Three Made in Heaven [Made in Heaven] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Three Made in Heaven [Made in Heaven] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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When Maddie switched back to Charlie, he threaded his fingers through her hair, loving the sight and feel of her feasting on his cock. She licked up and down Charlie’s shaft a few times before switching again. When it was Cole’s turn to be inside her mouth, Maddie bent lower to lick and suck his balls. Charlie eagerly anticipated her doing the same to him. He loved having his balls played with.

It seemed though that his little minx wanted to draw their pleasure out. He could tell that Cole was so close by the way his friend gripped the edge of the tub, and apparently, so could Maddie. Instead of finishing him off, she switched back to Charlie. He heard Cole protest incoherently.

Charlie appreciated her ministrations to his balls as much as Cole did. He too was about ready to explode. Maddie switched between them a few more times, using her mouth on one and her hand on the other, before he and Cole finally found their release. Charlie went first, spurting hot liquid down Maddie’s throat, loving her eagerness to swallow every drop. Then Cole shouted his release as he gripped the edge of the bathtub with both hands this time.

“I fucking love your mouth, Maddie!” Charlie cried. “Oh, baby, you are so amazing.” Charlie grabbed Maddie’s face and brought her lips to his for a passionate kiss.


* * * *


When Charlie released her, Cole was waiting to do the same. They both infused their thanks into an impassioned kiss, leaving Maddie breathless and dizzy.

After a few moments of panting, they managed to recover enough to stand on somewhat shaky legs. They quickly rinsed themselves off before turning off the shower and stepping out onto the fluffy rug. Maddie giggled as Charlie and Cole both towel dried her. They shamelessly focused on her most private of parts before moving on to her thick long hair. She loved how they pampered her and thought of a way she could pamper them in return.

Maddie wrapped a towel around her and exited the bathroom with Charlie and Cole following behind her. She released her towel when she stepped into her bedroom and let it pool to the floor. She felt rather than saw their heated gazes and quickly picked up Charlie’s white T-shirt off the floor and threw it on before they could pounce.

“I am making you boys breakfast,” she announced and attempted to leave the room.


* * * *


Charlie grabbed her around the waist with one arm and playfully swatted her butt with the other. “Tease,” he growled.

“Ow!” Maddie yelped. She swatted him back and ran from the room, giggling all the way to the kitchen.

“I’d chase after you but I’m hungry, wench!” Charlie yelled loud enough for her to hear.

He and Cole both laughed as they quickly dressed and headed out after Maddie.

Seeing Maddie bustling about in the kitchen sent a warm and fuzzy feeling straight to his heart. She cared that he wasn’t eating right back home and wanted to feed him. The phrase “back home,” however, had suddenly taken on a new meaning. Maddie and Cole were his home—had always been his home, he realized—and other than the time it took to quickly settle his affairs in San Francisco, he would not be parted from them again. It was something he and Cole had discussed on the plane and something they would now need to discuss with Maddie.


* * * *


Maddie was glad she had gone grocery shopping earlier in the week. She had the right ingredients to make her men a hearty breakfast, something they all needed after yesterday’s and this morning’s sexual workout.

Anticipation of what was yet to come swirled in the air as she prepared the eggs, bacon, and French toast. Cole worked on the coffee, and Charlie busied himself by setting the dining-room table. The kitchen, dining area, and living room were all in one large open-spaced area allowing them to steal glances at each other while they worked in companionable silence.

“I have so many questions,” Maddie began when they sat down to eat. She was content to just be with her men yesterday and this morning, but now she needed answers. Moreover, she needed to quell the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach as to how their relationship was going to work, being that they each lived in different states. She knew though that she would pack up and move in a heartbeat if it meant being with them. Maddie was done pining, and from what they had shared in the past twenty-four hours, she could tell, so were her men.

“First, how is this all even possible?” Maddie continued around a forkful of eggs. She wanted answers, but she could not ignore her growling stomach. “We have been dreaming about each other since we were kids, we basically grew up together, and if I am not mistaken, we are having these dreams at the same time and we did all of this without ever having met in person.”


* * * *


“We’re soul mates,” Cole stated matter-of-factly. He smiled indulgently at the incredulous look on Maddie’s face. “All three of us.”

Maddie just stared open jawed as Cole explained their soul mate status and how their extrasensory perception enabled them to share dreams because of it. He also explained how he came across the knowledge from Mrs. Timani, though he was careful to avoid the topic of Maddie’s danger for now. He wanted her to process all of this information first before she had to deal with the possibility of her nightmare coming to life. He glanced over at Charlie, who gave him an almost imperceptible nod of approval that he was sure Maddie hadn’t noticed.

“I have a theory on the never having met part,” Cole continued. “Your French toast is killer, by the way. Anyway, technically, we may not have met, but on the plane ride over, Charlie and I figured out that we were both actually in Disney World the very same day we had our first shared dream.”

“I was, too,” Maddie practically shrieked. She dropped her fork in the process. “My parents took me to Disney World for the first time the same day I had that dream. To think, we could have waited in the same line or been on the same ride, or passed each other by without even realizing how important we were to each other.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Cole said. “Maybe us being in such close proximity is what triggered the dream sharing, although, I think we would have eventually been drawn together anyway.”

“I think so, too,” Maddie said and then she gave Charlie and Cole a heart-warming smile which they both returned.

Charlie took over the conversation to fill Maddie in on how Cole had showed up, surprising him at work. “Seriously, I thought I was hallucinating. Mmm…so good.” He moaned around a mouthful of bacon.

“At least you didn’t faint,” Maddie grumbled before shoveling more food into her mouth.

“You scared the shit out of us,” Charlie said. “That wasn’t exactly the warm welcome I was anticipating. Although…” He paused to waggle his eyebrows. “You have more than made up for it.”


* * * *


Maddie laughed and threw a piece of French toast at him. She shrank back in her seat at the devilish gleam she saw in Charlie’s eyes. He quirked an eyebrow and smiled mischievously. Heat began to pool in her belly from his sexier than sexy smirk. She knew an all-out food fight would lead to her becoming naked and spread out on the hard tile and at their mercy. Given the fact that she was wearing nothing but a T-shirt and was already soaking wet, getting her naked would prove an easy task.

“No, wait…please…uncle,” she cried, holding up her hands. As much fun as a naked food fight would be, there was still a lot they needed to discuss, and she had a niggling sense of dread that they were leaving something out. “You can get me back later. I still have more questions.”

Without breaking eye contact, Charlie popped the flung piece of French toast into his mouth and smiled devilishly. His smile faded when he saw how serious Maddie all of a sudden became.

“You guys are keeping something from me.” It wasn’t a question. “It’s something bad. I can tell, and not from my newly discovered semi-psychic powers. Don’t think I didn’t notice the look you guys exchanged. Spill it!”

Cole let out a loud sigh. It looked like they were about to get to the part he and Charlie had been dreading.

“Maddie,” he began cautiously, “is there anyone you know of who might want to hurt you?”

“Hurt me?” She wasn’t sure what she was expecting them to tell her, but his question surprised her. “No, why do you think someone wants to hurt me?”

“We don’t know,” Charlie stated. “Is there maybe a disgruntled ex or something?”

At that, Maddie snorted. “I haven’t even really been with anyone long enough for them to get a little gruntled.”

“Maddie, don’t joke,” Cole said, taking one of her hands in his.

She thought about it for a moment and suddenly it hit her. “Shit, my nightmare!” she gasped. “Oh god, does this mean someone is going to try and kill me? The man with the gun…”

“We’re never going to let that happen,” Charlie said fiercely. “As of now, we are sticking to you like glue. That means no going outside anywhere without one or both of us with you at all times. Not until we figure this out.”

“For how long?” Maddie asked. “You can’t just follow me around forever. You both have jobs, lives…”

“You are our life,” Charlie said fervently, cutting her off. He took her other hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Maddie,” Cole said, tilting up her chin so that she would look him in the eye. He quickly filled her in on the warning that Mrs. Timani gave him and assured her that he and Charlie were meant to protect her. “And I know it was the warning that finally moved our asses into action to finally be together,” he added, “but I think it’s safe to say that we were all tired of living in our dreams and that sooner, rather than later, we would have found each other.”

Maddie nodded, tears pooling in her eyes. She knew in her heart that Cole’s words rang true, that they would have come together like this eventually. After admitting how much they loved each other in the beach dream, how could they not? But what choked her up even more was that they came to protect her, possibly risking their own lives in the process. She was going to be on her guard from now on and sticking to them like glue as they suggested, but there was no way in hell that she was going to let anything happen to either one of them either.

“So what happens now?” Maddie asked barely above a whisper, emotion still thick in her voice.

“Well, Charlie and I came to an agreement on the plane and we were hoping you would be on board with it.”

“We’re moving here, baby girl,” Charlie blurted.

“You are?” Maddie was astonished. “But…but…how—”

“You have your business here, Maddie,” Cole acknowledged. “I can get a job as a vet anywhere. I always wanted to open my own practice eventually anyway, and I can certainly do that here.”

“And I can get a transfer put in to New York,” Charlie said. “Two of us have to relocate, plain and simple. This is the best solution.”

“I would move anywhere in the world to be with the two of you,” Maddie said. A few tears managed to escape, and both Charlie and Cole swiped them away.

“We know, baby. We know.”

“I think she’s onboard, Charlie,” Cole said as both he and Charlie held her. “What do you think?”

“Hmmm…I would have to agree.” Charlie’s voice turned playful when he added, “But I think I deserve some retribution for the little food fight Maddie started.”

Maddie gulped audibly. She felt a stab of desire low in her belly and a tightening in her groin. Charlie and Cole gazed at her intently, their eyes hooded and laced with their own desire. She could almost see the wheels spinning in their minds as they contemplated what to do to her.

Charlie pushed the plates aside and hoisted Maddie up onto the table, quickly divesting her of his T-shirt. He gently pushed her down so that she would lay flat on the table and pushed her legs up so that the soles of her feet were also flat on the table.

“French toast tastes better with syrup,” Charlie said seductively.

Maddie didn’t realize his intention until he started pouring the syrup vertically up her belly. He proceeded to pour syrup onto her breasts in a circling motion, making sure to cover most of her areolas. Maddie was too stunned and aroused to form a coherent thought or sentence. She just watched Charlie in fascination. She heard the opening and closing of the refrigerator door and barely had time to register that Cole had stepped away before he returned.

Charlie’s tongue began to lazily stroll up her belly to her sternum, licking the syrup and nipping at her skin along the way. He lapped at her left breast before any of the syrup had a chance to run onto the table. Maddie whimpered and moaned as Cole repeated the action on her other breast while Charlie applied more syrup to the now bereft one. Cole moved to stand between her legs and parted them wide, opening her up completely to him.

“You’re not the only one with a sweet tooth,” Cole said. He gave her a sexy wink before he generously applied whipped cream all over her mons and dripping slit. Her back arched off the table as Cole greedily devoured her.

Charlie reached for the chocolate syrup that Cole had also gotten out of the refrigerator and poured it all over Maddie’s breasts. His mouth was just as greedy as he sucked hard on her nipples and licked all around her breasts. He squirted more chocolate sauce, added whipped cream, and started the process of sucking and laving anew. Cole decided to add some chocolate syrup to her pussy as well after replenishing the whipped cream.

Maddie began to thrash beneath them until Cole placed his hands firmly on her hips and Charlie pinned both of her hands in one of his above her head.

To say that her orgasm was intense would be an understatement. She moaned and pleaded incoherently. For what, she did not know, and still they did not let up on their pleasurable torture, gifting her with orgasm after orgasm.

When they finally did let up, Maddie realized that both Charlie and Cole were naked. She licked her lips at the sight of two very erect cocks greeting her. Maddie thought they looked positively yummy with a mixture of maple and chocolate syrup and whipped cream smeared on their faces and chests.

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