Read This Broken Beautiful Thing Online

Authors: Sophie Summers

This Broken Beautiful Thing (23 page)

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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A few hours later, after all the pushing and squeezing of Jesse and Brent hands I hear the first cry from my baby girl. They
place her in my arms as Brent and Jesse bend over to have a look at her. She is the spitting image of her father and I wouldn’t have it any other way even if it means I’m reminded of him every second of the day. She has a mop of black straight hair and although her eyes are dark blue which is usual for new born babies, I have a feeling her eyes will eventually be as green as her daddy’s. The similarities between Jace and Caleb are scary and I guess people would think that this was indeed Jace’s child if they never met Caleb but I know she can only be Caleb’s.

“She’s beautiful Harley.” Brent says
softly placing his finger on hers and she clutches it immediately.

She looks a lot like you sweetie.” Jesse says kissing my forehead.

“No…she’s the spitting image of her daddy. She’s perfect.” I smile down and kiss her soft
cheek, she immediately stops crying and looks up at me as if she trying to get her eyes to focus. She’s quiet and no longer crying.

I reluctantly let the nurse take her away to get cleaned up and the boys give me a few minutes so that the doctor can clean me up too. I can’t wait to have her in my arms again, I can sit and look at her for hours on end.

After another hour, I’m sitting comfortably in my bed anxiously waiting for my baby as the boys sit on either side of me chatting to each other about how cute she was and how scary the experience was. I’m exhausted but I just want my girl in my arms.

The nurse brings her in a
nd the sound of her cries cause a pain in my heart. As soon as I hold her close to my chest over my heartbeat she stops crying and I smile.

Dear thing knows who her mother is.” The nurse smiles then asks the boys to sit on the other side of the curtain so she can show me how to breastfeed.

After my little girl has been fed
the nurse allows the boys back in as I continue to stare at the bundle sleeping in my arms. I brush my finger up and down her soft little nose then watch as her little hands move around in her sleep. I put my finger near her left one and she immediately clutches it.

“You have a name for her yet?”  Brent whispers careful not to wake her.

“Willow.” I say smiling down at her.

When I was about
seven, Caleb won me a teddy bear at the fair. He told me that I would never have to be alone again. I don’t know what caused us to name it Willow but we did and I thought the name fit my daughter perfectly. I’d always have her, she’d always be mine and I’d be hers…I’ll never be alone again…

Watching her little body sleeping in my arms, I don’t care about how exhausted I am, how my body hurts or that there is a loud commotion going on outside my room.

The door opens but I can’t keep my eyes off Willow.

“Aw my baby girl…we’re too late. I’m so sorry we didn’t make it in time.” I hear my dad’s voice as he closes the door.

“You’re not late…you’re just in time…” I say smiling at my baby.

He comes closer and I look up just in time to see his big smile as he looks down at Willow, Anna comes in and she just stands there staring at us with tears in her eyes. They’re both speechless.

“Willow, meet your granny & grandpa…” I say to the baby in my arms and she starts to stir. Her eyes open and my dad steps closer ignoring both Brent and Jesse who are sitting on the other side of the room. I reluctantly hand her over to my father. He’s quiet but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile this hard before.

“A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He says through a thick voice and I look up to see te
ars rolling down his cheeks. He’s crying.

“Don’t cry daddy.” I smile as he holds my daughter so gently in his big leather clad arms.

“Tears of joy baby girl, tears of joy… I’m so damn proud of you. You made this beautiful girl…she’s perfect Harley.” He says and eventually he passes Willow off to Anna who is sobbing like a baby. Willow doesn’t cry only moves her eyes around taking in the people surrounding her.

sits on the comfy chair next to my bed and holds willow to her chest staring down at her.

“I’m so sorry we were late baby.” He says kiss my

“It’s okay daddy. I wasn’t alone.” I tell him looking to the two quiet boys in the corner.

This gets his attention and dad looks at Jesse and smiles then looks at Brent and frowns.

“Who you?” he grunts.

“I’m Brent sir, Harley and I went to High School together and I’ve basically known her since pre-school.” Brent says smiling at me. I can see how exhausted the two boys are but none of them want to leave my side.

Then my father does the last thing I expect him to
, he walks up to Brent and I watch as Brent takes a step back not knowing what my father is about to do. My intimidating father pulls his hand out to shake Brent’s then pulls him in for a man-hug. Brent smiles at me over dads shoulder then winks.

“Thanks for looking after my
girls son, you ever need something…you call me, okay?” Dad says firmly.

“Yes sir…thanks.” Brent says nervously.

“No…no sir here, the name’s Grimm.” Dad says then he turns his attention over to Jesse and does the same routine.

He comes back up to me
just as Anna places a sleeping Willow into the little baby bed trolley the nurse brought in earlier. I wrap the blanket over her and run my fingers over her little beanie the nurse put on her.

After an hour my father forces
Jesse and Brent to go home to shower and eat something since they’ve been there since I arrived at the hospital and we were all exhausted. The nurse took Willow away and even though I told my father and Anna they could go home they wouldn’t leave me alone and I was grateful.

Waking up the next
day, my body is exhausted but I’m feeling a lot better. Touching my flatter stomach I kind of miss the feeling of having my baby inside of me where I could protect her from the big bad world. The nurse woke me up a couple times to feed Willow but I fell back asleep straight after they took her away again.

Dad just walked in the door as the nurse handed me Willow again. The Doctor came and checked on me and told me that I was lookin
g good and so was the baby. She asked if I wanted to stay another night and I told her I’d much rather go home as soon as I can. She said I would be able to leave this evening as long as I had someone there to look after Willow and I and Anna said she would be with me.

“What’s all that noise outside? Idiots are going to wake the baby up.” Dad
grumbles walking towards the door. Anna goes home to get my apartment ready for me and the baby.

I look down at Willow, whose eyes are wide open. “You’re already awake aren’t you baby
girl.” I say softly to her and she lets out a flow of incoherent mumbles and I laugh.

I continue to talk to her while I hear my father
chuckling at something someone outside my room says and I watch as I see the arms of another big guy give my dad a hug then pat his back.

I hear my dad chuckling then I watch as Jace walks into the room with a large bouquet of flowers.

I turn my attention back to the baby, if I was in my right mind right now I would ask him to leave but I’m so high off the feeling of having my baby in my arms I probably wouldn’t care if Ashley had to walk in right now.

Jace comes up to me and places the flowers on the table next to me. He gives me a one arm hug over the bed then kisses my head. I don’t
return the hug but continue to stare at Willow praying my dad won’t leave us alone but then I hear the door click, knowing he did just that.

“I wanted to be in there with you but Hunter
kinda knocked me out after he told me you were in hospital. I’m so sorry Harley…I’m sorry for everything.” He says through a deep rough voice.

“Jace…let’s not do this now…I just want to enjoy this moment…please.” I say looking up to him and noticing his sad beautiful eyes have tears flowing from them. He wipes them away then finally acknowledges Willow. He bursts out crying and then starts chuckling. I look at him not sure what to make of it but he has a huge grin on his face as he wipes the fallen tears with the back of his hand.

“She’s beautiful baby…she’s perfect.” He says placing his index finger that has the silver club emblem ring on it over her little hand, Willows quick to latch onto it then she starts making her usual baby sounds. Jace and I both start laughing.

“Jace meet Willow.” I say looking up to his happy face forgetting what he put me through the day before and only focusing on this m
oment with him and my baby girl knowing that whatever Jace and I had before last night will never be the same. My main priority lies in my arms right now and I won’t let him hurt her like he has me.

“Willow…” he repeats in a whisper. “I like that.

“You want to hold her?” I ask him and watch as his face whips up to look at me as if in shock.

“You’d let me hold her?” he sounds surprised.

“If you want to?” I smile at him.

“I’d  love to, just show me how.” He says, I slide my body slowly and he helps me so that my feet are hanging off the side of the bed then move over to the double seater comfy couch next to the bed.

“Sit here. I’ll hand her to you.” I say motioning for him to sit on the couch.

I gently hand her over and tell him where to put his hands. I sit next to them and watch as big scary Jace holds my baby so gently and carefully in his arms.

“You’re such a
beautiful girl Willow, just like your momma. Your mom did an amazing job baby girl, I’m so proud of her… just wish I wasn’t such a f….uh….naughty boy so that I would’ve been here for mommy when she brought you into the world….” He says in the gentlest tone I’ve ever heard from him. As I hear the door being opened I quickly wipe away a tear before he can see. I watch as my father comes in with a smiling Hunter.

“Harley, you have another visitor.” Dad smiles obviously out of the loop about what happened the previous day with the three of us.

I look up at Hunter and he gives me a sad smile as he kneels in front of me, Jace is so fixated on Willow he doesn’t bother to look away from her.

I look back at Hunter in front of me and he
whispers, “I’m so sorry Princess, for everything. You should have called me. I would have been here for you.”

“I know Hunt but at the moment
, after what happened I didn’t know who to call. I felt so betrayed. I still do.” I say looking down at the little package he’s carrying.

He pulls me in for a hug but is careful to be gentle with me even though I don’t hurt that much due to the various meds I’ve been given. He whispers in my ear, “I will never lie to you again…from now on you come first…club second. Family is more important.”

“Thank you.” I say pulling away from him. I know how important the club is to him and how he sees it as his family because he never had one. I know how hard that must be for him to tell me something like that and mean it.

“Jace and I bought the kid something.” Hunter s
ays handing me the pink gift bag.

I open it and feel
cotton, pulling out the material I see a little pink beanie along with other baby clothes. I open the beanie to see the words M
y Mommy is the Best!
I laugh and shake my head as I look at the next article of clothing. It’s a little jacket, the material is so soft but it’s a replica of Jace’s club jacket. It even has a mini club patch on the back with a black matching beanie with the words
Devils Grimm Property
written on it.

“I love it guys,
thanks so much.” I hug Hunter then give Jace a half a hug due to our position.

“Let’s see how this looks…” I say pulling off Willows current
yellow beanie.

check out all that hair! Little Mohawk too.” Jace says looking down at Willow as she makes funny sounds.

are you sure you two didn’t hook up before the crash? Swear that kid looks like you.” Hunter says and I smack his arm.

Jace chuckles but doesn’t say anything.

Opening my apartment door with Willow cuddled tight to my chest I’m surprised to see Brent and Jesse sitting by the kitchen table laughing and chatting with Anna. I hear Hunter grunt as he notices Brent and Jace just looks at him confused.

“Brent don’t you
want to help me quick.” He quickly rushes and takes Willow from my arms and we walk to her room.

Once we
enter the room I shut the door. “Is that other dude, the mean looking one, Jace?” he whispers as he gently places her in her crib.

“Yeah that’s why I wanted to talk to you. I know you Brent and I know you probably want to have a chat with him about what he did but
I’m asking you not to.” I say looking up to him.

“Harley how
could you even let him into your home after what he did to you? Someone needs to confront him about the way he’s been treating you.” Brent says in an angry whisper.

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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