by telling Sash, so she could get over Chauncey, but she still wanted to check on her.

She dialed Sasha’s number for the third time in a row, and as it rang and rang, she thought of hanging up and just talking to her later, but something inside told her to keep calling. The hospital said that she left work an hour ago and Sasha always picked up her phone.
Maybe I’m bugging.
Kim thought to herself. But something didn’t feel right.

“Hello,” Tatum answered half sleep.
“Tay, you heard from Sash?” Kim asked.
She heard a male voice in the background.
“Ooh Tay, where you at bitch?” Kim asked just knowing her girl was at Ree’s getting broke off.
“Shut up Kim. Nah, I aint heard from her since earlier, why?”
“Cause she aint picking up her phone, and I know she was hot when I told her about Chaunc being at the motel with Tasha.”
“Well, maybe she went to talk to him about it, or maybe she don’t wanna be bothered right now, like me,” Tatum quipped.
“Whatever. Tay, tell me the truth, how was it?”
Tatum let out a loud sigh, Ree was lying next to her and she needed to get back into his muscular, tattooed arms pronto.
“Bye Kim.”
“Wait! You fucked him right? He got a big dick? He looks like he got a big dick too,” Kim squealed, getting excited.
“Bye Kim,” Tatum repeated, ready to hang up.

“Alright girl, tell Ree I said hi. Girl you better had did ya thing, CBP!” (Come back pussy, Kim’s self made gang.) Then she hung up.

Kim then dialed Neli and asked her if she heard from Sasha. Neli responded by saying that Sasha was the last person she wanted to hear from and then she hung up.

Kim wondered what the hell her problem was.
Kim knew she had one more option. She picked up the phone and went to her phone list under C. She took a deep breath.
Finding the right number, she hit call, listened to the rings, and waited for Chauncey to answer.


When Sasha regained consciousness she was tied to a chair in her dining room looking down the barrel of a gun. She went to scream but her sounds were muffled by the cloth tied around her mouth. The two men began to come into focus. She began to scream through her cloth again, going crazy trying to wiggle free.

“Bitch shut the fuck up before I split ya fucking wig!” One of the men screamed and Sasha stopped immediately.
“Where’s the money?” The other guy asked, pressing the cold metal to her forehead. Sasha began to cry.
“Bitch where the fucking money at?”
This time he hit her with the 9 millimeter. She cried out in agony.

“Yo Rico, her mouth is gagged,” the ugly one with the scar said.
“Nigga don’t be saying my name! Now we gotta kill the bitch.” Sasha’s eyes widened in fear.

The ugly one looked down at Sasha’s breasts, he liked her. “Nah we don’t gotta kill her. Listen, just tell us where ya man keeps the money baby, and we won’t hurt you.”

Sasha took a deep breath and began to talk but of course they couldn’t make out what she was saying because of the cloth.
Stupid mothafuckas, got my mouth gagged and asking me questions. Chauncey gonna kill they asses when he find this shit out

Then it hit her that Chauncey wouldn’t be walking through that door to save her, nobody would.

I’m going to die here and no one’s going to save me. Not mommy, not daddy, not Chauncey, not Tatum.

Sasha began going crazy again, trying to scream through her cloth.

“Shut up!” They both screamed at her, but she kept yelping through the cloth hoping someone would hear her.
There was that pain, and then everything went black again.


“Who dis?”

“Chauncey, it’s me Kim.”

Kim figured Chauncey would curse her out for telling Sash that she saw him at the motel. She knew Chauncey didn’t really care for her anyway.

“What up?” He asked emotionless.
He obviously had no clue about what she had said; he was just wondering why Kim was calling him.
“Listen Chaunc, did Sasha call you?”
Chauncey sat quiet for a minute. He was hoping Sasha hadn’t found out about him and Neli.
“Nah I aint hear from Sash, why, should I be hearing from Sash?” He asked, curiously.
“Nah, it’s just that she was upset earlier and I can’t find her. She aint answering her phones and nobody has heard from her.”

Chauncey didn’t give it a second thought. He knew Sasha drifted to herself when she wanted to be alone. She wasn’t like Kim, always out there, needing to be surrounded by a bunch of people, his baby girl was special.

“She probably taking a bath or something, or sleeping. I know she be tired from that second shift. She alright, maybe she just aint answering your calls.”

Kim hadn’t thought of that.
“Maybe. Listen Chaunc, the reason Sasha was mad is because I told her something about you.”
Chauncey felt sick, he knew this was coming one day.
“What? Well, what did you tell her?”

Kim was a little scared, Chauncey had been known to be a little crazy, but Sasha was her girl, so she figured
fuck it

“I told her I saw you at the motel a week ago.”
Chauncey put his hand over his mouth. He was furious. Kim continued.
“You know, when you were there with Tasha.”
“I wasn’t with no-” He stopped short. This bitch said Tasha. She didn’t know about Neli and he was relieved.
“Yo Kim, that aint even your concern ma. Me and Sash aint even together right now.”

“I know but that’s my girl, and she was going to invite you over so I was just telling her why I thought it was a bad idea. Obviously you doing ya thing,” Kim added with a little attitude. Chauncey cracked a smile at the thought of his princess missing him. He missed her too.

“Yeah aight, just know that’s why she aint answering ya calls, cause you talk too damn much.”

At that, he hung up. He knew that was something he could get out of. He laid back on his bed in his lavishly decorated condo. His Gucci sheets were disheveled, and although threaded finely, his bed hadn’t been made all week.

Every night was takeout and the revolving door of women were becoming faceless and nameless. He stared at the ceiling and thought of how shit got started with Neli.

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