Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3) (22 page)

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I took a deep breath. Already I could feel that a new contraction threatened. Slowly, I pulled down the zipper and gasped. “Ivory! Whew. Because white would just be ridiculous.” Marisa and Isabella laughed. “Oh my Lord. It is perfect! Quick. Who can help me put it on?”

“I’ve got this.” The nurse opened the bathroom door. “Everyone else has their hands full.” She gestured to the infants. “And I feel responsible for the hair and makeup.”

Soon enough, I was in my wedding gown. When I saw myself in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door, I gasped. The gown was strapless and gathered around the bodice. The ivory ribbon was accented with crystal flowers. It was all flowy and gorgeous. I stepped into the bedroom for my friends to see.

“You look beautiful!” Marisa exclaimed enthusiastically.

“It’s the perfect dress,” Isabella agreed. “Now how do you feel?”

“I never want to take it off,” I whispered. “Ever.”

“Well, you might want to rethink that during the birth. I’m just saying.” Marisa made a face and we all laughed.

Then Isabella walked over to me while holding a velvet box. “This is for you from Ben. It’s your wedding present.”

“Damn.” I bit my lip. “I don’t have anything for him. This was rather last minute.”

Isabella nodded. “He said you’d say that. He wants you to know you have already given him everything he always wanted, but never thought he could have. Ben would like you to wear this.” She popped the top of the box to reveal a giant diamond teardrop necklace to match my ring.

My hands flew up to cover my mouth as I gasped. “Aw, Ben.” A moment later, Isabella had removed it from the box and hooked it around my neck.

“Perfect,” she proclaimed.

The nurse returned. “Time to go. You have to hop in your ride.” She patted the wheelchair.

I was in no condition to argue. The labor pains weren’t easing up in the least. “Where are we going?” I asked as I sat in the wheelchair and she helped me put on some matching ballerina flats.

“You’re having a candlelight wedding in the healing garden,” she explained. “It’s just outside the oncology wing.”

“A healing garden,” I murmured. “It’s perfect, although who gets married at a hospital?” I shook my head.

Marisa chimed in. “Yeah. We usually do receptions in the hospital, not the wedding.” She glanced at Isabella and they burst out laughing.

“Your reception?” I smirked.

“Yup. Long story.” She shrugged and we all exited the room.

By the time we arrived, chairs had been set up and Ben stood with the minister in a tux. Music began playing as I was wheeled down the sidewalk. The air was growing colder and I shivered from the chill and the sheer amazement. Ben immediately walked over with an ivory wrap to put around me.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

He grinned. “You know me. Any excuse to touch you.” He planted a kiss on my shoulder. “By the way, you are absolutely stunning. I’m so lucky to share my life with you. I promise to show you every day how much you’re loved.”

“Oh, did you want to write your own vows,” the minister asked as we joined him at the podium now doubling as an altar.

I shook my head. “I’m in labor here. I’ll be amazed if I can successfully repeat after you.”

“Nah. I just get all gushy around her. Sorry. You may continue.” Ben smiled at the minister.

So we said our vows and I survived the repeating, but only barely. Then Ben surprised me yet again. “Can I just interrupt for one moment?”

The minister nodded. Somehow, I suspected he already knew this was coming as he stepped aside.

“Ollie, come here a minute,” Ben urged as he pulled her in between us. Happy to comply, she moved as directed. “I know your mama and I are getting married, but I wanted to make some vows too. You’re part of our family, part of our marriage, a huge part of our life.” He opened his hand to expose a necklace. It had a disc with the word ‘family’ etched into it and four hearts with birthstones in them. “One for each of us, including the new baby.” He smiled. “I promise I’ll be the best step-father ever. I promise to love you and care for you no matter what. I’ll always be there for you to talk or listen. When you’re sick, I’ll help take care of you.” He hooked the necklace around her neck and this time, I wasn’t the only one crying.

As I looked around at our friends and even the nurse and minister, there were no dry eyes. Ollie reached up to touch her necklace. “Thank you, Ben, but…”

“But what, squirt?” He frowned.

“But you already do. You love my like my dad should’ve. You were already there when I was sick. I love you this much.” Ollie spread her arms wide and then studied the expanse between them and shook her head. “Okay, I love you way more than that, but you get the idea.”

“I do, Olls. Can I have a hug?” Ben held his arms wide and waited for her to walk into them.

For a moment, she paused and I held my breath. “Could I call you dad?”

I watched as he swallowed hard and blinked a few times. “Of course you can. I’d be honored.”

The wedding continued while my contractions were coming closer together and growing in intensity. The nurse sat nearby timing them for us. We made it through the kiss, and the signing of the license. Then, I looked at Ben. “Now what?”

“Now we go have a baby.” He wrapped an arm around me and laid a hand on my tummy, which was hard as a rock.

“Oh.” I moved to sit in the wheelchair.

Ben squatted before me. “You seem disappointed. How can I fix it?”

I folded my hands in my lap. “Listen, you’ve pulled off an incredible wedding.”

“With a lot of help from my friends.” He nodded.

“Yes. Thank you, everyone!” I tried to meet each and every face. “And I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but I wouldn’t object to some cake.”

Sebastian came and stood beside me. “We’ve made arrangements for the entire reception to take place in your room, after the baby is born, no matter what time. There will be cake. Now go evict that kid so we can eat.” He winked at me and patted my arm.

Before Ben could start pushing the wheelchair, Gabriel came over and gave me a hug. “You’ve been part of our family since we met, but now it’s legal. Know that we love you.” He pulled Ollie into the hug. “All of you. Now happy pushing. And before you even ask, we’ve got Ollie.” He squeezed my shoulder before moving out of our path.

“Olls, come kiss me!” I leaned to the side so she could reach my lips. “See you soon.”

“I can’t wait!” She squealed.

Becca walked over to her. “I hope you get a sister. Sisters are much more fun than brothers.” She looked pointedly at Konnor. “They won’t have tea parties. They’re pretty much useless.”

” Isabella raised an eyebrow.

“Maybe if you served cake,” Konnor mumbled.

“Wait. I always send out cake and cookies.” Isabella crossed her arms over her chest as much as the Snugli would allow. “

I giggled. We had so much to look forward to. Then another debilitating contraction hit and I reached for my husband’s hand. It had a nice ring to it, husband. Even though I squeezed the hell out of him, he never complained.

Somehow, while my eyes were closed and I was busy concentrating on breathing through the pain, we managed to make it into the building and up the elevator to Labor and Delivery.

“Let’s get you out of this dress and into something we don’t care about ruining,” the nurse teased. “I’ll send this to your room.”

“I thought this was my room.” I panted.

“Nope. Your room is where I did your makeup and where your friends are setting up a reception.” She grinned. “This is where you’re having the baby.”

“I can work with that.” I nodded as I held out a hand to help me out of the wheelchair.

Soon I was standing and the dress was being lifted up over my head, just in the knick of time. We barely had pulled it off me when my water broke, splattering all over the floor. Everything moved much faster after that. The hospital gown was pulled onto my arms and tied, then I laid in the bed. The doctor came in to check me and determined it was time to push.

I worried about Ben. I don’t know why. Maybe I suspected seeing me in pain would be too much for him. This was a hurt he couldn’t take away. It did affect him, as reflected in his eyes, but I heard him mumbling under his breath, “Sometimes you have to suffer a little hurt to have a big reward.” Some women curse out the fathers during labor, but not me. Finally, I had a man to stand by me no matter what. Going through this together only made me love him more.

Almost an hour later, our daughter was born and proclaimed positively perfect by one and all. She was even allowed to room in with me. As soon as I showered, I was transferred to my room. Along with our friends, Ben and our baby were already there. The room was completely packed, but calm. Konnor had fallen asleep on the cot intended for Ben. Ollie was filming while Becca played assistant. There were multiple tray tables covered with food and one dedicated to a two tiered wedding cake I was dying to dig into. My heart felt so full as I watched everything unfold.

“Aw, she’s precious! What’s her name?” Marisa wondered as she gazed at the baby in my husband’s arms.

“Josephine,” he responded proudly. “We’re naming her after my mother.”

I smiled. “But we’ll be calling her Joey.”

Books by emma nichols:


Sin at Sea (The Sinful Series, 1)

Vixen in Vegas (The Sinful Series, 2)

Heaven in Hedonism (The Sinful Series, 3)

The Sinful Series Boxed Set

A Modern Proposal

Hiding Out (The Davenport Agency, 1)

Finally Found (The Davenport Agency, 2)

The Davenport Agency Boxed Set

Stormy Surrender (New Hope, 1)

Tempest Torn (New Hope, 2)

Under Umbrellas (New Hope, 3)

New Hope Boxed Set

Terms of Service

The Wait

The Truth About Love

First a Dream (Dreams Come True, 1)

Second Chances (Dreams Come True, 2)

Three Wishes (Dreams Come True, 3)

Dreams Come True Boxed Set


about emma nichols


What made her decide to be a romance author?


How else was she going to parlay her two favorite past times into a career?

Emma is single and loving it. Like her first character, Alysin, Sin for short, she doesn't believe in settling or in settling down. She loves to indulge in her passions whenever the mood strikes and enjoys keeping all of life's cliché moments spicy.

Known for her sense of humor, Emma surrounds herself with friends whose antics often become the source of book fodder. Her ideal situation would be to explore the Caribbean while writing. She pursues that dream daily.


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