Read Those Red High Heels Online

Authors: Katherine May

Tags: #red high heels, #comedy, #contemporary, #romance, #romantic comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #dog

Those Red High Heels (15 page)

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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When I finally found Melissa, we talked about what she was going to read. She decided on the scene where the three main friends find their villa torn to shreds, with bodies and carnage everywhere. It was a very graphic and powerful scene, but it also set up the perfect picture of when Ivory was taken.

“I think this is the perfect part to read. Please find me if you need anything. There are also tons of Purple Moon people lurking around, so just holler. We are at your demand.” I gave her a little wink and told her good luck.

The rest of the party was like any other fancy business event I had been to since I had moved to the city. It seemed like if you really wanted to get dolled up every weekend, there was some kind of event, or gathering, or celebration on the small island. I fully understood why they called it the city that never sleeps.

When I looked at my phone and noticed that the party would soon be coming to an end, I was a little sad Greyson hadn’t even made a small appearance. I also didn’t see his father, Pierce, or the lovely Nora Mathews. I guessed a part of me was relieved, and it made me more determined to find a new man. I was even willing just to have a little fun, which was so not like me.

I decided I would find the ladies’ room, before heading back to my apartment, and as I walked up a flight of beautiful glass stairs, I noticed a small balcony off to the right. The air was cool, and it felt fabulous against my skin. I changed my mind and thought a breath of fresh air was needed much more than the restroom, and when I stepped onto the platform overlooking my new beautiful city, I took in a deep breath and felt my body relax. The wine I had been drinking was flowing through my body, giving me enough warmth not to be over taken by the slight breeze.

When I thought I had had enough of a break, I went to turn around and almost let out a scream when I noticed a dark figure leaning against the rail on the other side of the balcony. I must have made him jump, too, because he spun around and I almost witnessed his drink flying down a few floors onto some unsuspecting bystanders.

“Holy shit, you scared me,” I said, grabbing my chest, trying to control my breathing.

When I finally was able to focus again, I found those blue eyes that had been haunting my dreams almost every night for the past three weeks. “Greyson, I didn’t know you were here,” I said quietly, wondering if I was even allowed to say a simple sentence to him.

Greyson stood in his spot, hidden a little in the shadows, and looked over in my direction.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before he finally made a small motion, telling me he wanted me to come over to him. I almost gave into my urge to make a run for it, but for some reason I could tell his mood was different. I could tell he needed me.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I walked slowly over to the secluded corner he was standing in.

“I’m taking a small break from the party. I’m sorry I didn’t say hello when I arrived. I was not supposed to be here tonight, but my father wasn’t able to make it. We both decided one of us needed to be here, so here I am. Nora had another engagement, so it’s just me.”

A part of me, okay maybe all of me, felt a huge weight of relief that I wouldn’t see the Ice Bitch tonight. She was a whole level of crazy I didn’t want to deal with. I knew I was on her shit list, so staying away from her would be for the best. I was happy to see Greyson, even though his father’s warning was still ringing fresh in my ears. “Oh. Well, I’m glad you came. It’s a great party, and it seems like everyone is ecstatic about the movie deal. I know Purple Moon is, and I’m sure you'll be handling all the marketing that will come with it from Collin and Brynn. It seems like the perfect night.”

Greyson hung his head and took in a few deep breaths. Something seemed off about him, and I wasn’t sure what I needed to do. Stay, or give him some space? “Greyson, I can leave if you were trying to get a minute to yourself. Really, I don’t mind.”

When I was about to turn around and head back inside, Greyson finally said something. “I know my father talked to you about staying away from me, and I’m very sorry about that. I was upset when I found out.”

I just stood before Greyson, not knowing if I should respond. It seemed as though me being a part of his life complicated things for him, but for some reason I also felt like he needed me. No matter the consequence. Before I was even able to make any kind of move, Greyson looked up at me with a pained expression. “Do you ever wonder, Emma, why we do this? What the purpose of all this is? All of this money, all of this ‘power,’ why? Is it really worth it? I barely have any time for anything but work. Hell, I’ve never been allowed to have fun. I’ve been under my father’s damn thumb since the minute I was born. I don’t know anymore, I just don’t know.”

As I looked at this handsome, smart, successful man, I couldn’t help but notice that he was a depressed man. I knew deep down I was a piece to the puzzle that caused this, so I had one thought enter my mind that might help Greyson. At least for one night.

“Let’s get out of here.”

Greyson looked up at me with confused eyes. “What?”

“I mean it, let’s go. You and me. I know the perfect spot, and no one from this party will be there. We can relax, unload, and have fun. What do you say? We can be friends again tonight.”

When Greyson muttered an almost inaudible, “Okay,” I had to repeat the word to make sure I heard him.


“Yes, I need to get out of here.”

Little did I know that he wasn’t talking about the party, he was talking about something much bigger.


















Chapter Fourteen


“Hi, Tony!” I said with probably too much excitement as I hopped in the back of Greyson’s car. Now that I knew exactly which character he was from
The Sopranos
, thanks to Google, I almost felt a little star struck when I saw him. I had run into a few celebrities here and there on the small island, especially with Brynn and Collin in the movie business, but I loved the Sopranos and seeing a character in New York City was really quite cool.

I found Brynn before I left the party, telling her I was tired and would call her later. She said she would pass the word along, and that the party was a big hit. Greyson had slipped out the back, so we could be sly and have our fun night away, without the repercussions from his family.

Tony saluted me as he pulled out onto Bowery Street, heading for my apartment. We’d decided I needed to walk down the street a bit, so I wouldn’t be seen getting into Greyson’s car. For such a big city, it seemed like a small town at times.

“Are you sure you absolutely have to change?” Greyson asked as he eyed my dress.

“You’re kidding, right? Where I’m taking you is definitely not a formal attire kind of place. I’ll stand out like a sore thumb. I’ll only be a minute.” I smiled and patted his leg for reassurance.

I thought I caught a slight eye roll, but I let it slide because I was so excited to show Greyson this wonderful little pub I had found in the East Village. Well, Dexter introduced to me the place. He and I ended up there one day after work when I mentioned I had never been in the East Village.

I would have to dress fast, to make up for the time it took to get to my apartment, and I knew I shocked Greyson when I was back in a flash wearing a cute shirt and leggings, with my favorite high heels.

“I’m impressed, Emma.”

I rolled my eyes at him and told Tony to take us to McCabe's in the East Village. Greyson was quiet most of the drive, so I did most of the talking. I told him about how well things were going with my new job, and I had picked up a few more clients, and before I knew it we were pulling up to McCabe's, one of my new favorite ‘Get out of the Upper East Side’ pubs. The vibe was calm, yet fun. The beer selection was to die for, and the pool tables and shuffleboards took me back to my college days. I still hadn’t convinced Brynn to join me, but I had a feeling the place was exactly what Greyson Lyons needed.

“A pub?” Greyson questioned as we both stepped out of his car and headed for the entrance where Irish music was blasting out any open crevice it could sneak through.

“Not just any pub, the best pub I’ve found on Manhattan. Let’s relax, drink a few beers, and see what tomorrow brings.”

“I really like the sound of that.”

When we entered the pub, luck must have been on our side, because a small table had just become vacant. “Look, that’s perfect,” I said as I motioned for Greyson to follow me to the corner.

“What should we get to drink?” I asked while turning over a drink menu that I found pushed behind some napkins.

“I’ll stick to the usual, Jack and Coke.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head slowly. “No. Nothing ordinary tonight. How about an Irish Car Bomb? It only seems fitting.”

Greyson perked one of his eyebrows up and seemed to think about it for a second. “What the hell, two car bombs.” He stood and headed over to the bar. The young lady who was bartending immediately headed his way with a sly smile. It didn’t matter who you were, when you were around Greyson, you noticed him.

“Here you go,” Greyson said with a click of two glasses. “I haven’t done one of these in a very long time.”

I watched the Guinness foam in the glass and I started to second guess my decision when the smell of whiskey mixed with Baileys burned my nostrils. “I know, flashbacks of college suddenly aren’t looking like the greatest thing to relive.”

Greyson let out a loud laugh and dropped his shot glass into the dark beer. “To forgetting.”

I returned a smile and decided to drop my shot glass in my drink as well. “Forgetting.” Although, my forgetting was probably going to be quite a bit different.

When the cool liquid hit my throat, I instantly felt the contrast of the burn of the whiskey. I’d forgotten how much fun these things were, but also how scary because I never knew if Crazy Emma would come out after shots.

The pub always made me think about how I’d wanted to travel the world someday. I had never been anywhere outside of the United States, and Ireland was number two on my list. “I’m going to visit the real deal someday. It’s number two on my top ten.” I said more to myself, and smiled at the silly list of adventures I was going to take someday.

“What did you say?”

Greyson’s tone took me off guard, and I wondered if I had said something that offended him. I cleared my throat and tried it again. “A real Irish pub. I am going to visit Ireland someday and do a pub crawl, and stay in a castle. I don’t know why, but it’s something I have always wanted to do. I have never found anyone who wants to tag along with me, yet.”

Greyson started to shake his head and shot me a mischievous smile. I thought he might be losing it until he pulled out his phone and swiped it on. “Just a second, I’ve almost got it.” When Greyson flipped his phone around, it didn’t take me long to realize what I was looking at. A top ten list that looked almost identical to mine was staring at me.

“Shut up,” I said as I grabbed his phone from him and started to read his list. “Number two, Irish pub crawl.” I looked back at him with disbelief, and continued reading his list. However, before he let me see anymore, he retrieved his phone and held it out of my reach.

“This is something I have never shown anyone. It’s a list of destinations I have always wanted to travel to, but they’re also places that aren’t appealing to many of my friends. Like, an Irish pub.”

“That’s very interesting, because I have something to show you.” The look on his face was priceless when I showed him my own phone with an almost identical top ten list saved in my notes. I quickly pulled it away, and decided it would be fun to play a little game with our lists. “I have an idea,” I said, grinning at him.

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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