Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon

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Thin Ice 3: Armageddon





KR Bankston


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The work is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2009 KR Bankston. All rights reserved.


The views expressed in this work are solely those of the Author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


Sitting bolt upright in bed, blinking away the terror and sweating profusely, Ian took in his surroundings assuring himself he was still a free man.

Here,” Gabrielle said softly materializing almost out of no where.

Thank you,” he replied taking the pills from her hand and swallowing them.

Ian hated having to still take the medication but he wasn’t strong enough to stop yet, soon though he would.

I didn’t mean to wake you,” Ian offered as Gabrielle smiled and dismissed his apology. “It ain’t a problem,” she replied the Cajun drawl thick, flowing from her lips.

Rising and leaving him alone, Ian once more lay back on his pillows and breathed deeply allowing his mind to drift. He’d been out of the hospital for almost a year. Teresa Alder was a lifesaver and Ian was forever indebted to her. She had doggedly pursued and won audience with the major stockholders in the hospital, shedding light on all the unscrupulous and inhumane practices going on. Teresa had also managed to get her hands on the personal financial records of both the Director and Administrator bringing the stockholder’s attention to several large financial windfalls the two had received but not shared with those they were in place to represent.

Once the wheels were put in motion, things happened in a flurry of activity around Cardale Mental Hospital. There were several arrests and indictments handed down and though the scandal should have made the front page, it caused merely a slight ripple in the back of the local newspapers metro section. Ian was released three months after the scandal rocked the hospital. Confessing to Teresa that he really had nowhere to go and no one who cared, she made a call, and her cousins showed up shortly afterward. The introduction to Seth and Peyton DuBois was the best thing that could have happened, Ian now mused. The three immediately hit it off and Teresa entrusted Ian to their care. After a few drinks upon his arrival, and meeting their sister, Gabrielle, secrets became common knowledge and Ian knew he’d found the beginning to regaining his former glory. Seth and Peyton dealt in stolen goods, but not common street appliances or junk. They dealt in high end computer equipments, security system equipment and other high profit commodities. They told Ian all about their contact in St. Louis, but that he’d been killed a few years earlier.

Ian asked who was supplying them now that their contact, Freight, was dead.
“You know how it goes, Ice,” Peyton replied using the street name as Ian asked. “One of his boys stepped in, shit just kept rollin’ on.”
He was the brains behind the operation with his brother. Seth was good people, but he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. He was deadly though, and that made him an invaluable asset as far as Ian was concerned. A big man at 6”10” he was gangly but stronger than an ox. He had deep brooding eyes that always seemed to be looking through you as he regarded you. Peyton was the pretty boy of the crew, 6’6”, well built, with muscular arms. He was a smooth talker who mesmerized the ladies with his natural blue grey eyes. Ian had seen at least five different women, in as many days, accompany him home and willingly give him what he wanted from them. Ian told them about his operation, about his ending up at Cardale and about the revenge he wanted to exact.
“You need us to front you some money,” Peyton had asked amiably.
Ian thanked him for his generosity but he had money of his own. One thing he and Ryan never were was stupid. They’d set up four very private accounts under assumed names and social security numbers of dead relatives or associates. They were each other’s beneficiaries assuring the money would go where it was supposed to.

Ian had immediately claimed the monies and set up new accounts. He, along with Peyton and Seth, began to plot his revenge.
Now if I could just get rid of these damned nightmares,
Ian thought as his eyes began to grow heavy from the sedative. He didn’t have them nearly as frequently, but definitely more times than he’d like. They were always the same thing. He was strapped to the huge metal table, electrodes attached to his head, heart, legs, and groin. He could hear the laughter as he struggled against the restraints, eyes big with fear, knowing what was coming next. Ian frowned deeply, awake, but still hating being powerless; even in his sleep. He could see Tariq standing at the switch, white lab coat on, gloating as his finger drifted to the switch.
“Watch this baby,” Tariq said laughingly as he pushed the button and the currents raced through Ian’s body.
Screaming from the pain, Ian’s glance fell on Kaitlyn as she watched him, expressionless.
“KiKi, baby, please, help me,” Ian begged pitifully as Tariq sent yet another wave of electricity through his body.
Just as before with each nightmare, she’d turned away and walked out of the room without a word. Sighing deeply Ian shut his eyes as he allowed the drug induced sleep to take him. His final waking thought, getting to Atlanta and taking back what was his.


“He alright?” Seth asked Gabrielle after she returned from Ian’s room.

Yeah, another dream,” she said simply as her brother grunted.

You know it ain’t gonna ever happen right,” he said never taking his eyes off her.

Gabrielle smiled sadly but said nothing as her brother continued to eat his chocolate pudding.

What you two doing up,” Peyton asked as he came into the kitchen where they sat, grabbing two beers, alerting the others he had company again.

Are you at least strapping’ up with all these sluts, Peyton, damn,” Gabrielle threw out, angry that her brother was such a whore.

Their parents had been good people. Simple folk who lived a simple Cajun life, but they’d taught them morals.

Gabrielle don’t start that bullshit tonight,” Peyton threw back his temper flaring.

He was a hothead and it was Seth who usually kept order between the two.

I’m a young man, and I like pussy, so what’s the problem,” he told her bluntly as she sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes at him, walking out of the kitchen.

You shouldn’t talk to her like that,” Seth told him calmly eating his pudding still.

Peyton gave him a look but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t stupid. Seth might have been slow, but he would have kicked his ass without effort.

“Ice says we’re going to Atlanta this weekend,” Seth told his brother as Peyton smiled brightly.

Well damn, that sounds like fun,” he told his older brother as Seth voiced his acknowledgement and Peyton left the room.

Gabrielle appeared again moments later and returned to her seat.

How’s Corey doing these days,” Seth asked deliberately.

Corey Fontaine was in love with Gabrielle and he could give her a good life. A life far removed from all the illegal stuff they did. Problem was Gabrielle was in love with Ian. She’d been smitten with him from the day they brought him home. Seth had to give the man credit and respect however when he didn’t take advantage of the young woman’s infatuation. Frankly, for a while both he and Peyton wondered if Ian weren’t gay. That quickly changed when he’d told them about Kaitlyn. Seth could tell the man really loved the woman, and after seeing her photo, he understood. She was beautiful. Of course he kept that opinion to himself. It wasn’t good business to let your new partner know you were attracted to the woman he loved.

He’s fine I guess,” Gabrielle returned breaking his thought and bringing Seth back to now.

Why won’t you give that man a real chance, Gabrielle,” he asked giving her a new look.

Sighing deeply she again chose not to answer, instead rising and bidding her brother good night as she left him once again alone.

Seth thought about the trip to Atlanta this weekend and wondered what they were going for.
I wonder if we’ll see her,
he thought of Kaitlyn. The thought warmed his heart as he smiled inwardly. Seth was well aware of everyone’s opinion of him, that he was slow and didn’t quite get it. He smiled again thinking how very wrong they all were and how surprised they were going to be once he decided to enlighten them. His cell rang and broke his thoughts once more as he saw Voncile’s name on the ID.

Hey girl,” he greeted her pleasantly.

Voncile was his flame for the time being. She was good in bed and he enjoyed her immensely when they were together. Voncile told him she was fine and to come on over. Seth mulled it over for a moment. Going to see Voncile was an hour’s drive and he’d have to stay overnight.

You can stay over,” she told him, reading his mind.

Who else is there,” he asked, knowing she usually had a girlfriend or two visiting.

Just me and Drina,” Voncile replied.

Seth smiled wider at the mention of her girlfriend’s name. Drina was sexy as hell and he loved looking at her on the sly when he was with Voncile.

OK, I’m on my way,” he replied still smiling and picking up his keys from the table, walking out of the front door.


Gabrielle watched him as he slept admiring his sexy physique. Sighing softly she thought of how in love with Ian she was, and how in love he was with someone else.
What the hell does she have, that I don’t,
Gabrielle thought longingly. Ian stirred slightly as the covers slid down exposing his barreled chest and abs. Gabrielle lustily took him in, unconsciously licking her lips as she touched her breast.

Just once,” she murmured rising and taking off her robe, naked underneath.

Gabrielle slid carefully under the covers and snuggled closer to Ian, assured he wouldn’t wake due to the sedation. Her hands smoothly glided over his creamy caramel skin, enjoying each and every ripped mound she touched. She stroked his face gently and stole a sweet, gentle kiss as Ian continued to sleep, undisturbed.
I’m the one for you Ice,
Gabrielle thought as she continued to lay with him and enjoy his warmth. She knew Seth wanted her to settle down and be with someone who wasn’t in the game, but Gabrielle wanted a Kingpin. She wanted to be a kept woman who never worked, who never struggled, and who had the world handed to her on a silver platter. Ian was the man who had the ability to give it to her.

Too bad he’s not even thinking about you like that,
her mind reminded her, brutally ending the fantasy. Ian unexpectedly shifted and awakened feeling the body next to him.

Brie, what the hell,” he told her jumping from the bed and giving her a bewildered expression.

Gabrielle smiled slightly at the nickname. She loved it and only Ian was allowed to call her that. They’d tried years ago to call her Gabby but she absolutely abhorred it and made them stop. From that day to this everyone called her by her full name.

I didn’t mean any harm,” she replied sweetly never taking her eyes from his own. “I just wanted to make sure you were all right,” Gabrielle finished, rising from the bed as Ian quickly turned his head.

Sighing deeply, she tied the robe around herself again and walked over to him.

What’s wrong with me,” she asked, the hurt mirrored in her face.

Ian sighed deeply, not wanting to hurt her feelings, but needing her to give up.

You’re not KiKi,” he said simply as Gabrielle’s jaw clenched and she turned striding out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

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