Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security (39 page)

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oil in, 125

Algiers, 20

Alina (pseudonym of Uzbek investigator), 106, 107–8, 109, 110, 112

Alison-Madueke, Diezani, 123

Aliyu, Muhammad, 128

Al-Jazeera, 73, 181

Alliot-Marie, Michèle, 241

almonds, 33

Al Qaeda, 61, 68, 69, 77, 83
, 89, 90, 178
, 180, 181, 182, 183, 187

in the Islamic Maghreb, 68

American Enterprise Institute, 136

Amin, Galal, 88

Amn el-Shurta, 87–88

Amu Darya River, 110

Andijan, 103–7, 120

massacre in, 103–5, 116, 117, 160

Angar, Hakim, 55–56, 64

animists, animism, 118, 125, 130

anise, 34

an-Nasiri, Ali Harisu Kadiri, 118–19, 132

Ansar al-Sharia, 99

Ansaru, 119

anticorruption efforts, 11, 39–52

Afghan elections and, 41–42

focus on people for, 40

intermediaries and, 203

international community and, 64

recommendations for, 40, 45–47

see also
corruption remedies

anticorruption policy, 144–45, 149, 188

Anti-Corruption Task Force, ISAF, 48, 51, 64, 136, 137, 140

Anti-Corruption Unit, 47, 143

antifederalists, 169–70

appeal, 162, 167, 211

to law, 171

mechanisms of, 158

apricots, 33, 66

Arab Organization for Industrialization, 80

Arabs, 67

Arab Spring, 20, 68–77, 92, 135, 169, 184

arbitrary detention, 12, 51, 98, 101, 121, 161

Argentina, 185

Arghand Cooperative, 3, 33–34, 65

Articles of Confederation, 168

Artillery House, 79

Asian Development bank, 198

Assad, Bashar al-, 226

asset forfeiture, 149–50, 193

Atif, Pashtoon, 34, 35

Atiya, Abd al-Rahman, 182–83

Atmar, Hanif, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 142

Auf, Yussef, 83, 85, 87–88

autocratic rule, 8, 20, 67, 69

see also

Ayed, Jalloul, 75, 76

Azerbaijan, 107

Azizi Bank, 94

Babur, Timurid emperor, 102

Bacha, Hajji, 28

BAE Systems, 182

Bahrain, 77, 191

Baker, Pauline, 122

Bandar bin Sultan, Prince, 182

Bank of America, 83

banks, 186, 198–99

bribery in, 34–36

corruption in, 34–36, 128, 186

loans by, 93–94, 207

Basel, 176

Basilicon Doron
(James I of England), 10, 162

Bayart, Jean-François, 185

Belgium, 161

Ben Ali, Leila Trabelsi, 74, 92, 93

Ben Ali, Zine el-Abidine, 32, 67, 74, 75, 92, 94, 99, 107, 198, 215

Ben Ali family, 92, 96, 97

Ben Chrouda, Lotfi, 92, 94

Ben Gacem, Hazem, 74–75

Benghazi, 100

Ben Kahla, Karim, 92–93

Benmoussa, Chakib, 72

Berbers, 125

Biddle, Stephen, 136

Bill of Rights, U.S., 170

bin Laden, Osama, 61, 89, 117, 171, 181–82

Blida, 72, 73

Boering, Piet, 40, 42, 47

Boko Haram, 119–20, 121–22, 129, 130, 132, 133

Book of Counsel for Kings
(Ghazali), 26–27, 43

Boot, Max, 136

Boulaq (neighborhood of Cairo), 84, 87

Brahim, Yassine, 75, 95

bribes, bribery, 149, 200

in Afghan government, 4, 5, 34–36, 140–42

in Algeria, 73

in banks, 34–36

in churches, 176

in Egypt, 85, 87

government corruption and, 4, 5, 34–36, 106, 108–9, 111–13, 140–42

in Nigeria, 120, 129, 217

officials and, 184–85, 193

extorted by police, 87, 120

of public officials, 193

in Tunisia, 74, 96, 113

by U.S. government, 187

in Uzbekistan, 106, 108–9, 111–13

British Parliament, 162–64, 168

Brussels, 24

Bukhara, 111

Bulgaria, 24, 185

Bureaucracy Does Its Thing
(Komer), 147

Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, 48

Bush, George W., 181–82

Cairo, 32, 78, 79, 80, 87, 88, 90

Cambodia, 139

capitalism, 83–85, 86–87, 89, 92

Capone, Al, 140

Carter, Nick, 135

Casablanca, 68, 95, 198

Catholic Church, corruption in, 176, 181, 218,

Catholicism, 158, 172
, 183

cellphones, confiscation of, 4, 5

Center for International Private Enterprises, 84

Center for Trade Union and Workers’ Services, 84

Central Auditing Authority, 87

Central Bank, 122

Central Command, U.S., 135

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 46, 51–52, 54, 145

Afghan government’s relations with, 151–52, 154–55

money paid by, 154–55

Centre for Information Technology and Development, 121

Chaman, 4–5

Chamari, Taoufiq, 98

Charlemagne, 15, 104

Charles I, King of England, 162–64, 182, 221
, 237

public trial of, 164–66, 221

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 17, 46, 86, 157

Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 157

Chechens, 117

child labor, 101, 114

Chile, 194

China, 73, 80

Choriev, Bahodir, 106

Christianity, 118, 125, 130–32, 133, 173–74, 183

church vs. state, 15

Citigroup, 75

civil service, corruption in, 91
, 126–27, 129, 217

civil society organizations, 195–96

CLEEN Foundation, 119–20, 126, 129

Clinton, Hillary, 76, 145

Colombia, 185

command responsibility, 14, 54, 182, 203–4

see also

Comptroller of the Currency, 192

Constitution, U.S., 168–170

constitutional monarchy, 58, 68

construction (public works), 73, 81, 88

scams through, 13, 33, 86–87

Cooke, John, 165–66, 238

corporate responsibility, 200–201


advice literature addressing,
advice literature (“Mirrors for Princes”)

in banks, 34–36, 128, 186

bribes and,
bribes, bribery

as cause of soft states, 88

in civil service, 91
, 126–27, 129, 217

conscious disregard of, 41–42, 49

democracy aimed at curbing of, 161

development resources and, 13, 44, 95 188, 194–196


as enabled by inapproachability, 26–27, 29, 35

as enabled by Western governments, 27, 181–83, 189, 195, 204

as human rights issue, 101

in Hungary, 24

impact of natural disasters compounded by, 186

insurgency linked to, 6–7, 29, 36–37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 63–64, 71, 151–52, 155, 184

by intermediaries, 15, 29, 37, 158

in Ireland, 205–6

in medical systems, 128

militant religion as alternative or reaction to, 64, 75, 174, 180, 181–183

in military, 72, 81–82

national security and, 6–7, 14–15, 16–17, 18–19, 43, 189, 203

physical ecosystems damaged by, 186

by police,
police corruption

in the pre-Reformation Catholic church, 133, 174–77, 179, 181, 218

purchase of office and, 165, 175

as threatening topic, 148

treated as secondary by policy-makers, 140, 144

types of, 145–46

see also
anticorruption efforts; government corruption

trade-offs and, 202–4

cotton, 107
, 113–15, 216

Cotton Campaign, 114, 115

Council on Foreign Relations, 136

counterinsurgency, 30, 40, 139, 155

counternarcotics, 52, 64–65

counterterrorism, 68, 72, 185, 196

Crimea, 192

cumin, 33

customs, 5, 73, 95–96, 98, 110

Dale, Catherine, 136

Danone, 93

Daoud, Daoud, 64

data collection, 41, 46–47

dates (fruit), 97

Davy, John, 108

Deeper Life Bible Church, 132

Defense Department, U.S. (Pentagon), 37, 67, 92, 145, 146, 183

defense funding, 186

Delaware, 23

democracy, 24, 69, 79

argument for, 167

foundations of, 161

Democratic Action for Good Governance, 134

development aid,
corruption, development resources and; foreign aid

Diab, Osama, 84, 86

Diet of Worms, 176

“Directed Telescopes” (Petraeus civilian adviser team), 136–41, 144, 149

divine right monarchy, 10, 157, 158–60, 162, 170, 237

Dobbins, James, 225

drone warfare, 155

Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. (DEA), 49, 110, 140

drug trafficking, 51, 52, 64, 65–66, 110, 140, 151, 185

Dubai, 59, 109

Dutch Protestants, 161, 178, 181, 183

Dutch Republic, 162, 178

Dutch Revolt, 157–161, 178–180

dye roots, 34

EAFA, 33

economic inequality, 18, 70–71, 83–84, 169–70, 186

Great Recession of 2008, 205, 207, 208, 209


2008 meltdown of,
Great Recession of 2008

impact of corruption on, 186

in Egypt, 79–80, 81, 82

in Iceland, 207–8

in Ireland, 205–6

military involvement in (Egypt), 79–80, 81, 82, 83

in Nigeria, 122–25

opium, 65

in Tunisia, 93–96, 215,

Edict of Abjuration, 160

education, 11, 128, 217

Western, 119, 129

Education of a Christian Prince
(Erasmus), 17, 70

Edward III, King of England, 16–17, 36, 92, 114, 143

Egypt, 32, 77, 78–90, 92, 97–98, 110, 175, 207, 209, 226

2011 revolution in, 67–68, 85, 89–90, 99

bribery in, 85, 87

elections in, 99

judicial system in, 86, 87–88

kleptocratic system(s) in, 214

land grabbing in, 81, 94

manufacturing in, 79–81, 124

military dictatorship in, 78, 79–83, 197

military tolerated in, 79–81, 115

national identity of, 82

police corruption in, 87–88

Salafi movement in, 89, 99

soft state of, 88

Egyptian Business Development Association, 85

Egyptian crony-capitalist network, 89, 93, 214, 226

corruption in, 83–85, 86–87

factories bought and sold by, 84–85

laws changed by, 86, 98

privatization and, 84–85

see also
Mubarak, Gamal

Egyptian government, 78–90

corruption in, 78, 83–84, 89–90

as criminal organization, 88–89

see also
Egyptian military; Mubarak, Hosni

Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, 83, 86

Egyptian military, 89, 90, 197, 214

benefits for, 81–82

corruption in, 81–82

economic involvement of, 79–80, 81, 82

factories of, 79–80

land grabbing by, 81

manufacturing overseen by, 79–81

propaganda of, 82

as valuable to community, 82–83, 89

Egyptian Republic, 82

elections, 169

multiparty, 20

in Nigeria, 125–26

elections, Afghan:

of 2009, 40–42, 54, 60

monitoring of, 41, 42

Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 9, 161–62

el-Fassi, Abbas, 72

el-Khattat, Ehab, 98

el-Kishk, Muhammad, 79, 82

el-Materi, Sakhr, 74

el-Shewy, Mohamed, 83–84

el-Zoghbi, Randa, 84

English Civil War, 162–168

English Republic, 178

ENI, 124

Enlightenment, 170

Ennahda, 99

Ennouri, Imed, 74, 94

environment, 186, 207

Erasmus, Desiderius, 17–18, 46, 70–71, 74, 86, 157

Europe, 51, 156, 209

Enlightenment in, 170

Protestantism in, 158

European Command, U.S., 64

European Union, 76, 202

“Everyone’s in on the Game:” Corruption and Human Rights Abuses in the Nigeria Police Force,

executions, 160

exploitation, 15–16, 24, 26–27, 35, 97, 162, 177

extortion, 12, 74, 98, 140–41, 175

by churches, 174–77, 179, 218

see also
bribes, bribery

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, 202

extremism, 66, 75, 90, 117, 140, 204

corrupt intermediaries linked to, 29, 37

economic malaise as fuel for, 44

government corruption as driver of, 7, 41, 64, 69, 89, 184

Islamist, 119, 180

militant, 184

Protestant, 178
, 180

religious, 66, 69, 117, 125, 172–83, 184

violent, 7, 66, 83
, 117, 119, 172–83, 184

see also
insurgency, insurgents

Fahim, Muhammad Qasim, 61

Farah, province of, 22

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 49, 141, 193

Federalists, 169, 170

Ferghana Valley, 102–7, 116, 117

Andijan massacre in, 103–5, 116, 117, 160

religious conservatism in, 102–3, 117

Ferguson, Charles, 210

Field Manual 3–24, 138–39

Fischer-Daly, Matt, 114, 115

Florence, republic of, 8–9

Flynn, Michael, 42, 55, 56

Force de l’obéissance, La
The Force of Obedience
) (Hibou), 93

forced labor, 113–14

foreign aid, 43–44, 76, 198

as captured by kleptocratic rulers, 13, 194, 198

contracts for, 194–95

corruption as problem of, 188

as exacerbating local conflict, 43–44

monitoring and evaluation of, 195

reimbursement requirements for, 187, 195

See also
corruption, development resources and; humanitarian aid

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 149, 187, 193

Foster, Stephen, 52–53, 55, 56, 141

FRAGO (fragmentary operations order), 47

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