Read Those Red High Heels Online

Authors: Katherine May

Tags: #red high heels, #comedy, #contemporary, #romance, #romantic comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #dog

Those Red High Heels (11 page)

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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We sat in silence on the boat as our ancestors disappeared into the horizon. That day had been one of the best yet here in New York. I was falling in love with this city more and more every day. Even though I had moments of feeling as if I didn’t fit into this lifestyle, I had hope that I would continue to adapt.

“Emma, I really enjoyed today. Thank you for letting me be your tour guide,” Greyson said as he continued to gaze at the New York harbor. I thought that maybe our conversation was over until we docked, but Greyson continued on. “I don’t have a lot of women who are friends in my life, but I would like to do something like this again. Just as friends.” He was so quiet; I could barely hear him. I’d been given the friend card, which was okay with me. Having a guy like Greyson Lyons as a friend was definitely a mark in the pro column.

“I like the sound of that, Greyson. I had a wonderful time, and maybe you can show me the Empire State Building next time?”

“Sounds perfect.”

The rest of our trip back to Manhattan was filled with light chatting about our upbringings and how we both each came to be where we were. I told him about growing up on a farm in Illinois, which surprisingly intrigued him. He told me about being brought up in private schools, elite clubs, and how he really didn’t have a chance to have your typical childhood. He also mentioned he was lucky to have the life he had, and intended to use all of his resources to the fullest. I was surprised that Nora’s name didn’t come up once. I was trying to hint around to their situation, but I could tell right away that he didn’t want to talk about her anymore. Greyson was so down to earth and borderline perfect, but a part of me knew that a friendship was all we would ever have. I kept telling myself repeatedly, this was how it needed to be, and I was okay with it.

The truth was, the more I was around Greyson, the harder I was falling. It was stupid, and childish, but I didn’t know any woman who would be able to resist those baby blues, and especially the man who came with them.




Our car ride back to the hustle and bustle of Manhattan was quick, although Greyson did try to sneak my book out of my purse a few times. I ended up sitting on the damn thing so he couldn’t swipe my ammunition. He mentioned the meeting for
Stolen Ivory
a few more times, which made a huge ball of excitement and nervousness roll together in the pit of my stomach. If I did a killer job with my first account, I’d be sitting on top of the world.

When we finally arrived at Brynn and Collin’s building, Greyson walked me to the door. I didn’t really know what to do when we were saying goodbye, so when he leaned in to give me a small hug, I was already sticking my hand out looking for a friendly handshake. We ended up in a weird side-hug-hand-shake combination, which earned me a small laugh and a headshake from Greyson as he walked back to his car. However, we did have one of those movie moments when he turned back around as he reached for the handle on his car, and I turned around before my fingers grazed the front door. We smiled again, and as I shut the door behind me, I couldn’t escape the feeling that if I was going to be friends with Greyson Lyons, I wouldn’t come out of it with a whole heart.

I hadn’t planned on it being so late in the evening when I returned to Brynn’s penthouse apartment, and as I looked at the view of the New York City skyline out of their floor to ceiling windows, I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to get over the amount of money they had. Brynn and I had grown up together in our small Illinois farming town. We both came from families with enough money to get by comfortably, but not enough to have our own penthouse in Manhattan. I was proud of my best friend, not just for securing such a lovely life, but for being a talented screenwriter and finding a job, she enjoyed every day.

I thought Brynn and Collin were out, because I didn’t hear any noise or voices when I first walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Just as I was turning around, getting ready to take my glass to my room and call it a night, Collin walked out of his bedroom holding a towel around his waist. I wasn’t expecting to see anyone, so the scream that flew out of my mouth not only sent my water glass flying across the kitchen, but it startled Collin, sending his towel propelling to the floor.

When I caught a glimpse of Collin’s goods, I let out another yelp and covered my mouth and squinted my eyes shut, trying to compose myself and will the thought out of my head that I had just caught a glimpse of my best friends fiancé’s package.

Collin also let out a loud, “Shit!” and reached down, I’m assuming, to grab his towel. Brynn must have heard our encounter because a few seconds later she was running into the kitchen, only to hit Collin’s towel, sending her falling to the floor making her own towel fall off.

I opened my eyes and caught the whole show. Collin covering himself, trying to reach down to help Brynn stand back up. Brynn was caught so off guard she didn’t know what was happening, and was trying to get her footing and stand back up so she could cover her naked body with the towel Collin had picked up.

Brynn finally stood up and wrapped her towel around her body, while Collin did the same. We stood and stared at each other for a minute before I said, “Maybe it’s time I find my own apartment.”

We all three let out a nervous laugh and looked around at each other. Brynn spoke first. “I’m going to get dressed. I’ll come say goodnight, okay?”

I started to pick up the small pieces of glass that were now scattered across the entire kitchen. “Okay, and I’m so sorry for scaring you guys. Really, I didn’t know you were home.” I blushed again at the thought of seeing Collin’s junk, but then focused on the sharp glass that I was placing in my hand so I didn’t end up adding blood to our crime scene.

Collin excused himself as well, and after I was 99% sure I had found every shard of glass, I made my way to my wing of the apartment. I loved staying here with Collin and Brynn, but I also didn’t want to overstay my welcome. They weren’t just welcoming, they embraced my stay with open arms and spoiled me rotten. I thought about what apartments I would be able to afford, and that definitely put me out of Manhattan. I could possibly live in Brooklyn or Queens and commute every day. I would fit in with the majority at least.

When I was slipping into bed with my next Sophia Kinsella novel, a light knock on my door had me retreating out of bed, and over to my bedroom door. Brynn was on the other side, fully dressed, and had two small glasses of wine in her hand. Did I mention I loved that girl?

“Please quit being so awesome,” I joked and grabbed one of the wine glasses out of her hand. “I’m so sorry I startled you and Collin earlier.”

Brynn let out a small laugh and walked into my room. She sat down on one of the accent chairs, and motioned for me to sit on the other. “You have to admit that if we had caught that on tape, it would have been a winner on AFV, right?”

America’s Funniest Home Videos was one of our favorite shows to watch when we were kids. Hell, I’d bet we would still get a kick out of the show today. “It would have been a grand-prize winner, for sure. Well, without the nudity,” I said with a laugh and winked over at her.

Brynn blushed a little and took a sip of her wine. “I can’t believe you saw Collin’s penis.”

I let out a loud laugh at that. Brynn hated the word penis. She didn’t particularly like any word associated with a man’s private area, so whenever I heard her say anything that was regarding a penis it made me laugh. “I know. It was very awkward if it makes you feel any better?”

“A little, but isn’t it beautiful?”

I spit out a little wine at that comment and wiped my mouth. “What?” I asked trying to get my breath back.

“His, you know, isn’t it one of the best you’ve ever seen?” She hid a little behind her wine glass.

“I’m not really a good judge of what makes a cock beautiful.” Brynn also hates when I say the word
, which is why I sneak it in any chance I get. In fact, I love sending her pictures of random roosters and adding the word cock. It’s great fun. “I was in shock. I closed my eyes right away.”

“But, you saw it? Right?”

I knew I needed to say what she was fishing for. “I did, and in my experience he does have a very good looking cock. Well done.”

I saw Brynn cringe again when she heard the ‘c’ word, but then beamed at my comment. I loved seeing my best friend so happy.

“So, tell me about your day? I texted you like fifty times and you only respond with, ‘It’s going good. Talk to you later.’ What the hell was up with that?”

I stood up to retrieve my cell phone and opened my recent texts. “You actually texted me seventeen times, and the last ones were so shouty that I almost blocked you. You always texted right when we were hearing something really interesting.”

“Can you blame me? I get a call from Cade saying he has to head back early to California, so Collin and I meet him at the airport to say goodbye. He then mentions that Greyson was now taking you to Ellis Island. I knew I must have misheard him because Greyson Lyons going to Ellis Island would be like Cher singing at a straight man’s convention.” I let out a laugh at that one, but didn’t distract her. “So, what I need to know is how it came about that you and Greyson ended up going together?”

I had to think back for a minute to all the pieces being in place that resulted in Greyson and me ending up on our outing together. I started at the beginning and told Brynn how we ran into him and Nora at Le Coupole, and that Cade casually invited them to tag along.

Brynn put her hand up to interrupt me when I got to the part where Greyson seemed excited about accompanying us. “Wait, Greyson actually seemed excited about it? Emma, I have known Greyson for a few years now, and I have only seen him get excited about big scores at work. I bet he hasn’t said twenty words to me about anything he has done for ‘fun.’ He’s all business, and from what I’ve heard and seen is damn good at it, but his extracurricular appearance always seems so serious.”

“I know; that’s why I thought it was strange. The Greyson you described to me was not the man I was with today. We had a blast, Brynn. He even tried to steal my purse to get a peek at the ending of
Stolen Ivory
. I won, of course, and ended up on his lap.” My cheeks started to burn as I mentally tried to retract that last statement.

Brynn’s eyebrows shot up and she gave me a mischievous grin. “You ended up on his lap?”

I rolled my eyes at her and playfully swatted at her arm, which almost made her spill her wine. “It wasn’t like that. I was talking to him about the book, you know, because he’s going to pitch a marketing plan to us next week, and I was maybe being a little ornery because he hadn’t heard about the end. He apparently really wanted to know and tried to steal it out of my purse. I ended up on his lap in an attempt to keep him from snatching the book away.”

Brynn made a soft mm-hmm sound. “Well, whatever it was, I like to hear Greyson is loosening up a little. I’ve always thought he is too wound up. I knew it would be good for him to be around you.”

“Really? Well, we have established that we had a great time today, and that we should do it again. As friends.” I purposely punctuated the last few words. I could see Brynn working up a concoction in her head.

“Well, that’s perfect because Collin and I had something come up tomorrow at work. An extra in his new movie has the flu, and I guess it’s a part that they absolutely need. Instead of calling a new actress, I’m standing in. It’s small and I only say one line, but I’m excited.”

I loved that she was happy, but continued looking at her knowing there was a point to this story. “And ...”

“We have an appointment tomorrow with a local band that’s amazing. I can’t reschedule because they usually book up at least a year in advance, and I really, really want them. I need you to go for me. You and Greyson.”

I looked at her suspiciously and stared her down for a few seconds before answering her. “Why me and Greyson? Why can’t I go by myself?”

Brynn stood up and waved her hand at me, dismissing what she thought could only be a silly question. “Oh, it’ll be fine. The appointment is at 2:00 p.m., so you’ll have the morning to check out your new apartment.”

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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